Studia (to study) conjugation

54 examples

Conjugation of studia

Present tense
I study
you study
he/she/it studies
we study
you all study
they study
Present perfect tense
am studiat
I have studied
ai studiat
you have studied
a studiat
he/she/it has studied
am studiat
we have studied
ați studiat
you all have studied
au studiat
they have studied
Past preterite tense
I studied
you studied
he/she/it studied
we studied
you all studied
they studied
Future tense
voi studia
I will study
vei studia
you will study
va studia
he/she/it will study
vom studia
we will study
veți studia
you all will study
vor studia
they will study
Conditional mood
aș studia
I would study
ai studia
you would study
ar studia
he/she/it would study
am studia
we would study
ați studia
you all would study
ar studia
they would study
Subjunctive present tense
să studiez
(so that/if) I study
să studiezi
(so that/if) you study
să studieze
(so that/if) he/she/it study
să studiem
(so that/if) we study
să studiați
(so that/if) you all study
să studieze
(so that/if) they study
Subjunctive past tense
să fi studiat
(so that/if) I have studied
să fi studiat
(so that/if) you have studied
să fi studiat
(so that/if) he/she/it have studied
să fi studiat
(so that/if) we have studied
să fi studiat
(so that/if) you all have studied
să fi studiat
(so that/if) they have studied
Past impf. tense
I was studying
you were studying
he/she/it was studying
we were studying
you all were studying
they were studying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu studia
do not study!
nu studiați
do not study!
Past pluperfect tense
I had studied
you had studied
he/she/it had studied
we had studied
you all had studied
they had studied
Future alternative 1 tense
am să studiez
I am going to study
ai să studiezi
you are going to study
are să studieze
he/she/it is going to study
avem să studiem
we are going to study
aveți să studiați
you all are going to study
au să studieze
they are going to study
Future alternative 2 tense
o să studiez
I am going to study
o să studiezi
you are going to study
o să studieze
he/she/it is going to study
o să studiem
we are going to study
o să studiați
you all are going to study
o să studieze
they are going to study
Future perfect tense
voi fi studiat
I will have studied
vei fi studiat
you will have studied
va fi studiat
he/she/it will have studied
vom fi studiat
we will have studied
veți fi studiat
you all will have studied
vor fi studiat
they will have studied
Future in the past tense
aveam să studiez
I was going to study
aveai să studiezi
you were going to study
avea să studieze
he/she/it was going to study
aveam să studiem
we were going to study
aveați să studiați
you all were going to study
aveau să studieze
they were going to study
Conditional past tense
aș fi studiat
I would have studied
ai fi studiat
you would have studied
ar fi studiat
he/she/it would have studied
am fi studiat
we would have studied
ați fi studiat
you all would have studied
ar fi studiat
they would have studied
Presumptive tense
oi studia
I might study
oi studia
you might study
o studia
he/she/it might study
om studia
we might study
oți studia
you all might study
or studia
they might study
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi studiind
I might be studying
oi fi studiind
you might be studying
o fi studiind
he/she/it might be studying
om fi studiind
we might be studying
oți fi studiind
you all might be studying
or fi studiind
they might be studying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi studiat
I might have studied
oi fi studiat
you might have studied
o fi studiat
he/she/it might have studied
om fi studiat
we might have studied
oți fi studiat
you all might have studied
or fi studiat
they might have studied

Examples of studia

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Cand vom avea timp pentru a studia?When are we gonna have time to study?
"...studia sau orice altceva."" or do something else."
"...şi voi studia din ce în ce mai susţinut"# And then I'll study much harder
"Ce vei studia? - "Arta""What will you be studying?
"ne anunta formarea un albastră bipartizana Ribbon Comisiei pentru a studia opțiunile cu privire la securitatea socială ""We're announcing the formation of a bipartisan Blue Ribbon Commission to study options with regard to Social Security. "
"'Vroiam sa studiez, dar nu ma lasa."'I wanted to study, but he wouldn't let me.
"Am decis să studiez şi să monitorizez pacientul. "I decided to study and counsel the patient.
"La bibliotecă, studiez până târziu"."In the library studying late.
"Mamă, vreau să studiez la acelaşi colegiu ca Shinu"."Mom, I want to study in the same college as Shinu".
"Nu merg să studiez pentru barou.""I'm not going to study for the bar.
"Micutule", daca esti asa de destept, de ce ai venit la noi sa studiezi?-If you are so clever why did you come here by us to study?
"Sa o pui pe biroul tau cand studiezi?"Will you put me on the desk in your study?
"sau o sa studiezi din greu si sa devii cineva?"or are you gonna study hard and make something of yourself?
- Aaa, studiezi ? Da.- You're studying?
- Adică studiezi tot soiul de lucruri ?Does that mean you get to study all sorts of things?
# Iar mai târziu când stă şi studiază un pui* And later as she stands and studies a chicken
- Căutăm un bărbat cu care dl. Ahmed studiază Coranul, cineva din congregaţie.We're actually looking for a man that Mr. Ahmed studies Qur'an with, somebody from the congregation.
- Laboratorul studiază şerpi, tigri, urşi.The Aggression Lab studies snakes, tigers, bears.
- Trebuie să aflu cine studiază asta.I need to know who studies this.
A fost un puşti interogat ieri la Mendel pe nume Marsha, studiază ştiinţa calculatoarelor avansate.There was a kid we interviewed today at Mendel named Marsha, studies advanced computer science.
"Am venit 60 trilioane de kilometri sa va studiem anusul.""We came 6 trillion miles to study your ass.
"Da, ar trebui să-l studiem pe dl. Pritchard, să învăţăm metoda lui şi să ne vedem cuminţi de atingerea altor scopuri.""Yes, we should simply study our Mr. Pritchard...
"Doar studiem"niciodata se termina cu doar studiem."Just studying" never ends with just studying.
"Putem măcar să-ti studiem saliva?""Can we at least study your saliva?"
- Dacă vom începe să îl studiem azi...Now, if we start to study right today...
"'Am studiat, dar tata mereu se opunea."'"'I studied, but my father was always against it."'
"Atitudinea masculului este aceea a unui academician care a studiat un asa-zis viitor in care rasa umana decade cu adevarata obiectivitate a unui bun istoricThe male's attitude is that of a well-disposed academician who studied the alleged downfall of the human race with the true objectivity of a good historian.
"Cel iubit de Bizon" a studiat puterea plantelor, a rădăcinilor şi a ierburilor.Loved by the buffalo studied the power of plants, of roots, and herbs.
"Darwin a studiat păsările.""Bird studied by Darwin."
"După terminarea liceului, Lana Lang a studiat istoria la universitatea Sorbonne""After high school, "lana lang studied art history at the sorbonne
Aveți des ocazia să studiați gheața pe acolo ?Get much chance to study ice down there?
- Da, studiam sa fiu profesor de istorie, dar tata a murit si nu puteam s-o las aici singura pe sora-mea.- Yeah, I was studying to be a history teacher, but my dad died and my sister couldn't be left alone here.
- Eu studiam.- I was studying,
- Nici nu stiu de ce studiam cu tipul asta.- I don't know why I was studying with him.
-Ştii că atunci când l-am cunoscut pe Thomas studiam să devin actriţă?Do you know that when I met Thomas, I was studying to be an actress?
Credeam că studiai dezbaterile dintre Lincoln şi Douglas.I thought you were studying the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
De parcă studiai la două dimineaţa.Like you were studying at two A.M.
Parcă studiai să devii cadru medical.I thought you were studying to be a nurse.
Si apoi, într-o seară în care studiai harta asta, ai adăugat un semn unde ai vânat o fată, si apoi altul, apoi altul, până când a devenit ceva de care nu te mai puteai abtine.And then one night while you were studying this chart, you added on where you hunted a girl, and then another and another, until it's just something you can't leave alone.
Spuneai că studiai relaţiile internaţionale.Anyway, you said that you were studying international relations.
Aceştia studiau liniile de microunde, pentru că Bell Labs încercă să le folosească pentru comunicarea prin microunde.What they were doing is they were studying the microwave sky as Bell Labs was exploring the idea of using it for microwave communication.
Chimiştii dispuneau acum de un sistem pentru a ilustra structurile chimice ale moleculelor pe care le studiau.Chemists now had devised for clearly illustrating the chemical structures of the molecules they were studying.
Crezi ca studiau NZT?Do you think they were studying NZT?
Ea spunea că orice fel de oameni suntem, avem un avânt, un suflet, care e misterios pentru ei, şi încearcă să descopere unde pleacă sufletul, spiritul, în momentul morţii, şi aşa non-umanii studiau reciclarea sufletului în şi în afara containerelor.She said whatever we humans are, we have an animus, a soul, that is mysterious to them, and they are trying to find out where does the soul, spirit, go at the moment of death, and that the non-humans were studying the recycling of the souls in and out of containers
Ei studiau limbajul balenelor, încercând sa atribuie anumite frecvente emotiilor si sa identifice stari.They were studying the language trying to assign frequencies to emotions and identify moods.
Am fost şocat, fiindcă nu mă aşteptasem la aşa ceva când mă implicasem în acest caz, în urmă cu două luni. Deşi studiasem cazuri de pedofilie şi ştiam ce le fac acest tip de oameni băieţaşilor, nu mai auzisem pe nimeni spunând aşa ceva.I was shocked 'cause even though I was involved in the case now for two months and even though I had studied pedophilia and I knew what these men did to little boys
Cu cât mă gândeam mai mult la ei, la oamenii ăştia cărora le studiasem... până le-am ştiut numele şi istoria la fel de bine ca pe-a mea proprie, cu atât deveneau mai monstruoşi, plini de aroganţă şi cruzime, al căror singur rol pe lume era să mă priveze de dreptul meu prin naştere.The more I thought of them, these people whom I had studied... until I knew their names and histories as well as I knew my own... the more they became monsters of arrogance and cruelty... whose only function in the world was to deprive me of my birthright.
Darwin, care studiase botanica si geologia la Universitatea din Cambridge, a adunat câteva specimene de animale si plante.Darwin, who had studied botany and geology at Cambridge university, collected specimens of the animals and plants.
Aceştia studiaseră la Oxford sau la Cambridge.They had studied in Oxford or in Cambridge.
"Per total, ar trebui să continuaţi să scrieţi şi să vă dezvoltaţi studiind autorii buni, şi teoria romanului.""All in all, you should keep on writing - and develop yourself by studying good authors - and theory of the novel."
- Nopţile lungi, studiind sub stele...The long nights, studying under the stars...
- Se face mare , studiind fundul ei off .- She's doing great, studying her butt off.
-...studiind pentru examenul la istorie.-...studying for your history exam. pare că guvernul a adus specialiştii în extratereştrii, acei oameni care şi-au dedicat vieţile studiind spaţiul extraterestru....but it's looking likely that the government's bringing in alien specialists, those people who've devoted their lives to studying outer space.

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