Amputera (to amputate) conjugation

29 examples

Conjugation of amputera

Present tense
I amputate
Future tense
ska amputera
I will amputate
Conditional mood
skulle amputera
I would amputate
Past perfect tense
har amputerat
I have amputated
Future perf.
ska ha amputerat
I will have amputated
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha amputerat
I would have amputated
Imperative mood
Preterite past tense
I amputated
Past pluperfect tense
hade amputerat
I had amputated

Examples of amputera

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
-Bad han dig att amputera armarna?And was it his idea that you should amputate your arms?
De var tvungna att amputera hennes arm på grund av kallbrand.They had to amputate her wounded arm due to gangrene.
Det enda sättet att undvika det är att amputera.The only way to prevent that is to amputate.
Du såg hur det var att amputera en fot utan.You saw what it was like to amputate a foot without any.
Fängslade min man på ett tak, tvingade honom att amputera handen.Handcuffed my man to a roof, forced him to amputate his own hand.
- De tvingades amputera.- How's your mother? - They had to amputate.
- Du kommer inte amputera, kommer du?- You won't amputate, will you?
- Han fick amputera hela benet.-He had to amputate his leg.
- Jag hade inte behövt amputera om han...I wouldn't have had to amputate if he'd...
- De amputerar fel ben hela tiden, och nån dör.They amputate the wrong leg all the time, you have this one dying over here.
- Det här skulle då vara en sån läkare som amputerar fel ben.This would be one of those doctors that amputates the wrong leg.
Han dör om vi inte amputerar.He will die unless we amputate.
Kanske jag amputerar din fräcka tunga.Maybe I'll amputate your insolent tongue, boy. Now get me a drink!
Ser vi ut som någ ra som tar sig in i ett läger på natten... smyger in i nåns tält, söver honom, kollar hudtyp... amputerar ett ben och sticker med det?Do we look like the sort of chaps who'd creep into a camp at night... steal into someone's tent, anaesthetise them, tissue-type 'em... amputate a leg and run away with it?
-Att få stortån amputerad eller hångla med Larry King i en kvart?Okay, would you rather have your big toe amputated or make out with Larry King for fifteen minutes?
Att bli avstängd från basebollen... var som att bli amputerad.Getting thrown out of baseball was like having part of me amputated.
Det vore som att gripa efter en amputerad hand när stormen kommer!It's like grabbing an amputated arm in the middle of the storm!
En amputerad arm kan återfästas om patienten får vård inom fyra timmar.An amputated arm can be surgically reattached if the patient receives surgical attention within four hours.
En amputerad hand inom åtta timmar och amputerade fingrar inom 12.An amputated hand within eight, amputated fingers within 12.
-Jag kallar den för "det amputerade benet."-l call it the amputated leg.
Att fästa amputerade lemmar är bland de mest krävande ingreppen.(man) Obviously, putting on amputated fingers or arms or limbs is one of the more dramatic things we can do.
De amputerade benen slår till igen!The amputated leg strikes again.
De amputerade en av hans tår.They amputated one of his toes.
Dina armar var väl amputerade så att du inte kunde lyfta luren.I guess your arms were amputated and you couldn't pick up a phone.
- Säng 26, amputerat ben.Bed 36, amputated leg. How should I know that?
De har amputerat ena armen.They've amputated one arm.
De har amputerat mitt ben.They've amputated my leg.
Den här mannens ben blev nästan amputerat men han har inte förlorat mycket blod.This man's leg was nearly amputated by a piece of fuselage, yet there's virtually no evidence of blood loss on his pants.
Det finns en sida för folk som tänder på dem som har fått nåt amputerat.There's a site for people that gets turned on by partners who's amputated something.

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