Suplai (to supply) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of suplai

Present tense
I supply
Past tense
sudah suplai
I supplied
Present perfect tense
sudah suplai
I have supplied
Future perfect tense
akan sudah suplai
I will have supplied
Future recent tense
suplai nanti
I will supply
Future distant tense
suplai kelak
I am going to supply
Present continuous tense
sedang suplai
I supply
Past distant tense
dulu suplai
I (a long time ago) supplied
Past recent tense
suplai tadi
I (recently) supplied
Past very recent tense
baru saja suplai
I (just now) supplied

Examples of suplai

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
- Mereka mensabotase suplai air minum kita.- Try to stay in this room. - They've sabotaged our water supply.
Pasukan Jedi kini memiliki jalur suplai mereka ke Outer Rim.The Jedi armies will now have their supply routes to the Outer Rim.
Jika mereka menyelesaikan lapangan terbang itu mereka bisa menghalangi jalur suplai AS ke Australia menolak AS adalah awal peperangan lain di Pasifik.If they completed that airfield, they could effectively choke off US supply lines to Australia, denying the United States a base from which to wage the rest of the war in the Pacific.
Sekarang ini adalah suplai pribadinya.Now this is her personal supply.
Memiliki suplai sendiri dari diesel.Had their own supply of diesel.

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We have none.

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