Spela in (to record) conjugation

26 examples
This verb can also mean the following: earn, in a sport, in, game, play, make, play music with an intended direction, bombard, make a short appearance, rehearse, influence

Conjugation of spela in

Present tense
spelar in
I record
Future tense
ska spela in
I will record
Conditional mood
skulle spela in
I would record
Past perfect tense
har spelatin
I have recorded
Future perf.
ska ha spelatin
I will have recorded
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha spelatin
I would have recorded
Imperative mood
spela in
Preterite past tense
spelade in
I recorded
Past pluperfect tense
hade spelatin
I had recorded

Examples of spela in

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
"innan du läser in ditt meddelande... ..tryck på den röda knappen för att spela in"."Before you read your message... "press the red button for record."
"är det möjligt att spela in en orepeterad konversation?""is it possible to have an unrehearsed conversation with a tape recording?"
- Det går inte att spela in.- I can't get any kind of recording here.
- För att spela in flygdata, visst.To record flight data, sure.
- För att spela in tryck fyra.To rerecord your message press four.
"Du får inte spela in fler skivor eller uppträda mer om du inte blir drogfri.""You're never gonna make another record again, "you're never going to perform ever again unless you get clean."
"Jag skulle vilja bjuda dig på fika, så skulle vi kanske kunna spela in...""l'd like to take you to tea and maybe record..."
"Vänligen spela in REM-sovare i rum 17,24,09""Please record REMsleeper in room 17 24 09".
"innan du läser in ditt meddelande... ..tryck på den röda knappen för att spela in"."Before you read your message... "press the red button for record."
"är det möjligt att spela in en orepeterad konversation?""is it possible to have an unrehearsed conversation with a tape recording?"
- De spelar in allt.Always being recording.
- De spelar in.They record these things.
- Den spelar in allt som skrivs.- It records everything that's typed.
- Hakeem spelar in, annars går vi under.Hakeem needs to be recording new music or the ship is gonna sink before it even leaves the port.
- Han spelar in en låt.He's in a recording studio.
"Things Ain't What They Used To Be", inspelad 30 juli 1945."Things Ain't What They Used to Be." It was recorded July 30, 1945.
...För att bli inspelad och allt.Just with it being recorded and all that.
Alan, jag vill att du ska gå igenom varje tum av inspelad konversation flaggning ordet "Glas".Alan, I want you to go through every inch of recorded conversation, flagging the word "Glass."
Den är behaglig men inte påträngande och den är inspelad på en subsonisk nivå som ett mantra.It's pleasant, not intrusive, but recorded at a subsonic level is a mantra.
Den är inspelad i Chicago.Abbotsford. - Well, that's plain wrong. Nat recorded that in Chicago.
- Jag spelade in det här från kortvågen.I recorded this from the shortwave.
- Minns du barnsångerna jag spelade in?You remember I recorded those kids' songs a few months ago?
- Tom Lennox spelade in det.- Tom Lennox recorded it.
- Vi spelade in det häromkvällen.We've recorded this the other night.
- Zeppelin spelade in den 1975.Oh, oh, oh, Zeppelin recorded it, '75.
Jag har spelatin från skottlossningen.I've recorded a bit from the exchange of shots.

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