Prender (to arrest) conjugation

107 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: someone, to restrain, to restrict, to attach or bind, restrain, attach, to someone

Conjugation of prender

Present tense
I arrest
you arrest
he/she arrests
we arrest
you all arrest
they arrest
Present perfect tense
tenho preso
I have arrested
tens preso
you have arrested
tem preso
he/she has arrested
temos preso
we have arrested
tendes preso
you all have arrested
têm preso
they have arrested
Past preterite tense
I arrested
you arrested
he/she arrested
we arrested
you all arrested
they arrested
Future tense
I will arrest
you will arrest
he/she will arrest
we will arrest
you all will arrest
they will arrest
Conditional mood
I would arrest
you would arrest
he/she would arrest
we would arrest
you all would arrest
they would arrest
Past imperfect tense
I used to arrest
you used to arrest
he/she used to arrest
we used to arrest
you all used to arrest
they used to arrest
Past perfect tense
tinha preso
I had arrested
tinhas preso
you had arrested
tinha preso
he/she had arrested
tínhamos preso
we had arrested
tínheis preso
you all had arrested
tinham preso
they had arrested
Future perfect tense
terei preso
I will have arrested
terás preso
you will have arrested
terá preso
he/she will have arrested
teremos preso
we will have arrested
tereis preso
you all will have arrested
terão preso
they will have arrested
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha preso
I have arrested
tenhas preso
you have arrested
tenha preso
he/she has arrested
tenhamos preso
we have arrested
tenhais preso
you all have arrested
tenham preso
they have arrested
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have arrested
(if/so that) you will have arrested
(if/so that) he/she will have arrested
(if/so that) we will have arrested
(if/so that) you all will have arrested
(if/so that) they will have arrested
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver preso
I will have arrested
tiveres preso
you will have arrested
tiver preso
he/she will have arrested
tivermos preso
we will have arrested
tiverdes preso
you all will have arrested
tiverem preso
they will have arrested
Imperative mood
let's arrest!
Imperative negative mood
não prendas
do not arrest!
não prenda
let him/her/it not arrest!
não prendamos
let us not arrest!
não prendais
do not arrest!
não prendam
do not arrest!

Examples of prender

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" Eu, Detective Lydia Adams, prometo... não prender..."I, Detective Lydia Adams, promise... "not to arrest
(Linguagem da Tanzania) ela pergunta, porque é que a quer prender?(Tanzania language) She asked, why do you want to arrest her?
- Agora tenho que prender-te.I have to arrest you.
- Bem, quer prender-me?- Well, do you wish to arrest me?
- Christy, não quero prender-te,- Christy, I don't want to arrest you,
- Continue a falar e prendo-o.You keep talking and I'll have you arrested.
- E depois prendo-te.- Then I'll arrest him.
- Então eu prendo-o em nome da Rainha.- Then I arrest you in the Queen's name.
- Interfira e prendo-o também.Don't try to interfere or I shall arrest you too.
- Lembrem-se: eu é que prendo o Konali.-Now, remember: l will arrest Konali. -Come on.
A parte em que o prendes.The part where you arrest him.
Cyrus, prendes-te a Olivia.Cyrus, you arrested Olivia.
E agora prendes alguém porque ele mandou?- Now you arrest someone on his say-so?
E como tal prendes a tua própria equipa?So you arrest your own team?
E depois prendes-me e levas-me para Fort Smith.After that arrest me. Take me to Fort Smith.
"Patife do FBI prende homem inocente"."rogue fbi agent arrests innocent man. "
"Polícia solitário prende dois agentes que perseguiam os Barrows."Lone cop arrests two officers in hunt for Barrow.
- A arranjar pessoal... a arranjar pessoal para abrir o jogo comigo, e uma novata no primeiro dia, prende um polícia da própria divisão, a tentar ser heroína.Finally getting people... finally getting people to talk to me, and some Bambi comes along first day, arrests a cop from her own division, trying to be a hero.
- Não faças piadas, prende alguém.-Don't make jokes, make arrests.
A pena prende-nos o coração e une-nos àqueles que nos fizeram mal.Pity arrests the heart and unites it with those who have wronged us.
"As 17 milhões de pessoas que prendemos, detivemos, multamos, ou fracassaram em suas carreiras."You 17 million people should not have been arrested, some of you jailed, some of you fined, some of you lost the handle on your career.
- E como é que prendemos um Golem?And how do we arrest a golem?
- Então por que o prendemos?- Why arrest him then?
- Não estou nisto com a ACLU mas prendemos quem viola a lei.- I'm not with the ACLU on this but we arrest individuals who've broken no law.
- Ou também te prendemos.- Or we arrest you, too.
"Em Moss Side um homem foi preso por suspeita de fogo posto.(RADIO) "Moving on, and a Moss Side man has been arrested "on suspicion of arson.
"Fui preso por causa de uma revista, mandei uma revista pelo correio e fui preso, isso é tudo;"I'm arrested because of this magazine. I sent one magazine in the mail and that's why I'm arrested, and it's nothing.
"Guarda-nocturno preso.""Watchman arrested."
"Juan A. Maas, 35, preso no domingo pela DUI."Juan A. Maas, 35, arrested early Sunday for DUI.
"Marcus Green... preso pela posse de um revólver calibre 0.38,"Marcus Green... "arrested for carrying a loaded .38-caliber pistol when he was 12." Doesn't mean he was armed when Montero shot him in the back.
- Beijos não prendem pessoas.Kissing doesn't get people arrested.
- E por que não o prendem?Why have they not arrested him?
- E vou. Tenho que ter a certeza que os polícias prendem o tipo, assim a Michelle ficará viva.If you can get the gunman arrested at either of the other two places... he'll never make it to the diner.
- Eles prendem-na e nós ganhamos.- They arrest her, we win.
- Eles prendem-te!They'll have you arrested!
- Acho que já o prendi uma vez.I think I arrested him once.
- Ele coincidia com a descrição. Eu prendi-o, mas não sabia.- I arrested him, but I didn't know.
- Outro dia marcado pela infâmia... a primeira vez que te prendi.Another day that will live in infamy. First time I arrested you.
- Parei e prendi-o.I stopped and arrested him, of course.
- Quando eu era novato, prendi um miúdo.- What I'm saying, Daryl-- When I was a rookie, I arrested this kid.
- Da altura em que o prendeste.From whatever time he arrested you.
- Diz-me que o prendeste Gates.Tell me you've arrested Gates.
- Ela odeia-me. Disseste-lhe que o prendeste para o salvar de um crime?Did you tell her you arrested him to save him from a felony?
- Este é o cara que prendeste?Is this the guy you arrested? Hold on.
- Não... prendeste-nos.No, you-you arrested us.
"A equipa de investigação prendeu alguns suspeitos."'The investigation team arrested a few suspects.'
"O inspector Bradstreet, da Divisão B, está encarregado do caso "e prendeu o Sr. John Horner, um canalizador de 36 anos "que declarou veementemente estar inocente.Inspector Bradstreet of B Division is in charge of the case, and has arrested Mr. John Horner, a plumber, age 36, who protested his innocence in the strongest terms.
- "infringindo a política do departamento, quando atingiu de lado uma motorista inocente, e depois a prendeu sob falsos pretextos."- Had to get there. - Against department policy, when he sideswiped an innocent motorist and then arrested her under false pretenses.
- A Casa Branca prendeu Meredith Reed.The White House just arrested Meredith Reed.
- A Gestapo prendeu a Anna.The Gestapo arrested Anna.
- Aquele em que me prenderam? !The one I got arrested in?
- Aqui, olha. Dizem que o prenderam, mas não o porquê.They said they arrested anton's dad.
- Cala a boca. ... autoridades prenderam um director de uma escola hoje, Hayden Rawlings.The fbi's crimes control unit and local authorities have arrested mark twain elementary school principal
- Caraças, prenderam-no!They friggin' arrested him!
- Claúdia, prenderam o Roy.- Claudia, listen, they arrested Roy.
Brinquem à vontade aos espiões... e, no momento certo, eu prenderei o Konali.You can all go and play your little undercover games... ...andwhenthe timeisright , l will arrest Konali.
Se você tocar na maçaneta, eu prenderei você!If you touch that doorknob, I will arrest you!
Se a Maria ceder no interrogatório, o General prenderá o René.If Maria cracks under the interrogation, the General will arrest René.
Amanhã prenderemos os traidores que levaram os tesouros do palácio.But tomorrow we will arrest the traitors who shared in the palace treasures.
Daqui a alguns dias, agentes do Tesouro de Cincinnati prenderão George Remus por várias infrações à Lei Volstead, incluindo a compra de licenças para álcool do governo de um colaborador próximo do procurador-geral dos EUA.A few days from now, Treasury agents in Cincinnati will arrest George Remus for multiple violations of the Volstead Act. Including the purchase of government liquor permits from a close associate of the Attorney General of the United States.
Eles o prenderão, e eles cuidarão de você e de sua filha.They will arrest him, and they'll take care of you and your daughter.
Tínhamos planeado que depois de roubarmos a moeda e entregá-la ao Sarang o agente Khan o prenderia em flagrante.Our plan was that.. ..after we steal the coin and deliver it to Sarang.. ..Officer Khan would arrest him red-handed.
Prometi ao Sr. Brooks que todos saberiam que os seus filhos não eram da Crips, que não eram de gangues e que prenderíamos o assassino, mas se o Decker não confessar, eu não...- I promised Mr. Brooks that everyone would know that his boys were not Crips, that they were not gang, and that we would arrest the killer, but if Decker doesn't admit to it, then I don't --
- Chefe Cheung, prenda-o!- Superintendent Cheung, arrest him!
- Então nos prenda.- Then, arrest us.
- Então prenda-me.- Then arrest me.
- Então, prenda-o.- So arrest him.
- Força, prenda-me.- Go ahead and arrest me.
- Preciso que me prendas.I need you to arrest me!
A não ser que dispares ou me prendas, eu vou-me embora, Jack.Unless you gonna shoot me or arrest me, I'm going, Jack.
A não ser que me prendas...Unless you arrest me...
Desde que não prendas o meu povo, eu dou-te provas contra o Eguchi.As long as you don't arrest my people I will turn evidence against Eguchi
E preciso que tu não o prendas.And the thing is, I need you not to get him arrested.
-E quer que o prendamos?And now you want us to arrest him.
Está num abrigo, em Leesburg, com os outros amigos que fazem bombas e quer que o prendamos.He's in a bunker in Leesburg with his bomb-making buddies and wants us to arrest him.
Mas se começarmos a matar as pessoas, quando na verdade todos esperam que os prendamos.But if we just start killing the people that we're sworn to arrest--
Muito bem. Quer que o prendamos porque o nome dele começa por "J"Okay, so you want us to go arrest the guy because his name begins with "j,"
Não ajuda nada. Mesmo que prendamos o seu chefe, Alexander Sebastian, amanhã, outro homem da Farben toma o lugar dele e o trabalho deles continua.It' do no good, even if we arrested their leader, Alex Sebastian... tomorrow another foreign man takes his place and the work goes on.
Não prendais a mulher.Don't arrest the woman.
- ...prendam-nos.We'll arrest them when they arrive.
- A não ser que me prendam.Unless I'm under arrest.
- Agora, prendam o Jack.Now place Jack under arrest.
- Ele tem um arma, prendam-no.- So do I. - He's got a gun, arrest him.
- Então prendam-no.So arrest him.
Agora prendei-a.Now, arrest her.
Capitão Febo, prendei-a.Captain Phoebus, arrest her.
Por amor de Deus, prendei-o!For God's sake, arrest him!
-Está me prendendo?- Are you arresting me?
-Você está me prendendo.-You're arresting me.
A polícia federal estava prendendo a nossos homens.Federal police were arresting our men.
Estou prendendo você e levá-lo para a sua nova moradia!l'm arresting you and taking you to your rightful dwelling! Pray that you don't land-up in my jail!
Está me prendendo?Are you arresting me?
- Antes de a prenderem?Before they arrest her?
- E prenderem-te por homicídio?Yeah. And let him arrest you for murder?
- E se me prenderem?What if they arrest me?
- Já pedimos para o prenderem?- Were we too quick to arrest him?
- Se o prenderem, não mudará nada. - Ele é um assassino.- Lf they arrest him, nothing'll change.
- A mesma coisa - se a prenderes à luz do dia. - Sim.Same thing will happen if we try to arrest this woman in broad daylight.
- Para o prenderes?So you can arrest him?
- Para tu me prenderes?- So that you can arrest me ?
- Só para prenderes um puto pirata?Just to arrest some hacker kid?
48 horas antes de prenderes ou acusares.Forty-eight hours before you arrest or charge.
- Espere até a prendermos.Well, wait till we arrest her.
- Mr. Tanner, se prendermos alguém, será a primeira pessoa a quem ligarei. Prometo.Mr. Tanner, if we make an arrest, you'll be the first person I call, I promise.
As minhas ordens são, prendermos o General Krell por traição contra a República.My orders are, we arrest General Krell for treason against the Republic.
Até apreendermos o troféu e te prendermos por assassinato.Until we seized the award and arrested you for murder.
Chefe, o Crew e o Batson manipularam-nos para prendermos a pessoa errada.Sir, Crew and Batson manipulated us into arresting the wrong person.

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