Sucumbir (to succumb) conjugation

61 examples

Conjugation of sucumbir

Present tense
I succumb
you succumb
he/she succumbs
we succumb
you all succumb
they succumb
Present perfect tense
tenho sucumbido
I have succumbed
tens sucumbido
you have succumbed
tem sucumbido
he/she has succumbed
temos sucumbido
we have succumbed
tendes sucumbido
you all have succumbed
têm sucumbido
they have succumbed
Past preterite tense
I succumbed
you succumbed
he/she succumbed
we succumbed
you all succumbed
they succumbed
Future tense
I will succumb
you will succumb
he/she will succumb
we will succumb
you all will succumb
they will succumb
Conditional mood
I would succumb
you would succumb
he/she would succumb
we would succumb
you all would succumb
they would succumb
Past imperfect tense
I used to succumb
you used to succumb
he/she used to succumb
we used to succumb
you all used to succumb
they used to succumb
Past perfect tense
tinha sucumbido
I had succumbed
tinhas sucumbido
you had succumbed
tinha sucumbido
he/she had succumbed
tínhamos sucumbido
we had succumbed
tínheis sucumbido
you all had succumbed
tinham sucumbido
they had succumbed
Future perfect tense
terei sucumbido
I will have succumbed
terás sucumbido
you will have succumbed
terá sucumbido
he/she will have succumbed
teremos sucumbido
we will have succumbed
tereis sucumbido
you all will have succumbed
terão sucumbido
they will have succumbed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha sucumbido
I have succumbed
tenhas sucumbido
you have succumbed
tenha sucumbido
he/she has succumbed
tenhamos sucumbido
we have succumbed
tenhais sucumbido
you all have succumbed
tenham sucumbido
they have succumbed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have succumbed
(if/so that) you will have succumbed
(if/so that) he/she will have succumbed
(if/so that) we will have succumbed
(if/so that) you all will have succumbed
(if/so that) they will have succumbed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver sucumbido
I will have succumbed
tiveres sucumbido
you will have succumbed
tiver sucumbido
he/she will have succumbed
tivermos sucumbido
we will have succumbed
tiverdes sucumbido
you all will have succumbed
tiverem sucumbido
they will have succumbed
Imperative mood
let's succumb!
Imperative negative mood
não sucumbas
do not succumb!
não sucumba
let him/her/it not succumb!
não sucumbamos
let us not succumb!
não sucumbais
do not succumb!
não sucumbam
do not succumb!

Examples of sucumbir

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Aprendi a não sucumbir...I have learned not to succumb to evil...
- Não há necessidade de sucumbir á pressão.- And there's no need to succumb to pressures...
A adrenalina parou de fluir, o que lhe permitiu sucumbir à extensão total dos ferimentos, que são catastróficos.And the adrenaline stopped flowing, which allowed her to succumb to the full extent of her injuries, which... They're catastrophic.
A tarefa do artista não é sucumbir ao desespero, mas encontrar um antídoto para o vazio da existência.The artist's job is not to succumb to despair, but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.
Convidamos-vos a sucumbir A esta singular atração Que está a uma fração Do preço de qualquer outro espetáculo!We invite you to succumb to this singular attraction which is offered at a fraction of the price of any other show in town!
(Eu fico paralisada, eu sucumbo...) (...quando ele dá...)I'm numb, I succumb when he renders
De que serve toda a vossa reabilitação se quando eu por fim sucumbo, quando me vergo à justa conduta me olhais só com suspeita?What's the point of all your valiant attempts at rehabilitation... if, when I finally succumb, when at long last I pledge myself to righteous conduct, you regard me with nothing but suspicion ?
Eu fico paralisada, eu sucumbo quando ele dá...I'm numb, I succumb when he renders
Obrigado, mas não sucumbo a vícios menores.Thank you, but I don't succumb to lesser vices.
Se sucumbes a isto, cairás presa de toda a ignorância que nos rodeia.You succumb to this, you will fall prey to all of the darkness that surrounds us.
Antes que ele sucumbe.Before he succumbs.
E está, mas após exposição prolongada, até uma câmara selada sucumbe aos efeitos do calor por radiação.It is, but after prolonged exposure, even a sealed chamber succumbs to the effects of radiant heat.
Eu vou representar alguém que sucumbe à pressão de grupo. Está bem.I'm portraying someone who succumbs to peer pressure.
Nas profundezas do coração da estrela, o núcleo sucumbe finalmente à gravidade.Deep in the heart of the star, the core finally succumbs to gravity.
Não incluíste a parte em que Lady Zara sucumbe ao rival do duque.You left out the part where Lady Zara succumbs to the duke's rival.
Nós sucumbimos aos maldosos rituais... e sedutivas cerimónias... colocando fé naqueles que esqueceram a decência... enriquecendo com seus poderes... e cometendo atrocidades.We have succumbed to mindless ritual... and seductive ceremony... placed faith in those who crush dissent... enrich themselves with power... commit atrocity.
O Frank e eu sucumbimos à tentação uma vez.Frank and I succumbed to temptation once.
Porque, assim como qualquer um de nós pode encontrar, é neste isolamento solitário da alma, por assim dizer, que sucumbimos ao desespero.For as any of us may find, it's in this solitary confinement of the soul, as it were, that we succumb to despair.
..que Ainda não havia sucumbido para suas feridas...who had not yet succumbed to her wounds.
Ela foi encontrada em 24 horas, e os outros já tinham sucumbido aos elementos.She was found within 24 hours, and the others had already succumbed to the elements.
Enquanto outros devem ter sucumbido à depressão ou abuso de drogas, estes homens e mulheres canalizaram a angústia deles, para alguma coisa positiva.Whereas others might have succumbed to depression or... or drug abuse, these men and women have channeled their angst into something positive.
Eu ter-lhe-ia sucumbido alegramente se a senhora não estivesse já conquistada.I'd have gladly succumbed had you not already been conquered.
Fiz com que a Adria acreditasse que ele tinha sucumbido à vontade dela.- Make Adria think he had succumbed to her will.
- Eventualmente, até os Jaffa sucumbem.- Eventually, even the Jaffa succumb.
Como sucumbem com facilidade ao elogio e à vaidade. - Porque brinca connosco?How easily they succumb to flattery and ale.
Depois sucumbem ao poder de Roma...Then they succumb to the might of Rome.
Mas nem todos sucumbem ao frio.But not everything succumbs to the cold.
Os humanos conseguem penetrar nos nossos poderosos campos magnéticos. E no fim, sucumbem perante uma inofensiva lança afiada.The human was impervious... to our most powerful magnetic fields... yet in the end, he succumbed to a harmless sharpened stick.
A Patty deu em cima de mim de novo, e eu sucumbi.Patty came on to me again, and succumbed.
E eu sucumbi demasiadamente rápido.And I succumbed too quickly.
Eu mesmo sucumbi a essa tentação.I have succumbed to that temptation myself.
Mas depressa sucumbi á tentação.But I soon succumbed to temptation.
Nunca sucumbi até agora.I never succumbed until now.
Consumido pelo Satsui no Hado, sucumbiste à loucura que também apanhou o irmão do Sensei.Consumed by Satsui no Hado, you have succumbed to the madness that took Sensei's brother.
Já abandonaste as defesas Já por completo Me sucumbisteDropped all defenses Completely succumbed to me
Já vi que não sucumbiste a esta moda de se mascararem como se pertencessem a um lote da Floresta de Nottingham.You haven't succumbed to this fad of dressing up like half an allotment in Nottingham Forest.
Na tua cabeça Já sucumbiste a mimIn your mind You've already succumbed to me
"Incapaz de negar o seu desejo, o Sam sucumbiu, e mergulharam na angústia da paixão demoníaca ardente"."Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, And they sank into the throes fiery demonic passion."
"o seu filho sucumbiu aos seus ferimentos"your son succumbed to his wounds
A Lily sucumbiu às suas lesões.Lily succumbed to her injuries.
A Samantha sucumbiu a um episódio cardíaco.Samantha succumbed to a cardiac event.
A esposa dele sucumbiu ao vírus.his wife succumbed to the virus.
"Em New York City, informam que sete pessoas sucumbiram no fim de semana... "à alta temperatura que continua.In New York City, seven persons are reported as having succumbed from the high temperature.
Acidentes... civis que sucumbiram à febre Sincyllic.Fallen soldiers, accidents, citizens who succumbed to syncillic fever.
Antes do primeiro ano, todos os homens e mulheres sucumbiram perante uma...Before the first year was out, they had all, every man and woman... succumbed to a...
E quando a sedução for bem sucedida, os que sucumbiram perguntar-se-ão... Fui seduzida ou foi sempre isto que quis?And when the seduction is successful, those who succumbed ask themselves... was I seduced... or was this what I wanted all along?
Em maior ou menor grau, sucumbiram a emoções irracionais.To some degree or other, they succumbed to irrational emotions.
É correcto dispor de recursos para aqueles que sucumbirão a algum tratamento ou outro, ou é sensato descobrir curas para as vossas crianças para que tenham...Is it right to devote resources to those who will succumb to some ailment or other, or is it sensible to discover cures for your children so they'll have...
Temo que mesmo com o Chlorium não haja tempo para completar a separação Antes que Moya sucumba sob o seu próprio pesoI'm afraid even with the clorium there will not be enough time to complete the separation before Moya succumbs to her own intense weight.
Quanto maior for o teu poder, mais concentrado terás que ser, para que não sucumbas ao teu Demónio interior, e caias nas trevas.The greater your power, the more focused you must be! Lest you succumb to your inner demon and fall to darkness.
É compreensível que sucumbas ao abuso de substâncias depois de tudo o que passaste... Uma mãe que te enganou por lucros, uma madrasta que te colocou fora da tua própria empresa, e claro, o amor da tua vida abandonando-te por uma monarquia menor do que Manhattan.It's understandable you'd succumb to substance abuse after all you've been through-- a mother who scammed you for profit, a stepmother who cut you out of your own company, and, of course, the love of your life
Não sucumbam à magia negra deste filho do demónio.Don't succumb to the black magic of this devil's spawn!
A linda Princesa Alina caía cada vez mais no desespero, enquanto observava cada um da tripulação de Sinbad, sucumbirem aos encantos diabólicos da feiticeira Amazónica.beautiful Princess AIina fell ever deeper into despair... as she watched each of Sinbad's crew... succumb to the evil charms of the Amazon enchantress.
Com os vinhos finos de Bordeaux agora elevados ao estatuto de produtos de luxo, era só uma questão de tempo antes de sucumbirem perante o mais exuberante e notório mercado de contrafacção do mundo.With Bordeaux's fine wines now elevated to luxury goods status, it was only a matter of time before it succumbed to the world's most rampant and notorious counterfeit market.
Uns dias, ou o tempo que for necessário para eles sucumbirem ao meu charme.A couple of days, or for as long as it takes for them to succumb to my infinite charm.
Achas que se resistires o suficiente, se não sucumbires, vais sair desta luta da mesma forma que entraste?Do you think if you hold back just enough, you won't succumb, that you'll leave this fight the same as you entered? !
Avisei-te para não sucumbires à tentação, Peter.I warned you not to succumb to temptation, Peter.
Bem, fico orgulhosa por não sucumbires aos teus instintos básicos.Well, I'm proud of you for not succumbing To your baser instincts.
Mas eu só quero que saibas, se algo der errado e sucumbires ao cancro, o teu filho terá uma casa aqui.But I just want you to know, if anything goes wrong and you do succumb to the cancer, your son will have a home here.
Se sucumbires ao medo ele te derrotará.If you succumb to the fear, it will defeat you.
Mas, antes de sucumbirmos ao pânico... estou aqui para vos dizer... que esta guerra acabou.But before we succumb to panic, I am here to tell you that this war is over and we have won.

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