Attrarre (to attract) conjugation

57 examples
This verb can also mean the following: appeal, tempt

Conjugation of attrarre

Present tense
I attract
you attract
he/she/it attracts
we attract
you all attract
they attract
Present perfect tense
ho attratto
I have attracted
hai attratto
you have attracted
ha attratto
he/she/it has attracted
abbiamo attratto
we have attracted
avete attratto
you all have attracted
hanno attratto
they have attracted
Past preterite tense
I attracted
you attracted
he/she/it attracted
we attracted
you all attracted
they attracted
Future tense
I will attract
you will attract
he/she/it will attract
we will attract
you all will attract
they will attract
Conditional mood
I would attract
you would attract
he/she/it would attract
we would attract
you all would attract
they would attract
Past impf. tense
I used to attract
you used to attract
he/she/it used to attract
we used to attract
you all used to attract
they used to attract
Past perfect tense
avevo attratto
I had attracted
avevi attratto
you had attracted
aveva attratto
he/she/it had attracted
avevamo attratto
we had attracted
avevate attratto
you all had attracted
avevano attratto
they had attracted
Future perfect tense
avrò attratto
I will have attracted
avrai attratto
you will have attracted
avrà attratto
he/she/it will have attracted
avremo attratto
we will have attracted
avrete attratto
you all will have attracted
avranno attratto
they will have attracted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I attract
(if/so that) you attract
(if/so that) he/she/it attract
(if/so that) we attract
(if/so that) you all attract
(if/so that) they attract
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia attratto
I have attracted
abbia attratto
you have attracted
abbia attratto
he/she/it has attracted
abbiamo attratto
we have attracted
abbiate attratto
you all have attracted
abbiano attratto
they have attracted
Imperative mood
let's attract!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei attratto
I would have attracted
avresti attratto
you would have attracted
avrebbe attratto
he/she/it would have attracted
avremmo attratto
we would have attracted
avreste attratto
you all would have attracted
avrebbero attratto
they would have attracted

Examples of attrarre

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Cosa? - Beh... Se sei bella, potresti attrarre gli uomini, e sentirti a tua volta attratta da loro.- Well, if you look beautiful, then you'll attract people, then maybe you'll feel attracted to them.
- Meglio non attrarre l'attenzione.-We don't want to attract attention.
- Per attrarre l'attenzione della guardia.So as to attract the attention of that guard.
- Per chiunque voglia attrarre spettatori.To any broadcaster who wants to attract viewers. Distracting.
- Poi hai gettato il corpo nel bosco... e l'hai coperto di carne, per attrarre gli animali selvatici.Then you dumped the body in the woods and you covered it with ham, so it would attract the wild animals.
- April, sai che attraggo la sfortuna.Oh, April, you know the drama I attract.
- Io attraggo piu' il tipo intellettuale.I attract more of an intellectual type.
Certo, attraggo proprio quelli che vorrei tenere lontani.Yeah, it definitely attracts those I wish to repel.
Focalizzandomi sulle cose positive, attraggo nella mia vita solo il focusing on the positive, I attract only the best into my life.
Forse perché io allo stesso tempo ti attraggo e ti respingo.Maybe because I attract you as well as I repel you.
Beh, a quanto pare attrai i tipi gelosi.Well,you seem to attract the jealous type.
Diventi cio' a cui pensi di piu', ma attrai anche cio' a cui pensi di piu'.and that's the Law of Attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.
Perché non lo provi, magari attrai qualche cervo.Why don't you try some, maybe you'll attract a deer.
Sembra che attrai solo i cani disturbati, Timothy.You just seem to attract all the sick puppies,Timothy.
Tu attrai i proiettili.You attract bullets.
"Maggiore Lawrence, cosa la attrae del deserto?"What is it, Major Lawrence, that attracts you, personally, to the desert?
- "Cosa ti attrae di questi modellini 'trasparenti'?"-- "What attracts you to these models' transparent '? "
- Beh, statisticamente parlando, l'autorita' giudiziaria attrae un certo tipo personalita' maschili.- Well, statistically speaking, law enforcement attracts a certain kind of male personality.
- Questo... attrae tutti i tipi di persone.I had no trouble making acquaintances. This... attracts all kinds.
A Porto Alegre, uno dei posti scelti per la spazzatura che appesta e attrae malattie, si chiama Isola Dei Fiori.At Porto Alegre, one of the places that is chosen for the garbage that smells bad and attracts diseases is called the Isle of Flowers.
"Attraente" puo' significare: sono attratto dall'intero pacchetto, dalla persona."Attracted" can also mean, "I'm attracted to the whole package, to who you are."
"E' attratto solo da donne dalla figura mascolina?"Is he only attracted to women with boyish figures?
"Il Diavolo e' attratto dal ravanello"."The Devil is attracted to radishes."
"Ne fui attratto per tre cose:"He attracted me by three things:
- Ah, quando sei attratto da loro.- Oh, when you're attracted to them.
"Ehi, Harry". "Ehi, Sally". "Gli opposti si attraggono"."Hey, Harry." "Hey, Sally." Opposites attract
"Nemici che diventano amanti", gli opposti che si attraggono", eccetera, eccetera...Enemies who become lovers. The intellectual attraction, etc..
- Dicono che gli opposti si attraggono.- They do say that opposites attract.
- Gli opposti si attraggono, immagino.- Opposites attract, I s'pose. - We're not...
- Gli opposti si attraggono, ma...Opposites attract, but-
E il giorno dopo si seppe che le SS, in realta' fu Palitzsch in particolare che attrasse l'attenzione perche' correva come un matto.And it turned out the following day that the SS actually, it was Palitzsch in particular who attracted attention because he was running around like crazy.
E, con sorpresa, in Europa attrasse un gran numero di persone, era proiettato all'aperto.And, oh, surprise, in Europe it attracted a great number of people it was playing openly.
Le grandi aziende erano inorridite ma il New Deal attrasse l'ammirazione dei nazisti, Specialmente Joseph Goebbels.Big business was horrified but The New Deal had attracted the admiration of the Nazis, especially Joseph Goebbels.
Lo ammetto, il litigio nel taxi la trovai attraente, mi attrasse a lei.I admit it, her argument in the cab I found attractive. It attracted me to her.
"...strappati nella parte superiore del corpo, i suoi seni, che erano ben torniti e incredibilmente bianchi, attrassero gli occhi del suo liberatore e, per qualche istante, i due rimasero in silenzio a fissarsi l"un l"altra.""But her clothes being torn from all the upper part of her body... " TOM: "...her breasts, which were well formed and extremely white, "attracted the eyes of her deliverer, and for a few moments they stood silent... "
Vedi te stesso vivere nell'abbondanza e la attrarraiSee yourself living in abundance and you will attract that.
Ha un viso estremamente simmetrico, attrarrà un compagno quando sarà pronta.She has a very symmetrical face-- she will attract a mate when she's ready.
La visione di Siegel è un mega hotel con casinò in stile europeo, che attrarrà la gente di Hollywood e giocatori di alto livello.Siegel's vision is a European-style mega hotel and casino that will attract the Hollywood crowd and the high rollers.
Suppongo che un omicidio simile attrarrà una certa attenzione. Piuttosto ingiustificata, a mio parere.I'm assuming, of course, a dead body like this will attract a certain amount of attention, quite unjustifiably, in my view.
Ma attrarrebbe troppo l'attenzione.But it would attract too much attention.
Ma se aprissimo le tende ogni corpo celeste nelle vicinanze, ci attrarrebbe.But open the blind and any heavenly body which happened to be in the vicinity would attract us.
Cosa accade quando cio' che un tempo ti attraeva ora ti disgusta?What happens when the thing that used to attract you now repels you?
- E allora? Capisco che ti attragga..I understand you're attracted to her.
A meno che non l'attragga il mio aspetto, forse è attrazione fisica ma questo non rende il suo amore migliore del mio!Unless my looks may have tempted you. And maybe there was a physical attraction. But that makes your love no better than mine.
Immagino che una comunità come questa... attragga un certo tipo d'uomo.Well, I suppose a community such as this attracts a certain kind of man.
Infatti, se ora stessi impersonando qualcuno, fingerei che tu mi attragga.Like if I were role-playing right now, I would pretend to be attracted to you.
Ma devono volermi guardare per prima cosa. Devono trovare qualcosa di me che li attragga.But they have to want to look at me first, find something attractive in me.
Non c'e' da stupirsi che vi attraiate a vicenda.It's not that surprising that you'd be attracted to each other.
- Che si attraggano non v'è dubbio... ma poi vivono felici e contenti?- Yes, they attract. But do they live happily ever after?
- Dicono che gli opposti si attraggano.They say opposites attract.
C'e' una ragione per cui si ritiene che gli opposti si attraggano.There's a reason that opposites are supposed to attract.
Immagino che gli opposti si attraggano.I guess opposites attract.
- Sta attraendo i fulmini!- It's attracting the lightning!
Anche ora si stanno attraendo l'un l'altro, e devo tirare con forza per separarli.Right now, they're attracting One another And I have to really pull
Andy si muoverà lungo i piloni di est, attraendo le scariche.Andy moves along the East Pylons, attracting the strikes.
E' come se la nostra scuola stesse diventando l'epicentro di quest'altro mondo, attraendo belle Mai adolescenti da tutto il pianeta.It's like our school's becoming this other-worldly epicenter attracting hot teen Mai from all around the planet.
Puoi cambiare direzione per mezzo di metodi elettrodinamici, scaricando aria dal lato destro o sinistro non attraverso aria forzata in condutture, ma attraendo o repellendo aria.You can turn around by electro-dynamic means, discharging air on the right or left side. Not by tunneled air pass but just by attracting air or repelling air.

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