Overzitten (to do) conjugation

17 examples

Conjugation of overzitten

Present tense
zit over
I do
zit over
you do
zit over
he/she/it does
zitten over
we do
zitten over
you all do
zitten over
they do
Present perfect tense
heb overgezeten
I have done
hebt overgezeten
you have done
heeft overgezeten
he/she/it has done
hebben overgezeten
we have done
hebben overgezeten
you all have done
hebben overgezeten
they have done
Past tense
zat over
I did
zat over
you did
zat over
he/she/it did
zaten over
we did
zaten over
you all did
zaten over
they did
Future tense
zal overzitten
I will do
zult overzitten
you will do
zal overzitten
he/she/it will do
zullen overzitten
we will do
zullen overzitten
you all will do
zullen overzitten
they will do
Conditional mood
zou overzitten
I would do
zou overzitten
you would do
zou overzitten
he/she/it would do
zouden overzitten
we would do
zouden overzitten
you all would do
zouden overzitten
they would do
Subjunctive mood
zitte over
I do
zitte over
you do
zitte over
he/she/it do
zitte over
we do
zitte over
you all do
zitte over
they do
Past perfect tense
had overgezeten
I had done
had overgezeten
you had done
had overgezeten
he/she/it had done
hadden overgezeten
we had done
hadden overgezeten
you all had done
hadden overgezeten
they had done
Future perf.
zal overgezeten hebben
I will have done
zal overgezeten hebben
you will have done
zal overgezeten hebben
he/she/it will have done
zullen overgezeten hebben
we will have done
zullen overgezeten hebben
you all will have done
zullen overgezeten hebben
they will have done
Conditional perfect tense
zou overgezeten hebben
I would have done
zou overgezeten hebben
you would have done
zou overgezeten hebben
he/she/it would have done
zouden overgezeten hebben
we would have done
zouden overgezeten hebben
you all would have done
zouden overgezeten hebben
they would have done
Present bijzin tense
I do
you do
he/she/it does
we do
you all do
they do
Past bijzin tense
I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you all did
they did
Future bijzin tense
zal overzitten
I will do
zult overzitten
you will do
zal overzitten
he/she/it will do
zullen overzitten
we will do
zullen overzitten
you all will do
zullen overzitten
they will do
Conditional bijzin mood
zou overzitten
I would do
zou overzitten
you would do
zou overzitten
he/she/it would do
zouden overzitten
we would do
zouden overzitten
you all would do
zouden overzitten
they would do
Subjunctive bijzin mood
I do
you do
he/she/it do
we do
you all do
they do
Imperative mood
zit over

Examples of overzitten

Example in DutchTranslation in English
Als hier iets in zit over wat ze gaan doen in Denver, zullen ze het ons vertellen.If there's anything in here about what they plan on doing in Denver, they're gonna tell us.
Als je ooit in de put zit over jezelf... Als je 's aan jezelf twijfelt... kijk hier dan naar, en zeg: 'Het kan nog erger'.Whenever you get down about yourself, whenever you have moments of self-doubt, just look over here and say, "It could be worse."
Er zit over een half miljoen dollars in de motors alleen.There's over a half million dollars in there in engines alone.
Ik denk niet dat ze fout zit over jou, dat alles te langzaam gaat in de relatie.Hey, I don't think she's wrong about you going too slow in the relationship.
Ik hoop dat ik fout zit over Jake, echt waar.You know, I hope I'm wrong about Jake. I really do.
Als je van tevoren weet dat alles weer wordt zoals het was, kun je doen wat je wilt zonder in te zitten over de gevolgen.If you know in advance that everything is going to go back to the way it was,... ..you could do anything for as long as you want... ..without having to worry about consequences.
Als jullie lid worden van Phi Iota Gamma... hoeven jullie niet in te zitten over kledingvoorschriften.Once you cross the doors at Phi Iota Gamma, you will never again have to worry about what to wear in order to be accepted.
De moffen zitten over een paar kilometer verspreid.What do you suggest? Germany are scattered in the area several kilometers.
En als hij 's-ochtends wakker wordt begint het weer opnieuw,... omdat al het andere slechts speculatie is,... of in angst zitten over iets dat waarschijnlijk nooit zal gebeuren.And when he wakes up in the morning, he does it all over again... because anything else is either speculation or suffering a future pain that will likely never happen.
En als je me niet constant tegen zou werken... zouden zij niet hoeven in te zitten over hun baan... vanwege een hoop onzin waar ze niks mee te maken hadden. Verdomme.And if you spent more time letting me and less time stopping me... maybe these people wouldn't have to worry about their families... how they're gonna feed them because of a bunch of crap... they know nothing about and had nothing to do with!
Ik zat over je in.I didn't mean to come
We zaten over haar in, hè Eddie?She had us worried, didn't she, Eddie? Yeah.
"Als Richard Nixon voor de camera's komt, voor zijn eerste interview sinds hij het Witte Huis verliet, zal hij worden verhoord alsof hij in de getuigenbank zit"."When Richard Nixon faces the television cameras... "for his first interview since he abandoned the White House... "he'll be cross-examined as if he were on the witness stand.
"Als u 'n lieve hond, kat of vogel bent verloren, of als dat eraan zit te komen,"lf you've lost, or are planning to lose... "...a cherished dog, cat or bird,
"Dat is een mooi dramatisch slot." "Maar zo zit het leven niet in elkaar..." "...en er zijn nog andere dingen die moeten gebeuren."'That is a nice dramatic ending.' 'But life doesn't work like that, and there are other things that have to happen.'...
"De profeet ziet niet met z'n ziel of geest, maar met het bewustzijn dat daar tussen zit.""The visionary does not see with the soul or the spirit, but with the mind that exists between these two."
"Die kat hebben we trouwens niet meer, en je neef Ernie zit nu in de...""About the cat. We don't have one anymore. - Uh, about your Cousin Ernie..." - [Explosion]

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