Brincar (to play) conjugation

102 examples

Conjugation of brincar

Present tense
I play
you play
he/she plays
we play
you all play
they play
Present perfect tense
tenho brincado
I have played
tens brincado
you have played
tem brincado
he/she has played
temos brincado
we have played
tendes brincado
you all have played
têm brincado
they have played
Past preterite tense
I played
you played
he/she played
we played
you all played
they played
Future tense
I will play
you will play
he/she will play
we will play
you all will play
they will play
Conditional mood
I would play
you would play
he/she would play
we would play
you all would play
they would play
Past imperfect tense
I used to play
you used to play
he/she used to play
we used to play
you all used to play
they used to play
Past perfect tense
tinha brincado
I had played
tinhas brincado
you had played
tinha brincado
he/she had played
tínhamos brincado
we had played
tínheis brincado
you all had played
tinham brincado
they had played
Future perfect tense
terei brincado
I will have played
terás brincado
you will have played
terá brincado
he/she will have played
teremos brincado
we will have played
tereis brincado
you all will have played
terão brincado
they will have played
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha brincado
I have played
tenhas brincado
you have played
tenha brincado
he/she has played
tenhamos brincado
we have played
tenhais brincado
you all have played
tenham brincado
they have played
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have played
(if/so that) you will have played
(if/so that) he/she will have played
(if/so that) we will have played
(if/so that) you all will have played
(if/so that) they will have played
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver brincado
I will have played
tiveres brincado
you will have played
tiver brincado
he/she will have played
tivermos brincado
we will have played
tiverdes brincado
you all will have played
tiverem brincado
they will have played
Imperative mood
let's play!
Imperative negative mood
não brinques
do not play!
não brinque
let him/her/it not play!
não brinquemos
let us not play!
não brinqueis
do not play!
não brinquem
do not play!

Examples of brincar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"A" quer brincar às escondidas."A" wants to play hide-and-seek.
"Ei, queres brincar?""hey, want to play?"
"Eu quero um bebé para brincar...""I want a baby to play with..."
"Gostaria de brincar como ela e serenar o meu coração inquieto."I should like to play with you as she and soothe my troubled heart." - Very nice.
"Gostavas de brincar com o Bob?" "Gostavas de brincar com o Bob?""Would you like to play with Bob?" "Would you like to play with Bob?"
"A Mona brincava com bonecas, eu brinco com partes do corpo.""Mona played with dolls. I play with body parts."
"E eu, não brinco?"Ken said, "Don't I get to play, too?"
"Eu brinco com os brinquedos e, em seguida, eu os quebro!""I play with toys and then shatter them!"
"O que foi, pai?" "Brincas com a minha, eu brinco com a tua, certo?"You play with mine so I play with her, right?
#É genial o modo como brincas #podes fazer o que quiseres♪ It's great the way you play ♪ You can do whatever you want
* Mas como tu brincas Com a mão que faz acordos *♪ but how do you play with the hand that you're dealt ♪
- Agora brincas aos polícias.- Now you get to play cop.
- E as explosões? Aonde brincas-te com os teus brinquedos?You been out there playing with your toys?
- E brincas com as maminhas.-And playing with her titties.
"De um jardim onde um rapaz brinca jovem para sempre.""Of a garden where a boy plays, forever young."
"O Chet brinca com bonecas e o Stu come merda de cão."Chet plays with Barbies and Stu eats doggie doodle. Hey!
"Pequeno pardal, o amor da minha amante, "com quem ela brinca, permite que se deite no seu regaço, "debicando os dedos dela, com sofreguidão."Little sparrow, my love is love, with whom she plays, permits to lie within her lap, to nip her finger, biting quickly with that bill,
"Rocky corre, Rocky brinca."Rocky runs. Rocky plays.
- Ele brinca com um amigo durante os intervalos.- He plays with a friend during recess.
'Só brincamos e dançamos'We just play and dance
- ...e és tu na cassete - sim,sou eu na cassete mas não vi o Trevor Moorehouse, desde que brincamos a isso,nem o james .á umas noites atrás.You never saw Elvis last night, and that isn't you on the tape. Yeah, that's me on the tape, but I haven't seen that Trevor Moorehouse outfit since last when we played that joke on James a couple of nights ago.
- Nós brincamos juntos.We play games together!
- Todos brincamos às vezes.- We all play sometimes.
A Olívia ensinou-me na escola, era a puta, brincamos no intervalo.Olivia at school taught me, she's my hell, we play.
- Mas sempre dissemos... que o objectivo deste trabalho não é ser brincado...- But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with it's about ...
Eu teria brincado com bonecas, se tivesse bonecas em casa.I think I could have played with dolls if there were dolls in the house.
Lembro de ter brincado com teus seios um bom tempo aquela noite barquinho, limpador de para-brisas, saco de pancada...If I recall, I played with your boobies for a long time that night. The motor boat, the windshield wipers, the punching bag.
Nesse caso eu também devo ter brincado no cololn that case even l must have been your played in her lap.
Não há uma ferramenta com que não tenha brincado, meu amigo.Not a tool I haven't played with, my friend.
"Eles brincam, _BAR_ fazem brincadeiras e amam-se."They play and make jokes and love one another.
"Os rapazes brincam com bonecos e as raparigas com os rapazes"."Boys play with toys and girls play with boys."
"em murmúrios suaves enquanto brincam...With gentle murmurs whilst they play
"os meu amigos brincam no parque.""My friends are playing at the park."
- E vocês brincam com...And you play with ...
- Eu brinquei.- I played.
- Por favor, eu... eu brinquei em pátios cobertos de lixo.- Please. I... I've played in back yards that were filled with garbage.
-Nunca brinquei com um em minha vida.- Never played with one in my life.
-Nunca brinquei às roupas.-I never played dress-up.
A última vez que brinquei de médico foi no primário,No. Look, the last time I played doctor was in grade school.
- Tu brincaste comigo. - Não.You kind of played with me a little bit, though.
Adorei a forma como brincaste com os títulos das músicas.- I loved how you played with the song titles.
Alguma vez brincaste aos casados?Have you ever played "the married couple"?
Brincaste com a câmara, não brincaste?You played with my camera, didn't you?
Brincaste com o fogo não brincaste, agora vais-te queimar.You played with fire now you're going to get burned,
! Senõr, brincou com os sentimentos do Rico.Señor, you have played with Rico's emotions.
"Como pode ser o mesmo homem que morou comigo, brincou com Sophia, cuidou de nós?"And I thought, "How can this be the same man who lived with me, who played with Sophia, who took care of us?"
- A Susan brincou com o fogo... - Isso não é meu.Susan played with fire... that's not my cup.
- Ela brincou ao "patty-cake".She played patty-cake.
- O Andy nunca brincou assim connosco.Andy never played with us like that.
4 garotas brincaram de Bloody Mary naquela noite. 2 estão catatônicas, uma está convencida de que será a próxima, mas só uma morreu. A primeira, Rachel.Look, 4 girls played bloody mary that night. 2 are catatonic, one is convinced that she's next, but only one girl died, the first one, rachel.
A semana passada, gorilinhas brincaram à minha volta."Last week several young gorillas played around me for over an hour.
As nossas crianças brincaram e cresceram juntas.Our children played together and grew up together.
Até brincaram com elas.They even played with them.
Claro. E todos brincaram à dança das cadeiras.And they all played musical chairs.
O Andy brincará com todos nós.- What? Andywill playwith all of us. I know it!
Os miúdos brincarão juntos e, quando estiverem a dormir, a Amanda e eu abriremos uma garrafa de vinho e brincaremos também um pouco.The kids will play together, and when they're asleep... ...Amandaandlbreak open a bottle of wine... ...doalittleplayingourselves.
O meu Jabu e o teu David brincarão juntos.My Jabu and David will play together.
Os miúdos brincarão juntos e, quando estiverem a dormir, a Amanda e eu abriremos uma garrafa de vinho e brincaremos também um pouco.The kids will play together, and when they're asleep... ...Amandaandlbreak open a bottle of wine... ...doalittleplayingourselves.
E lá, o meu pai brincava comigo tal como qualquer outro pai brincaria com o seu filho.And in there, my father played with me just like any father would play with his son.
Quem mais brincaria ao gato e ao rato com uma nave estelar?Who else would play cat and mouse with a starship?
Costumava pensar que um dia os nossos filhos brincariam naquele parque.I used to think one day our kids would play on that playground.
"3) Trabalhe e brinque bem em grupo, para não ser visto como um idiota"."Number three, work and play well with others so I'm not perceived as a douche."
- Ele que brinque com as pistolas lá fora.- Tell him to play with his guns outside.
- Gostas que brinque com os mamilos?- D'you like to have your nipple played with?
- Não brinque com esta.Don't play with this one.
- Não brinque com isso.- You shouldn't be playing with that.
"não brinques comigo, eu dou-te uma sova.""Don't play games with me, or I'm going to kick your ass."
- "Precisas de aprender uma lição". - "Não brinques com esse idiota!"I told you not to play with that moron.
- Eu conheço-te, Kern. Não brinques.Don't play me with this innocent-
- Mas não brinques comigo.- You better, you know-- - I will. - Don't play with me.
- Não brinques com a coisa dele. - Eu sei.- Don't play with his thing.
"Faz com que sejamos amigos de meninos bons e não brinquemos com os que mentem, roubem ou insultam para não aprendermos com eles e não ficarmos piores do que eles.""Let us love good boys and play with none that lie or swear or steal for fear we will learn their ways and be as bad as them.
- Vem, brinquemos com o teu atlas.- Come, we'll play with your atlas.
E pronto, desfrutemos delas, brinquemos!Well that's it, let's have fun, play around.
Então, brinquemos!Then let's play!
James, não brinquemos com a nossa comida.James, let's not play with our food.
Não brinqueis com o fogo.Don´t play with fire.
"Esperança de que as crianças palestinas e israelitas brinquem...""Hope of Israeli and Palestinian children playing together and..."
"Vão lá para fora, e brinquem na sujidade"."Get out there and play in the dirt"?
- Não queria saber nada dele, mas não gosto que brinquem comigo.I cared nothing at all for him, But I don't like being played with.
- Quero que brinquem comigo...- Oh, I want to get played with.
-Que brinquem até ao almoço.- I say we let them play through lunch. - Yeah.
! Estamos brincando.We're playing.
""O demônio está brincando com a tua mente. Sim...""Devil playing with your mind yeah.. fire, fire."
"O demônio está brincando com a tua mente.""Devil playing with your mind."
"com soldados e crianças chinesas brincando alegremente por todo lado. "" with soldiers and Chinese children playing joyfully on all sides."
'Depois de jantar no assado gafanhoto, 'Nós passamos a noite brincando com meus lanternas chinesas.'After dining on roast grasshopper, 'we spent the evening playing with my Chinese lanterns.'
"Disse-vos para não brincarem aqui dentro. "I thought I told you not to play around in here.
- Deixa os rapazes brincarem.- Let the boys play.
- Um abridor de carta. E afiado demais... para miúdos brincarem com ele.- No, it's a letter opener, and it's too sharp for little boys to play with.
A Allison quer saber quando vamos a casa dela para os miúdos brincarem.Oh, um, Allison wants to have a playdate this weekend at her house.
A maioria, e as mães têm medo de deixar os filhos brincarem nestes brinquedos antigos.Are we all divorced? Most, and I think moms are just too scared to let their kids play on the old play equipment.
"brincares com a tua comida"?"play with your food" bull?
- Não. É melhor não brincares comigo, porque não te darás bem.You better not be playing with me, because not leaving this easy.
- Obrigado por brincares com ele.Thanks for playing with him.
- Para não brincares com aquilo.-I didn't want you playing with it.
A tua mãe nunca te disse para não brincares com fósforos?Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with matches?
- Hoje é melhor brincarmos lá fora.- Maybe we'd better play outside today.
- Sim, para depois brincarmos!- Yes, then we'll play!
A mãe disse para não brincarmos no ferro-velho.Mom said we're not supposed to play in the junkyard.
Agora está na hora de brincarmos o velho jogo das escondidas.Now it's time to play a good old game of hide-and-seek.
Agora que o Zankou e a geração dele foram dizimados, é hora de nós brincarmos.Now that Zankou and his generation have been decimated, it's our time to play.

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