Selam (to dive) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of selam

Present tense
I dive
Past tense
sudah selam
I dived
Present perfect tense
sudah selam
I have dived
Future perfect tense
akan sudah selam
I will have dived
Future recent tense
selam nanti
I will dive
Future distant tense
selam kelak
I am going to dive
Present continuous tense
sedang selam
I dive
Past distant tense
dulu selam
I (a long time ago) dived
Past recent tense
selam tadi
I (recently) dived
Past very recent tense
baru saja selam
I (just now) dived

Examples of selam

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
itu Avery, ahli selam lainnya.That's Avery, another dive master.
Nelayan selam, penggilingan kapas, miras ilegal di tepi pantai tukang pancing, penghibur, bencong, orang China semuanya berutang, semuanya bayar karena itulah caramu berdiri melawan naiknya air pasang.The sailor dives and gin mills and blind tigers on the waterfront. The anglers and amusers, the she-hes and the Chinks. Everybody owes, everybody pays because that's how you stand up against the rising of the tide.
Sebenarnya, dialah ahli selam terbaik dipulau ini, bukankah begitu?Actually, he's the best dive master on the island, aren't you?
Aku tahu kalian toko alat selam, tapi di mana tempatnya?BOURNE: I understand you're a dive shop, but where are you located?
lain kali, buat itu, sangat jelas untuk ahli selam kita bahwa nyawa pacarnya berada ditanganku jika dia melakukan yg kita mau, semuanya hidup.In the meantime, make it very, very clear to our dive master that I'm holding his girlfriend's life in the palm of my hand. If he does what we want, everyone lives.

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