Dominar (to dominate) conjugation

77 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to restrain oneself, rule, master, to control, to control oneself, to master, to rule, control

Conjugation of dominar

Present tense
I dominate
you dominate
he/she dominates
we dominate
you all dominate
they dominate
Present perfect tense
tenho dominado
I have dominated
tens dominado
you have dominated
tem dominado
he/she has dominated
temos dominado
we have dominated
tendes dominado
you all have dominated
têm dominado
they have dominated
Past preterite tense
I dominated
you dominated
he/she dominated
we dominated
you all dominated
they dominated
Future tense
I will dominate
you will dominate
he/she will dominate
we will dominate
you all will dominate
they will dominate
Conditional mood
I would dominate
you would dominate
he/she would dominate
we would dominate
you all would dominate
they would dominate
Past imperfect tense
I used to dominate
you used to dominate
he/she used to dominate
we used to dominate
you all used to dominate
they used to dominate
Past perfect tense
tinha dominado
I had dominated
tinhas dominado
you had dominated
tinha dominado
he/she had dominated
tínhamos dominado
we had dominated
tínheis dominado
you all had dominated
tinham dominado
they had dominated
Future perfect tense
terei dominado
I will have dominated
terás dominado
you will have dominated
terá dominado
he/she will have dominated
teremos dominado
we will have dominated
tereis dominado
you all will have dominated
terão dominado
they will have dominated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha dominado
I have dominated
tenhas dominado
you have dominated
tenha dominado
he/she has dominated
tenhamos dominado
we have dominated
tenhais dominado
you all have dominated
tenham dominado
they have dominated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have dominated
(if/so that) you will have dominated
(if/so that) he/she will have dominated
(if/so that) we will have dominated
(if/so that) you all will have dominated
(if/so that) they will have dominated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver dominado
I will have dominated
tiveres dominado
you will have dominated
tiver dominado
he/she will have dominated
tivermos dominado
we will have dominated
tiverdes dominado
you all will have dominated
tiverem dominado
they will have dominated
Imperative mood
let's dominate!
Imperative negative mood
não domines
do not dominate!
não domine
let him/her/it not dominate!
não dominemos
let us not dominate!
não domineis
do not dominate!
não dominem
do not dominate!

Examples of dominar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Só o Tojo era suficientemente forte "para dominar o exército que estava descontroladoThe Tojo was only enough strong to dominate the army that it was uncontrolled
- Talvez tenhas nascido para dominar.- Maybe you were born to dominate... - oh, no.
- onde desgraça e sofrimento pareciam dominar cada aspecto da vida.- Where misfortune and suffering appeared to dominate every aspect of life.
...mandaramhomensparafora da atmosfera da Terra. Numa época em que a corrida ao espaço começou a dominar a imaginação... ...Kubrickcaptouoespíritodaépoca ao colaborar num filme...As the space race came to dominate the popular imagination Kubrick captured the spirit of the times by collaborating on a film with the science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke.
A Nickels e a Green continuam a dominar o primeiro set.Nickels and Green are just continuing to dominate this first set.
Sou linda, sou fixe E domino o liceuI'm pretty, I'm cool I dominate this school
Você pode ver como eu o domino?Can you see how I dominate him?
-E dominas!-And dominate!
Está bem? Tu dominas, tu controlas... precisas de ser o centro das atenções.You dominate, you're controlling and God forbid you be the centre of attention.
Tu dominas-me.You dominate me.
A Bark Organics domina o mercado da Califórnia.Phil, help me! Bark Organics dominates the California market.
A americana domina o homem, a francesa ainda não.The American woman dominates the man. The French doesn't dominate him yet.
A ansiedade actual que domina a nossa sociedade baseia-se na crise de identidade que todos nós sofremos.Anxiety of the present time that dominates our society stems from the identity crisis that we all suffer
A força que necessita para fazer isso e transportar partes do corpo, indicam que provavelmente trabalha com um parceiro submisso, que domina consoante os seus planos.The strength required to do this and transport body parts, it's likely that she's working with a submissive partner she dominates with her agenda.
A transformação de inverno em verão é tão dramática que domina a vida de todos que vivem por aqui.The transformation from winter to summer is so dramatic that it dominates the lives of all who live here.
Numa situação normal, dominamos completamente a mota, como se estivéssemos no comando.In a normal condition, you fully dominate your bike, like you are in control.
Nós dominamos!- We dominate! - Woo!
Nós não as dominamos, as protegemos.We don't dominate you. We protect you.
Nós, romanos, dominamos o mundo pelo medo, mas aqui descobri a semente de um outro mundo, de outro reino, onde os homens não vivem com medo, mas com amor."We Romans dominate the world in fear... "but here I've discovered the beginning of another world- "of another kingdom-
É assim que dominamos os cérebros deles.That's how we dominate their brain.
"O dominante é dominado por sua dominaço", bela frase!Marx said, "The dominant is dominated by his domination."
"esteja dominado pelos Alemães.""is dominated by the Germans.
- Vais ser dominado.- You get to be dominated.
A World Racing tem dominado a primeira metade da corrida.The World Racing dominated the first half of the race.
Acho que a minha hipótese principal é a de que uma mulher que opera num meio dominado pelos homens sente a necessidade de compensar em demasiado sendo assim exponencialmente mais implacável e diabólica do que os já estabelecidos colegas masculinos.l guess my central hypothesis is that as a woman operating in a male-dominated field you felt the need to overcompensate by being exponentially more ruthless and diabolical than your established male counterparts.
"Finais do Condado: as Bullfrogs dominam as Panters enfraquecidas."County Finals, "Lady bullfrogs dominate injury-plague the Panthers. "
A América é um prémio cobiçado pelas despóticas mega-corporações que dominam agora o nosso planeta.America is a prize coveted by the despotic mega-corporations that now dominate our planet.
A Nickels e a Green dominam totalmente e lideram um jogo a zero.Nickels and Green absolutely dominate as they lead one game to zero.
A questão de uma classe dominante, oligarquia como uma classe dominante, é colocada por Platão em "A República", onde vemos que a oligarquia é uma constituição cheia de muitos males, onde os ricos dominam o governo por comprá-lo,The question of a ruling class, oligarchy as a ruling class, is posed by Plato in The Republic, where we find that oligarchy is a constitution full of many evils, where the rich dominate the government by buying it,
Após décadas de crescimento, diferentes espécies de coral dominam áreas específicas dos destroços.After decades of growth, different species of corals dominate particular areas of the wreck.
Achas que eu dominei?You thought I dominated?
Agora, que já dominei muito tempo a conversação, o que pensa sobre este assunto?Now, I've too long dominated the conversation. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Eu dominei na missão do bolo.I dominated on cake patrol.
Eu dominei. Por isso, agora vou dominar.I dominated, so I get to dominate.
Eu te dominei.I dominated you.
Pronto, Shaq, dominaste tudo hoje.Okay, Shaq, so you dominated down low tonight.
Tu dominaste.You dominated. No.
Vi a forma como dominaste a Jessica no julgamento e só perdeste por causa de um truque.I saw the way you dominated Jessica at Harvey's trial and lost because of some trick.
"do homem que dominou tantos anos aqui em Mugello.""of the man who has dominated so many years here at Mugello. "
A Ferrari dominou completamente a ...Ferrari have completely dominated the...
A Ivy realmente dominou aquela última onda.Ivy really dominated that last wave.
A sua Corporação mais poderosa, as industrias Daiwa, dominou a economia nos últimos 10 anos de isolamento.Its most powerful corporation, Daiwa Heavy Industries, has dominated the economy for the past years of isolation.
Christoph Sumann ganhou o Campeonato Mundial de Biatlón, e Gregor Schlierenzauer de 19 anos dominou o Campeonato Mundial de Salto de Ski em Kulm.Christoph Sumann took the Biathlon World Cup, and 19-year-old Gregor Schlierenzauer dominated the Ski Jump World Cup at Kulm.
Desde então, os europeus dominaram o globo... com a mesma combinação de poderio militar... germes letais e tecnologia avançada.Ever since, people of European origin have dominated the globe, with the same combination of military power, lethal microbes and advanced technology.
Eles dominaram o torneio até agora, e os EHOME ganham a primeira partida com imensa confiança.They've dominated this tournament up till now, and EHOME takes the first match so convincingly.
Eles eram um pesadelo e eles dominaram as terras.They were a nightmare to behold and they dominated the lands.
Houve três grandes impérios que dominaram o mundo, militar e culturalmente...There were three great empires... that dominated the world both culturally and militarily...
Mas é justo dizer, que durante as décadas de 1960 e 1970, estes dois génios, aqui no Caltech, dominaram o mundo da Física de Partículas.But during the 1960s and '70s, these two geniuses here at Caltech dominated the world of particle physics.
B-H-S dominará o resto!B-H-S will dominate the rest!
Mas, para mim, a segurança de novo dominará este ano.But my instinct is that security will dominate again this year.
Na Rússia, contacta com um povo que dominará o norte da Europa, os Vikings.In Russia, he makes contact with people Who will dominate Northern Europe: the Vikings.
O seu "vestido do dia", é extremamente magnífico, é tão colorido, Eu estou receoso que dominará a fotografia e esconderá a sua beleza natural.Your garment du jour, while extremely magnificent, is so colorful, l am afraid it will dominate the photograph and detract from your natural beauty.
Um dia, o Império dominará o mundo.One day the Empire will dominate the world.
Eles dominarão o mundo outra vez, e aqueles de nós que ainda estiverem vivos...They will dominate the world again, And those of us who are still alive
Mas que fique claro os interesses dos Atreides dominarão!But make it clear, Atreides interests will dominate.
Estilo que dominaria nossas igrejas no século seguinte.It's a style that would dominate our churches for the next century.
Pensei que assim como o homem tinha dominado o mundo sozinho, eu dominaria o meu.And I resolved that as Man had dominated the world of the sun... so I would dominate my world.
Seria um império católico. Vasto e poderoso, que dominaria o oeste europeu.This would be a Catholic empire, vast and powerful, that would dominate the west of Europe.
À luz do velho paradigma, uma morreria e a outra dominaria.Under the old paradigm, one would die, the other would dominate.
A competição pelos recursos assegura que nenhuma espécie domine a selva.The competition for resources ensures that no one species dominates the jungle.
Agora deixas que ele te domine.Now you just let him dominate you.
Não deixe que ela o domine, seja você mesmo, independente.Don't let her dominate you. Be yourself. -Be independent.
Precisa é de um homem que a domine.What she needs is a man to dominate her.
Quer que a descendência deles domine o mundo?Do you want their progeny to dominate the world?
Preciso que me domines, porque é isso que dá um rumo e propósito à minha vida. A vida corre bem.I need you to dominate me because it gives me direction and a purpose in life.
Quero que domines na Nacional.I want you to dominate at nationals.
Quero que me domines.I want you to dominate me.
A cria de dois outros chimpanzés falantes, Cornelius e Zira, que vieram do futuro para nós, anos atrás, e foram assassinados por medo de que, num futuro distante, os macacos talvez dominem a raça humana.The child ofthe two talking apes, Cornelius and Zira, who came to us years ago out ofthe future and were murdered for fear that one distant day apes might dominate the human race.
Temos de enfrentar a ameaça com a nossa coragem, o nosso sangue, porventura com a própria vida, para garantir que a civilização humana, e não os insectos, dominem a nossa Galáxia agora e para sempre.We must meet the threat.... with our valor, our blood... indeed with our very lives... to ensure that human civilization. Not insect.... dominates this galaxy now and always.
- Ricky Bobby fez novamente o impossível e ele está dominando a nascar.Ricky Bobby with yet another impressive win. He is dominating NAS CAR.
Ao explorar diferentes ambientes, não competiam e podiam coexistir, dominando os seus nichos.By exploiting different environments, they didn't compete and could coexist, dominating their chosen habitats.
Desde as Girlschool, as mulheres tornaram-se mais visíveis no Metal, não só liderando algumas das bandas de Metal mais importantes do mundo, como também estão dominando já a técnica masculina de vozes guturais.From Girlschool, women have become more visible in the metal, not only leading some of the biggest metal bands in the world, but dominating the technical extreme male grunts.
E, dominando o local, está a grande pirâmide de El Castillo... um templo construído em honra do deus-serpente maia Kukulkan.And dominating the site is the great pyramid El Castillo... a temple built to honor the Mayan serpent god Kukulkan.
Estes conquistaram todos os continentes, dominando a vida na Terra por mais de 150 milhões de anos.They conquered every continent, dominating life on Earth for more than 150 million years.
Há pessoas que pagam montes de dinheiro para os personagens subirem de nível e dominarem nestes jogos.Some people even get paid loads of money to level up characters that can dominate in these games.
Vamos deixá-los dominarem todo o mercado de computadores?Will Big Blue dominate the entire computer industry?
Ensina-me. Para dominares o universo, prime o botão amarelo primeiro, vira a roda azul e depois a verde...So, to dominate the universe, hit the yellow button first.

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