Ocorrer (to occur) conjugation

63 examples

Conjugation of ocorrer

Present tense
I occur
you occur
he/she occurs
we occur
you all occur
they occur
Present perfect tense
tenho ocorrido
I have occurred
tens ocorrido
you have occurred
tem ocorrido
he/she has occurred
temos ocorrido
we have occurred
tendes ocorrido
you all have occurred
têm ocorrido
they have occurred
Past preterite tense
I occurred
you occurred
he/she occurred
we occurred
you all occurred
they occurred
Future tense
I will occur
you will occur
he/she will occur
we will occur
you all will occur
they will occur
Conditional mood
I would occur
you would occur
he/she would occur
we would occur
you all would occur
they would occur
Past imperfect tense
I used to occur
you used to occur
he/she used to occur
we used to occur
you all used to occur
they used to occur
Past perfect tense
tinha ocorrido
I had occurred
tinhas ocorrido
you had occurred
tinha ocorrido
he/she had occurred
tínhamos ocorrido
we had occurred
tínheis ocorrido
you all had occurred
tinham ocorrido
they had occurred
Future perfect tense
terei ocorrido
I will have occurred
terás ocorrido
you will have occurred
terá ocorrido
he/she will have occurred
teremos ocorrido
we will have occurred
tereis ocorrido
you all will have occurred
terão ocorrido
they will have occurred
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha ocorrido
I have occurred
tenhas ocorrido
you have occurred
tenha ocorrido
he/she has occurred
tenhamos ocorrido
we have occurred
tenhais ocorrido
you all have occurred
tenham ocorrido
they have occurred
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have occurred
(if/so that) you will have occurred
(if/so that) he/she will have occurred
(if/so that) we will have occurred
(if/so that) you all will have occurred
(if/so that) they will have occurred
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver ocorrido
I will have occurred
tiveres ocorrido
you will have occurred
tiver ocorrido
he/she will have occurred
tivermos ocorrido
we will have occurred
tiverdes ocorrido
you all will have occurred
tiverem ocorrido
they will have occurred
Imperative mood
let's occur!
Imperative negative mood
não ocorras
do not occur!
não ocorra
let him/her/it not occur!
não ocorramos
let us not occur!
não ocorrais
do not occur!
não ocorram
do not occur!

Examples of ocorrer

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
A segunda explosão deve ocorrer perto ou na a mesma profundidade da primeira.The second blast has to occur near or at the same depth as the first. -Fine.
As mutações continuaram a ocorrer aleatoriamente, como sempre sucede, em qualquer população de seres vivos.Mutations continued to occur at random as they always do in any population of living things.
Começou a ocorrer-me, William, que o medo só por si não era a resposta.It started to occur to me, William, that fear by itself wasn't the answer.
Começou-me a ocorrer que talvez a única razão para tocar na banda era por causa de estar no meio das mulheres e da bebida.And it began to occur to me that perhaps the only reason I was playing in a band was to be around women and booze.
Deve ocorrer a observação, durante certo número de minutos.Then the observation has to occur, it has to be a certain number of minutes.
" Se inchaço ocorre , consulte um médico. ""If swelling occurs, consult a physician."
"A morte ocorre quando os músculos usados na respiração ficam completamente imobilizados.""Death occurs when the muscles used in breathing become completely immobile."
- A gangrena ocorre devido... à falta de fluxo sanguíneo para os tecidos.- Gangrene occurs from... a lack of blood supply to the tissues.
- A morte ocorre dentro de...- Death occurs within...
- E o plasma só ocorre no plano espiritual.- And plasma only occurs on the spiritual plane.
- Esse pensamento tinha-me ocorrido.- The thought had occurred to me.
- Eu sei. A sua lesão craniana deve ter ocorrido antes da explosão.From what I've seen, her head injury most likely occurred before the blast.
A Glenda diz ter tido um contacto demasiado íntimo com o suspeito momentos antes do incidente chocante ter ocorrido.Glenda says she had an all-too up-close-and-personal encounter with the suspect just moments before the shocking incident occurred.
A idéia de publicar os resultados para um público mais extenso... não tinha me ocorrido.Tae idea of publisaing my findings for a wider public... aad not occurred to me.
A lesão craniana deve ter ocorrido antes da explosão.Her head injury most likely occurred before the blast.
"Sono REM", quando a maioria dos sonhos ocorrem.REM sleep, when most dreaming occurs.
- Sim. Ele está tendo crises que ocorrem com um dano cerebral causado pela substância D.He is having episodes that would occur with brain damage from Substance D.
- Vamos de novo. A física quântica diz que... enquanto não abrires a mão, para descobrir a sorte do gato, ambas as possibilidades ocorrem ao mesmo tempo.Quantum physics says until we open your hand to discover the cat's fate, both eventualities occur at the same time.
- estes ataques ocorrem. - Meu Deus. - Há quanto tempo ele está cá?After an extended period of time in a coma, these seizures occur.
...Dominam uma série de processos que ocorrem no solo.They dominate a number of pivotal processes... occurring in the soil. A kind of profound taking earth.
"Cerca da meia-noite de ontem, ocorreu um incidente em Norwood, "que tudo indica tratar-se de um crime grave."At about 12 o'clock last night, an instance occurred at Lower Norwood which points, it is feared, to a serious crime.
"Em que estava a pensar quando ocorreu o incidente"?"What were you thinking when the incident occurred?"
"O ataque ocorreu a cerca de duzentos quilómetros de Paris.""The attack occurred about two hundred kilometers from Paris."
"O incidente apenas ocorreu porque a os cuidados no Donaldson são grandes."But the incident only occurred because customer care is priority one at Donaldson's.
"Tínhamos de tomar uma decisão rapidamente e ocorreu-nos..."Something must speedily be resolved upon, and it occurred to us...
"Várias mulheres... "foram colocadas na proximidade do sugeito... "mas não ocorreram mudanças...Women of varying types were placed in close proximity to the subject, but no change occurred, leading authorities to conclude that the phenomenon does not occur with women.
...a maioria das nossas derrotas ocorreram na casa deles, Se terminarem os estudos no fim de semana venham apoiar o Tigres.- The majority of our losses have occurred on their home turf, so if you finished your studies this weekend, please come out to support your brother Tigers.
60% dos voos coincidem com datas e localizações onde ocorreram actividades do Convénio.60% of the flights listed coincide with dates and locations where verifiable Covenant activity occurred.
90% das actividades ocorreram entre as 22h00 e as 06h00.90% of all the activity occurred between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
A informação que recolheu do interior da Terra jamais será conhecida. E dos acontecimentos que ocorreram no Monte Avalon entre 11 a 13 de Novembro de 1994 o meu mantêm-se como o único registo.The data it collected from the Earth's interior will never be known, and of the events that occurred at Mount Avalon between the 11 th and 13th of November, 1994,
"E embora ainda não faça ideia onde nem quando este evento ocorrerá,"And although I have no idea yet "where or when this event will occur,
"mantido vazio para mim. "Se estas ordens forem ignoradas "ocorrerá um desastre que nem em imaginação poderão antever.Should these commands be ignored a disaster beyond your imagination will occur.
- Ao actual nível de exposição, a penetração total ocorrerá dentro de 3 horas.At this current level of exposure, full penetration will occur within three hours.
A aterragem ocorrerá às 05:30, 321km a noroeste do Havai. Obrigado, Megan.Splashdown will occur at 0530... 200 miles northwest of Hawaii.
A certa altura da viagem, ocorrerá um homicídio.Sometime during the trip, a murder will occur.
"ocorrerão unicamente às claras, entre as 9:00 a. m. e as 5:00 p. m.""will occur only between the daylight hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m."
A polícia e serviços de emergência não terão energia... para lidar com o tumulto e os roubos que ocorrerão.Police and emergency services will be powerless to deal with the riots and looting that will occur.
Quantos mais desastres de avião ou carro ocorrerão até os revelarmos como falsos?How many plane and car crashes will occur before they are exposed for what they are?
Bem, sabemos da fragilidade do vulcão de Cumbre Vieja há anos, mas nem os peritos poderiam prever quando o colapso ocorreria.Well, we've known about the fragility of the Cumbre Vieja volcano for years, but even the experts couldn't predict when the collapse would occur.
Claro, este exemplo é uma generalização pois na realidade essa transação ocorreria eletronicamente sem nenhum uso de papel.Of course, this example is a generalization. For, in reality, this transaction would occur electronically. With no paper used at all.
Este tipo de ferimento ocorreria se eu...This type of bruising would occur if I ...
Pensei que algo me ocorreria.I thought something would occur to me.
Os teóricos dos antigos astronautas sugerem que os extraterrestres não estavam a agir em favor dos protestantes contra os católicos, mas que podem ter querido preservar o grande avanço cultural e científico que ocorreriam em Inglaterra, nos séculos vindouros.Ancient astronaut theorists suggest extraterrestrials were not acting to favor Protestants over Catholics but may have wanted to preserve the great cultural and scientific developments that would occur in England in the coming centuries.
...um perigo iminente ou substancial, o prevaricador pode ser multado em, no mínimo, 5 mil dólares por cada dia em que ocorra a infracção.--an imminent or substantial endangerment the offender may be fined not more than $5000 each day in which the violation occurs.
A flor do Nenúfar Gigante pode fechar totalmente mantendo os insectos cativos por várias horas garantindo assim que a polinização ocorra.The flower of the giant Amazon water lily can close totally, holding the insects captive for several hours, thus making absolutely sure that pollination occurs.
A segunda condição é que a respiga ocorra após a colheita normal.The second requirement is that gleaning occurs after the harvest.
Basicamente diz que o cirurgião é o responsável por toda a negligência que ocorra na S. O.It basically means that the surgeon is responsible for any negligence that occurs in the O.R.
Contudo, para que um surto deste tamanho ocorra, temo que seja um sinal de uma corrupção muito mais fundaHowever, for an outbreak of this size to occur, I'm afraid it's a sign of a much, much deeper seeded corruption than I had imagined.
"St. James Gazette", "Echo", "Evening News", "Standard" e em todos os outros que lhe ocorram.Evening News, Standard, and all the others that may occur to you.
-e álcool não ocorram.- and alcohol use don't occur.
Ajuda-me a evitar que tais dificuldades ocorram.Helps keep those difficulties from reoccurring.
Apenas um bom, honesto Americano que se opõe contra eventos mal feitos... e especialmente preocupado onde quer que eles ocorram.Just a good, honest American who opposes wrongdoing... and especially carelessness wherever they occur.
Dentro de alguns anos, teremos criado uma vacina que pode antecipar todas as possíveis mutações do vírus, - antes que ocorram na natureza.In a few years, we will have engineered a vaccine that can anticipate all the possible mutations of the virus, before they occur in nature.
19 homicídios, cinco ocorrendo a cada 30 anos desde 1903.19 homicides, five occurring every 30 years since 1903.
65 deles ocorrendo entre Dezembro e fevereiro.65 of them occurring between December and February.
Como os Introns podem armazenar... material genético de muitas espécies diferentes através... de milhões de anos de evolução... é possível que uma ampla variedade... de mutações estejam ocorrendo entre a tripulação.Because introns can include genetic material from many different species over millions of years, it is possible that a wide variety of transformations is occurring.
Do que elas são feitas ou o que está causando este fenômeno está aparentemente ocorrendo sobre as maiores cidades de todo o mundo.This phenomenon is apparently occurring over major cities around the world.
Era o mais perigoso dos inimigos e soube manter a opinião pública americana voltada para a Europa, embora tivéssemos uma operação crucial ocorrendo no Japão, uma operação muito bem sucedida após nos recuperarmos de um tremendo choque, quando perdemos parte substancial da nossa Marinha em Pearl Harbor.He was most dangerous of the enemies e knew to keep American public opinion come back toward the Europe, although we had an operation crucial occurring in Japan, a very successful operation after to recoup of a tremendous shock, when we lose substantial part of our Navy in Pearl Harbor.
Disse-vos estas coisa antes de ocorrerem, para que quando ocorram, vos recordeis que eu falei delasI've said these things to you before they occur, so that when they do occur, you may remember that I spoke of them
Informe todas as mudanças quando ocorrerem.Report all changes as they occur.
Mas a frequência das dores de cabeça e o facto de elas ocorrerem á mesma hora do dia, sugerem a possibilidade de problema neurológico.Normally, I would prescribe migraine medication, but with the frequency of your headaches, and the fact that they tend to occur at the same time of day, it suggests the possibility of a neurological syndrome.
Mesmo você deve entender o impacto negativo na percepção pública dos Taelons, se várias mortes humanas ocorrerem do Pes'tal.Even you must understand the negative impact on public perception of the Taelons if massive human deaths occur from Pesh'tal.
Muitos relatos de ataques horríveis a ocorrerem em áreas às escuras.Many reports of gruesome attacks occurring hey!

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