Underminera (to undermine) conjugation

26 examples

Conjugation of underminera

Present tense
I undermine
Future tense
ska underminera
I will undermine
Conditional mood
skulle underminera
I would undermine
Past perfect tense
har underminerat
I have undermined
Future perf.
ska ha underminerat
I will have undermined
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha underminerat
I would have undermined
Imperative mood
Preterite past tense
I undermined
Past pluperfect tense
hade underminerat
I had undermined

Examples of underminera

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
"Då den återgående vågen sedan med ett hest rytande drog sig tillbaka" "tycktes den suga djupa hålor i stranden" "som om den haft till avsikt att underminera jorden.""As the receding wave swept back with a hoarse roar, "it seemed to scoop out deep caves in the beach, "as if its purpose were to undermine the earth.
"Neggar." Att säga nåt negativt till en snygg tjej för att underminera hennes sociala värde.Saying something negative to a pretty girl in order to undermine her social value.
Andrew Lockhart öppnar munnen och fortsätter att underminera varje viktig relation Jag har gjort här.Andrew Lockhart opens his mouth and proceeds to undermine every important relationship I've made here.
De tar varje chans att underminera mig.Well, they'll say anything to undermine me.
Det kan du ha, efter ditt patetiska försök att underminera mitt styre.Serves you right for your pathetic attempt to undermine my rule.
"Då den återgående vågen sedan med ett hest rytande drog sig tillbaka" "tycktes den suga djupa hålor i stranden" "som om den haft till avsikt att underminera jorden.""As the receding wave swept back with a hoarse roar, "it seemed to scoop out deep caves in the beach, "as if its purpose were to undermine the earth.
"Neggar." Att säga nåt negativt till en snygg tjej för att underminera hennes sociala värde.Saying something negative to a pretty girl in order to undermine her social value.
- Han har velat underminera er...This man has been working to undermine you for--
-Försökte hon underminera dig?That Kara didn't like you? - She was trying to undermine you?
Andrew Lockhart öppnar munnen och fortsätter att underminera varje viktig relation Jag har gjort här.Andrew Lockhart opens his mouth and proceeds to undermine every important relationship I've made here.
"Det främjar korruption och underminerar tron på tjänstemän.""it encourages public corruption "and undermines the faith of citizens in their officials.
- Det underminerar er auktoritet.It's bound to undermine your position of authority.
- Du underminerar mig ständigt.Your need to undermine my every goddamn play.
- Sluta. Lambert är hans vän. Sheriffen underminerar Gisborne och jag drog nytta av det.Lambert is his friend, and Gisborne feels undermined by the Sheriff, and I took advantage of the situation.
-Det underminerar vår sak.-It undermines our whole cause.
Och jag tänker inte låta min maktbefogenhet bli underminerad.And I will not have my authority undermined'
Säg att du menade det. Det du sa om att stiftelsen är för viktig för att bli underminerad.Tell me you meant it-- what you said about the foundation being too important to be undermined.
- Hon underminerade mig.She undermined me in front of another officer.
Du underminerade min status som hennes skapare.You undermined my authority as her maker.
Frågan idag är i vilken utsträckning ert departements insatser har blivit underminerade av justitiedepartementet.But what we're seeking today is a sense of to what degree the efforts by your bureau may or may not be undermined by the Department of Justice.
Tycker du inte att det är lite... underminerande?What of it? Well, don't you think it's a little, um... undermining?
Du borde inte ha underminerat Dr Weirs auktoritet framför Sergeant Bates.You should not have undermined Dr. Weir's authority in front of sergeant Bates.
Du har underminerat hela husets metabolism.You've undermined the whole base of metabolism of the building.
Genom att jobba på ett förhållande med den här killen under fem år så har jag underminerat alla möjligheter till en framtid med honom?By working in a relationship with this guy for the past five years I have actually undermined any possibility of a future with him?
Och den första domen, från en oberoende domstol, har underminerat oss att besluta om det i en pub.And the first judgment of this, an independent court, you have undermined by deciding to settle it in a pub.
Precis som de– –och deras fördömda allierade har underminerat och förstört– –vår nationella ekonomi.Just as they and their stinking European allies have undermined and destroyed our great national economy.

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