Seta' (to be able) conjugation

12 examples

Conjugation of seta'

Imperative mood
be able!
be able!
Imperfect tense
I am being able
you are being able
he is being able
she is being able
we are being able
you all are being able
they are being able
Perfect tense
I have been able
you have been able
he has been able
she has been able
we have been able
you all have been able
they have been able

Examples of seta'

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
Grazzi għal din l-għajnuna, stajt nimpjega erba’ persuni oħra.Thanks to this support, I have been able to hire four additional people.
Fi kliem ieħor il-Kummissjoni ma tistax taċċetta li l-kumpanija setgħet takkwista l-istess flus fis-suq kapitali biex iżżid il-kapital tagħha billi toffri rimunerazzjoni ogħla għaliex il-prestazzjoni mistennija tagħha ma kinitx tippermettilha li toffri din ir-rimunerazzjoni ogħla lil kwalunkwe investitur fl-ekwità.In other words the Commission cannot accept that the company would have been able to get the same money in the capital market to increase its capital by offering a higher remuneration because its expected performance did not allow it to offer this higher remuneration to any equity investor.
Filwaqt li temmen li hija tista’ tkun din ir-referenza, hija tqis ukoll li setgħet kienet kapaċi sservi l-portijiet ta’ Ajaccio, ta’ Propriano u ta’ Porto-Vecchio b'kost li kien ikun inqas min-nofs dak propost mill-grupp SNCM/CMN.As it feels that it meets those conditions, the company further considers that it would have been able to operate sailings to the ports of Ajaccio, Propriano and Porto Vecchio at a cost less than half that proposed by the SNCM/CMN group.
F’dan ir-rigward ta’ min jinnota li dawn ir-rappreżentazzjonijiet jagħmlu parti minn ġabra kompletament ġdida ta’ informazzjoni li diġà kellha tiġi ppreżentata fit-tweġiba għall-kwestjonarju jew mhux aktar tard miż-żjara ta’ verifika biex b’hekk il-Kummissjoni setgħet tivverifika l-veraċità ta’ dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet.In this respect it is noted that these representations form part of a totally new set of information that should already have been presented in the questionnaire reply or in the verification visit at the latest so that the Commission would have been able to verify the veracity of these claims.
Għalhekk, anke fl-ipoteżi ta’ falliment ta’ IFB, SNCB setgħet tirkupra parti tassew kbira mit-traffiku bil-ferrovija tagħha li kien iġġenerat minn IFB.Consequently, even under the assumption of IFB’s bankruptcy, SNCB would have been able to recover a very large proportion of the rail traffic generated by IFB.
Huwa ċertament korrett, bħala propożizzjoni ġenerali, li l-għajnuna mill-Istat f’każ partikolari hija kkostitwita mid-differenza bejn il-vantaġġ (fil-forma tal-iffinanzjar) li l-kumpanija effettivament irċeviet mir-riżorsi tal-Istat u dak li kieku setgħet tikseb fis-swieq kapitali.It is certainly correct, as a general proposition, that State aid in a given case is constituted by the difference between the advantage (in the form of funding) that the firm has effectively received from State resources and what it would have been able to obtain on the capital markets.
Taħt il-Leader+ aħna stajna nużaw ingredjenti li kienu ntużaw u ttestjati b’modi ġodda, u applikajniehom għal xi oqsma u sitwazzjonijiet ġodda.Under Leader+ we have been able to use tried and tested ingredients in new ways, and apply them to some new areas and situations.
Bħala eżempju, IFP u Axens setgħu jagħmlu l-proġetti ta’ riċerka li ġejjin: katalizzaturi ġodda u teknoloġiji fil-qasam tal-idrotrattamenti ta’ prodotti ta’ distillazzjoni medji, assorbenti u teknoloġija aktar effiċjenti għall-produzzjoni ta’ paraxilene, proċedura ġdida fil-qasam tal-LNG bbażata fuq l-użu ta’ kunċetti u teknoloġiji ġodda li ġejjin mill-qasam tat-tkessiħ, proċedura ġdida aktar nadifa u aktar effiċjenti għall-produzzjoni ta’ bijodiżil bl-esterifikazzjoni ta’ żjut veġetali.By way of illustration, IFP and Axens have been able to carry out the following research projects: new catalysts and technologies in the middle distillate hydroprocessing field; a more efficient adsorbent and technology for the production of paraxylene; a new process in the LNG field based on the use of new concepts and technologies from the refrigeration field; and a new, cleaner and more efficient process for the production of biodiesel by esterification of vegetable oils.
Dan għaliex ċerti impjegati ta’ qabel setgħu possibilment jinnegozjaw arranġamenti ta’ pensjoni supplimentari aktar vantaġġjużi minn sempliċement skema ordinarja ta’ pensjoni privata.This is so because at least a certain number of the former employees would possibly have been able to negotiate other more favourable supplementary pension arrangements than an ordinary private pension scheme.
Fi kliem ieħor, il-Kummissjoni ma tistax teskludi li fl-offerta pubblika bil-miftuħ l-awtoritajiet reġjonali setgħu kienu jistgħu jsibu operaturi li jirrappreżentaw spejjeż aktar baxxi u konsegwentement li kienu lesti joffru li jipprovdu s-servizzi għal remunerazzjoni irħas.In other words, the Commission cannot exclude that in the open public tender the regional authorities could have been able to find operators representing lower costs and consequently offering to provide the services demanding lower remuneration.
Fl-Istati Membri l-ġodda, bdiewa ta’ mħaleb żgħar ħafna li setgħu jintegraw ruħhom s-suq permezz tal-kisba ta’ kwoti talħalib huma f’riskju li jkunu fost l-ewwel li jiġu aettwati minn tnaqqis fil-prezzijiet.In the new Member States, very small dairy farmers who have been able to integrate in the market by obtaining milk quotas are at risk of being the first aected by a fall in prices.
Għalhekk, dawn il-miżuri m’għandhomx l-għan u lanqas l-effet li jagħmlu possibbli t-tluq tal-impjegati li, fin-nuqqas ta’ dawn il-miżuri, setgħu jibqgħu taħt ir-responsabbiltà finanzjarja tal-SNCM.Therefore, it is neither the intention nor the effect of those measures to make it possible for employees to leave who, without those measures, would have been able to remain the responsibility of SNCM.

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