Afirmar (to state) conjugation

48 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to confirm, to earn ones place, to rise, to affirm, confirm, to attest, to declare, to consolidate, earn, consolidate

Conjugation of afirmar

Present tense
I state
you state
he/she states
we state
you all state
they state
Present perfect tense
tenho afirmado
I have stated
tens afirmado
you have stated
tem afirmado
he/she has stated
temos afirmado
we have stated
tendes afirmado
you all have stated
têm afirmado
they have stated
Past preterite tense
I stated
you stated
he/she stated
we stated
you all stated
they stated
Future tense
I will state
you will state
he/she will state
we will state
you all will state
they will state
Conditional mood
I would state
you would state
he/she would state
we would state
you all would state
they would state
Past imperfect tense
I used to state
you used to state
he/she used to state
we used to state
you all used to state
they used to state
Past perfect tense
tinha afirmado
I had stated
tinhas afirmado
you had stated
tinha afirmado
he/she had stated
tínhamos afirmado
we had stated
tínheis afirmado
you all had stated
tinham afirmado
they had stated
Future perfect tense
terei afirmado
I will have stated
terás afirmado
you will have stated
terá afirmado
he/she will have stated
teremos afirmado
we will have stated
tereis afirmado
you all will have stated
terão afirmado
they will have stated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha afirmado
I have stated
tenhas afirmado
you have stated
tenha afirmado
he/she has stated
tenhamos afirmado
we have stated
tenhais afirmado
you all have stated
tenham afirmado
they have stated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have stated
(if/so that) you will have stated
(if/so that) he/she will have stated
(if/so that) we will have stated
(if/so that) you all will have stated
(if/so that) they will have stated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver afirmado
I will have stated
tiveres afirmado
you will have stated
tiver afirmado
he/she will have stated
tivermos afirmado
we will have stated
tiverdes afirmado
you all will have stated
tiverem afirmado
they will have stated
Imperative mood
let's state!
Imperative negative mood
não afirmes
do not state!
não afirme
let him/her/it not state!
não afirmemos
let us not state!
não afirmeis
do not state!
não afirmem
do not state!

Examples of afirmar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
Bem, alegro-me em afirmar, com segurança, que o demónio Azarath não vai estar envolvido...Well, I am pleased to state, with certainty, that the demon Azorath will not in any way be... involved in...
Ele passou a afirmar que aqueles que aproveitar este mecanismo oculto da sociedade constituirumgovernoinvisível,esão o verdadeiropoderdedecisão.He went on to state that those who harness this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government and are the true ruling power.
Então... para afirmar o óbvio, é melhor não ser apanhado com isto.So... to state the obvious, I don't want to be caught with this on me.
Gostaríamos de afirmar que nenhum indivíduo solicitaria voluntariamente a própria morte a não ser que chegasse num estado de sofrimento que fugisse da compreensão humana.We'd like to state that no individual would willingly request death.. .. unless they have reached a stage of suffering.. .. that's beyond human comprehension.
Irei expor o que quero afirmar da maneira como eu quiser.I'll state what I want to state in whatever state I want to.
Eu afirmo inequivocamente que não há passos novos... escalados para os Pan Pacific Grand Prix!I unequivocally state there are no new steps for the Pan Pacific Grand Prix!
E afirmas-te que não sabias o que foi lá fazer ou com quem se encontrou, mas mesmo assim pedis-te ao agente Clinton Jones para procurar o nome E. Parker, mas não mencionas-te essa parte, em qualquer depoimento oficial.Mm-hmm. You claimed you didn't know why he was there or who he met with, and yet you had Agent Clinton Jones flag the name E. Parker, but you failed to mention the part about E. Parker in any of your official statements.
E tu afirmas que foi a minha pobre esposa, que te enviou?And you state... that it was my poor wife who sent you?
Tens a certeza do que afirmas, Roger.That's a big statement, Roger.
"O oráculo que ouvimos afirma que a raça de Minos deixará de reinar...""The oracle we have heard states that the race of Minos will cease to rule..."
"e afirma que a sua esposa de 9 anos,"and states that his wife of 9 years,
- A lenda afirma que a Wish Child encontrará a alma da pedra.The legend states that the wish Child shall find the soul of the stone.
- Mas afirma...- But it states...
A 25ª Emenda afirma claramente que quando o Presidente se torna incapaz, o gabinete deve nomear o V.P. para a PresidenteThe 25th Amendment clearly states that in the event that the President becomes incapacitated, the cabinet must appoint the V.P. to acting President--
Como é afirmado no "Mecânica Monetária Moderna":As stated in "Modern Money Mechanics":
Eu não fui informado de nenhuma das acções referente às operações infiltradas supracitadas, tal como anteriormente afirmado, em perpetuidade.I was not privy to any of his actions Vis a vis the aforementioned undercover operation As previously stated.
Foi repetidamente afirmado que, se o vínculo dos três fosse mantido tudo iria correr bem para Hitler.It was stated repeatedly that if the bond of the three were maintained all would go well for Hitler.
Mas os teóricos dos antigos astronautas sugerem que deve ter havido outra forma pela qual a arca foi capaz de preservar dois exemplares de cada criatura da Terra, como afirmado na Bíblia.But ancient astronaut theorists suggest there might be another way in which the ark was able to preserve two of every creature on Earth, as stated in the
Não foi afirmado.It has not been stated.
"Contudo os empregados bancários afirmam que..." "...os golpes parecem ter sido muito bem planeados."However, bank officials have stated the robberies appear to have been well planned.
A Democracia Cristã e o Partido Nacional afirmam que, no caso, o chefe de Estado não tem direito de veto, tem de promulgar a reforma e devolver as fábricas.The Christian Democrats and the National Party afirmam affirm that in this case, the head of state has no right to veto. That is to say, it should enact the reforms and return the factories without discussion.
A única coisa que essas roupas afirmam é: " Estou horrível."The only statement those clothes have got to make is, "I look like hell."
Algumas das lendas afirmam que ele apareceu ao longo da costa do Golfo, numa jangada de serpentes, e espalhou o seu enorme conhecimento por aquela região.HUGH NEWMAN: Some of the legends state that he appeared along the Gulf Coast on a raft of serpents, and he spread his high knowledge through that part of the country.
Apenas afirmam o que é.They merely state what is.
Como afirmei claramente no meu último artigo, os metafísicos são homens fracos demais para aceitarem o mundo como ele é.As I stated quite clearly in my latest paper, metaphysical philosophers are men who are too weak to accept the world as it is.
Como afirmei no Parlamento, se Mr Mandela se comprometer a não ser culpado de planear...I stated in Parliament that if Mr Mandela gives a commitment that he will not make himself guilty of planning...
Tal como já afirmei em várias ocasiões, a única criatura marinha pela qual consideraria ser comido é o Kraken, porque as últimas palavras que ouviria seriam:As I've stated before on numerous occasions, the only sea creature I would even consider being eaten by is the Kraken, because the last words I would hear are:
Mas tu afirmaste que as limpezas remotas não são possíveis.You've stated that remote wipes aren't possible.
"O Alto Comissariado Indiano em Colombo afirmou que..."'The Indian High Commission in Colombo has stated..'
- Antes disso, afirmou que foi prejudicada porque tinhas uma vingança pessoal contra o advogado adversário.And before she did, she stated on the record that she got shafted because you had a personal vendetta against your opposing counsel.
- Dr. Beaumont, afirmou que a clonagem de humanos seria mal vista e difícil de conseguir.[ Kennedy ] dr. Vermont, You've stated that... The cloning of humans would be ill
- No recurso, ele foi representado pelo Centro de Recursos da Georgia, o qual afirmou numa declaração que o trabalho que eles estavam a fazer na defesa dele era semelhante a uma triagem.- On appeal he was represented by the Georgia Resource Center, which stated in an affidavit that the work that they were doing on his behalf was akin to triage.
- Não só isso afirmou na sua petição inicial que o seu passaporte anterior tinha sido levantado e que ele pretendia viajar para a Rússia.- Not only that he stated on his application that his previous passport had been lifted and that he intended to travel to Russia.
E se vos pedirem um parecer, afirmareis... Como sei que o fareis... Que um Colégio de Cardeais que elegeu um Papa considerado iníquo, deve depor-se a si próprio, disse o Papa iníquo.And if you are asked for an opinion, you will state-- as I know you will-- that a College of Cardinals which elected a pope deemed to be iniquitous can itself depose said iniquitous pope.
Agente Kimball Cho do FBI, saiba que sou um cidadão soberano do estado do Texas e não reconheço a legitimidade do governo federal ou qualquer autoridade policial que você afirme ter.Agent Kimball Cho of the FBI, know that I am a sovereign citizen of the state of Texas and do not recognize the legitimacy of the federal government or any police authority you may claim to possess.
Bem, como teu amigo, permite-me que afirme o óbvio que a profecia diz que vocês estão destinados a ficar juntos.Well, as your friend, let me state the obvious that the prophecy says that you two are fated to be together.
Não precisas que eu afirme o óbvio, pois não?You don't need me to state the obvious, right?
Obviamente, há presença de Templários... nas redondezas de Rosslyn... embora Mark Oxbrow afirme... que parece que os Cavaleiros Templários não tiveram nada a ver... directamente com a construção da Capela Rosslyn.There was obviously a presence of knights templar around the roslin area. Although as mark oxbrow states, it seems that the knights templar had nothing directly to do with the building of rosslyn chapel.
Só precisamos que ele afirme.We just need him to make a statement.
"Quando o Congresso recusou apoiar uma missão de manutenção da paz no Vale do Jordão, o Presidente mesmo assim enviou tropas, afirmando a sua autoridade como Comandante-Chefe.""When Congress refused to support a peacekeeping mission in the Jordan Valley, the president deployed troops anyway, stating his authority as Commander in Chief."
- Não é insinuar, afirmando.- Not implying, stating.
... às 7:04 am, que foram emitidos um comunicado à imprensa 7:04 am, we were issued a press release stating:
A postagem era uma partilha de um relatório da ONU afirmando que as vacas produzem mais gases de efeito de estufa do que todo o sector de transportes.The post sent me to a UN report stating that cows produce more greenhouse gases than the entire transport sector.
Agora, Sr. Armstrong... tenho diante de mim, senhor... vários depoimentos ajuramentados de colegas seus... afirmando que o senhor sabia... que o Prexelin jamais receberia aprovação do FDA... porque sob ordens do Dr. Schiller e suas, em conluío... omitiram-se, intencionalmente, alguns elementos sobre a eficiência da droga.I have before me, sir, several sworn depositions from your colleagues stating that you knew well in advance that Prexelin would never gain FDA approval because, on orders from Dr. Schiller and yourself, in cahoots, key elements to the drug's effectiveness were intentionally omitted. Senator Sweeney,
- Gostam de se afirmarem.They do like to make a statement.
Podem fazê-lo explodir numa cidade portuária para se afirmarem.ISIS will not resurface for the sale. They may blow up the oil in a port city to make a statement.
Tens um espaço onde te afirmares.You got room for a statement.
Não precisamos de alvejar ninguém pelas costas para nos afirmarmos.We ain't got to shoot anybody in the back to make a statement.

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obsolete spelling of afirmar


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