Vorbi (to speak) conjugation

69 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to talk, talk

Conjugation of vorbi

Present tense
I speak
you speak
he/she/it speaks
we speak
you all speak
they speak
Present perfect tense
am vorbit
I have spoken
ai vorbit
you have spoken
a vorbit
he/she/it has spoken
am vorbit
we have spoken
ați vorbit
you all have spoken
au vorbit
they have spoken
Past preterite tense
I spoke
you spoke
he/she/it spoke
we spoke
you all spoke
they spoke
Future tense
voi vorbi
I will speak
vei vorbi
you will speak
va vorbi
he/she/it will speak
vom vorbi
we will speak
veți vorbi
you all will speak
vor vorbi
they will speak
Conditional mood
aș vorbi
I would speak
ai vorbi
you would speak
ar vorbi
he/she/it would speak
am vorbi
we would speak
ați vorbi
you all would speak
ar vorbi
they would speak
Subjunctive present tense
să vorbesc
(so that/if) I speak
să vorbești
(so that/if) you speak
să vorbească
(so that/if) he/she/it speak
să vorbim
(so that/if) we speak
să vorbiți
(so that/if) you all speak
să vorbească
(so that/if) they speak
Subjunctive past tense
să fi vorbit
(so that/if) I have spoken
să fi vorbit
(so that/if) you have spoken
să fi vorbit
(so that/if) he/she/it have spoken
să fi vorbit
(so that/if) we have spoken
să fi vorbit
(so that/if) you all have spoken
să fi vorbit
(so that/if) they have spoken
Past impf. tense
I was speaking
you were speaking
he/she/it was speaking
we were speaking
you all were speaking
they were speaking
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu vorbi
do not speak!
nu vorbiți
do not speak!
Past pluperfect tense
I had spoken
you had spoken
he/she/it had spoken
we had spoken
you all had spoken
they had spoken
Future alternative 1 tense
am să vorbesc
I am going to speak
ai să vorbești
you are going to speak
are să vorbească
he/she/it is going to speak
avem să vorbim
we are going to speak
aveți să vorbiți
you all are going to speak
au să vorbească
they are going to speak
Future alternative 2 tense
o să vorbesc
I am going to speak
o să vorbești
you are going to speak
o să vorbească
he/she/it is going to speak
o să vorbim
we are going to speak
o să vorbiți
you all are going to speak
o să vorbească
they are going to speak
Future perfect tense
voi fi vorbit
I will have spoken
vei fi vorbit
you will have spoken
va fi vorbit
he/she/it will have spoken
vom fi vorbit
we will have spoken
veți fi vorbit
you all will have spoken
vor fi vorbit
they will have spoken
Future in the past tense
aveam să vorbesc
I was going to speak
aveai să vorbești
you were going to speak
avea să vorbească
he/she/it was going to speak
aveam să vorbim
we were going to speak
aveați să vorbiți
you all were going to speak
aveau să vorbească
they were going to speak
Conditional past tense
aș fi vorbit
I would have spoken
ai fi vorbit
you would have spoken
ar fi vorbit
he/she/it would have spoken
am fi vorbit
we would have spoken
ați fi vorbit
you all would have spoken
ar fi vorbit
they would have spoken
Presumptive tense
oi vorbi
I might speak
oi vorbi
you might speak
o vorbi
he/she/it might speak
om vorbi
we might speak
oți vorbi
you all might speak
or vorbi
they might speak
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi vorbind
I might be speaking
oi fi vorbind
you might be speaking
o fi vorbind
he/she/it might be speaking
om fi vorbind
we might be speaking
oți fi vorbind
you all might be speaking
or fi vorbind
they might be speaking
Presumptive past tense
oi fi vorbit
I might have spoken
oi fi vorbit
you might have spoken
o fi vorbit
he/she/it might have spoken
om fi vorbit
we might have spoken
oți fi vorbit
you all might have spoken
or fi vorbit
they might have spoken

Examples of vorbi

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Tu nu poti vorbi nemteste!You can't speak German!
! Un cadavru încă mai poate vorbi.A dead body can still speak.
" Ala, bala, portocala spiritele vor vorbi" ?"Eenie, meenie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak"?
" daca imaginile ar putea vorbi, ar cânta pentru mine!"Do you like it? If pictures could speak, this would sing to me!
". Da, eu pot vorbi Da, eu pot vorbi."(mimics) "Yes, I can speak.
! Aşa cum o vorbesc eu, nu-i deloc moartă.Hey, it's not dead the way I speak it, baby.
" Ce-l face pe omul prost să creadă că vorbesc Chinezeşte?"They say "What make foolish man think I speak Chinese?"
" Chiar dacă nu vorbesc.""Even if you don't speak."
" Dacă nu vorbesc..."lf l don't speak...
" Eu vorbesc cu tine în acest fel,"I am speaking to you this way,
- Ce vorbești pe?- What are you speaking on?
- Cum îndrăznești să vorbești așa cu mine?- How dare you speak to me like that?
- Dar ce vorbești este adevărul .But what you speak is the truth.
- Deci, tu vorbești italiana?- So you speak Italian?
- E dificil când vorbești atât de codat, dar am înțeles.Well, it's kind of tough when you speak in code like that, but I get the idea.
(Daniel vorbește nedeslușit)(Daniel speaks indistinctly)
(Femeie vorbește nedeslușit, tuse man)(Woman speaks indistinctly, man coughs)
(Gedik vorbește turcă)(Gedik speaks Turkish)
(Nero vorbește spaniolă)(nero speaks spanish)
(OSO vorbește nedeslușit)(oso speaks indistinctly)
" Să îndrăznim să citim, să gândim, să vorbim şi să scriem."- Write! "Let us dare to read, think, speak and write."
"........." Nu vorbim "klingona" ticnituleI don't speak Klingon, you freak.
"A sosit timpul, spuse morsa, să vorbim despre multe...""Well, the time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things.""
"Abia astept să vorbim.""Looking forward to speaking with you."
"Acum e rândul nostru să vorbim şi glasul nostru e glas imperial.""Now we speak, and our voice is imperial.
"Am vorbit despre oraşul strălucitor, toată viaţa mea politică. Dar nu ştiu dacă am explicat vreodată, ce gândeam când am spus-o.I've spoken of a shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it.
"Au fost zile în care am vorbit cu luna despre tine.""lt has been days that l have spoken to the moon about you."
"Cu un ritm lent, vorbit incompetent, prost editat, acest... Anthonius and Cleopatra...""Slowly paced, incompetently spoken, badly edited this Anthony and Cleopatra--"
"Daca po? i suporta sa auda adevarul care le--a? i vorbit"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
"Dl. Duncan a vorbit pe PBS și NPR"Mr. Duncan has spoken on PBS and NPR.
"Face persoana cu care vorbiți.""Face the person with whom you're speaking."
A zis: "Vă rog, vorbiți-mi în engleză.She said, "Please speak to me in English.
Acolo - chiar și oamenii fara limbi incepe sa vorbiți!Over there - even people without tongues start speaking!
Atunci când acestea sunt plasate, ei o să ridica semnalelor electrice care corpul tau produce atunci când vorbiți.When these are placed, they're gonna pick up the electrical signals that your body generates when you speak.
Așa că, vorbiți.So speak up.
Am vorbit cu el dar e ca si cum ai vorbii cu un perete.I've spoken to him about it, but it's like talking to a brick wall.
Nu mai vorbiră despre plonjonul ei.No one spoke about her jump.
- Eu vorbeam de femei in general.- I was speaking generally.
- Eu vorbeam pentru ca imi faceam griji. Ca un frate.I was speaking out of concern like a brother.
- Nu despre trudă vorbeam.- It wasn't labor I was speaking of.
- Nu, nu, vorbeam cu Carlos.- No, no, I was speaking to Carlos.
Am uitat că vorbeam cu o minte psihopată care apucă şi omoară oameni din instinct.I forgot that I was speaking to a psychotic mind Who snaps and kills people impulsively.
- Ah, vorbeai in general.- Oh, you were speaking generally.
- Cel cu care vorbeai.The man you were speaking with.
Aceeaşi oră de care vorbeai tu.That same hour you were speaking of, little cousin.
Acela era semnul de care vorbeai?Is that the sign you were speaking?
Ai fi putut să-mi spui că atunci când ai zis că locul ăsta este "o gaură mizerabilă", că vorbeai la propriu.You could have told me that when you said this place was a "godforsaken slime hole," you were speaking literally.
- Cel de la staţie vorbea arabă.That man on the radio, he was speaking arabic.
- Ea vorbea Engleza, am auzit-o.She was speaking English, I heard her.
- Limba pe care o vorbea e norvegiana?- Was that Norwegian she was speaking?
-E a fost ca el vorbea viata mea.- lt was like he was speaking my life.
Accentul ei şi modul în care vorbea.Her accent and the way she was speaking.
Câţiva oameni într-un bar vorbeau că o să-l sune pe preşedinte.Some men in a bar down the street were speaking about telephoning the President.
Dar ei vorbeau un fel de limbă slavă.But they were speaking some kind of Slavic language.
E ca şi cum vorbeau direct cu mine.It's like they were speaking directly to me.
Ei vorbeau de un grup mai mare... 16 pentru a fi exact.They were speaking for a larger group... 16 to be exact.
Ei vorbeau foarte liber la sedinta pina cind au realizat ca le-ar putea fi aduse acuzatii.They were speaking quite openly at the debriefing until they realized there might be charges.
Îmi amintesc pentru că vorbisem cu Tom în acea dimineaţă.I remember because Tom and I had spoken that morning.
Ştia că vorbisem cu dta, căpitane.He knew that I had spoken to you, Captain.
Cu o zi înainte, Tobias vorbise cu el la telefon.One day earlier, Tobias had spoken to him...
Dumnezeu vorbise.God had spoken.
Era complet răvăşită, pentru că tocmai vorbise cu soţul ei, care era mort deja de mai mult de 20 de ani.She was devastated because she had spoken to her husband who had been dead for 20 years
Singur! Şi Încă o dată Domnul i-a vorbit lui Joseph Smith, aşa cum le vorbise lui Adam, Avraam, Moise, Pavel şi altora.Once again, the Lord had spoken to Joseph Smith as he had to Adam, Abraham,
Ultima oară vorbise cu Susan cu patru zile înainte.The last time he had spoken to Susan had been four days earlier.
! Ipotetic vorbind...Hypothetically speaking.
"Am tremurat prea la gândul de după cină vorbind, "și am avut o altă problemă."'I too trembled at the thought of after-dinner speaking, 'and I had another issue.'
"Biiine" nu e de fapt o ameninţare, tehnic vorbind.Actually, "OK" is not a threat Lister, technically speaking.
"Mug prin vorbind cu voce tare.""Mug up by speaking it aloud."
"Ne pare rau, din motive tehnice, suntem fortati sa taie impuscaturi externe, dar tine pe urmatoarele vorbind Fred!I bought this TV just to watch this garbage! We` re sorry, for technical reasons, we are forced to cut off the external shootings, but keep on following Fred speaking!

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