Tersenyum (to smile) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of tersenyum

Present tense
I smile
Past tense
sudah tersenyum
I smiled
Present perfect tense
sudah tersenyum
I have smiled
Future perfect tense
akan sudah tersenyum
I will have smiled
Future recent tense
tersenyum nanti
I will smile
Future distant tense
tersenyum kelak
I am going to smile
Present continuous tense
sedang tersenyum
I smile
Past distant tense
dulu tersenyum
I (a long time ago) smiled
Past recent tense
tersenyum tadi
I (recently) smiled
Past very recent tense
baru saja tersenyum
I (just now) smiled

Examples of tersenyum

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku masuk penjara dengan tersenyum selama 36 tahun.I went to jail with a 36-year smile.
Crab membawa uang $90,000 sambil terus tersenyum.Crab walks in with 90K and a big-ass smile on his face. Who paid him?
Sesuatu mengenai cara seseorang tersenyum.Something about the way someone smiles.
Dia tersenyum pada kita.He smiled at us.
Oke, tersenyum.Okay, smile.

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