Menggendong (to hold) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menggendong

Present tense
I hold
Past tense
sudah menggendong
I held
Present perfect tense
sudah menggendong
I have held
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menggendong
I will have held
Future recent tense
menggendong nanti
I will hold
Future distant tense
menggendong kelak
I am going to hold
Present continuous tense
sedang menggendong
I hold
Past distant tense
dulu menggendong
I (a long time ago) held
Past recent tense
menggendong tadi
I (recently) held
Past very recent tense
baru saja menggendong
I (just now) held

Examples of menggendong

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ada yang pertama saat kau menggendong bayi gadismu dan kau tak tahu apa yang bisa jadi kecil atau rumit.It's that first moment when you hold your baby girl and you didn't know that anything could be so small or so delicate.
Mereka terus ingin menggendong Bayi ganja kita.They keeping asking to hold the weed baby.
Anak Gubernur Palin yang berusia 17 tahun, Bristol terlihat menggendong adiknya Trig yg masih bayi saat kampanyeGovernor Palin's 17-year-old daughter Bristol has been seen holding her baby brother Trig at campaign events.
Aku menggendong anak itu, dan Bill terjatuh.I had ahold of the boy, and Bill fell.
Aku mau menggendong bayi itu.I'm holding that baby.

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