Atacar (to attack) conjugation

134 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: eat, to strike, to eat voraciously, strike, to attempt to score, attempt

Conjugation of atacar

Present tense
I attack
you attack
he/she attacks
we attack
you all attack
they attack
Present perfect tense
tenho atacado
I have attacked
tens atacado
you have attacked
tem atacado
he/she has attacked
temos atacado
we have attacked
tendes atacado
you all have attacked
têm atacado
they have attacked
Past preterite tense
I attacked
you attacked
he/she attacked
we attacked
you all attacked
they attacked
Future tense
I will attack
you will attack
he/she will attack
we will attack
you all will attack
they will attack
Conditional mood
I would attack
you would attack
he/she would attack
we would attack
you all would attack
they would attack
Past imperfect tense
I used to attack
you used to attack
he/she used to attack
we used to attack
you all used to attack
they used to attack
Past perfect tense
tinha atacado
I had attacked
tinhas atacado
you had attacked
tinha atacado
he/she had attacked
tínhamos atacado
we had attacked
tínheis atacado
you all had attacked
tinham atacado
they had attacked
Future perfect tense
terei atacado
I will have attacked
terás atacado
you will have attacked
terá atacado
he/she will have attacked
teremos atacado
we will have attacked
tereis atacado
you all will have attacked
terão atacado
they will have attacked
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha atacado
I have attacked
tenhas atacado
you have attacked
tenha atacado
he/she has attacked
tenhamos atacado
we have attacked
tenhais atacado
you all have attacked
tenham atacado
they have attacked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have attacked
(if/so that) you will have attacked
(if/so that) he/she will have attacked
(if/so that) we will have attacked
(if/so that) you all will have attacked
(if/so that) they will have attacked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver atacado
I will have attacked
tiveres atacado
you will have attacked
tiver atacado
he/she will have attacked
tivermos atacado
we will have attacked
tiverdes atacado
you all will have attacked
tiverem atacado
they will have attacked
Imperative mood
let's attack!
Imperative negative mood
não ataques
do not attack!
não ataque
let him/her/it not attack!
não ataquemos
let us not attack!
não ataqueis
do not attack!
não ataquem
do not attack!

Examples of atacar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"A cabeça de ponte, segundo as Técnicas de Infantaria, de Hamley, é pequena portanto nada nos resta senão atacar"."The bridge head, according to Techniques of Infantry, of Hamley, she is small therefore nothing in them it remains senão to attack".
"Ao atacar a Rússia, o exército alemão, "é como um elefante a atacar uma invasão de formigas."When attacking Russia, the German army, it is as an elephant to attack an invasion of ants.
"Bastian começou a rodar, esperando o seu momento para atacar.""Bastian starts circling, waiting for his moment to attack."
"Esse homem... poderia desenvolver armas de destruição maciça e dar-las a Osama bin Laden para atacar-nos".'This guy... could develop weapons of mass destruction and give them to Osama bin Laden to attack us.'
"Não te vou atacar"."I'm not going to attack you."
"Eu ataco""I attack"
- Eu ataco-o.-I attack you.
- Eu levo 4 homens e ataco por trás.- I'm taking four men and attacking the rear.
- Eu não ataco a rapariga.I won't attack the girl.
- Não ataco a rapariga.I won't attack the girl.
"Porque não atacas?"Why don't you attack?"
Agora atacas a minha libido?- There's no libido to attack.
Ao atacar o Flostre, atacas aquilo em que acredito.Attack Flostre and you attack the things I believe in.
Apanha-os concentrados num único local, cerca-los, e só então atacas com todas as armas à tua disposição até estarem todos mortos.You get them concentrated in one location, you surround them, and then you attack with every weapon at your disposal until every one of them is dead.
Carroça dragão, porque atacas o meu rei?Dragon wagon you attacked my king
"Homem louco ataca chefe"?Hmm... "Crazy man attacks boss."
"O meu companheiro ataca os seus amigos. "Viola o seu clã."My companion attacks his friends, he violates his covenant.
"Só um marinheiro tolo ataca uma fortaleza.""No sailor but a fool attacks a fortress."
"que ataca as formigas carpinteiras e as faz subir às árvores"which attacks carpenter ants, causing them to climb into trees
- Alguém a ataca...Someone attacks her...
"Não atacamos, respondemos."We don't attack, we respond.
- Anões, por quê tentaram atacar? - Não atacamos!- Why did you dwarves try to attack?
- Diz-nos quando atacamos.- Just tell us when we attack,
- E então atacamos.Then that's when we gotta attack!
- Mas... então como é que o atacamos sem nenhum ponto de partida?Well... how do we attack it with no basis, then?
! Acabaste de ser atacado!- You've just been attacked!
"Esse estrangeiro" foi atacado a noite passada.- This foreigner was attacked last night.
"Estou a ser atacado!"I'm being attacked!
"Foi atacado por uma mole de gente à porta da Casa Bram..."He was attacked by a mob outside the Bram..."
"Fui atacado por um cão raivoso num ferro-velho."I was attacked by Cujo's cousin in a junkyard."
E agora atacais de novo, matando precisamente o homem que trouxe esta cidade de volta à vida.And now you attack again by murdering the one man that has brought this town back to life.
Sois um guerreiro ousado, atacais um homem quando baixa a guarda.Ah! Bold warrior you are, attacking a man when his guard's down.
"As mulheres defendem-se atacando, tal como atacam com súbitas e estranhas rendições."Women defend themselves by attacking, just as they attack by sudden and strange surrenders.
"Eles atacam a nossa trincheira.'They attack our trench.
"Estes cães foram treinados para ter um alto grau de sensibilidade, há mais pequena provocação, eles atacam e matam".These dogs are trained to highest level of sensitivity to cause the slightest provocation attack and kill
"Os Aswangs usam a língua para introduzir raiz valeriana para adormecer as vítimas enquanto atacam.""Aswangs use their long tongues "to inject chewed up valerian root to sedate their victims as they attack."
"Por que os pássaros atacam?""Why do the birds attack?"
- Nunca ataquei ninguém.- I never attacked anyone.
- Não. Acho que eu os ataquei.- No, no, I'm afraid that I attacked them.
- Sabes que nunca a ataquei.You know I never attacked her. Angie knew about the affair.
A Sally Ann agora acha que eu te ataquei, naquela noite no estúdio.Sally Ann now thinks that I attacked you - that night in the study.
Achas que eu ataquei aquelas pessoas?You think I attacked those people?
- Em mim? Acabei o processo sobre o tipo que atacaste a semana passada.I finished the file on the guy you attacked last week.
- Engraçado, era isso que estava a caminho de fazer quando me atacaste.Funny, that's just what I was on my way to do when you attacked me.
- Ouve-me tu. Raptaste a minha filha e atacaste o meu marido.You kidnapped my daughter and attacked my husband.
- Por isso atacaste a minha filha?- Is that why you attacked my daughter?
- Sabemos que atacaste o John Henry.We know you attacked john henry.
"A mãe atacou aquelas pessoas "durante um exorcismo."Mom attacked those people during an exorcism."
"E quando o dragão malvado saiu a voar da cidade "e atacou a Vila Supermercado Palooza, "o corajoso Burthew pegou na sua guitarra mágica,And when the mean dragon flew in from out of town and attacked the Village Market Palooza, brave Burthew took his magic guitar, turned it into an ax, and took the dragon down.
"Ele" é a coisa que o atacou?ls "he" the thing that attacked you?
"O suspeito William Ashford atacou a vítima Cindy Turner fora do Bar e Grill Spackle, mas morreu no local.""Suspect William Ashford "attacked victim Cindy Turner outside Spackle's Bar and Grill but died at the scene."
"Quando me aproximei, ele atacou.""As I approached, he attacked.
Aqui estão os depoimentos dados por marinheiros de navios que vós atacastes.Affidavits given by sailors on ships you attacked.
"As 11 horas desta manhã, bombardeiros inimigos atacaram um comboio no Canal Inglês e três cidades portuárias na Costa Sul.""At 11 o'clock this morning, enemy bombers attacked a convoy in the English Channel and three seaport towns on the South Coast."
"Esta madrugada, 84.000 soldados do 1° e 2° Regimento de Infantaria," "sob o comando do General Chang Jing Wu," "atacaram a fronteira tibetana perto de Dengo.""Today at the dawn, 84,000 troops of the 1st and 2nd Field Armles... under the overall command of General Chang Jing Wu... attacked the Tibetan frontier near Den-Go.
"Um grupo de Guardas Brancos a serviço do governador... atacou o sindicato local... e os policiais atacaram os sindicalistas"."A band of White Guards in the Governor's service... attacked the union local... and the constables attacked the union men." The constables...
"Uma noite, lobos atacaram Loulou, tomando-o por um coelhoOne night, wolves attacked Loulou, mistaking him for a rabbit.
'Hoje, nossos soldados, em defesa de nosso país, atacaram a sede de polícia do inimigo em Jerusalém.'Today, our soldiers, in defence of their country, attacked the enemy's police headquarters in Jerusalem.
Eu atacarei os gregos... Artemísia.I will attack the Greeks... with my entire navy.
Quando as minhas armas estiverem prontas, se o Francisco não abdicar da sua vida, eu atacarei.When my guns are ready, if Francis does not offer up his life, I will attack.
Seth, meu leal guerreiro, tu atacarás a cidade antes do amanhecerSeth, my loyal warrior, we will attack the city before dawn.
- Achas que nos atacará?- Do you think it will attack us?
- Bom dia,sir. Longstreet atacará pelo norte com o Primeiro CorpoLongstreet will attack on the right with the First Corps.
- Tem tanta certeza de que Filipe atacará?-Are you so sure that Phillip will attack?
- Temos certeza de que o verme atacará?- Are we sure the worm will attack?
- Um "pitbull" furioso que atacará senão...- a raging pit bull who will attack if he doesn't...
Agora, atacaremos.Now we will attack.
As tropas Yongho e eu atacaremos do fundo.Hall of us will attack from the rear.
E diga-lhe que se não começarem pela alvorada, atacaremos.And tell them if they've not started by dawn, we will attack. Tell them that.
Esta noite atacaremos Nanquim.Tonight we will attack Nanking.
Não atacaremos ninguém nem mataremos independentemente daquilo que nos fizerem.Whatever they do to us we will attack no one kill no one.
"Você e o seu pelotão atacarão, essa colina e tomá-la-ão"."You and your platoon will attack said hill and take it."
- Achas que atacarão de novo?- Do you think they will attack again?
Anticorpos atacarão a qualquer momento.Antibodies will attack any moment.
Cercaremos o inimigo e esmagá-lo-emos. Vindos de Praga, três exércitos atacarão os Russos, simultaneamente, por detrás.And I have 3 armies near Prague which will attack from behind.
Eles atacarão de novo e voltaremos a defender-nos.- They will attack again. And we will hold again.
E ele atacaria Palermo, aqui em cima.And he would attack Palermo up here.
Maldição, Cardigan, Eu atacaria.Damn it, Cardigan, l would attack.
Nem mesmo o Grievous atacaria assim tão impensavelmente.Not even Grievous would attack So recklessly.
Não fazia ideia que o Sr. Stappord atacaria o seu marido.I had no idea Mr. Stappord would attack your husband.
O seu sistema imunitário libertaria um anticorpo que atacaria o vírus.Their immune system would release an active antibody that would attack the virus.
Bem, num cenário ideal, atacaríamos o problema com maior força, até mesmo com uma força-tarefa.Well, in an ideal situation, we would attack the problem with a lot more fire power, perhaps even a task force.
Os americanos já sabiam que atacaríamos Midway.The Americans already knew that we would attack Midway.
A Primavera de 1940 foi muito soalheira e não havia local mais pacífico do que as Ardenas, onde os generais tinham dito que os alemães nunca atacariam, apesar de certos relatórios alegarem que quase cinquenta divisões da Wehrmacht estavam em movimento,The Spring of 1940 she was very sunny e did not have place more Pacific of what the Ardenas, where the generals had said that the Germans never would attack, although certain reports to allege that almost cinquenta divisions of the Wehrmacht they were in movement,
O erro foi meu por não ter previsto que atacariam de noite, como ladrões e assassinos que são.The mistake is mine. In not foreseeing you would attack in the night, as the thieves and cutthroats you prove.
Se os EUA não se impusessem, todos atacariam.Like, if America didn't stand up everyone would attack it.
voce . sempre disse que os japoneses atacariam.- You always said the Japanese would attack.
! Há 30 segundos atrás falaram-me num ataque com atraz.30 seconds ago, I got a call about an evacuation, an Anthrax attack.
! Quer que o 1 º Pelotão ataque sozinho?You want 1st Platoon to attack the village, by itself?
! É o nosso planeta depois do ataque dos Humaníacos.That's our planet after the attack from the Humaniacs.
"'"horário de Saigão, fica mandatado" para executar o seguinte ataque:During daylight hours, 7 February 1965, Saigon time, conduct the following coordinated attacks:
"... Abu Zubaydah planeava o seu próprio ataque aos EUA."Abu Zubayduh was planning his own U.S. attack."
" Se sofre de asma, dependência de nicotina, ataques de pânico, telefone para este número. Ganhe dinheiro extra."lf you suffer from asthma, nicotine addiction, panic attacks, call this number.
"A União e a Confederação planearam os seus ataques estrategicamente."Both the Union and the Confederate planned their attack strategically.
"A ameaça de ataques terroristas... nunca foi tão presente desde o grande colapso".At no time since the great collapse has the threat of a terrorist attack been as great as it is now.
"Crash" de acções, ataques cibernéticos, semáforos a mudar de repente.Stock market flash crash, cyber attacks, traffic lights changing at whim.
"Desde então, informações do FBI indicam padrões de actividade suspeita neste país consistente com a preparação de sequestros e outros tipos de ataques, incluindo vigilâncias recentes de edifícios federais em Nova Iorque.""FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York."
- A não ser que ataquemos sua nave.- Unless we attack the ship.
- Você Não quer que ataquemos?But you don't want us to attack?
A não ser que queiram que nós ataquemos... para poderem dizer que nós e que começamos esta guerra.Unless they want us to attack... so they can say we started this war.
As ordens continuar a ser que não ataquemos?Our orders are still not to attack.
Atravessemos antes as chamas e ataquemos Avaricum;We will walk through the fire and attack Avaricum.
E por favor, lembrai-vos, não ataqueis.And please, remember. Do not attack.
Não ataqueis!-Do not attack.
Não ataqueis.Do not attack!
Não posso permitir que ataqueis as grutas da montanha.I can not allow you the fortress on the hill to attack.
"Ataquem aqui, ataquem ali.They attack here, attack there.
- Dirijam-se para lá e ataquem.Move out there and attack.
- Escorpiões, ataquem! - Escorpiões, ataquem!Sand Scorpions, attack!
- Para que ataquem a aldeia deles?- To bring an attack upon their village?
-AssaItemos o pátio antes que eles nos ataquem!- Storm the yard before they attack!
Cercai o castelo, e se William não se render, atacai.Surround the castle, and, if William doesn't surrender, attack.
Tribuno, se tentarem destruir o corpo atacai de frente. Entendeis?If they try to destroy the body in the meantime, Tribune... you take the point to lead a frontal attack from here- agreed?
"As mulheres defendem-se atacando, tal como atacam com súbitas e estranhas rendições."Women defend themselves by attacking, just as they attack by sudden and strange surrenders.
- Estava atacando um bebê.Come on, get up! - Caught him attacking' a baby.
- Os selvagens estão nos atacando!- Savages attacking us! Indians!
- Você acha que estava te atacando? - Não, não!Do you think I was attacking you?
-Estavam atacando a nave de graos.- They were attacking the grain ship.
Se nos atacardes, atacareis o trono e Deus.If you attack us, you attack the throne and God.
- E se atacarem esta noite?-What if they attack tonight?
- Para não atacarem pelas costas.- So they can't attack from behind.
- Quer dizer, se eles nos atacarem.He means if they attack us
- Se eles atacarem, nós vamos defender-nos.- If they attack, we will defend ourselves.
- Se quisessem falar... tinham-nos procurado antes de atacarem.If they were interested in talking, they would've approached us before they attacked us.
- Eu ouvi tu atacares um guarda.I heard attacking a guard.
- Não, se não o atacares.- Lf you don't attack him.
- Por me atacares.- For attacking me.
A base do kung fu é enquanto estás a atacar, deves concentrar toda a tua energia num ponto e atacares num segundo.The core of real kung fu is that while attacking, you should focus all your power on one point and attack in a second.
Alertei sobre atacares o Semak sem a minha ajuda, antes de estares pronta.I warned you about attacking Semak without my help, before you were ready.
- Este é o momento para atacarmos.- Now's the time to attack.
Acho que é sábio comunicarmos a nossa posição antes de atacarmos.I think it wise to report our position before we attack.
Afastemo-nos um pouco para acabarmos as nossas confidências e depois, juntaremos esforços para atacarmos a dureza do seu humor.I hear his voice. Let us go a little farther and finish our talk. We will afterwards join our forces to make a common attack on his hard and unkind heart.
Agora, se em vez de cairmos... mostrarmos uma força inesperada... e não só aguentarmos firme, como atacarmos no preciso momento em que eles menos esperam, podemos destruir a influência de Tuan junto da Imperatriz e forçá-la a enfrentar a realidade.Now, if instead of collapsing we show unexpected strength, and not only hold out, but attack, at the very moment when they least expected, we might destroy Tuan's influence with the Empress and force her to face reality.
Além disso, até este momento, ainda não surgiu uma oportunidade real para atacarmos Sebastopol.Besides, so far, no real opportunity to attack Sebastopol has presented itself.

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