Descoperi (to discover) conjugation

56 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to find out, to invent, invent, to unearth

Conjugation of descoperi

Present tense
I discover
you discover
he/she/it discovers
we discover
you all discover
they discover
Present perfect tense
am descoperit
I have discovered
ai descoperit
you have discovered
a descoperit
he/she/it has discovered
am descoperit
we have discovered
ați descoperit
you all have discovered
au descoperit
they have discovered
Past preterite tense
I discovered
you discovered
he/she/it discovered
we discovered
you all discovered
they discovered
Future tense
voi descoperi
I will discover
vei descoperi
you will discover
va descoperi
he/she/it will discover
vom descoperi
we will discover
veți descoperi
you all will discover
vor descoperi
they will discover
Conditional mood
aș descoperi
I would discover
ai descoperi
you would discover
ar descoperi
he/she/it would discover
am descoperi
we would discover
ați descoperi
you all would discover
ar descoperi
they would discover
Subjunctive present tense
să descopăr
(so that/if) I discover
să descoperi
(so that/if) you discover
să descopere
(so that/if) he/she/it discover
să descoperim
(so that/if) we discover
să descoperiți
(so that/if) you all discover
să descopere
(so that/if) they discover
Subjunctive past tense
să fi descoperit
(so that/if) I have discovered
să fi descoperit
(so that/if) you have discovered
să fi descoperit
(so that/if) he/she/it have discovered
să fi descoperit
(so that/if) we have discovered
să fi descoperit
(so that/if) you all have discovered
să fi descoperit
(so that/if) they have discovered
Past impf. tense
I was discovering
you were discovering
he/she/it was discovering
we were discovering
you all were discovering
they were discovering
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu descoperi
do not discover!
nu descoperiți
do not discover!
Past pluperfect tense
I had discovered
you had discovered
he/she/it had discovered
we had discovered
you all had discovered
they had discovered
Future alternative 1 tense
am să descopăr
I am going to discover
ai să descoperi
you are going to discover
are să descopere
he/she/it is going to discover
avem să descoperim
we are going to discover
aveți să descoperiți
you all are going to discover
au să descopere
they are going to discover
Future alternative 2 tense
o să descopăr
I am going to discover
o să descoperi
you are going to discover
o să descopere
he/she/it is going to discover
o să descoperim
we are going to discover
o să descoperiți
you all are going to discover
o să descopere
they are going to discover
Future perfect tense
voi fi descoperit
I will have discovered
vei fi descoperit
you will have discovered
va fi descoperit
he/she/it will have discovered
vom fi descoperit
we will have discovered
veți fi descoperit
you all will have discovered
vor fi descoperit
they will have discovered
Future in the past tense
aveam să descopăr
I was going to discover
aveai să descoperi
you were going to discover
avea să descopere
he/she/it was going to discover
aveam să descoperim
we were going to discover
aveați să descoperiți
you all were going to discover
aveau să descopere
they were going to discover
Conditional past tense
aș fi descoperit
I would have discovered
ai fi descoperit
you would have discovered
ar fi descoperit
he/she/it would have discovered
am fi descoperit
we would have discovered
ați fi descoperit
you all would have discovered
ar fi descoperit
they would have discovered
Presumptive tense
oi descoperi
I might discover
oi descoperi
you might discover
o descoperi
he/she/it might discover
om descoperi
we might discover
oți descoperi
you all might discover
or descoperi
they might discover
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi descoperind
I might be discovering
oi fi descoperind
you might be discovering
o fi descoperind
he/she/it might be discovering
om fi descoperind
we might be discovering
oți fi descoperind
you all might be discovering
or fi descoperind
they might be discovering
Presumptive past tense
oi fi descoperit
I might have discovered
oi fi descoperit
you might have discovered
o fi descoperit
he/she/it might have discovered
om fi descoperit
we might have discovered
oți fi descoperit
you all might have discovered
or fi descoperit
they might have discovered

Examples of descoperi

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" ea a fost pe cale de a descoperi situată în domeniu."she was about to discover lying in the field.
"" Newton a făcut pentru a descoperi viața atunci când... măr căzut pe capul lui." Newton made to discover the life when ... apple fell on his head.
"... şi descoperi că s-a transformat..." discover that he had been transformed...
"...şi pe care poate într-o zi îl vei descoperi.""... and that maybe one day you'll discover. "
"Cum vom mai descoperi o cale dacă stăm aşa?"Sitting like this, how will we discover a new path.
"...descopăr oare tot ce mi-am dorit vreodată sau mă rătăcesc?" l discovering all l ever wished for, or am l lost ?
"Am pus deoparte sabia mea și a lucrat febril să descopăr ceva"I put away my sword and worked feverishly to discover something
"Călătorind cu un vapor cu aburi de la Singapore, am întâlnit un medic japonez pe numele de Hasegawa, la care am fost surprinsă să descopăr că împărtăşea abilităţile mele."Traveling on a steamer from Singapore, "I met a Japanese doctor by the name of Hasegawa, "who I was surprised to discover shared my abilities.
"De atunci eu am ajuns să descopăr... ""Ever since you have arrived, l have rediscovered..."
"E timpul să descopăr viaţa pe care mereu am visat-o, şi mi se părea imposibilă."It's time I discovered the life I've always dreamed of but thought impossible.
"Când un om cinstit descoperă că a greşit, fie încetează să mai greşească, fie încetează să mai fie cinstit.""When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest. "
"Din eroare în eroare se descoperă întregul adevăr"."From error to error, one discovers the entire truth".
- Ce se întâmplă dacă el descoperă?- What if he discovers it?
- Dacă mă descoperă...- If he discovers me...
- Las-o balta! Oricum, în scena 24, o scenă uluitoare cu o interpretare minunată... în care Arthur descoperă o dovadă esentială... în care nu sunt rândunici, desi cred că puteti auzi un falfait...Oh, anyway on to Scene 24, which is a smashing scene, with some lovely acting in which Arthur discovers a vital clue.
"Citirea" emoţiilor ne ajută să descoperim minciunile.Reading emotions helps us discover lies.
- Asta trebuie să descoperim.- That is what we must discover.
- Atunci descoperim ucigaşul.Then we'll discover the murderer.
- E timpul să descoperim zonele rurale.- Time to discover the countryside.
- E vital sa descoperim...- It is essential that we discover...
! Altfel, am descoperit încă un inamic super-puternic.Otherwise we've discovered another powerful enemy.
! Lt Cadman a descoperit o lipsă în logurile comnezilor de sistem care indica două puncte de ştergere pe care...Lt. Cadman discovered a gap in the system command logs that indicated two deletion points, which she and...
! Poate că am descoperit fantoma lui George Edward Challenger.Perhaps we've discovered the ghost of George Edward Challenger.
" Am descoperit că au fost mai multe lucruri"I discovered there were several more in the ranks.
" Dar am descoperit cã Phansigars au propriul brand"But I have discovered that the Phansigars have their own brand
S-ar putea sムfiți surprinși sムdescoperiți identitatea acestei creaturi misterioase.So you might be surprised to discover the identity of this mysterious creature.
- Dar într-un an în plus de viaţă poate doctorii vor descoperii un răspuns.But in an extra year's time perhaps the doctors will have discovered an answer.
Nişte scuze oficiale vor fi trimise guvernului American când vom descoperii de ce naveta Moonraker nu era la locul accidentului.An apology will be made to the American government when we've discovered why the Moonraker wasn't in that wreckage.
Nu visam niciodată la noaptea când veţi descoperii că trişez şi-mi veţi da o bătaie soră cu moartea, să se termine aşa.I never dreamed a night where you discovered I was cheating and beat the crap out of me could end on such an up note.
Şi acest lucru se potriveşte cu dovezile descoperii în GolfulAnd this fits in with evidence discovered in the Gulf of
Abia după ce am gustat din fructul plăcerii descoperirăm că Mathilde îmi era fiică şi eu îi eram tată..."After enjoying the honeys of pleasure we discovered she was my daughter Mathilde..."
Iar Buster descoperea că deprinderile sale academice, nu l-au pregătit complet pentru noile sale responsabilităţi.[Narrator] And Buster was discovering his academic pursuits... didn't fully prepare him for his new responsibilities.
In aproximativ acelasi timp in care William Herschel descoperea lumina infrarosie in conacul sau din Marea Britanie, un baiat tanar, numit Joseph Fraunhofer era fortat la munca, fara sperantaAt about the same time that William Herschel was discovering infrared light in his parlor in England, a young boy named Joseph Fraunhofer was trapped in hopeless drudgery.
Joy descoperea că trebuia să aibă grijă de el mai mult decât a crezut la început.Although she was discovering that Randy took a lot more taking care of than she expected.
Mama descoperea că reintrarea în lumea întâlnirilor poate fi un pic dificilă.Mom was discovering re-entry into the dating world can be a bit bumpy.
Veronica descoperea că noua ei politică avea un efect neaşteptat.Veronica was discovering her new policy was having an unexpected effect.
Am văzut oraşe frumoase în care, pentru prima dată... cei aflaţi în vacanţă descopereau marea.We saw beautiful towns where, for the first time new holidaymakers were discovering the sea.
In ploaia de particule produse, ei descopereau ca natura este mult mai bogata decat credeau.In the showers of particles produced, they were discovering that nature is far richer than they thought. SHELDON LEE GLASHOW:
Teoria evoluţionistă prin selecţia naturală emisă de Darwin a avut la bază munca biologilor care descopereau mii de specii noi în toată lumea.Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was built on the work of naturalists who were discovering thousands of new species across the world.
Eram conştient: faptul că Donna era o persoană publică şi profilul întunecat al muncii mele erau o combinaţie proastă, însă descoperisem în Donna o persoană cu adevărat încântătoare, în ciuda tuturor aparenţelor./ knew that her public persona and the dark side of m y Work - were a bad combination - but / had discovered a charming real person under the fa/re one.
I-am zis tot ce descoperisem, iar el m-a amenintat cu pistolul. Îmi dai voie ?I told him what I had discovered, then he pointed the gun.
Pe drumul spre casă, spre Alaska, m-am gândit la ce descoperisem.I'm on the way home to Alaska, I thought about what I had discovered.
- Cred că Adair descoperise că trişa.I think that Adair had discovered that he was cheating.
- Nu bănuiam nimic, și anume că Peter descoperise înșelăciunea noastră și că Laust era bolnav de moarte.Not suspecting anything. That Peter had discovered our deception. That Laust was dying.
Asta este ceea ce dna Iris descoperise şi de asta trebuia să îi se închidă gura.And that is Madame Iris Russell had discovered, and that is why she had to be silenced!
Astronautul Pettit (mic în lb. franceză) descoperise ceva mare.Astronaut Pettit had discovered something big.
Buster descoperise că unchiul Oscar era tatăl său adevărat. - M-ai minţit.Buster had discovered that his Uncle Oscar was his true father.
'În epoca bronzului, ei descoperiseră secretul fierului' 'şi astfel, înfrânseseră orice încercare de nesupunere' 'fără pic de milă.'In a world of bronze, they had discovered the secret of iron. And with this, they crushed any disobedience swiftly and without mercy.
Anglia fiind singura ei aliată în luptă. Spaniolii descoperiseră vastele bogăţii ale Americilor, şi, spuneau legendele, şi mai multe bogăţii ale misteriosului Chitai.The spanish had discovered the vast riches of the americas, and, legend had it, the even greater riches of mysterious cathay.
Se pare că Zig şi cu Zog descoperiseră nişte urme proaspete de mamut./Seems Zig and Zog had discovered /some fresh wolly mammoth tracks,
Spaniolii descoperiseră vastele bogăţii ale Americilor, şi, spuneau legendele, şi mai multe bogăţii ale misteriosului Chitai.The Spanish had discovered the vast riches of the Americas and, legend had it, the even greater riches of mysterious Cathay.
A devenit o obsesie, descoperind metode creative de a ucide.Became an obsession discovering creative ways to kill.
Ai făcut un lucru minunat descoperind-o, şi mă simt foarte bine să ştiu că vei fi mereu aici ca să o ajuţi.You did a wonderful thing in discovering her, and it makes me feel really good to know that you're always gonna be there to guide her.
Aleargă pe câmpuri, descoperind libertatea şi bucuria şi creativitatea ei personală.She runs across the fields discovering freedom and joy, and her own personal creativity. Ooh, aah, aah, aah, ooh.
Astazi a-ti stat umar la umar cu Columb descoperind AmericaToday you stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Columbus discovering America,
Au chemat localnicii să le ceară sfatul de unde să-i urmărească, descoperind semne de îngrijorare ale crocodililor mari în libertate.They called in at the local village to ask their advice on where to stake out, discovering worrying signs of big crocodiles at large.

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