Lamber (to lick) conjugation

89 examples

Conjugation of lamber

Present tense
I lick
you lick
he/she licks
we lick
you all lick
they lick
Present perfect tense
tenho lambido
I have licked
tens lambido
you have licked
tem lambido
he/she has licked
temos lambido
we have licked
tendes lambido
you all have licked
têm lambido
they have licked
Past preterite tense
I licked
you licked
he/she licked
we licked
you all licked
they licked
Future tense
I will lick
you will lick
he/she will lick
we will lick
you all will lick
they will lick
Conditional mood
I would lick
you would lick
he/she would lick
we would lick
you all would lick
they would lick
Past imperfect tense
I used to lick
you used to lick
he/she used to lick
we used to lick
you all used to lick
they used to lick
Past perfect tense
tinha lambido
I had licked
tinhas lambido
you had licked
tinha lambido
he/she had licked
tínhamos lambido
we had licked
tínheis lambido
you all had licked
tinham lambido
they had licked
Future perfect tense
terei lambido
I will have licked
terás lambido
you will have licked
terá lambido
he/she will have licked
teremos lambido
we will have licked
tereis lambido
you all will have licked
terão lambido
they will have licked
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha lambido
I have licked
tenhas lambido
you have licked
tenha lambido
he/she has licked
tenhamos lambido
we have licked
tenhais lambido
you all have licked
tenham lambido
they have licked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have licked
(if/so that) you will have licked
(if/so that) he/she will have licked
(if/so that) we will have licked
(if/so that) you all will have licked
(if/so that) they will have licked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver lambido
I will have licked
tiveres lambido
you will have licked
tiver lambido
he/she will have licked
tivermos lambido
we will have licked
tiverdes lambido
you all will have licked
tiverem lambido
they will have licked
Imperative mood
let's lick!
Imperative negative mood
não lambas
do not lick!
não lamba
let him/her/it not lick!
não lambamos
let us not lick!
não lambais
do not lick!
não lambam
do not lick!

Examples of lamber

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
""Amor de pirulito é... o tipo de amor isso há pouco é realmente doce... e você há pouco amável de desejo lamber isto, você sabe, e chupa isto."Lollipop Love" is... the kind of love that is just really sweet... and you just kind of want to lick it, you know, and suck it.
"Eu quero lamber cada centímetro do teu corpo." Escreveste isto?"I want to lick every inch of your body." You wrote this?
"Nasci para te lamber a cara."I was born to lick your face.
"Quero lamber o teu corpo todo. " O "E" está ao contrário."I want to lick every inch of your body."
"Quero lamber-te a orelha"."I want to lick your ear lobe".
"Até lambo o chão que pisares. ""I'll lick the ground you walk on."
"Eu lambo a doçura dos seus lábios."I lick the sweetness on my lips.
"Não acredito que os teus mamilos ficam erectos quando os lambo" "porque os meus também ficam erectos quando os lambes!""I can't believe your nipple don't get hard when I lick them 'cause mine get hard when you lick mine!"
- Então lambo isto, bebo isto.- So I lick that, drink this.
- Não lambo gatos.- I'm no cat-licker.
"Não acredito que os teus mamilos ficam erectos quando os lambo" "porque os meus também ficam erectos quando os lambes!""I can't believe your nipple don't get hard when I lick them 'cause mine get hard when you lick mine!"
- Por que não lambes esse pau imenso?- Why don't you lick on this big joint?
- Que lambes.-That you lick.
- Sim, lambes isso.- Yeah, you lick that.
Alexandria, não lambes o gelo hoje?Alexandria, no licking the ice today?
"Um rinoceronte cai de cabeça e lambeA rhino drops its head, and licks
- Toda a gente lambe pés.- Everybody licks toes.
A menos que queira falar mais do Tootsie Roll do Phillip e de como ele o lambe.Unless you wanna talk more about Phillip's Tootsie Roll and the way he licks it.
Ali está o Judas Iscariote lambe-botas graxista da cidade, ali mesmo.There's the Judas Iscariot lickspittle nose-wiper from the city, right there.
Além do mais, ele lambe o traseiro todo dia.And besides, he licks his butt every day.
E ainda nos lambemos como verdadeiros gatos.And yet we continue to lick ourselves.
Não faço ideia como chegámos sem que me desse conta, mas o Dana deixou-nos entrar e lambemos o Sino da Liberdade.I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing, but we got out, Dana let us in, and by God, we licked the Liberty Bell.
Nós não lambemos os tomates nesta casa.Hey, we don't lick our balls in this house.
Uma vez lambemos chantilly um do outro.The two of us licked whipped cream off of each other once.
- Lambem? Não fui lambido.I'm not licked.
A forma como cada dedo é lambido e mergulhado roçando as gengivas até desgastar os dentes."The way each finger is licked, dipped in and rubbed across the gums "Until the teeth go away
A que parece ter lambido o cu a um sem-abrigo?The one who looks like she licked a homeless man's ass?
Depois, vou passar por uma loja de animais e ser lambido por cachorrinhos.Then I'm going to stop at a pet store and get licked by puppies.
Deve tê-la olhado de cima a baixo, lambido os lábios e ido consigo, com um sorriso de orelha a orelha.He'd have looked you up and down, licked his lips and gone grinning from ear to ear.
- "... lhes lambem..." - Pronto, acabou-se a "Cosmo".lick their..." Okay, no more cosmo.
- Não sabemos quando nos lambem.Mr. Meriweather, you don't know when you're licked. Licked?
- Os miúdos lambem os brinquedos.The kids are always licking the toys, and...
Basta uma só ordem e os homens lambem o gordurento chão do Inferno só para ver o seu reflexo.While, with a snap of its finger, it makes men lick the greasy floor of hell, just to see its reflection.
Daqueles que se lambem ou autocolantes?The licking kind or self-adhesive?
- Eu lambi-o um pouco.- l've licked that bit.
Acredita, já lambi cada centimetro desse monumento.Believe me, I've licked every inch of that real estate.
Além disso, já a lambi.Besides, I already lickeded it.
Beijei-o onde ele quis, lambi-o onde ele quis.I kissed him where he wanted. I licked him where he wanted.
Claro que to lambi do teu queixo primeiro.Of course I licked it off your chin first.
E lambeste-me a orelha.And you licked my ear.
E quando chegamos ao topo, saltaste e lambeste as minhas coxas até eu me vir.And when we reached the summit, you jumped up and licked my thighs until I came.
Então lambeste os meus dedos.CHUCKLES And then you licked me finger.
O Donger ligou, e disse que o abandonaste, tiraste informações de um computador restrito, e lambeste um rolo de selos antigos.Donger just called and said you abandoned him, took information from a classified computer, and licked a roll of antique stamps.
O que a Dra. disse sobre serem canibais, lá nas grutas, quando me lambeste...What the doc said about you guys being cannibals, back there in the caves when you licked me...
"Meu irmão mais velho lambeu o meu olho então tenho um terçol ."Older brother licked me, so my eye has a sty.
- Ele lambeu a minha cara.- He licked my face.
- Ele lambeu-me a cara.- He licked my face.
- Ele lambeu-me!He licked me.
- Ele lambeu-o.[Josh] He licked you !
Chegamos ao coração da Cidade Máfia... ..onde descansam esses cujo o hálito fede por todos os rabos que eles lamberam.We arrived at the heart of Mafia City... ..where stood those whose breath stinks for all the asses they've licked.
Já lamberam xarope de chocolate do teu corpo?Have you ever had chocolate syrup licked off of you before?
Rasgaram-lhe o pescoço e lamberam o sangue.They ripped his throat open and then they licked his blood.
Sietske e Aafke também lamberam a mesma pedra, por isso...And Sietske and Aafke also licked that same stone, so...
que cães lamberão o vosso sangue tal como lamberam o de Acab... que Deus o impeça e proíbe!will lick your blood as they licked Ahab's... which God avert and forbid!
que cães lamberão o vosso sangue tal como lamberam o de Acab... que Deus o impeça e proíbe!will lick your blood as they licked Ahab's... which God avert and forbid!
"Vocês deviam ser mais compreensivos." "O que vos faz ser tão insensiveis com aqueles que lamberiam o chão onde o Kurt pisa?"Secondly, you guys are supposed to be so understanding and all that, so what possessed you to be so insensitive to those of us who would lick the ground that Kurt Cobain walked on?
"Quer que eu lamba o saco?""You want me to lick your balls, Daddy?"
* Queres que te lamba os sapatos?♪ Would you like me to lick your shoes?
- Cale a boca e lamba, Bob!- Shut up and lick it, Bob.
- Está bem, não os lamba.Fine. Don't lick 'em.
- Não lamba o Max!Don't lick Max.
A pata, não me lambas.Just shake, no lick.
Charlie, não me lambas.Charlie, don't lick me.
Dê por onde der, não te lambas.- Whatever you do, don't lick yourself.
E quando acabares que lambas aquilo!And when not, I want you to lick it!
Ele quer que tu a lambas.He wants you to just lick her.
- Quero dizer, sei que gostas do sabor, mas alguns miúdos não gostam que lhes lambam a cabeça.I mean, I know you like the way it tastes, but some kids don't like having their heads licked.
Limpem-me o cu e lambam-me os colhões!Wipe my ass and lick my balls!
Mas altera-os geneticamente para que não lambam ou falem.Just make sure you can genetically alter them. So they don't lick... Or talk.
O único homem que não lambe botas, no mundo universitário. Não que eu não goste que mas lambam, mais logo!Well, an honest man in a den of bootlickers, not that I don't enjoy having my boots licked.
Por favor, não lambam nada ou urinem em nada.Please, don't, ah, don't lick anything or pee on anything.
A besta gostou tanto, que me segue desde então, lambendo-se pelo resto de mim.The beast liked it so much, it's followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me.
A diferença é, quando você tira a calça você tem coelhinhas da Playboy te lambendo.The difference is, when you take your pants off you got Playboy bunnies licking the Bosco off your fat boy.
Aquela maldita besta gostou tanto do meu sabor, que me segue desde aí, lambendo os beiços, pelo que resta de mim.That cursed beast liked the taste of me so well... he's followed me ever since, licking his chops... for the rest of me.
E a água tem tanto ar que nos parece sentir um milhão de beijos na pele ou como uma língua enorme lambendo todo o nosso o corpo.And the water is so aerated that it feels like a million kisses on your skin or like an enormous tongue just licking your entire body.
Ela estava lambendo os seus dedos?Uh, she was licking your toes?
- para não lamberem os tomates. - Bonito.- they don't lick their own balls.
Abalados por estas perdas fatais, os U-boats retiraram-se para lamberem as feridas e chorarem os seus mortos.Shaken for these fatal losses, the U-boats had left to lick the wounds e to cry its deceased.
As chamas a lamberem-te os pés.The flames licking at your heels.
Atirei para lá gasolina sem chumbo 98, e deixei as chamas lamberem-me a cara como se fossem crias.I pour premium unleaded gasoline on top and let the flames lick my face like puppies dog.
E os cães deviam parar de se lamberem, isso não vai acontecer.And dogs should stop licking themselves, it's not gonna happen.
- Dou-te 100 se lamberes o pára-choques!- I'll give you $ 100 if you lick the bumper!
Achas que lamberes me demove?You think licking will stop me?
Chega de perseguir paus, chega de lamberes os teus próprios tomates.No more chasing sticks, no more licking your own balls.
Disse para lamberes a minha ferida.I said lick mywound.
E a única maneira de lamberes os teus colhões é se fosses um cão.And the only way to lick your own balls like a dog is to be a dog.
Deixámos as docas para não lambermos as botas a patrões.We left the docks so we wouldn't have to lick the boss's boots.
Então como é suposto lambermos as nossas costas? !- Then how are you supposed to lick your back?
Posso aparecer por aí para nos lambermos uma à outra?Can't I come round so we can lick each other or something?

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