Pesiar (to cruise) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of pesiar

Present tense
I cruise
Past tense
sudah pesiar
I cruised
Present perfect tense
sudah pesiar
I have cruised
Future perfect tense
akan sudah pesiar
I will have cruised
Future recent tense
pesiar nanti
I will cruise
Future distant tense
pesiar kelak
I am going to cruise
Present continuous tense
sedang pesiar
I cruise
Past distant tense
dulu pesiar
I (a long time ago) cruised
Past recent tense
pesiar tadi
I (recently) cruised
Past very recent tense
baru saja pesiar
I (just now) cruised

Examples of pesiar

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku bisa saja membawa ibumu naik pesiar bersama Kathie Lee Gifford.I could've taken your mother on the cruise with Kathie Lee Gifford.
Ini adalah bartender di kapal pesiar.It was a bartender on a cruise.
Aku, AOM terjadi pesiar itu.l'm going on that cruise.
- Terima kasih. Mungkin aku memenangkan tiket pesiar.I may have won a cruise!
Dan mereka akan pergi dengan penuh gaya dengan Sly Star One, kapal pesiar ruang angkasa pertama.And they'll travel in style on Slystar One, the first space cruise ship.

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