Sparke (to kick) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of sparke

Bokmål present tense
I kick
Bokmål past tense
I kicked
Bokmål future tense
vil sparke
I will kick
Bokmål conditional tense
ville sparke
I would kick
Bokmål imperative tense
I kick
Bokmål present perfect tense
har sparka
I have kicked
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde sparka
I had kicked
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha sparka
I will have kicked
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha sparka
I would have kicked
Nynorsk present tense
I kick
Nynorsk past tense
I kicked
Nynorsk future tense
vil sparke
I will kick
Nynorsk conditional tense
ville sparke
I would kick
Nynorsk imperative tense
I kick
Nynorsk present perfect tense
har sparka
I have kicked
Nynorsk past perfect tense
hadde sparka
I had kicked
Nynorsk future perfect tense
vil ha sparka
I will have kicked
Nynorsk conditional perfect tense
ville ha sparka
I would have kicked

Examples of sparke

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Kanskje han oppmuntrer ham med å sparke noen mål.Maybe he'll cheer him up by kicking some field goals.
HoId opp med å sparke!- Don't kick the stones.
Han kan ikke fortsette å sparke folk rundt, uten å bli sparka tilbake.Kick my dog. It can sleep around. Then I kick them back.
Du trenger ikke noen grunn for å sparke meg, Sjef.You don't need reasons to kick me, Boss.
Mens jeg tenkte på å sparke ræva di, stjal de det uregjerlige muldyret.While I was worrying about kicking your butt... they stole that ornery mule.
Hadde du ikke kvelt meg, trengte jeg ikke sparke deg.If you hadn't choked me, I wouldn't have had to kick you.
De ville ha en de kunne sparke rundt. En som ikke stilte spørsmål.They wanted someone they could kick around, someone who wouldn't ask questions.
- Akkurat da de skulle sparke hamJust as they were about to kick him out! He did it, Diz.
Min gamle far bruket å bli full et par ganger i uka, og sparke oss rundt.My old man used to get drunk a couple times a week and kick us around.
Pappaen hennes er hjemme med spesielle sparke-ut-støvler.Her papa's home with his special kicking-out boots.
Først sparker du bort denne karen, så stiger jeg rett opp i støvlene hans.First you kick this fellow out, then I step right into his boots.
Når de hører min versjon, sparker de mr Taylors gjeng til Blokksberg.When they hear my story, they'll rise up and kick Taylor's machine to kingdom come.
Greit, gi meg nøkkelen ellers sparker jeg inn døra.All right, give me the key or I'll kick it in.
Lukk opp, ellers sparker jeg inn døra!Chihuahua! - Yes, Doc. - Open this door before I kick it down!
- Kom deg ned før jeg sparker deg ned.Get out before I kick you out.
Lager hun vansker, så bann og spark henne.If she cause you trouble, cuss her out and kick her.
Og nå og da, er det ingenting jeg heller vil gjøre enn å gi henne et spark i baken.And every now and then, there is nothing I wanna do so much as kick her right square in the pants.
Det fins ikke noen i mannskapet som ikke heller får et spark av ham enn blir adlet av dronningen.Why, there ain't a man aboard, except you maybe... wouldn't rather be kicked by him than be knighted by the Queen of England.
"Man fikk inspirasjon gjennom et spark bak."Inspiration by a swift kick in the pants.
Få tak i Dead Eye, og spark inn brystet på ham.Get hold of Dead Eye and kick a hole in his chest.
Jeg har mine spisse Mann-sparkende sko på.I've got my pointy man-kicking shoes on.
- Du kan og du kommer til å gjøre det om jeg så må dra ræva di gjennom denne verden sparkende og skrikende.- You can and you will if I gotta drag your narrow ass through this world kicking and screaming.
Du går ut dit. og drar ungene tilbake inn hit sparkende, skrikende og tiggende.You go out there and drag those kids back in here kicking, screaming and begging.
Jeg kom til verden sparkende og skrikende og dekket av en annens blod.I came into this world kicking and screaming, covered in someone else's blood.
Jeg får mareritter, så når jeg våkner opp sparkende og skrikende, ikke få panikk.I'm prone to night terrors, so when I wake up kicking and screaming, don't panic.
Han sparka nettopp fra.He just kicked off.
I Cheyenne, da du ble sparka i hue og mista fire dager, er du sikker på at du ikke gifta deg med noen?In Cheyenne when you was kicked in the head and missing four days, you sure you didn't marry somebody?
Ble sparka i hodet da pappa var liten.Got kicked in the head by a mule when Pa was just a pup.
Jeg liker å bli sparka...!Hell, I like being kicked.
Han blei sparka ut.He was bein' kicked out.

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