Flutuar (to float) conjugation

81 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to fluctuate, fluctuate

Conjugation of flutuar

Present tense
I float
you float
he/she floats
we float
you all float
they float
Present perfect tense
tenho flutuado
I have floated
tens flutuado
you have floated
tem flutuado
he/she has floated
temos flutuado
we have floated
tendes flutuado
you all have floated
têm flutuado
they have floated
Past preterite tense
I floated
you floated
he/she floated
we floated
you all floated
they floated
Future tense
I will float
you will float
he/she will float
we will float
you all will float
they will float
Conditional mood
I would float
you would float
he/she would float
we would float
you all would float
they would float
Past imperfect tense
I used to float
you used to float
he/she used to float
we used to float
you all used to float
they used to float
Past perfect tense
tinha flutuado
I had floated
tinhas flutuado
you had floated
tinha flutuado
he/she had floated
tínhamos flutuado
we had floated
tínheis flutuado
you all had floated
tinham flutuado
they had floated
Future perfect tense
terei flutuado
I will have floated
terás flutuado
you will have floated
terá flutuado
he/she will have floated
teremos flutuado
we will have floated
tereis flutuado
you all will have floated
terão flutuado
they will have floated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha flutuado
I have floated
tenhas flutuado
you have floated
tenha flutuado
he/she has floated
tenhamos flutuado
we have floated
tenhais flutuado
you all have floated
tenham flutuado
they have floated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have floated
(if/so that) you will have floated
(if/so that) he/she will have floated
(if/so that) we will have floated
(if/so that) you all will have floated
(if/so that) they will have floated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver flutuado
I will have floated
tiveres flutuado
you will have floated
tiver flutuado
he/she will have floated
tivermos flutuado
we will have floated
tiverdes flutuado
you all will have floated
tiverem flutuado
they will have floated
Imperative mood
let's float!
Imperative negative mood
não flutues
do not float!
não flutue
let him/her/it not float!
não flutuemos
let us not float!
não flutueis
do not float!
não flutuem
do not float!

Examples of flutuar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Construir uma jangada e levá-lo a flutuar até ao navio.A raft to float him to the ship.
- Näo é para andar, mas flutuar- And do not walk, but try to float.
- Sabe flutuar?- You know how to float?
Acha que é necessário um doutoramento para se poder flutuar?So you think you need a PhD to float?
Andámos a vaguear, destinados a flutuar por entre as ruínas do nosso planeta até morrermos de fome.We were adrift, destined to float amongst the ruins of our planet until we starved.
"Díficil de respirar, parece que flutuo"Hard to breathe, feels like floating
"Você flutua na tábua 10 minutos, eu flutuo 10 minutos.""You float on the wooden thing 10 minutes, I'll float on the thing 10 minutes."
"que flutuo..." "entre nuvens errantes,"I float between wandering clouds,
"É díficil de respirar, parece que flutuo"Hard to breathe, feels like floating
- Não, Eu não flutuo muito bem.No, I don't float very well.
A coisa boa com o Mar Morto é que flutuas nele.The good thing with the dead sea is you just float about in it.
Achas que flutuas acima de tudo.You think you float above it all.
Estás dentro de um ovo dourado e não consegues sair, e flutuas só através do espaço para sempre.That you"re inside a golden egg and you can"t get out, and you float all alone through space forever.
Mas será que flutuas?But can you float?
Não penses que te afundas, pensa que flutuas.I don't think you're sinking. Think, think of floating. There...
"Eu vagueava sozinho como uma nuvem... que flutua em altos vales e colinas"."I wandered lonely as a cloud... that floats on high o'er vales and hills"-
"Que flutua sobre os vales e colinas,"That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
"É lindo contemplá-lo," "flutua sobre o vidro."It's nice to look at and floats on glass.
- Alguma coisa flutua aqui e fica preso.Something floats around in here and gets stuck.
- Claro que ainda flutua.- Of course she still floats.
- Não flutuamos.- Fluffy don't float.
- Porque flutuamos?- Why are we floating?
-Nada. -Quanto tempo flutuamos?How long do we float?
A maioria de nós, flutuamos para o HUT.Most of us just float under the hut, and Story has to screw himself in.
Agora estou nas luzes da morte. É verdade o que eles dizem. Nós flutuamos aqui e vocês também flutuarão.They all float!
A maré está a baixar. O corpo pode ter flutuado depois do impacto.The body could have floated out after impact.
Após alguns dias, levantaram os painéis do chão... e o meu sapato tinha flutuado para lá.After a few days, they took up the panels on the floor ... and that's where my shoe had floated to.
Disse que o orangotango tinha flutuado até si num cacho de bananas.You said the orangutan floated to you on a bundle of bananas.
Ele devia ter flutuado há muito tempo.He should've floated a long time ago.
Ele pode ter flutuado com o seu tesouro roubado, percorrendo todo o caminho até ao mar.He could have floated his stolen treasure all the way to the sea.
"E todavia umas pequenas nuvens flutuam no céu..."And yet such little clouds are floating in the sky
"Sob os céus flutuam as frutas.""Under the heavens fruit floats."
- Afundam-se ou flutuam?- Sinkers or floaters?
- Eles flutuam.-They float.
- Já acreditas que as ratazanas flutuam?Now do you believe dead rats float, Lisa?
Com a força que desejava ainda ter... flutuei na direcção dela.With strength I wish I still possessed I floated towards her.
Então, flutuei.Then I floated.
Eu transformei-me num fantasma, e flutuei para aqui.I turned into a ghost, and floated out.
No meu funeral, eu voltei à vida, no meu caixão, e flutuei até ao tecto, e contei a todos na igreja que eu vi o céu, o inferno e o purgatório, enquanto estava morta.When they had my funeral, I came back to life in my coffin and I floated up to the rafters and told everybody in the church that I saw Heaven and Hell and Purgatory while I was dead.
Nunca senti o Sol na minha cara. Ou respirei ar a sério ou flutuei na água.I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water.
- Apenas podemos confirmar que o corpo de um homem na casa dos setenta anos foi... destruído e flutuou mar adentro possivelmente com alguns haveres pessoais.- We can only confirm that the body of a man in his mid-seventies was... destroyed and floated out to sea possibly with some valuables.
- Ele flutuou a nossa mãe.He floated our mother.
A pena flutuou.Feather floated.
Até que um dia, a Mir flutuou perto da Shenzhen, e perceberam que a vida seria melhor juntos.Then one day, Mir floated by Shenzhen, and they realized life would be better together.
De repente, o vento mudou, e o balão flutuou para baixo... de encontro a essa nobre cidade, onde fui logo aclamado como Oz... o Primeiro Mágico de Luxo!Then suddenly the wind changed and the balloon floated down into the heart of this noble city where I was instantly acclaimed Oz the First Wizard Deluxe!
Eles flutuaram.They floated.
Milhares e milhares de notas que flutuaram po lá.The millions of notes that floated up there...
Soltaram-se do resto dos corpos quando estavam na água, e então os sapatos flutuaram até à superfície.The feet fell off the rest of the bodies when they were in the water, and then the shoes kind of floated them to the surface.
A luxúria será a tua bóia, flutuarás no bafo do Dragão!Your lust will hold you up. You will float on the Dragon's breath.
Fred Haise e eu flutuaremos por este túnel... até ao módulo lunar, deixando...Fred Haise and l will float through this access tunnel... into the lunar module, leaving--
Mas algo sem a nanotecnología, como os tomates do Jen... flutuariam.But anything without the nanotechnology, like Jen's tomatoes... would float.
O pai disse que as pessoas morriam e voltavam como algum tipo de animal. que a parte velha delas flutuariam como fumo. e uma pessoa poderia queimar cartas e conversar com eles desse modo.Pap said people passed on and came back as some kind of animal that the old part of them would float around like smoke and a person could burn letters and talk to them that way
- Espero que flutue.Sure hope it floats.
- Estas botas... evitam que flutue.- He's right... they stop you from floating. Yours are here!
- Precisamos de algo que flutue.- We need something that floats.
- Sim, mas ele quer que flutue.- But he wants it to float.
Após oito anos a enferrujar no molhe, não há garantia que flutue sequer.After eight years rusting on the jetty, there's no guarantee that she will even float.
O sal fará com que flutues.Salt will make you float.
Então que me flutuem.Then they'll float me.
Porque queremos que flutuem? - Porque é fixe.Why do we want 'em to float away?
Preparem todos os navios que flutuem, pela madrugada.Prepare every vessel that floats.
Todas as ferramentas têm de estar acorrentadas à estação... para que não flutuem para o espaço.All of their tools must be tethered to the workstation ... to keep them from floating off into space.
É o órgão que permite que os peixes flutuem.It's the organ that allows fish to float.
"Como um pano flutuando ao longo da corrente do rio""Like a gourd, floating along the river current.
"Leve como uma pena E flutuando pelos ares...Feel like a feather that's floating' on air
"O meu coração flutuando num pântano de lágrimas"My heart's been floating around in a puddle of tears
"Que jaz flutuando no chão Será levantada - nunca mais!"Lies floating on the floor shall be lifted-- nevermore!
"flutuando num vento temperado."floating on a warm wind.
Avistámos destroços a flutuarem esta manhã.We sighted floating debris this morning.
Eles viram todos os corpos a flutuarem com as marés.They've seen all the bodies floating on the tides.
Então, o "Cowboy Espacial" esquartejou o Fulton e fez os bocados flutuarem através das tubagens?So, the Space Cowboy cut the Fulton kid up and floated the pieces through the sewers?
Mas agora, oiço as janelas a abrirem. Lembro-me dos grous flutuarem sobre a neve derretida dos Himalaias.But now I hear the windows opening I remember the cranes floating above the melting snows of the Himalayas
Mas já vi vítimas a flutuarem rio abaixo depois dos Gaboni terem dado cabo delas.Although I've seen victims floating down the river after the Gabonis finished with them.
E tu flutuares e bateres com a cabeça no tecto.And you float up and hang your head on the ceiling.
Não interessa quantos sinais tentadores a tarte te possa fazer ou a forma como ela te tentar penetrar pelas narinas, quero que resistas à tentação de levitares e flutuares à volta da tarte.Now no matter how many beckoning fingers that steam morphs into or how badly it tries to sneak its way up your nose, I want you to resist the urge to levitate off the ground and float towards the pie.
Para flutuares.To float.
Pensa sobre flutuares no oceano.Think about floating in the ocean.
Vais estar amarrado à nave para não flutuares para o espaço.Look, you'll be tethered to the ship so you don't float off into outer space. Got it?
- E quando flutuarmos dentro do Kovacs, no submarino...- So when we're floating around in this Kovacs guy, in the submarine...
senti-me como se flutuasse, como se saísse do meu próprio corpo;I felt like I was floating off. It was like I was coming out of me own body.
Como se flutuassem pelo espaço, enquanto esperavam que alguém os ouvisse.Like they were floating around in space Just waiting for someone to listen.

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