Empregar (to employ) conjugation

61 examples

Conjugation of empregar

Present tense
I employ
you employ
he/she employs
we employ
you all employ
they employ
Present perfect tense
tenho empregado
I have employed
tens empregado
you have employed
tem empregado
he/she has employed
temos empregado
we have employed
tendes empregado
you all have employed
têm empregado
they have employed
Past preterite tense
I employed
you employed
he/she employed
we employed
you all employed
they employed
Future tense
I will employ
you will employ
he/she will employ
we will employ
you all will employ
they will employ
Conditional mood
I would employ
you would employ
he/she would employ
we would employ
you all would employ
they would employ
Past imperfect tense
I used to employ
you used to employ
he/she used to employ
we used to employ
you all used to employ
they used to employ
Past perfect tense
tinha empregado
I had employed
tinhas empregado
you had employed
tinha empregado
he/she had employed
tínhamos empregado
we had employed
tínheis empregado
you all had employed
tinham empregado
they had employed
Future perfect tense
terei empregado
I will have employed
terás empregado
you will have employed
terá empregado
he/she will have employed
teremos empregado
we will have employed
tereis empregado
you all will have employed
terão empregado
they will have employed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha empregado
I have employed
tenhas empregado
you have employed
tenha empregado
he/she has employed
tenhamos empregado
we have employed
tenhais empregado
you all have employed
tenham empregado
they have employed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have employed
(if/so that) you will have employed
(if/so that) he/she will have employed
(if/so that) we will have employed
(if/so that) you all will have employed
(if/so that) they will have employed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver empregado
I will have employed
tiveres empregado
you will have employed
tiver empregado
he/she will have employed
tivermos empregado
we will have employed
tiverdes empregado
you all will have employed
tiverem empregado
they will have employed
Imperative mood
let's employ!
Imperative negative mood
não empregues
do not employ!
não empregue
let him/her/it not employ!
não empreguemos
let us not employ!
não empregueis
do not employ!
não empreguem
do not employ!

Examples of empregar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" E a tripulação, é moral e legalmente, autorizada a empregar a força para lhe retirar o comando"."and his crew is morally and legally entitled... "to employ forceful means in wresting his command from him."
Ainda assim ele tem caixa o suficiente para empregarMIKE: And yet he has the cash flow to employ a small army of thugs.
Aquele tipo raro de activo que nenhum governo jamais admitiria empregar.The kind of unique asset that no government would ever admit to employing.
Cartas ordenando o ministro para empregar Mohammed Sheik Agiza O gajo que tem na sua posse um míssil.Letters instructing his water ministry to employ Mohammed Sheik Agiza the guy who has your missile.
Continuas a empregar aquele homem, depois de ter-te dito para despedi-lo.Continuing to employ that man, after I specifically asked you to fire him!
"Se se pode ter emprego pleno a matar Alemães," "porque não se pode ter emprego pleno construindo hospitais," "construindo escolas, contratando enfermeiras, contratando professores?""If you can have full employment by killing Germans, why can't we have it by building hospitals, schools, recruiting nurses and teachers?"
"ajudaria no emprego necessário de oficiais,"it would result in the needed employment of crime fighters,
"não posso aceitar o emprego sob essas circunstâncias.""I can't possibly accept employment under those circumstances."
"À procura de emprego"..."Seeking employment.
- A menos que tenhas emprego.- Unless you're already employed.
Eu sei que tu não empregas casais, como te sentirias se eu e a Sally nos casassemos?I know you don't employ couples, but how would you feel about Sally and I getting married?
"Deus emprega vários tradutores."God employs several translators.
- A CIA emprega idiotas.CIA employs idiots. That's what's going on.
- O Caleb emprega milhares de pessoas. Nenhuma é mais qualificada do que eu.Caleb Nichol employs thousands of people, none of whom are more experienced or qualified as I am.
A Comissão do Jogo diz que empregados chave... não estão autorizados a apostar no casino que os emprega.Gaming Commission says key employees... aren't allowed to wager at the casino that employs them.
A Global Gym emprega pessoas altamente treinadas, ...quase culturais, ...especialistas pessoais em alterações.Globo Gym employs a highly trained, quasi-cultural staff of personal alteration specialists.
- em especial quando os empregamos.- especially not one that you employ.
Ainda empregamos métodos tribais selvagens, obtém-se resultados.We still employ savage, tribal methods. They get results.
Como contributo para a crise no emprego não empregamos mulheres casadas.As an aid to the unemployment crisis, we do not employ married women.
Diz que não te empregamos, nem te damos reformas, assistência jurídica ou clínica.It says we do not employ you, offer you benefits, or pensions... or legal aid or medical assistance.
E nós empregamos muitos telepatas que pertencem ao Psi Corps.And we employ a lot of telepaths who belong to the Psi Corps.
- Estou auto-empregado.- I'm self-employed.
- Está empregado, Ben?- Are you employed, Ben?
- Não estou mais empregado.- I'm no longer employed. - Helzer:
- Não, porque falou com a Janet no seu último dia como empregado.No, because he talked to Janet Dodd the last day he was employed.
Anciãos fae não empregam humanos.Fae elders don't employ humans.
As companhias não empregam essas pessoas!He's the unemployable type.
As nossas empresas empregam mais de meio milhão de pessoas.Our companies employ over half a million people.
Bem, é um truque que aprendi com os britânicos na Birmânia, no século 19, eles empregam alguns jovens chap local, cobri-lo em geléia, ele iria segui-los o dia todo e ele atrair os insetos.Well, it's a trick I learnt from the British in Burma in the 19th century, they would employ some local young chap, cover him in jam, he would follow them around all day and he'd attract the insects.
Eles empregam na maioria emigrantes da Europa de leste.They employ mostly Eastern European workers.
Faz ideia de quanta gente empreguei nos últimos 20 anos?- Have you any idea how many people I've employed over the last 20 years?
Tu empregaste-a.You employed her.
A WPA empregou artesãos para pintar isto, durante a Depressão.The WPA employed craftsmen to paint this during the Depression.
Cosimo exigiu uma certa crueldade daqueles que empregou.Cosimo demanded a certain ruthlessness in those he employed.
E empregou-me para os mais sujos trabalhos.And he employed me for many of the foot's dirtier jobs.
E quando a primeira rã se mexeu fora de água e empregou as suas cordas vocais para atrair o parceiro ou retardar o predador, pensas que essa rã que aquele incipiente coaxar evoluiria em todas as línguas do mundo, em toda literatura do mundo?And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords... in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator... do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak... would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world?
E, Raj empregou ela.And Raj employed her
- Mas empregastes Joan Bulmer. - Não posso...- But you employed Joan Bulmer.
Mas empregastes Joan Bulmer, não foi?But you employed Joan Bulmer, didn't you?
Então, empregaram rituais ocultos, e transformaram-no no demónio vivo que agora conhecemos como o Caído, Nosferatu, o mais poderoso vampiro,So they employed occult rituals and transformed him into the living demon that we now know as the Fell One, Nosferatu, primo Master vampire, Dracula.
Concordia empregará muitos homens e mulheres.Concordia will employ massive numbers of men and women.
Pegar nos pequenos erros de Deus e naqueles que Ele abandonou e condicioná-los com a mesma força, o mesmo rigor que empregaríamos para treinar um cão feroz ou um garanhão selvagem.To take God's tiny blunders and those He has forsaken... and condition them with the same force, the same rigor... one would employ to train a feral dog or a wild stallion.
- Lillian, fui empregue pelo seu falecido marido à 13 anos.- Lillian, I've been employed by your late husband for over 1 3 years.
E claro que ninguém acreditará na sua história ridícula de ter sido empregue pelos Serviços Secretos.- You are caught red-handed, and of course nobody is going to believe your story, your ridiculous story about being employed by the secret service. No.
Ele estava empregue como agente da alfândega pelo governo federal.He was employed as a customs agent by the Federal Government.
Intriga-me que empregue amadores como a minha filha.It puzzles me why you choose to employ amateurs like my daughter.
Olha, sei que isto é um pouco invulgar e noutras circunstâncias teria com certeza empregue uma abordagem mais tradicional no que respeita ao namoro e metodologia romântica e tenho a certeza que adoraria todo esse ritual.Look... I know this is, uh, rather unconventional, and under different circumstances I certainly would have employed a more traditional approach with regards to courtship and romantic methodology, and assuredly enjoyed all the ritual of that, but given the time constraints and what I'm potentially faced with...
As entidades aprenderam pelos meios empregues para as deter.The entities learned from the very means that were employed to stop them.
As tácticas que foram empregues nos primeiros dias que cá passamos já não vão ser toleradas.The tactics which we employed on our first days here are no longer to be tolerated.
Ele acredita que lhes falta uma base sólida na realidade, que consiste nas rotinas de autodefesa enumeradas que são ritmos ensaiados empregues e previsíveis.He believes they lack a solid grounding in reality consisting of rehearsed self-defense routines that are employed and predictable in patternized rhythms.
Não empregues ninguém até que tenhamos todos falado devidamente sobre isso.Do not employ anyone until we've talked about this properly.
e da esgrima filipina. Lee optou pelos métodos das duas artes empregues por Inosanto, que ele acreditava que dariam ao filme um elemento visual excitante, e serviriam para quebrar as sequências de luta sem armas.Lee opted to have Inosanto employ methods from both arts which he believed would add an exciting visual element to the film and serve to break up the unarmed combat sequences.
"O trabalho do túnel começou em 1921, "empregando centenas de imigrantes escoceses com os pseudónimos 'sandhogs.'Work on the tunnel began in 1921, employing thousands of Irish immigrants nicknamed 'sandhogs.'
Ali, ele criou uma pequena empreza empregando e ajudando muitos Judeus que tinham sobrevivido aos canmpos, incluido Sobibor.There he ran a small business employing and helping many Jews who had survived the camps, including Sobibor.
Desde o princípio, eu sabia que a Eurisko efectivamente se expandiria, não por tradicionais estruturas ocidentais, mas empregando certas crenças Zen e outras filosofias orientais.From the outset, I knew Eurisko would expand effectively, not by traditional Western structures, but by employing certain Zen beliefs and other Eastern philosophies.
E empregando nisso talvez, metade dos cientistas e grandes tecnologistas do planeta, em empenhos militares.And by employing perhaps half the scientists and high technologists on the planet in military endeavors.
Hoje me agrada lhes anunciar que empresas de propriedade privada serão estabelecidas dentro de nossas penitenciárias empregando a prisioneiros tempo completo a base meritória.Today I am pleased to announce that privately owned enterprises will be set up employing prisoners full time on a merit basis.
Depende da quantidade de pessoas que empregardes.It depends how many people you employ.
Vocês estão muito longe de qualquer rocha ou terra. por isso, se tiverem alguma ilusão sobre empregarem aquele selvajaria que é dominar, esqueçam-no.You are miles away from any rock or earth, so if you have any illusions about... employing that brutish savagery that passes for bending among you people, ... forget them.
Mas se empregares uma estratégia óptima e caíres sempre com um royal flush,But if you employ optimal strategy and always drop with a royal flush,
Talvez devesses procurar uma oportunidade de te empregares.Maybe you should start looking for that dare-to-be-employed situation.

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