Revistar (to search) conjugation

83 examples

Conjugation of revistar

Present tense
I search
you search
he/she searches
we search
you all search
they search
Present perfect tense
tenho revistado
I have searched
tens revistado
you have searched
tem revistado
he/she has searched
temos revistado
we have searched
tendes revistado
you all have searched
têm revistado
they have searched
Past preterite tense
I searched
you searched
he/she searched
we searched
you all searched
they searched
Future tense
I will search
you will search
he/she will search
we will search
you all will search
they will search
Conditional mood
I would search
you would search
he/she would search
we would search
you all would search
they would search
Past imperfect tense
I used to search
you used to search
he/she used to search
we used to search
you all used to search
they used to search
Past perfect tense
tinha revistado
I had searched
tinhas revistado
you had searched
tinha revistado
he/she had searched
tínhamos revistado
we had searched
tínheis revistado
you all had searched
tinham revistado
they had searched
Future perfect tense
terei revistado
I will have searched
terás revistado
you will have searched
terá revistado
he/she will have searched
teremos revistado
we will have searched
tereis revistado
you all will have searched
terão revistado
they will have searched
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha revistado
I have searched
tenhas revistado
you have searched
tenha revistado
he/she has searched
tenhamos revistado
we have searched
tenhais revistado
you all have searched
tenham revistado
they have searched
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have searched
(if/so that) you will have searched
(if/so that) he/she will have searched
(if/so that) we will have searched
(if/so that) you all will have searched
(if/so that) they will have searched
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver revistado
I will have searched
tiveres revistado
you will have searched
tiver revistado
he/she will have searched
tivermos revistado
we will have searched
tiverdes revistado
you all will have searched
tiverem revistado
they will have searched
Imperative mood
let's search!
Imperative negative mood
não revistes
do not search!
não reviste
let him/her/it not search!
não revistemos
let us not search!
não revisteis
do not search!
não revistem
do not search!

Examples of revistar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Ele disse que tinha de me revistar.He said he had to search me.
- Desculpa o atraso mas os guardas lá fora, fizeram turnos para me revistar.- I'm sorry I am late but the guards outside took turns to search me.
- Eles estavam a tentar entrar para revistar a minha casa.- They were trying to search my house!
- Estão a revistar os quartos.I heard he's going to search rooms.
- Novas ordens, Saleem... - Tenho que revistar toda a gente.New orders, saleem... got to search everybody.
Confisquei o principal no início das deliberações, mas não revisto lugares escondidos.Hey, I confiscated his primary at the beginning of deliberations, but I don't do cavity searches.
Eu sugiro que a senhora se tranque no banheiro por um momento... enquanto eu revisto seu quarto.May I suggest that you shut yourself in the bathroom for a few moments while I search your room.
Não o revisto.I won't search him.
Primeiro revisto-te, depois o carro.First, I search you and then the car.
- Nova política de revistas.-Part of a new office supply strip search.
- Nunca revistas o Steve.- You never search Steve.
- Onde vais buscar essas ideias? - Às revistas de psicologia, pesquisando na Internet... E há um programa fabuloso, no VH1, que ensina a engatar miúdas.You know, psychology journals, Internet research, and there's this great show on VH-1 about how to pick up girls.
A TSA instituiu recentemente revistas aleatórias a bordo de voos internacionais.The TSA has recently instituted a policy of random searches aboard international flights.
A comissão ministerial anda a fazer revistas e apreensões.Ministerial commission's doing some search and seizures.
- Os empregados submetem-se a uma revista de segurança aleatória!"Employees will submit to full random security searches."
Como sabem, o Comité de Segurança dos Pais concluiu que a revista aleatória a cacifos e mochilas poderia contribuir para a segurança na escola.As you know, the Parent Safety Committee has concluded that doing random searches on lockers and backpacks might ease a lot of the security stress at the school.
E ele revista-os e leva-os para...Ooh ooh. And then he strip searches them and takes them all... downtown.
E podem tirar à sorte quem nos revista às duas.And you two can draw straws to see who searches Dot and me.
Estejam cientes que, devido à forte segurança em Hill, todos estão sujeitos a processos de revista aleatórios.Be advised. Due to the heightened security on the Hill, all residents are subject to random searches.
- Importa se revistamos sua casa?- Do you mind if we search your home?
- Não o revistamos!- We are not searching him!
- Não revistamos visitantes.We don't search visitors.
A Jen e eu revistamos tudo de cima a baixo.Now, Jen and I we searched this entire place up and down.
A última vez que te revistamos, saímos de mãos vazias.Last time when we searched you, there's only one word in an empty pocket.
- Ele receou ser revistado.- He was worried he'd be searched.
- Foi revistado?- Has it been searched yet?
- Fui tirado da cama, revistado, algemado e transportado como gado, sim.Rousted out of bed, cavity-searched, shackled, transported like livestock? Yes.
- Preferes ser revistado?-You wanna be strip-searched instead?
A Lydia acha que ele ainda está por aqui embora a policia tenha revistado a escola toda.Lydia thinks that he's still here even though the cops searched the whole school.
"Não sou advogado mas sei o suficiente por isso, não revistam ilegalmente o meu...""I didn't pass the bar, but I know a little bit. Enough so you don't illegally search my..." we'll get the warrant.
- Eles revistam-me.They search me.
- eles revistam-no?- They search you?
Até revistam os carros.They even search their cars.
Da forma como revistam os prisioneiros, parece muito improvável.The way you search your prisoners, it sounds rather unlikely.
- Eu revistei-o completamente, patrão.We searched him all over, boss.
- Eu revistei-o.- So I searched him.
-Não há identificação, mas revistei-lhe os bolsos e encontrei isto.There's no I. D., But I searched her pockets, and I did find this.
Ainda bem que disse isso, porque todos sabem que revistei a sua cela.I'm so glad you said that because everyone knows I searched your cell.
Até revistei todas as tabernas e bordéis.Even searched the taberns and brothels.
Encontraste alguma coisa, quando os revistaste?Did you find anything when you searched the intruders?
Tu leste-lhes os resumos, revistaste-lhes os cacifos, sabes como os miúdos pensam.You've read their notes, searched their lockers-- you know how tweens think.
- A Polícia revistou a sala.The police searched the room very thoroughly.
- Ainda não revistou o hotel, pois não?- He hasn't searched this hotel yet, has he?
- Não trazia arma, a Polícia local revistou isto tudo e não encontrou nada.- He simply could have shot her and left. - He didn't have the gun on him, - local P.D. has searched every inch of this place and found nothing.
- Sim, mas disse - que revistou a casa da Gina.Yeah, but you said you searched Gina's place.
- Tenho conhecimento, que ele revistou ilegalmente o carro do Keating a noite passada.- I have personal knowledge that detective lahey illegally searched through Mr. Keating's car last night.
- A casa que revistaram.- The house you had searched.
- Já me revistaram.I was already searched.
- Os guardas revistaram-nos.The guards searched us.
A Stasi esteve aqui, revistaram a casa.The Stasi was here. They searched the apartment.
Acho que revistaram o campo à procura de alguém com ferimentos que pudessem imputar ao meu sobrinho.I think they combed the countryside, and searched for someone with injuries they could blame on my nephew.
Resposta: revistarão todo o gueto.They will search the ghetto.
Voces revistarão os subníveis 14 até 20 até que ela seja localizada.You will search sublevels 14 through 20 until she is located.
"Ele foi roubado, reviste esse homem!""He has been robbed, search that man!"
- Então, reviste-me.- Go ahead and search me.
A Guarda Costeira que reviste todos os barcos de saída.Notify the Coast Guard to search all outgoing boats.
Agente Walker, reviste o corpo pela códigos perdidos.Agent Walker, search the body for the missing codes.
Agora,sevocêqueracabarcomisto, mais cedo ou mais tarde, vai ter que permitir que a pessoa que eu autorizei, a inspeccione, a reviste, e então, talvez então...Now, if you want this over with sooner rather than later, you'll allow the person that I authorized to inspect you, to search you.
O FBI precisa que o encontres e revistes.F.B.I. needs you to locate and search it.
Quero que revistes todas as salas, vê se consegues encontrar alguma coisa no equipamento deles que nos diga onde foi o Dubaku.I want you to search all the rooms, see if you can get anything off their hardware that's going to tell us where Dubaku went.
Bem, uma vez que foi sozinho para casa, decerto que não se importará que revistemos o seu carro.Well, since you drove home alone, I'm sure you won't mind if we search your car.
Ela deve querer que revistemos um armazém em Silver Ridge.I think she wants us to search a verdiant warehouse in silver Ridge. Why?
- Castillo... revistem a casa. - Sim, capitão.- Castillo, search the house.
- Levem-no e revistem-no.- Take him away and search him.
- Não posso deixar que me revistem.- I can't let them search me.
- Não revistem as minhas coisas.- Don't search my stuff. - Sir
- Quero que revistem toda a gente.And I want everybody searched.
Levai o homem, e revistai a casa.Take the man, and search the house.
Separai-vos e revistai a área.Split up and search the area.
- Está me revistando? Ouçam...-Why are you searching me?
Sr. Tenente, a Eftikia fugiu... e agora estão revistando tudo..Lieutenant, the Eftikia fled ... and are now searching all ..
Você está revistando veteranos!Yeah, we heard you the entire way here! You're strip searching veterans!
"Quando revistarem casas, procurar qualquer indício de algo que possa estabelecer a origem da carta do assassino para o Courier."In searching homes, be on the lookout for any clue which could establish the origin of the murderer's letter to the Courier.
- E a dizer-lhes o quê? Para revistarem o escritório outra vez.To search the office again.
- E se eles me revistarem?- What if they search me?
- E se revistarem a carroça?What if they search the wagon?
- Sabem, não compreendo... o porquê de revistarem o raio do meu quarto... - Sempre que eu...- You know, I don't understand why you have to search my goddamn room every single time.
Estava a tentar dar-te tempo para revistares o quarto.I was trying to give you enough time so that you could search her room.
- Assim que revistarmos os quartos.We will, the moment we've searched the rooms.
Acopolei-me ao wireless deles. Ainda assim, para revistarmos o sítio, temos de nos livrar do Fowler.Still, for us to get in and search the place we got to get rid of Fowler.
Ainda não recuperámos a arma do crime, e até revistarmos a sua casa, você é um suspeito.We've not recovere d the murder weapon and until we search the house, you're still a person of interest. My parents, too?
Depois de confirmarmos as duas mortes e revistarmos o sítio, encontrámos as duas crianças.After we confirmed the two deaths and searched the rest of the premises, that's when we found the two children.
Depois de revistarmos a casa, teremos muito tempo para conversar.When we've searched the house, we'll have plenty of time to talk.

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