Trancar (to lock) conjugation

99 examples

Conjugation of trancar

Present tense
I lock
you lock
he/she locks
we lock
you all lock
they lock
Present perfect tense
tenho trancado
I have locked
tens trancado
you have locked
tem trancado
he/she has locked
temos trancado
we have locked
tendes trancado
you all have locked
têm trancado
they have locked
Past preterite tense
I locked
you locked
he/she locked
we locked
you all locked
they locked
Future tense
I will lock
you will lock
he/she will lock
we will lock
you all will lock
they will lock
Conditional mood
I would lock
you would lock
he/she would lock
we would lock
you all would lock
they would lock
Past imperfect tense
I used to lock
you used to lock
he/she used to lock
we used to lock
you all used to lock
they used to lock
Past perfect tense
tinha trancado
I had locked
tinhas trancado
you had locked
tinha trancado
he/she had locked
tínhamos trancado
we had locked
tínheis trancado
you all had locked
tinham trancado
they had locked
Future perfect tense
terei trancado
I will have locked
terás trancado
you will have locked
terá trancado
he/she will have locked
teremos trancado
we will have locked
tereis trancado
you all will have locked
terão trancado
they will have locked
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha trancado
I have locked
tenhas trancado
you have locked
tenha trancado
he/she has locked
tenhamos trancado
we have locked
tenhais trancado
you all have locked
tenham trancado
they have locked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have locked
(if/so that) you will have locked
(if/so that) he/she will have locked
(if/so that) we will have locked
(if/so that) you all will have locked
(if/so that) they will have locked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver trancado
I will have locked
tiveres trancado
you will have locked
tiver trancado
he/she will have locked
tivermos trancado
we will have locked
tiverdes trancado
you all will have locked
tiverem trancado
they will have locked
Imperative mood
let's lock!
Imperative negative mood
não tranques
do not lock!
não tranque
let him/her/it not lock!
não tranquemos
let us not lock!
não tranqueis
do not lock!
não tranquem
do not lock!

Examples of trancar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- A tua tia esqueceu-se de trancar a porta.-Your aunt forgot to lock that door.
- Acho que me esqueci de trancar a porta.-I think I forgot to lock the door.
- Certo. Vou trancar-lhe esta perna.-I want to lock this, lock this leg here.
- Ele queria trancar a porta.- He said he meant to lock the door.
- Esqueceste de a trancar, Grace?Did you forget to lock it, Grace?
- As pessoas sabem que nunca a tranco.- Folks know l never lock the door.
- Certo, eu tranco tudo.Okay,I'll lock up.
- Eu tranco a porta. - Essa porta não tem fechadura.Oh, there's no lock on that door.
- Eu tranco a porta.- I'll lock the door after me.
- Eu tranco sempre a porta.- I always lock the door.
- Agora, trancas a porta?- You're locking the door now?
- Ainda trancas tudo à noite?You still locking up at night?
- As trancas e alarmes...We changed the locks and the alarms.
- As trancas na porta ajudam.- The locks on the door help.
- Até ao detalhes das trancas nas portas...-Right down to the locks on the doors.
- A porta tranca.- Nathaniel, the door locks.
- Não quero viver num mundo em que o meu filho me tranca no carro.- I don't want to live in a world where my son locks me in.
- O teu pai tranca o guarda-roupa?Your dad locks his closet?
- Qual delas tranca esta porta?- Which one of these locks this door?
A arca frigorífica tranca-se por fora.The freezer locks from the outside.
- Na casa de banho, trancamos a porta.- Put it in the bathroom, lock the door...
- Não trancamos. - Nós temos que abrir.You must have unlocked it in the first place.
A propósito, porque é que não trancamos as portas?Why don't we lock our doors by the way?
Aqui para nós... Quem achas que nós trancamos lá em baixo?...between you and me ... who do you think we got locked up down there?
Desde quando trancamos as portas?Since when do we lock doors?
"Espero que a tua avó não tenha trancado a porta."Hopefully, your clever grandmother hasn't locked the door.
"Está trancado.""It's locked."
"Odeio incomodar, mas estou trancado fora de casa." Fantástico."Hate to bother, but locked out of house."
"Simon", o rapaz Europeu, Está trancado no " Cruzamento Jam "Simon, the European boy, is locked up at Jam Junction.
- Agora manténs o portão trancado?Keep the gates locked now here? Ya, sorry.
Como quereis que vos roubem? Será possível roubar-vos, quando trancais tudo e estais de sentinela dia e noite?Are you a man likely to be robbed when you put every possible thing under lock and key and mount guard day and night?
- Disse que não trancam o portão.- I told you they didn't lock that gate.
- Eles trancam-nos às 10.- They lock them at 10.
- Não disse que as portas não se trancam?I thought you said these don't lock. They don't.
- Não trancam as portas por aqui?- Don't people around here lock doors?
- Portas não se trancam sozinhas.- Doors don't just slam themselves locked.
- Acho que não tranquei a porta.- I don't think I locked the door behind me.
- E eu tranquei a porta!- And I locked the door!
- Eu me tranquei para fora.- I've locked myself out.
- Eu tranquei.I locked it. Tom!
- Já as tranquei.- Already locked them in.
- Mas trancaste-a.- But you locked it.
- Nós queremos saber... Porque é que trancaste a porta e puseste cola no quadro da luz.- We want to know... why you locked the door and poured glue in the breaker.
- Por que trancaste à chave?Why was it locked?
- Sabias e mesmo assim trancaste-o na cave.- You knew that and you still locked him away in the basement.
-Então, trancaste-me?So you've locked me up?
" e a bruxa trancou o Hansel numa gaiola."And the witch locked Hansel in a cage.
"A ama trancou-me no meu quarto devido à noite anterior.Nan locked me in my room because of last night.
"A doida da minha irmã trancou-me e fez-me beijar um guaxinim na boca..."."My crazy sister locked me up and made me kiss a raccoon on the mouth..."
"De mim," "a mulher que disse que aciden- talmente se trancou no quarto."Of me, the woman who said she was accidentally locked in the room.
- A Splendora trancou-se no quarto, e não vai aparecer na coroação. - Que quarto?- Splendora locked herself in her room, and will not show herself for the coronation.
- Meu Deus, trancaram-nos!- My God locked us!
Achaste que podias voltar ao frigorífico para o recuperar, mas eles trancaram as flores.You thought you could get back into the cooler later and grab it, but they kept their flowers locked up.
Acho que a trancaram no sotão, devem ter ficado assustados com a fuga da Mar-beth.They got it locked up in the attic, I think. Something about Mar-Beth leaving spooked them.
Acho que trancaram a porta.I think they locked the door.
Agarraram na chave, bateram com a porta e trancaram-na por fora.They took the key from the inside, slammed the door and locked it.
Eu trancarei a porta.l will lock the door and report it.
Assim quem os trancará no sótão?And than I will lock you up in the cellar!
A minha mãe trancaria as portas do carro se tivesse de conduzir por esta mistela de etnicidade...Well, my mother would lock her car doors if she had to drive through this hodgepodge of ethnicity.
Eu subiria as escadas, e trancaria a porta... contaria até 100, e rezaria... para que tu já tivesses saído quando eu descesse.I would go upstairs, I would lock the door... I would count to 100, and I would pray... that you're gone when I came down.
- Dra. Hernandez. Dra. Hernandez, por favor... fique lá dentro e tranque a porta.Dr. Hernandez, please, stay inside, lock your door.
- Feche a porta e tranque-a.- Agent Scully? - Close the door and lock it.
- Feche a porta e tranque. - Claro.- Kick it shut and lock it.
- Feche e tranque.-Shut that and lock it.
- Fique aqui e tranque a porta.- Stay here and lock the door.
"Não te tranques em quartos, Ó Partido.""Do not lock yourself up in your rooms, oh Party."
- Muito bem. Quero que o tranques.Okay, I want you to lock it.
- Não me tranques aqui!Don't lock me in here!
Depois quero que corras por esta porta... e a tranques.Then I want you to run through this door and lock it behind you.
Desde que tranques a porta e ponhas as chaves no...As long as you lock the door behind you and put the key in the...
E sugiro que todos tranquemos as portas.And I suggest we all lock our doors.
O que quer que o "Um" tenha planeado, ira fazê-lo antes de chegarmos à estação espacial, Então, aquilo que estou a sugerir... é que o tranquemos até lá chegarmos.Whatever One's got planned, he's gonna do it before we get to the station, so what I am suggesting is that we lock him up until we get there.
- Meninas, tranquem a porta.- Girls, lock the door.
- Mães, tranquem os vossos filhos.- Mothers, lock up your sons. - And husbands.
- O que se passa? Juntem os homens, tranquem as mulheres em casa e esperem por mim.Raise all the men you can, lock the women indoors and wait for me.
- Veste o casaco. Vão para casa e tranquem as portas e janelas.Why don't you all go home, lock your doors and windows ?
A todo o pessoal de segurança, tranquem o edifício...All security personnel, activate lockdown...
Boas gentes, trancai os vosso pequenos# Good folk, lock up your son and daughter
Boas gentes, trancai os vossos pequenos# Good folk, lock up your son and daughter
- Se eu não estiver doente, está me trancando com a fonte para adoecer.If I'm not sick, all you're doing is locking me up with the source. I'll get sick, prove you right.
A porta fechou-se, trancando-me cá dentro. Ninguém me ouvia.The door blew shut, locking me in.
Bem, o módulo de reentrada funciona trancando-se primeiro nas nossas coordenadas ao longo da curva do contínuo espácio-temporal.Well, the return pad works by first locking onto our coordinates along the curve of the space-time continuum.
Como é que ele as está "trancando" intencionalmente?How is he intentionally "locking" them in?
Enquanto as autoridades procuraram impedir que os funcionários públicos assistissem ao funeral, trancando alguns nos gabinetes e recusando faltas por doença, a reunião foi a maior na Birmânia desde o golpe de estado.While the authorities sought to prevent civil servants from attending the funeral, locking some in their offices and refusing sick leave, the gathering was the largest in Burma since the coup.
- É a última chamada antes de trancarem.- Last call before lock-down.
Antes deles trancarem as portas.Before they locked the doors.
Decidi eu mesmo ir ver na vizinhança se esta coisa de não trancarem as portas era verdade.No. I decided to go unannounced to a neighbourhood in Toronto to see if this unlocked-door thing was true.
Desde o inicio dos tempos os homens inventam desculpas para trancarem as mulheres.Since the beginning of time, men find excuses to lock women away.
Diga à segurança para trancarem o Hotel!Radio security! Have them lock down the hotel!
- $20 se o trancares lá.- $20 if you lock him in there.
- Se queres que eu fique aqui, - Faz o que eu digo! então é melhor trancares-me naquela sala porque não te vou deixar caminhar para a tua morte!- If you want me to stay here, then you better lock me in that room because I won't let you walk to your death!
Alex, tens as férias todas para te trancares no quarto a estudar.- Alex, you have all of spring break to lock yourself in your room and study.
Aquele quarto na cave... se conseguirmos levar Bishop até lá e tu fechares a porta e nos trancares aos dois lá dentro...That room in the basement... if we can get Bishop down there and you can close the door and lock the two of us inside...
Até parece que consegues controlar isto, se me trancares em casa.You're acting like you can somehow control this by keeping me locked inside that house.
Imagino se não seria uma boa ideia trancarmos as nossas coisas de valor.I wonder if it's not a bad idea if we don't lock up our valuables.
Isto não é como nos trancarmos na despensa, ou de nos perdermos de bicicleta em Bangok.Lois, this isn't like us getting ourselves locked in the mess hall pantry, or getting lost on our bikes in Bangkok.
Matt, se trancarmos esta anomalia agora as leituras tornam-se mais fracas.Matt, if we lock this anomaly now the readings just get weaker.
O que dizes de trancarmos a porta e darmos uma rapidinha pelos velhos tempos?What do you say we lock that door and tear one off for old time's sake?
Para drogarmos a bebida dele e o trancarmos no congelador até que ele nos diga onde está a pasta.I'm saying we should drug his drink and lock him in the freezer until he tells us where the briefcase is.

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