Acceptar (to accept) conjugation

53 examples

Conjugation of acceptar

Present tense
I accept
you accept
he/she accepts
we accept
you all accept
they accept
Present perfect tense
he acceptat
I have accepted
has acceptat
you have accepted
ha acceptat
he/she has accepted
hem acceptat
we have accepted
heu acceptat
you all have accepted
han acceptat
they have accepted
Future tense
I will accept
you will accept
he/she will accept
we will accept
you all will accept
they will accept
Conditional mood
I would accept
you would accept
he/she would accept
we would accept
you all would accept
they would accept
Past perfect tense
havia acceptat
I had accepted
havies acceptat
you had accepted
havia acceptat
he/she had accepted
havíem acceptat
we had accepted
havíeu acceptat
you all had accepted
havien acceptat
they had accepted
Past impf. tense
I was accepting
you were accepting
he/she was accepting
we were accepting
you all were accepting
they were accepting
Imperative mood
let him/her accept!
let's accept!
let them accept!
Imperative negative mood
no acceptis
don't accept!
no accepti
don't let him/her accept!
no acceptem
let's not accept!
no accepteu
don't accept!
no acceptin
don't let them accept!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria acceptat
I would have accepted
hauries acceptat
you would have accepted
hauria acceptat
he/she would have accepted
hauríem acceptat
we would have accepted
hauríeu acceptat
you all would have accepted
haurien acceptat
they would have accepted
Future perfect tense
hauré acceptat
I will have accepted
hauràs acceptat
you will have accepted
haurà acceptat
he/she will have accepted
haurem acceptat
we will have accepted
haureu acceptat
you all will have accepted
hauren acceptat
they will have accepted
Preterite past tense
I accepted
you accepted
he/she accepted
we accepted
you all accepted
they accepted
Past anterior tense
haguí acceptat
I had accepted
hagueres acceptat
you had accepted
hagué acceptat
he/she had accepted
haguérem acceptat
we had accepted
haguéreu acceptat
you all had accepted
haguéren acceptat
they had accepted
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) accept
(so that you) accept
(so that he/she) accepts
(so that we) accept
(so that you all) accept
(so that they) accept
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was accepting
(so that you) were accepting
(so that he/she) was accepting
(so that we) were accepting
(so that you all) were accepting
(so that they) were accepting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi acceptat
(so that I) have accepted
hagis acceptat
(so that you) have accepted
hagi acceptat
(so that he/she) has accepted
hàgim acceptat
(so that we) have accepted
hàgiu acceptat
(so that you all) have accepted
hagin acceptat
(so that they) have accepted
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués acceptat
(so that I) had accepted
haguessis acceptat
(so that you) had accepted
hagués acceptat
(so that he/she) had accepted
haguéssim acceptat
(so that we) had accepted
haguéssiu acceptat
(so that you all) had accepted
haguessin acceptat
(so that they) had accepted
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi acceptar
(so that I) accepted
vagis acceptar
(so that you) accepted
vagi acceptar
(so that he/she) accepted
vàgim acceptar
(so that we) accepted
vàgiu acceptar
(so that you all) accepted
vagin acceptar
(so that they) accepted
Periphastic past tense
vaig acceptar
I accepted
vas acceptar
you accepted
va acceptar
he/she accepted
vam acceptar
we accepted
vau acceptar
you all accepted
van acceptar
they accepted
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver acceptat
I had accepted
vas haver acceptat
you had accepted
va haver acceptat
he/she had accepted
vam haver acceptat
we had accepted
vau haver acceptat
you all had accepted
van haver acceptat
they had accepted

Examples of acceptar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
cents a acceptar les normes dels altres o, de vegades, a reconèixer l’equivalència de les qualificacions professionals.EU countries are often still reluctant to accept each other’s standards and norms or, on occasion, to recognise the equivalence of professional qualifications.
Alguns encara lluiten per acceptar els fets:Some still struggle with accepting the facts:
Ha arribat el moment d'acceptar que la construcció és un fet o encara paga la pena lluitar contra ella?Is it time to accept the plant construction as a fact or is it still worth fighting against it?
Un altre blocaire, Teocrat, argumenta que acceptar els drets dels gais és com si s'acceptaren els drets de zoòfils i pedòfils.Another blogger, Teocrat, argues that accepting the rights of gays is similar to accepting the rights of zoophiles and pedophiles.
L’any 2011 - Costa d’Ivori - Les forces franceses fan inclinar la balança cap al costat de les forces de l’ONU en el moment en que esclata la guerra civil, que ha esclatat després de la negació de Laurent Gbagbo a dimitir i a acceptar la victòria electoral d’Alassane Quattara com a president.In 2011 in Côte-d’Ivoire, French forces alongside UN forces tip the balance in favor of Ouattara during the civil war. The war broke out after the refusal of Laurent Gbagbo to resign and accept the verdict of the election that pronounced Alassane Ouattara as president.
“S'ha mencionat que aquesta pel·lícula tendeix a rebutjar el comportament islàmic, però no accepto aquesta opinió.“It has been mentioned that this film has a tendency to reject Islamic behavior, but I don’t accept this view.
De totes formes, accepto la necessitat de secret absolut en això.However, I accept the need for absolute secrecy in this.
De totes maneres, accepto la necessitat de secret absolut en això.However, I accept the need for absolute secrecy in this.
Si estic a l'atur i m'ofereixen aquesta feina... una feina d'aquestes, no l'accepto.If I'm unemployed and have a job, and they offer job... like that one, I would not accept.
Ho accepto.i accept that.
M'acceptes com el teu escorxador? M'hi acceptes?Do you accept me as your butcher?
Quan creus en el que fas acceptes viure amb por.When you believe in what you do, you accept living in fear.
Si acceptes això, comprendràs que tengui preferits.If you accept this notion, Then it's not too difficult to understand Why I would have favourites.
I acceptes la mort vertadera que vindrà de la teva traïció?And you accept the true death that will come of your treason?
Com a budistes, devem saber com comportar-nos respecte a les altres religions i les seues pràctiques, ja que pertanyem a un grup religiós que accepta i aprecia els ensenyaments raonables de totes les religions.As Buddhists, we must know how to regard other religions and their practices as we belong to the religious group that accepts and appreciates the reasonable teachings of every religion.
L'organització benèfica Migration Aid ajuda específicament els refugiats que han arribat a Hongria, i accepta donacions en efectiu i en forma de béns.Migration Aid: This charity specifically helps refugees who have arrived in Hungary and accepts both cash and goods donations.
Tens l'aspecte d'un home que accepta el què veu... ...perquè espera despertar-se.You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees... ...because he's expecting to wake up.
Sí, bé, em sembles la classe de persona que no accepta disculpes. Bé.Yeah, well, you don't really strike me as the type of guy who accepts apologies, so.
Tens l'aspecte d'un home que accepta el què veu perquè espera despertar-se.You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he's expecting to wake up.
No acceptem entrevistes.We don't accept media interviews.
També ha suggerit que la Comissió Europea imposi sancions a Croàcia, cosa que els comissaris europeus han acceptat.She, as reported, suggested that the European Commission impose sanctions on Croatia, which European Commissioners accepted.
I he acceptat la invitació de I'alcalde de Parkes per ser-hi, el dilluns, per presenciar en persona la nostra vital contribució.And I've accepted the invitation of the mayor of Parkes... to be there on Monday and witness firsthand... our vital contribution.
Després que moris, No estaràs realment mort... ho has acceptat Com l'únic Déu.After you die, you wouldn't really be dead providing you have accepted him as the one and only God.
- Repte acceptat.Challenge accepted.
Algun paio de l'església diu que els indis van a l'infern quan moren perquè no han acceptat Crist.Some church folk say Indians go to hell when they die 'cause they ain't accepted Christ.
Estic segur que farem un torneig per a celebrar el vostre nou títol, si accepteu.I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title-- if you accept.
Mentretant... sisplau accepteu això com a mostra del meu afecte.In the meantime, please accept this as a token of my affection.
El Rei estaria d'acord en alliberar Rollo a condició que accepteu la seva oferta, i del retorn sa i estalvi del Rei Aelle.The King will agree to release Rollo upon your acceptance of his offer, and upon the safe return of King Aelle.
Els indígenes de Xingu no accepten ser assassins de la naturalesa com ho són aquests governadors.The indigenous people of Xingu don't accept being murderers of nature as these governors do.
@wms: Segons algunes fonts, hi ha possibilitats que els usuaris en línia siguin arrestats per publicar comentaris polítics amb pseudònims. Tot i que ara s'accepten totalment els mitjans de comunicació social per a fer campanya en línia, penso que publicar comentaris polítics pot ser perillós si no fas servir un compte amb el teu nom autèntic.@wms: According to some sources, there are chances of online users getting arrested by posting political comments with pseudonyms Even though social media is now fully acceptable for online campaigns, I think it can be dangerous to post political comments if you don't use an account with your real name.
El tercer estableix noves restriccions sobre els individus i les organitzacions que accepten donacions anònimes a través de serveis en línia com PayPal, mesura que pot causar un impacte especialment fort en col·lectius petits de la societat civil.The third would set new restrictions for individuals and organizations accepting anonymous donations through online services like PayPal, a measure that could have an especially strong impact on small civil society groups.
Pense en Hongria i Polònia, per exemple, les quals no accepten cap refugiat però sí accepten sense cap dubte les subvencions europees.I think that in Hungary and Poland, for example, they don't accept any refugees, but they gladly accept European subsidies.
La majoria dels clergues xiïtes, de fet, no accepten el concepte de velayat-e faqih.Most Shia clerics, in fact, do not accept the concept of velayat-e faqih.
- Ho acceptaré quan aquesta foscor vingui i m'arrossegui cap a l'oblit.- I will accept it when that darkness comes and yanks me into oblivion.
L'acceptaré quan ja no existeixi.I will accept when I no longer exist.
Era d'esperar que no tingués cap esperança de sortir mai d'allà, però em vaig aferrar a això, així que ho acceptaré quan hagi acabat, ni un minut abans.By all rights, I had no hope of ever getting out, but I clung to it, so I will accept it when it's done and not a minute prior.
La nostra entitat acceptarà els bitllets, no cal...Our bank will accept your money.
Un creient de debò acceptaria la mort qualsevol dia abans que l'opressió.A true believer would accept death any day over oppression.
Endavant, rieu, rieu com tots els altres, però aquests mags van aconseguir el millor truc de tots: m'acceptaren.Go ahead, laugh, laugh like all the others, but those magicians pulled off the greatest trick of all: they accepted me.
m'acceptaren.they accepted me.
Perquè a Al·là li agrada més que un creient s'aixequi, lluiti contra l'opressió i mori en el procés, que no pas que es quedi assegut i simplement accepti l'opressió per por a la mort.For it is more pleasing to ALLAH for a believer to stand up and fight against oppression and die in the process than for a believer to sit down and just accept oppression because he or she is afraid of death.
En un sistema així, en què els dissidents no només són enemics de l'estat, sinó també enemics de Déu, no és possible que s'accepti una oposició pacífica, el segell distintiu d'un govern democràtic.In such a system where dissenters are not only enemies of the state, they are enemies of God, there is no possibility of acceptable peaceful opposition, the hallmark of democratic governance.
Vos en prègui ! S'accepti aquesta letra, un tribunal ne dedusiriá que sabi ont es Michael.If I accepted that, a court could prove I have knowledge of his whereabouts.
S'accepti aquesta letra, un tribunal ne dedusiriá que sabi ont es Michael.If I accepted that, a court could prove I have knowledge of his whereabouts.
En nom del President dels Estats Units, en el del Cos de Marines dels Estats Units, i d'una nació agraïda, si us plau accepti aquesta bandera com un símbol de la nostra estima per l'honorable i fidel servei del seu ésser estimat.On behalf of the president of the United States... the United States Marine Corps and a grateful nation... please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation... for your loved one's honorable and faithful service.
Ara l'única forma en que tu i jo puguem seguir junts... és que acceptis tot el que acabo de dir aquí, i ara, i que seguim endavant amb aquest enteniment.Now the only way you and me keep on... Is that you accept everything I just said right here, right now, and we move forward with that understanding.
Com més aviat ho acceptis, més aviat funcionaràs com ha de fer-ho un soldat.And the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier's supposed to function.
Espero que acceptis el que he escollit i preparat per a tu.I hope you will accept what I have chosen and prepared for you?
Aquestes dades tambéfaran que la documentació dels ciutadans de la UE sigui més segura ique els països no pertanyents a la UE l’acceptin amb més facilitat.These datacan also help make documents for EUcitizens more secure and more easilyacceptable to nonEU countries.
No abans de que acceptin la meva, agent Wilson.Not as soon as they will have accepted mine, agent Wilson.
"Però, i espero que aquest escrit ho demostri, que m'acceptin, "tot i que és veritat que em faria molta il·lusió, "no seria determinant per la meva vida."Though, as I hope this essay shows... your acceptance, while it would thrill me... will not define me.
"Però, i espero que aquest escrit ho demostri, que m'acceptin, "tot i que és veritat que em faria molta il·lusió, "no seria determinant per la meva vida."Though, as I hope this essay shows... your acceptance, while it would thrill me... will not define me.
Mentre acceptin el nostre benefici, estan quiets.As long as they accept our sacrifice, they remain below.

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