Instappen (to get in) conjugation

52 examples

Conjugation of instappen

Present tense
stap in
I get in
stapt in
you get in
stapt in
he/she/it gets in
stappen in
we get in
stappen in
you all get in
stappen in
they get in
Present perfect tense
ben ingestapt
I have got in
bent ingestapt
you have got in
is ingestapt
he/she/it has got in
zijn ingestapt
we have got in
zijn ingestapt
you all have got in
zijn ingestapt
they have got in
Past tense
stapte in
I got in
stapte in
you got in
stapte in
he/she/it got in
stapten in
we got in
stapten in
you all got in
stapten in
they got in
Future tense
zal instappen
I will get in
zult instappen
you will get in
zal instappen
he/she/it will get in
zullen instappen
we will get in
zullen instappen
you all will get in
zullen instappen
they will get in
Conditional mood
zou instappen
I would get in
zou instappen
you would get in
zou instappen
he/she/it would get in
zouden instappen
we would get in
zouden instappen
you all would get in
zouden instappen
they would get in
Subjunctive mood
stappe in
I get in
stappe in
you get in
stappe in
he/she/it get in
stappe in
we get in
stappe in
you all get in
stappe in
they get in
Past perfect tense
was ingestapt
I had got in
was ingestapt
you had got in
was ingestapt
he/she/it had got in
waren ingestapt
we had got in
waren ingestapt
you all had got in
waren ingestapt
they had got in
Future perf.
zal ingestapt zijn
I will have got in
zal ingestapt zijn
you will have got in
zal ingestapt zijn
he/she/it will have got in
zullen ingestapt zijn
we will have got in
zullen ingestapt zijn
you all will have got in
zullen ingestapt zijn
they will have got in
Conditional perfect tense
zou ingestapt zijn
I would have got in
zou ingestapt zijn
you would have got in
zou ingestapt zijn
he/she/it would have got in
zouden ingestapt zijn
we would have got in
zouden ingestapt zijn
you all would have got in
zouden ingestapt zijn
they would have got in
Present bijzin tense
I get in
you get in
he/she/it gets in
we get in
you all get in
they get in
Past bijzin tense
I got in
you got in
he/she/it got in
we got in
you all got in
they got in
Future bijzin tense
zal instappen
I will get in
zult instappen
you will get in
zal instappen
he/she/it will get in
zullen instappen
we will get in
zullen instappen
you all will get in
zullen instappen
they will get in
Conditional bijzin mood
zou instappen
I would get in
zou instappen
you would get in
zou instappen
he/she/it would get in
zouden instappen
we would get in
zouden instappen
you all would get in
zouden instappen
they would get in
Subjunctive bijzin mood
I get in
you get in
he/she/it get in
we get in
you all get in
they get in
Imperative mood
stap in
get in
stapt in
get in

Examples of instappen

Example in DutchTranslation in English
- Die vent, Bart Comstock? Hij zag Maya instappen bij Garrett op de avond van de moord.Yeah, that guy Bart comstock, he saw Maya get into a police car with Garrett the night he killed her.
- Gewoon instappen, haast je.- Just get in, hurry, hurry up.
- Gewoon instappen, prinses.- Just get in the car, princess.
- Goedenavond, kan ik instappen?- Good evening. Can I get in?
- Ik wil niet instappen.- l don't want to get in.
"Hou je mond en stap in."- "Oh, just shut up and get in the car, Frank."
"We kennen elkaar niet, stap in, we rijden naar je moeder."I don't know you. You get in my car. I'm taking you to your mom."
"en ik stap in de auto... en ik rijd naar de lentetraining... en er is nog niemand op de weg."and I get in the car. "And I'm driving to spring training, "and there's no one, really, out on the roads yet.
(Antonio) Stap in, stap in.(Antonio) Get in, get in. Let's go.
- Aeryn, stap in!- Aeryn get in here!
- Die prachtige limo komt aanrijden. Mijn vader ging iets te ver. Ik doe de deur open en ze stapt in.So this gorgeous limo pulls up, Dad went a little overboard so I open up the back door, she gets in, I get in.
- Je stapt in de boot!- You get in the boat!
- Je stapt in de klote auto.You're gonna get in the car.
Als je van ons houdt, wie dan ook van ons op welke manier dan ook, dan laat je Liam achter, ga je met je vriendin terug, stapt in je truck en komt nooit meer terug.If you love us, any of us in any way, you'll leave Liam, take your girlfriend, get in your truck and never come back.
Cheryl stapt in haar auto, niemand gaat mee niemand volgt, niet in de lucht, niet over de weg.Cheryl will get in her car. No one is to be in the car with her. No one is to follow her.
'Kom mee. ' We stappen in de auto, en op de achterbank zat een dame. Zij gaf de bevelen."They come with me." We get into the car and in the back seat there was a lady.
Al de officials, we stappen in onze voertuigen en...All the officials, we're gonna get into our vehicles and...
De anderen stappen in de bus.Others get in the bus.
En we stappen in dat vliegtuig van jou en vliegen over hun verdomde wegversperringen.And we're gonna get into that airplane of yours and we're gonna sail right over their goddamn roadblocks.
Franklin, jij en Bob stappen in de auto en verkennen de buurt.Franklin, you and Bob get in the car. Check the block, see if you get any action.
- Dan liegt ze. Je moeders bloed zat in de truck. Ze is ingestapt nadat Marie haar had geslagen.We found your mom's blood on the inside of the truck, so she got in there after Marie hit her, exactly what Marie said.
- De deur ging open en u bent ingestapt.The door opened, you got in.
- Ze is bij ze ingestapt.Sir, she got into that limousine.
Amy, ik ben net ingestapt.Amy, I-I just got in the car.
Bij wie is ze ingestapt?Whose car is that she got into?
- Hij kwam achter me aan. Ik stapte in de auto maar ik was zo bang dat dat ik vergat hoe ik moest rijden.I got inside the car but I was so freaked out that I forgot how to drive.
- Hij stapte in een auto.- He got into a car.
- Hij wankelde naar 'n taxi en stapte in.He staggered to a cab parked on the corner, got in. Cab headed downtown.
- Ik stapte in de taxi... en reed naar het oude huis van mijn moeder.- I got in the cab... and then I went to my mother's old building.
- Jullie kwamen buiten... stapten in de koets en reden weg.- You came out of the house, got into the carriage and were driven away.
Dylan en ik stapten in de auto en zijn gaan kamperen.Dylan and I, we got in the car, and we went camping.
Jullie stapten in de auto van Mark, gingen geld pinnen... haalden Peters boot op en reden terug naar de McBrides voor de lichamen.You guys got in Mark's car, you went to the ATM, you got cash, you picked up Peter's boat, you went back to the McBrides' and you loaded the bodies onto the boat.
Of ze klommen uit een ander mangat een blok of twee verderop, stapten in een andere auto en verdwenen.Or they climbed right back out another manhole a block or two away, got in a different car, and took off.
Toen kwamen ze naar buiten, stapten in de auto en reden weg.Then they went out, got in the car and left.
- als ik instap, is het uit.If I get in that car right now, I'm never coming back.
-Wil je dat ik instap?-Want me to get in?
Als ik bij valsspelers instap, zorg ik er zeker voor dat de volgende ochtend hun portemonnees helemaal leeg zijn.If I'm going to get in bed with the croupiers of a rigged game, I'm going to make damn sure their wallets are lighter in the morning.
Als ik instap, is het afgelopen.If I get in that car right now, I'm never coming back.
Als ik instap, stop je dan met dit fascinerende gesprek?If I get in the car, will there be more of this fascinating conversation?
- Als je niet instapt, gooi ik je erin.Look, get in or I'm gonna drag you in! Get in the car!
- Ik wil dat je een lieve jongen bent en instapt.I want you to be a good boy and get in the car.
- Niet als jij instapt.- Not if you get in with me.
- Zodat het warm in je auto is, als je instapt.So it's nice and warm when you get in it
- Zorg dat hij instapt.- Make him get in.
- Voor die vrouw instapte? Alleen de bestuurder.Before the four of them got in, there was just the driver.
- Waarschijnlijk voordat Dr. Lawson instapte.Probably before Dr. Lawson got in.
Bedoelt u dat Dian instapte en iemand anders uitstapte?Are you suggesting that Dian got into the limousine and somebody else got out of it at the airport?
Bel m'n reclasseringsambtenaar maar... want het was zijn auto waar ik gisteren instapte.Here. Why don't you call my parole officer, 'cause it was his car I got into last night.
Chloe, waar is de auto waar Tarin instapte nu?Chloe, the car that Tarin got into, where is it now?
De rook heeft ons meteen aangetast toen we de lift instapten.We were affected by the fumes the moment we got in the elevator.
Ik herinner me dat we allemaal instapten.I remember we all got in.
Ik zat al in deze taxi toen jullie instapten.I had already hired this cab when you got in.

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