Contactar (to contact) conjugation

105 examples

Conjugation of contactar

Present tense
I contact
you contact
he/she contacts
we contact
you all contact
they contact
Present perfect tense
tenho contactado
I have contacted
tens contactado
you have contacted
tem contactado
he/she has contacted
temos contactado
we have contacted
tendes contactado
you all have contacted
têm contactado
they have contacted
Past preterite tense
I contacted
you contacted
he/she contacted
we contacted
you all contacted
they contacted
Future tense
I will contact
you will contact
he/she will contact
we will contact
you all will contact
they will contact
Conditional mood
I would contact
you would contact
he/she would contact
we would contact
you all would contact
they would contact
Past imperfect tense
I used to contact
you used to contact
he/she used to contact
we used to contact
you all used to contact
they used to contact
Past perfect tense
tinha contactado
I had contacted
tinhas contactado
you had contacted
tinha contactado
he/she had contacted
tínhamos contactado
we had contacted
tínheis contactado
you all had contacted
tinham contactado
they had contacted
Future perfect tense
terei contactado
I will have contacted
terás contactado
you will have contacted
terá contactado
he/she will have contacted
teremos contactado
we will have contacted
tereis contactado
you all will have contacted
terão contactado
they will have contacted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha contactado
I have contacted
tenhas contactado
you have contacted
tenha contactado
he/she has contacted
tenhamos contactado
we have contacted
tenhais contactado
you all have contacted
tenham contactado
they have contacted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have contacted
(if/so that) you will have contacted
(if/so that) he/she will have contacted
(if/so that) we will have contacted
(if/so that) you all will have contacted
(if/so that) they will have contacted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver contactado
I will have contacted
tiveres contactado
you will have contacted
tiver contactado
he/she will have contacted
tivermos contactado
we will have contacted
tiverdes contactado
you all will have contacted
tiverem contactado
they will have contacted
Imperative mood
let's contact!
Imperative negative mood
não contactes
do not contact!
não contacte
let him/her/it not contact!
não contactemos
let us not contact!
não contacteis
do not contact!
não contactem
do not contact!

Examples of contactar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Ele está proibido de contactar agentes seus conhecidos. ""He is forbidden to contact any agents known to you. "
"Está autorizado a contactar todos os agentes seus conhecidos. ""He is authorized to contact all agents known to you. "
"Fomos capazes de contactar Marte.We've been able to contact Mars. Life on Mars.
"Por favor, não ligues nem tentes contactar-me."Please don't call me or try to contact me,
"antes de contactar a APA."to this grave matter prior to contacting the EPA.
! 11:24: O primeiro contacto via telefone.11:24 a.m., first phone contact.
! Quanto mais pequeno o local, maior o contacto entre as pessoas e mais o vizinho de classe média pode exercer influência e controlo.The smaller the site, the greater the contact, the more the middle-class neighbor is going to exert their values and control.
"... contacto com inimigo efectuado."- Wait. with enemy affected.
"...possível contacto."Man on radio: ...Possible contact.
"4-2 Charlie contacto envolvendo armas de fogo ligeiras, em veículo."42C: 4-2 Charlie contact involving small arms fire on vehicle.
- Como é que o contactas?- How do you contact him?
- E não contactas a Nina, desde que recebeste alta?And you've had no contact with Nina since you were discharged from the hospital?
- Só a cidade. - Como é que o contactas?How do you contact him?
Como contactas a Charlene?So, how do you make contact with Charlene?
Como contactas um antepassado misterioso de uma mulher com 250 anos?How do you make contact with the mysterious ancestor of a 250-year-old woman?
- Claro. A Beth contacta-te e depois o Sammy envia a mensagem à Beth, parece-me que eles se conheciam.Beth contacts you and then, Sammy sends a message to Beth, so it seems to me that they knew each other.
- Ele é que me contacta.He contacts me.
- Não, deitei-o fora. O Comandante Supremo contacta-o anonimamente, e manda ir buscar o primeiro dossier a um armazém abandonado.The supreme commander contacts you anonymously and tells yoto pick up y/u2 first dossier at an abandoned wareh/u e when I go4 4h%r%, there was an envelope with a picture of another player
- O Ganz contacta-te, quero-te pronto, com vontade, e capaz.Ganz contacts you, I want you ready, willing, and able.
A Djinn verifica os teus recursos financeiros, se ela aprovar, contacta-te diretamente e marca um encontro.If she likes what she sees, she contacts you directly to set a meeting. I don't buy it.
- Como contactamos com todos?How will we contact all the fellas?
- Nós contactamos os funcionários governamentais.-We contacted government officials.
A pedido do Sr. Cooperman, contactamos seus diretores. E eles deram a sua aprovação.At the request of Mr Cooperman, we've contacted your board of directors, and they've given their approval.
Agora contactamos a Liga.- Now we contact The League.
Agora contactamos o Gabinete de Seguraça Social... e fazemos s preparações para o funeral.Now we'll contact your social security bureau and make the burial arrangements.
- Devem tê-la contactado. - Como?They must have contacted her.
- Fui contactado.- I was contacted.
- Não foi contactado por Orion.- You weren't contacted by Orion.
- Tu foste contactado.- You've been contacted.
Abdul deve ter contactado com ele.Abdul must have contacted him.
- Como é que contactam a UAT?- How do you stay in contact with CTU?
- Tem ideia de quantas pessoas, contactam-me todos os anos?- Have you any idea - how many people contact me?
A família é um local onde as mentes contactam umas com as outras.A family is a place where minds "come in contact with one another.
Como é que se contactam?How do you make contact?
Compreende, as pessoas às vezes contactam-nos quando têm vagas.You see, people sometimes contact us when they have positions.
- E eu contactei-a?- And I contacted her?
- Foi isso o que pensei, então contactei a companhia farmacêutica, Bio-Statim.That's what I was thinking, so I contacted the pharmaceutical company, Bio-Statim.
- Quando pirateaste o meu sistema julguei que estavas aqui para prender-me, por isso contactei as autoridades e expressei o meu choque absoluto ao descobrir uma plantação de Jakk debaixo do meu nariz.- When you hacked my system, I thought you were here to bust me, so I contacted the authorities and expressed my absolute shock at finding a jakk grow-op running under my nose.
- Sim, contactei-o no dia 12.Yes, that's right, I contacted him on the 12th.
-Vi-o e contactei o meu investidor.- I saw it, I contacted my investor.
- Assim que contactaste...The moment you contacted him...
- Tens o meu número de telefone. Tens o meu email. Mas não me contactaste uma única vez.You have my phone number, you have my e-mail but you haven't contacted me once, not once in months.
-E tu contactaste-a?And you contacted her?
Depreendo que contactaste a Sra. Allison. Isso é que é estranho.I'm assuming you contacted Allison.
Desde que me contactaste a primeira vez, que sabias que ias precisar de mim para isto, mesmo que eu te tivesse dado a bobina...From the moment you contacted me, you knew you'd need that bypass, even if I had given you the coil --
"O Major Mancheck contactou a Casa Branca ás 11:23 nesta manhã"Major Manchek contacted the White House at 11:23 this morning.
- A minha equipa já o contactou?Has my team contacted you yet?
- A sua mulher sabia, quando nos contactou a semana passada.Your woman knew that when she contacted us last week.
- Alguém contactou o seu pai?Has anyone contacted your father?
- Becca. Quando nos contactou a marcar o encontro, disse que ela devia ir sozinha.When he contacted us to set the meet, he said she has to go alone.
- De qualquer modo parece que as senhoras desaparecidas contactaram o senhor Pendergrass às 6:58 da noite.- Anyhow... it seems the missing ladies contacted Mr. Pendergrass at 6:58 PM.
- Eles contactaram-na? - Não.- Have they contacted you?
85 pessoas contactaram-me e se eu tivesse 300 pessoas, quer dizer, é, sabe...85 people contacted me and If I had 300 people, I mean, it's just, you know... you've just got to scroll down
A lista é de pessoas que contactaram a Aliança, para pedir ajuda para encontrar desaparecidos.List consisted of people who contacted Lost Heroes Alliance for help with a missing person.
Ambas contactaram uma pessoa conhecida como "0" antes de morrer.They both contacted a person known as "0" before they died.
Aqui o Sr. Shrevnitz irá dizer-lhe... como o contactarei, caso precise da sua ajuda.Mr. Shrevnitz here will instruct you... in the way in which I will contact you should I require your help.
Alguém a contactará e mandá-la-á dizer uma palavra.Someone will contact you and tell you to say two words.
Deus nos contactará através deste mensageiro.God will contact us through this holy messenger.
O Anton contactará os Servicos Secretos britânicos.Anton will contact the British intelligence.
Quando chegar a hora, alguém o contactará.When the time comes, someone will contact you.
Sabemos que se o assassino não tem contacto com as vítimas, ele contactará os Media.We know if the killer has no contact with his victims, he will contact the media.
"Em breve contactaremos consigo""We will contact you soon."
Bom, se houver algum indício de que Anne tenha sido tirada do Nebraska certamente contactaremos o FBI.Well, if there is some indication that Anne has been taken from the Nebraska certainly will contact the FBI.
Morgan e eu contactaremos o escritório local do FBI, para organizar um cessar-fogo entre as famílias.Morgan and I will contact the local FBI office and arrange a ceasefire with the families.
Acredito que sabia que o Reddington me contactaria.I believe he had advance knowledge that Reddington would contact me.
Ele disse que, se estivesse correcto, me contactaria do Além.He said if he were right, he would contact me from the great beyond.
Nunca pensámos em quem o Tom era, nem a gente dele, nem como Deus os contactara.I guess we never thought about who Tom was, or his people, or how God had contacted them.
"Alguém que tenha informação, contacte o coordenador, FBI, São Francisco."Anyone having information contact the special agent in charge, FBI, San Francisco."
"Caso reconheça este homem, por favor contacte a polícia..."If you recognize this man, please contact the local...
"Mr. Osborne receia que Mr. Grey a contacte aqui em Halle.""Mr. Osborne was afraid she might be contacted... by a certain Mr. Grey here in Halle. "
"Não contacte a polícia, nem os jornais...You Know, don`t contact the police... or the media...
"Para recargas, contacte Dr. Malaga.""For refills, contact Dr. Malaga."
"Não me contactes novamente até o Hassan estar morto."Don't contact me again until Hassan is dead.
"Não me contactes.Do not contact me.
- Não, não o contactes.- No, don't contact him.
A partir de hoje, não me contactes.From now on, do not initiate contact with me,
Acho que preciso que contactes a embaixada, Freddie.I think I'm going to need you to contact the Embassy, Freddie.
- Então, contactemos, ao menos, a Igreja.Then at least let's contact the church.
- Quer que contactemos essa pessoa?Would you like us to contact them?
A lei manda que os contactemos sempre que há um... incidente.We're required by law to contact them whenever there's an... incident.
A sua mãe tem sido bastante firme em não querer que a contactemos.Your mom"s been pretty firm about us not trying to contact you.
Alguém que queira que contactemos?Anyone you want us to contact?
"Vou-me embora. Não contactem as autoridades."I'm going away, don't contact the authorities,
'Há uma emergência de família, contactem a minha mãe ou o meu pai.' O próximo.""'There's a family emergency, please contact my mom or my dad.' Next."
- Os outros preparem a base, trabalhem nos perfis geográficos, contactem os residentes e tenham cuidado.Establish contact with the locals,and tread carefully.
- Por favor, contactem-nos de imediato.We just ran. - Please contact us.
- Preciso que contactem alguém.I need you to get in contact with someone.
E o fato de ele estar contactando você indica que... ele acha que você deve algo a ele.and the fact that he's contacting you indicates that he believes you owe him something.
Está contactando-o outra vez?Is he contacting you again?
Pode evitar que isto aconteça com outras, fazendo o correcto e contactando a polícia de Atlanta.You can stop this from happening to others by doing the right thing and contacting the Atlanta P.D.
- Obrigado por nos contactarem tão depressa.- Thank you for contacting us. - When l read the fbi's alert,
- Pelo menos não sem me contactarem.- At least not without contacting me. - You there.
Agora, no caso de não conseguirem entrar em contacto comigo, não há motivo para não contactarem uns com os outros.Now, in the event that you can't get through to me, there's no reason you can't contact each other.
Arriscaram-se a comprometer toda a operação ao nos contactarem.And you've risked compromising the whole operation just by contacting us.
As autoridades pedem a todas as Claire Matthews para contactarem a Polícia local.Authorities are asking anyone named Claire Matthews to please contact their local law enforcement.
"Paga-te se o contactares.""Will pay good money if you contact him."
- Eles disseram para os contactares...- They said for you to contact them...
Antes de contactares aquele homem, há coisas que tens de saber sobre ele.All right, before you make contact with that man, there are things I have to tell you about him. I don't really want to hear it.
Bem, é melhor contactares os outros.Well you'd better contact the others, Derek.
Confio em ti para contactares as autoridades necessárias.I'm relying on you to contact the necessary authorities.
- Ele disse para não o contactarmos a não ser que seja preciso.- He told us not to contact him unless there was an emergency.
- Para não contactarmos ninguém. - Para o vosso próprio bem!- You told us not to make contact.
Até contactarmos os Asgard, ordeno que desliguem o robô.Until we successfully contact the Asgard, I am ordering you to shut the robot down.
Bill, se não identificarmos e contactarmos todas as pessoas que contactou, vamos ter a cidade inteira contagiada. Quantas pessoas?Bill, if we do not identify and track down everyone you have come in contact with, we are gonna have a citywide epidemic, so how many people?
Boscombe, se nao contactarmos daqui a 10 minutos, marque a Terra e informe.Bosco, if we don't make radio contact in ten minutes, dial Earth and report in.

More Portuguese verbs


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