Terminar (to finish) conjugation

112 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to end in, to end with, to conclude, to complete, to bound, to limit, limit, to break up, to end, end, to bring to an end, to end up, to destroy, break

Conjugation of terminar

Present tense
I finish
you finish
he/she finishes
we finish
you all finish
they finish
Present perfect tense
tenho terminado
I have finished
tens terminado
you have finished
tem terminado
he/she has finished
temos terminado
we have finished
tendes terminado
you all have finished
têm terminado
they have finished
Past preterite tense
I finished
you finished
he/she finished
we finished
you all finished
they finished
Future tense
I will finish
you will finish
he/she will finish
we will finish
you all will finish
they will finish
Conditional mood
I would finish
you would finish
he/she would finish
we would finish
you all would finish
they would finish
Past imperfect tense
I used to finish
you used to finish
he/she used to finish
we used to finish
you all used to finish
they used to finish
Past perfect tense
tinha terminado
I had finished
tinhas terminado
you had finished
tinha terminado
he/she had finished
tínhamos terminado
we had finished
tínheis terminado
you all had finished
tinham terminado
they had finished
Future perfect tense
terei terminado
I will have finished
terás terminado
you will have finished
terá terminado
he/she will have finished
teremos terminado
we will have finished
tereis terminado
you all will have finished
terão terminado
they will have finished
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha terminado
I have finished
tenhas terminado
you have finished
tenha terminado
he/she has finished
tenhamos terminado
we have finished
tenhais terminado
you all have finished
tenham terminado
they have finished
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have finished
(if/so that) you will have finished
(if/so that) he/she will have finished
(if/so that) we will have finished
(if/so that) you all will have finished
(if/so that) they will have finished
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver terminado
I will have finished
tiveres terminado
you will have finished
tiver terminado
he/she will have finished
tivermos terminado
we will have finished
tiverdes terminado
you all will have finished
tiverem terminado
they will have finished
Imperative mood
let's finish!
Imperative negative mood
não termines
do not finish!
não termine
let him/her/it not finish!
não terminemos
let us not finish!
não termineis
do not finish!
não terminem
do not finish!

Examples of terminar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Cabe-te a ti terminar a minha obra."It's up to you to finish my work.
"Cabe-te a ti terminar o meu trabalho."It's up to you to finish my work.
"Deixem-nos esforçar em terminar o trabalho, cicatrizar as feridas da nação, cuidar daqueles que suportaram a batalha, pelas viúvas e pelos órfãos."Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan;
"Pai, não me posso ir embora agora, tenho uma operação para terminar"."Dad, I can't leave right now. I have to finish a procedure."
"ficará encantado por terminar a carta""he will be delighted to finish out the leaf
- Antes, termino os meus assuntos.First, I go finish my business. Adios! Adios.
- Eu termino isto. - Deixa estar.- I'll finish up.
- Eu termino o trabalho às seis horas.- I finish work at six.
- Olá Eu termino às 3:00.Hey, I'm finishing at 3.
- Olá. Por favor, eu termino isto. Olá, olá, olá.Please, I'll finish it – hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
- Cuidado como terminas essa frase.- Careful how you finish that sentence.
- Não terminas a conversa.-You don'! finish your--
- Quase terminas.- It's finished.
Acalmaste, terminas de lavar os pratos. e põe-la na cama.You go downstairs, you finish doing the dishes, and you put her to bed.
Achas que terminas a pintura hoje?Do you think you'll finish painting today?
- Se podemos ver onde este tipo começa e onde este tipo termina.To be visible where this part of back-scratcher he/she finishes and where this begins.
20 minutos depois, ele termina de fotografar o quarto.20 minutes later, he finishes photographing the bedroom.
Aqui termina o dia de hoje, cavalheiros.Here it finishes today's day, gentlemen.
Bem, então o treinador Burns termina o treino e vem tomar um banho.Okay, so Coach Burns finishes his workout and then he comes to take a shower.
Cassie... Assim termina mais um capítulo da lenda de Kwan Yin.Cassie... itfinishesLikethisonemorechapter ofKwanYin'slegend.
" - Mas terminamos agora mesmo! - E quem és tu?"- "We just finished!" - "Who are you?"
"Quando terminamos nossas abluções ... ".. As várias facções começaram a chegar.'As we finished our ablutions... '..the various factions started to arrive.
- Acredito que terminamos.I believe we're finished.
- Ainda não terminamos!- We ain't finished yet!
- Ainda não terminamos. - A Srta.-And I haven't finished with you yet.
"Quando tiver terminado"."When I am finished."
- Agora está terminado.- lt's finished now. - Not yet.
- Ainda não está terminado.Well, it's not finished yet.
- Ainda não tinha terminado, na verdade.I wasn't quite finished, actually. No. That'll do.
- Ainda não tinha terminado.- I wasn't finished.
- Alguma ideia de quando terminam?Any idea when you're going to be finished here?
A ceifa está prestes a acontecer, e se não a terminam antes disso, acabou.The reaping is just around the corner, and if they don't finish it before then, it's over.
A forma como terminam as frases um do outro.Is the way you two finish each other's sentences.
A miúda faz a sessão, terminam, ele oferece umas fotos, ela está desesperada por dinheiro, ele promete não mostrar a ninguém.Girl gets a session with a pro, they finish, he offers to take a few art shots, she's desperate for the cash, he promises he'll never show it to anybody.
As Mord-Sith só usam branco quando terminam de quebrar alguém.Mord-Sith only wear white when they've finished breaking someone.
"O Amante de Lady Chaterley", terminei ontem à noite."Lady Chaterley's lover", I finished it last night.
"Quando terminei, olhei para o que tinha feito..."when I finished, I looked at what I had done,
- Acho que, hoje, terminei algo.I guess I finished something today.
- Ainda não terminei ,contigo.I'm not finished with you.
- Ainda não terminei as perguntas.Excuse me, sir, but my questions are not finished.
"Tu nunca o terminaste e safaste-te bem."You never finished and you're doing okay."
- Abby, já terminaste?Abby,are you finished?
- Acredita, já terminaste.Believe me, you're finished.
- Como assim não terminaste?How else would you have finished that sentence?
- Como sabes que já terminaste?-How do you know you're finished?
"que a sua guerra terminou,"that her warfare is finished,
- ... se já terminou.if it was finished.
- A Cam terminou a autópsia?Is Cam finished with the autopsy?
- A Polícia Cientifica terminou a busca.C.S.U. Just finished their sweep. Did they find anything?
- A massagem não terminou.The massage is not finished
Uma não terminastes.One you haven´t finished.
- Ainda não terminaram consigo?Haven't they finished with you yet?
- As tuas férias terminaram?So, you finished your vacation?
- Eles já terminaram?Have they finished?
- Eles terminaram.They're finished.
- Já terminaram? - Não, estou a meio da...- You finished in there?
Prometo que terminarei isto.You got us here. I promise you, I will finish it.
"Quando terminará este pesadelo?""When it will finish this nightmare"
E ele terminará aquilo que nós começámos.And he will finish what we started.
Em breve, será uma grande nação como a sua. Então, a vida dos samurais terminará.Soon a great nation like yours, then Samurai life will finish.
Mais uns centímetros de rastilho e isso, senhores, terminará o trabalho.Two more inches of fuse, and that, gentlemen, will finish the job.
Mata-nos e o Khan terminará o que os seus antepassados começaram.Kill us... and the Khan will finish what his ancestors began.
"Harold, terminaremos esta discussão a primeira coisa na sexta.""Harold, we will finish this discussion the first thing on Friday."
E quando o fizermos... ambos terminaremos esta conversa.And when we do, you and I will finish this conversation.
E terminaremos a tempo?And we will finish on schedule?
Na Primavera terminaremos o nosso trabalho. E haverá paz na Bósnia.By springtime, we will finish our work, and there will be peace in Bosnia.
Nós a terminaremos de certeza, em honra nossos companheiros mortos.We will finish it for sure for the sake of our fallen comrades
- Jurei que terminaria a corrida!I told you I would finish the race.
Avançaríamos a direito, atravessaríamos o Reno, daríamos a volta por trás do Ruhr e a guerra terminaria em 1944.We would advance the right, we would cross the Reno, we would give the return for backwards of the Ruhr e the war would finish in 1944.
Disse que a guerra terminaria dentro de quatro a seis semanas.It said that the war would finish inside of four the six weeks.
Então eu seria tão mais produtivo, eu me formaria mais cedo e terminaria minha tese mais cedo."Then I would be so much more productive, I would graduate sooner because I would finish my thesis sooner"
Jurei que, um dia, terminaria o que o meu pai não conseguiu.I vowed that one day I would finish the job my father never could.
"É justo que termine assim.""and it should finish like that"
- Da próxima vez termine o trabalho.well, next time, finish the job.
- E quero termine aquele relatório...- I want you to finish that report...
- Ele manda-me para uma massagista e, passados 45 minutos, estou deitado de barriga para cima, ela diz-me: ""Queres que eu termine?""-He sends me to a masseuse... and, you know, after 45 minutes, l'm on my back... she says, "Do you want me to finish you off?"
- Então, termine a história.Then finish the story.
- Não, posso esperar até que terminesNo, no, take your time. I can wait till you're finished. -l'm finished.
- Preciso que termines isso.- I need you to finish this.
A minha última esperança é que termines o que começamos."To care for and raise our beautiful child... my last hope is that you finish what we started.
Alguém irá mudar-se para cá assim que termines a frase.Someone else will have moved in by the time you finish that sentence.
Antes que termines, é uma história sobre paciência e espera, ou outro lembrete de que foste ao espaço?Before you finish, is this a story about patience and waiting or just another reminder that you went to space?
- Até que terminemos os exames.- Until we've finish the tests.
Bem, terminemos isto.All right. Let's finish this.
Deixem que eu e o Clay terminemos isso.Just let me and Clay finish this.
Desde que nos façamos à estrada assim que terminemos.As long as we hit the road as soon as we're finished.
- Claro, mal terminem os exames.Sure, as soon as we've finished with it.
- Saiam todos. Voltem e terminem as inoculações.Go back and finish the inoculations.
- Se não vens comigo... - Diz a toda a gente para saírem daqui, que terminem o que vieram fazer e que vão embora.- Just tell everybody to just get out of here, just finish what they got to do and go.
Acho muito bem que vocês terminem a época.You know, I think it's great that you kids are finishing the season.
Agora, terminem.Now you all go on and finish it.
Mas terminai-a amanhã.But finish it tomorrow.
- Apenas terminando o trabalho.Just finishing' the job.
A semana passada, estava terminando um trabalho mas pensei que daria uma última volta à propriedade.Last week, I was just finishing up a job... But I thought I'd do one last round of the property.
Assim, já estou, terminando com a Liv.So I'm just, uh, finishing with Liv.
Bem, enquanto você estava terminando o enorme talento de resistência, você e carro, a primeira fase, esta é a segunda fase!-Well, while you were finishing the massive endurance feat, you and car, stage one, this is stage two!
Calvin está em Yale terminando um estudo de campo sobre física de partículas... o que está gerando muito interesse lá.Calvin's at Yale finishing up a field study in particle physics. Generating a lot of interest.
"Se não o terminarem hoje, há sempre amanhã.""lf you don't finish today, there's always tomorrow."
- Deixem estes arquivos na minha mesa quando terminarem de os ler.Leave those files on my desk when you've finished reading.
- Têm de dizê-las depois de terminarem cada uma das três provações.The spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials.
...a maioria das nossas derrotas ocorreram na casa deles, Se terminarem os estudos no fim de semana venham apoiar o Tigres.- The majority of our losses have occurred on their home turf, so if you finished your studies this weekend, please come out to support your brother Tigers.
Acho que revela uma tremenda força moral e gostaria de vê-la mais por aqui, as pessoas a terminarem as coisas.I think it shows tremendous fortitude, and I'd like to see more of it around here: People finishing things.
$3.000 dólares quando terminares o espectáculo.$ 3,000 when they finish the show.
- Come, rapaz. Betty Sue, não sais desta mesa até terminares.Betty Sue, you are not leaving this table till you finish that.
- Então ligas-me quando terminares? - Sim, claro.- You'll call me when you're finished?
- Eu mato-o antes de terminares.- I'll kill him before you finish.
- Podes festejar quando terminares.- You can party when you've finished.
- 2 horas e 4 minutos... se não formos até lá e terminarmos o trabalho.- Two hours, four minutes, unless we get finish the job.
- Não começámos assim tão bem, mas temos andado muito próximos ultimamente. Não é raro terminarmos a frase...It's not uncommon for us to finish each other's...
- Quando terminarmos aqui, vais lá.- So when we're finished here, you gotta go down there.
- Quando terminarmos de cantar, vamos dizer...-When we finish singing we'll say ...
- Quando terminarmos.- When we're finished here.

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