Menggeliat (to twist) conjugation

3 examples

Conjugation of menggeliat

Present tense
I twist
Past tense
sudah menggeliat
I twisted
Present perfect tense
sudah menggeliat
I have twisted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menggeliat
I will have twisted
Future recent tense
menggeliat nanti
I will twist
Future distant tense
menggeliat kelak
I am going to twist
Present continuous tense
sedang menggeliat
I twist
Past distant tense
dulu menggeliat
I (a long time ago) twisted
Past recent tense
menggeliat tadi
I (recently) twisted
Past very recent tense
baru saja menggeliat
I (just now) twisted

Examples of menggeliat

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Anda hanya permainan lain pikiran menggeliat keluar dari Peter Fleming memutar otak.You're just another mind game to squirm out of Peter Fleming's twisted brain.
Jormungand menjulang dan gelombang memukul pantai saat ia memutar dan menggeliat dengan marah.Jormungand reared up and the waves pummeled the shore as he twisted and writhed in a fury.
Berkelok, berputar, menggeliat.Winding, twisting and turning, gyrating, writhing.

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