Divorciar (to divorce) conjugation

93 examples

Conjugation of divorciar

Present tense
I divorce
you divorce
he/she divorces
we divorce
you all divorce
they divorce
Present perfect tense
tenho divorciado
I have divorced
tens divorciado
you have divorced
tem divorciado
he/she has divorced
temos divorciado
we have divorced
tendes divorciado
you all have divorced
têm divorciado
they have divorced
Past preterite tense
I divorced
you divorced
he/she divorced
we divorced
you all divorced
they divorced
Future tense
I will divorce
you will divorce
he/she will divorce
we will divorce
you all will divorce
they will divorce
Conditional mood
I would divorce
you would divorce
he/she would divorce
we would divorce
you all would divorce
they would divorce
Past imperfect tense
I used to divorce
you used to divorce
he/she used to divorce
we used to divorce
you all used to divorce
they used to divorce
Past perfect tense
tinha divorciado
I had divorced
tinhas divorciado
you had divorced
tinha divorciado
he/she had divorced
tínhamos divorciado
we had divorced
tínheis divorciado
you all had divorced
tinham divorciado
they had divorced
Future perfect tense
terei divorciado
I will have divorced
terás divorciado
you will have divorced
terá divorciado
he/she will have divorced
teremos divorciado
we will have divorced
tereis divorciado
you all will have divorced
terão divorciado
they will have divorced
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha divorciado
I have divorced
tenhas divorciado
you have divorced
tenha divorciado
he/she has divorced
tenhamos divorciado
we have divorced
tenhais divorciado
you all have divorced
tenham divorciado
they have divorced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have divorced
(if/so that) you will have divorced
(if/so that) he/she will have divorced
(if/so that) we will have divorced
(if/so that) you all will have divorced
(if/so that) they will have divorced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver divorciado
I will have divorced
tiveres divorciado
you will have divorced
tiver divorciado
he/she will have divorced
tivermos divorciado
we will have divorced
tiverdes divorciado
you all will have divorced
tiverem divorciado
they will have divorced
Imperative mood
let's divorce!
Imperative negative mood
não divorcies
do not divorce!
não divorcie
let him/her/it not divorce!
não divorciemos
let us not divorce!
não divorcieis
do not divorce!
não divorciem
do not divorce!

Examples of divorciar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Certamente pareceria um ridículo a querer divorciar-se quatro dias depois do casamento""You'd look rather foolish trying to divorce me now after four days of marriage,
"Pareceria bastante estúpido... tentares divorciar-te de mim depois de quatro de casamento,"You'd look rather foolish trying to divorce me now after four days of marriage,
- Não me vou divorciar, Christina. - Porquê?I'm not going to divorce you, Cristal.
- Não planeio divorciar-me.I have no plans to divorce.
- Temos que nos divorciar.- We have to divorce.
! Não, eu voltei aqui para terminar o meu divorcio.No, I came down here to finalize my divorce.
"Suba mais uma montanha e divorcio-me de você."Peach said to me, "If you climb 1 more mountain, I will divorce you."
- Caso com o Calculon, divorcio-me, fico com metade do dinheiro, e volto a ser um homem.I marry Calculon, divorce him... Take half his money and turn back into a guy.
- O advogado de divorcio?- The divorce attorney?
- O quê? De cada vez que a minha mulher pede o divorcio, eu sugiro terapia de casais.Every time my wife wants a divorce, I suggest couples therapy.
- Porque não te divorcias dela?- Why don't you divorce her?
Casas comigo de novo e divorcias-te?Divorce me? Marry me again and then divorce me?
Ela não pode se divorcias?Doesn't she have the right to divorce and build a new life?
Então, porque não te divorcias dele?So why don't you just divorce him then?
Ficas com quem quer que seja, e então surpreendes-te e/ou te divorcias quando não corre bem.You just shack up with whoever's in the room, and then you get surprised and/or divorced when it doesn't work out.
"Proeminente banqueiro se divorcia da mulher para se casar com garota de coro""Prominent banker divorces wife to marry chorus girl."
A galdéria da mãe divorcia-se do pai e envolve-se com um bêbedo.White-trash mom divorces dad, starts up with some guy who's a drinker.
Aquele que se divorcia é uma boa pessoa?Who do you think divorces? A good person?
Assim o meu velho amigo escreve a persuadir-me a não voltar; e minha própria esposa se divorcia.So my old friend writes to persuade me back and my own wife divorces me.
E divorcia-se de mim com uma acusação falsa? !And then divorces me for fake-cheating?
- 1500 dólares... Voltarei à vida, alegarei amnésia e logo nos divorciamos.I'll come back to life, claim amnesia... and we'll get a divorce.
- Agora que estamos divorciamos...Now that we're divorced...
- Nunca nos divorciamos.We were never divorced.
-Nós nos divorciamos.- She's not my wife. We're divorced.
Acham que eu matei Susan porque nos divorciamos?You think I killed Susan because we got divorced?
! Ele é divorciado!He is divorced.
- Casado, divorciado.- Are you married? - Married, divorced.
- E dizes-te divorciado?- You call yourself divorced?
- Ele é divorciado, tem um filho.- He's divorced. He has one kid.
- Então, pai divorciado?-So,divorced dad,huh?
- As pessoas normais divorciam-se.- Normal people get a divorce,
- Bom, isso acontece quando os pais se divorciam.Well, that's what happens when mummies and daddies get divorced.
- Os irmãos não se divorciam.Brothers don't get divorced. Yeah, I know.
- Os italianos não se divorciam.É uma sina.- Italians don't get divorced. It's a sin.
Além disso são monogâmicos, e até se divorciam.Furthermore, they are monogamous. They can even divorce.
"2" são as vezes que me casei e divorciei.Two is the times l've been married and divorced.
- Eu divorciei-me há um mês, certo?- I was divorced a month ago.
- Já me divorciei duas vezes.I've been divorced twice.
- Já, divorciei-me.- No, I'm divorced.
- Sim. - Sabe, eu... Isso foi quando me divorciei, em 2005.So that was like when I got divorced, so that was back in like 2005.
- E tu também te divorciaste- You got divorced.
- Nunca te divorciaste.- You've never been divorced.
- Porque te divorciaste?Why'd you get divorced?
- Porque é que não te divorciaste de mim?- Why haven't you divorced me?
Agora compreendo porque te divorciaste depois destes anos todos.I'm not surprised you got divorced after all these years.
- Bom, está prestes a casar novamente... com o homem do qual se divorciou há, apenas, um ano e meio atrás.Well, you're about to re-marry a man you divorced only a year and a half ago.
- Casou-se e divorciou-se...- He got married and divorced...
- Diz que se divorciou duas vezes, não tem filhos.Yeah, it says divorced twice, no kids.
- E divorciou-se.- And divorced.
- Ela divorciou-se e ficou com tudo.She divorced me, she took everything.
"Pois, os meus pais divorciaram-se há alguns anos."Yeah, my parents got divorced a couple years back.
- Ele era advogado de divórcios e eles divorciaram-se.- He used to be a divorce lawyer and they got divorced.
- Foi por isso que se divorciaram?That why you got divorced?
- Há quanto tempo se divorciaram?How long have you been divorced?
- Os meus pais divorciaram-se...-My parents got divorced...
Ela disse que se divorciaria de mim.She said she would divorce me.
- Ele que se divorcie.-Let him divorce me.
- Então divorcie-se.Then get a divorce. I was planning on it.
A não ser que me divorcie dela.Unless I divorce her, of course.
Agora eu sinto que quer que me divorcie no meu primeiro aniversário.Now I feel I will get divorced on my first anniversary.
Diga-lhe, que da próxima vez não se divorcie!Tell him not to get divorced next time!
- Não quero que te divorcies.- I don't want you to divorce.
- Por favor, não te divorcies.- Please don't get divorced.
A não ser que te divorcies.Unless you got a divorce.
Não te divorcies.Don't get divorced.
Talvez Deus tenha outras preocupações, além de decidir se quer que tu te divorcies ou não.Maybe god has more on his mind than judging whether you get a divorce or not.
Então, o que estás a sugerir é que voltemos, não nos divorciemos, mas também não estejamos casados?So what you're saying is we get back together, - not divorced, but not be married, either?
Talvez seja melhor que nos divorciemos hoje à noite.Maybe it would be best to finalize our divorce tonight itself.
- Agora estou. - Estou farta disto, divorciem-se.-now yes. - look, both of you are anoying get divorced already.
Dizíamos, "Força, divorciem-se."We'd say "Go ahead. "Get the divorce."
Não queremos que vocês se divorciem.We don't want you guys to get a divorce. What?
Não quero que a minha mamã e o meu papá se divorciem.I do not want Mom and Dad divorced.
Os miúdos não gostam que os pais se divorciem.Kids don't like it when their parents get divorced.
- Divorciando, Liam, divorciando.- Divorcing, Liam, divorcing.
-Mas não está se divorciando dele? -Claro.- Isn't that the bird you're divorcing now?
-Mas não está se divorciando dele?Isn't that the bird you're divorcing now?
Estava-me divorciando de meu marido mas morreu antes que chegassem os papéis.I was divorcing my husband but he died before the final papers came through.
Mel e Mike estão se divorciando.Mel and Mike are divorcing.
- Deixa-os discutirem e divorciarem-se.Let them fight and get divorced.
Achas que se os meus pais se divorciarem, o meu pai vai querer ir para uma casa vazia?- Do you think if my parents get divorced, my Dad's gonna want to go home to an empty house?
Alguma chance de vocês dois se divorciarem?Any chance you two will get a divorce?
Depois de se divorciarem, a compra de jóias parou.After they got divorced, the jewelry buying stopped.
Depois de se divorciarem, o Ronnie amava a Tammy tanto que a pediu em casamento de novo.After they got divorced, Ronnie loved on Tammy so much he asked her to marry him again.
A tua resposta para tudo é divorciares-te, por isso...Your answer to everything is to get divorced.
Assim que te divorciares.As soon as the divorce.
Bem, para ser honesto, se te divorciares dela, ela vai ficar provavelmente com tudo o que tens.Well, to be honest, if you divorce her, she'll probably get everything you have.
Conheceste alguém depois de te divorciares?You meet anybody since you got divorced?
Digamos que estás prestes a te divorciares... Tu não queres que o prestes-a-ser-ex saiba quanto vales.Let's say you're about to get divorced... you don't want your soon-to-be-ex to know how much you're worth.
Aconteceu depois de o teu pai e eu nos divorciarmos, quando o Sam e eu estávamos juntos.It happened after your father and I were divorced, when Sam and I were together.
Depois de eu e a tua avó nos divorciarmos, olhei para o mapa e escolhi o sítio mais afastado de toda a gente que eu conhecia. Vendi tudo o que tinha e vim para cá.After your grandmother and I divorced, I looked at a map found the point farthest from all the people I knew at the time, said, "There" sold everything I had and came here.
Desculpa, depois de nos divorciarmos não te diz respeito o que eu fiz.I'm sorry, but this is none of your business what I did... - I think it might be. - ..after I divorce you.
E acho que seremos ambos muito mais felizes se nos divorciarmos.and I think that both of us will be a lot happier if we get a divorce.
E tudo aconteceu mesmo antes de nos divorciarmos.And this all happened right before we got divorced.

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