Samentrekken (to contract) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of samentrekken

Present tense
trek samen
I contract
trekt samen
you contract
trekt samen
he/she/it contracts
trekken samen
we contract
trekken samen
you all contract
trekken samen
they contract
Present perfect tense
heb samengetrokken
I have contracted
hebt samengetrokken
you have contracted
heeft samengetrokken
he/she/it has contracted
hebben samengetrokken
we have contracted
hebben samengetrokken
you all have contracted
hebben samengetrokken
they have contracted
Past tense
trok samen
I contracted
trok samen
you contracted
trok samen
he/she/it contracted
trokken samen
we contracted
trokken samen
you all contracted
trokken samen
they contracted
Future tense
zal samentrekken
I will contract
zult samentrekken
you will contract
zal samentrekken
he/she/it will contract
zullen samentrekken
we will contract
zullen samentrekken
you all will contract
zullen samentrekken
they will contract
Conditional mood
zou samentrekken
I would contract
zou samentrekken
you would contract
zou samentrekken
he/she/it would contract
zouden samentrekken
we would contract
zouden samentrekken
you all would contract
zouden samentrekken
they would contract
Subjunctive mood
trekke samen
I contract
trekke samen
you contract
trekke samen
he/she/it contract
trekke samen
we contract
trekke samen
you all contract
trekke samen
they contract
Past perfect tense
had samengetrokken
I had contracted
had samengetrokken
you had contracted
had samengetrokken
he/she/it had contracted
hadden samengetrokken
we had contracted
hadden samengetrokken
you all had contracted
hadden samengetrokken
they had contracted
Future perf.
zal samengetrokken hebben
I will have contracted
zal samengetrokken hebben
you will have contracted
zal samengetrokken hebben
he/she/it will have contracted
zullen samengetrokken hebben
we will have contracted
zullen samengetrokken hebben
you all will have contracted
zullen samengetrokken hebben
they will have contracted
Conditional perfect tense
zou samengetrokken hebben
I would have contracted
zou samengetrokken hebben
you would have contracted
zou samengetrokken hebben
he/she/it would have contracted
zouden samengetrokken hebben
we would have contracted
zouden samengetrokken hebben
you all would have contracted
zouden samengetrokken hebben
they would have contracted
Present bijzin tense
I contract
you contract
he/she/it contracts
we contract
you all contract
they contract
Past bijzin tense
I contracted
you contracted
he/she/it contracted
we contracted
you all contracted
they contracted
Future bijzin tense
zal samentrekken
I will contract
zult samentrekken
you will contract
zal samentrekken
he/she/it will contract
zullen samentrekken
we will contract
zullen samentrekken
you all will contract
zullen samentrekken
they will contract
Conditional bijzin mood
zou samentrekken
I would contract
zou samentrekken
you would contract
zou samentrekken
he/she/it would contract
zouden samentrekken
we would contract
zouden samentrekken
you all would contract
zouden samentrekken
they would contract
Subjunctive bijzin mood
I contract
you contract
he/she/it contract
we contract
you all contract
they contract
Imperative mood
trek samen
trekt samen

Examples of samentrekken

Example in DutchTranslation in English
Als de spieren zich samentrekken, wordt de staaf heen en weer gebogen.As the muscles contract, they bend the rod from side to side.
Als ik op je keel druk voel je het beneden samentrekken.As I press on your throat, you'll feel a contraction lower down.
Als we toeslaan van alle kanten met superieure kracht... zal Hitler zijn wiel samentrekken.Should we strike from all sides with superior force... Hitler will contract his wheel.
Blootgesteld aan intense hitte, zullen de dijbeenderen zich plooien, breken en samentrekken op voorspelbare manieren.When subjected to intense heat, the long bones warp, crack and contract in predictable ways.
Dat kan gebeuren doordat botten door het vuur samentrekken en breken.It's not uncommon to find bone fractures in fire victims. The body produces heat, causing the long bones to contract and fracture.
Alles trekt samen en sluit in.Everything contracts and closes in.
De aarde was een gaswolk. Die koelt af, trekt samen, en stoot gasringen af... die samen de maan vormen.His idea was that the Earth starts out as a ball of gas and then cools and contracts and sheds a ring of gas, that then itself coalesces and forms the Moon.
Het heelal dijt uit en trekt samen, maar het begint in feite nooit.The Universe expands and contracts, but it never actually begins.
Het heelal trekt samen... en wordt steeds heter en heter.The Universe is contracting, getting hotter, getting hotter, getting hotter, hotter still.
Het metaal trekt samen tijdens de rotatie.The metal's just contracting and expanding.
Adrenaline raast door het lichaam, de spieren trekken samen, ons hart klopt sneller en we rennen.Adrenaline pumps round the body, the muscles contract, our heart beasts faster and we run.
De boezems trekken samen, daarna de kamers.The two atria contract, then the two ventricles. Ba-boom, ba-boom.
De grote onweerswolken zuigen warme lucht aan en trekken samen. En ook hier geldt: als het samentrekt, gaat het sneller draaien.'As the giant thunderheads build, 'they suck up hot air and contract, 'and like the cloud that built the solar system, 'when they contract, they spin faster and faster.'
De spieren trekken samen door de intense hitte. - En de handen?It's caused by the muscles contracting under intense heat.
Haar borstspieren trekken samen.Her chest muscles aren't contracting. It's something else.
De opening trok samen tot een klein gaatje dat bedekt werd met een beschermend transparant membraam.The opening contracted to a pinhole covered by a protective transparent membrane.
De gaswolken trokken samen en koelden af... en stootten gasringen af. Er lagen steeds meer gasringen achter elkaar.It gradually contracted and cooled and as it contracted, it would separate out rings of gas, so you'd have a ring of gas here, a ring here and so forth.
Als ik samentrek, zet jij uit.If I contract, you expand.
Alles wat ronddraait en samentrekt, gaat per definitie sneller draaien.It's a feature of all things that spin that if they contract, they must also rotate faster.
Als je niets genomen hebt misschien gaf iemand je iets dat je pupillen samentrekt en is het uitgewerkt.If you haven't taken anything then maybe somebody gave you something that made your pupils contract and it's just worn off.
Dan is de zon zo compact dat de elektronen naar buiten duwen en de zon niet verder samentrekt.And at that point, the Sun will be so dense that its overcrowded electrons will push back, stopping any further contraction.
De grote onweerswolken zuigen warme lucht aan en trekken samen. En ook hier geldt: als het samentrekt, gaat het sneller draaien.'As the giant thunderheads build, 'they suck up hot air and contract, 'and like the cloud that built the solar system, 'when they contract, they spin faster and faster.'
Een bloedvat in het brein kan opgeblazen worden door een verhoogde bloeddruk, waardoor het vat uitrekt en samentrekt.Weak blood vessel in the brain gets pounded on by elevated BP, causes it to expand and contract.
Zijn symptomen verdwenen toen we hier kwamen omdat hij zich samentrok om zichzelf te beschermen.The reason why his symptoms disappeared when we came here was because it contracted to protect itself.

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