Timbul (to arise) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of timbul

Present tense
I arise
Past tense
sudah timbul
I arose
Present perfect tense
sudah timbul
I have arisen
Future perfect tense
akan sudah timbul
I will have arisen
Future recent tense
timbul nanti
I will arise
Future distant tense
timbul kelak
I am going to arise
Present continuous tense
sedang timbul
I arise
Past distant tense
dulu timbul
I (a long time ago) arose
Past recent tense
timbul tadi
I (recently) arose
Past very recent tense
baru saja timbul
I (just now) arose

Examples of timbul

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ketika anak laki-laki dan perempuan tinggal di rumah yang sama, akan timbul situasi yang canggung.When boys and girls live in the same home, awkward situations can arise.
Silakan diberitahu jika masalah timbul .Please be informed if problems arise.
Aku sudah mempelajarinya... memberi kesimpulan, dalam beberapa kasus... kembar identik bisa timbul pada tingkat awal terbentuk embrio... jika mutasi dalam satu sel ditolak oleh sel yang lainnya... sebagai sel asing.I've read studies... which suggest that, in some cases... the identical twin arises very early in the embryonic stage... when a mutation in one cell is rejected by the other cells... as foreign.
Cekungan laut kering diisi ulang, diisi ulang, dan laut timbul dan laut timbul membentuk garis pantai baru.Dry ocean basins are replenished, are replenished, and the seas arise to and the seas arise to form new shorelines.
Dia tidak membunuh siapa pun tapi dia menggantung sekitar sampai Situasi timbul di mana mereka mati.He doesn't kill anybody but he hangs around until the situation arises where they die.

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