Arribar (to arrive) conjugation

45 examples
This verb can also mean the following: happen

Conjugation of arribar

Present tense
I arrive
you arrive
he/she arrives
we arrive
you all arrive
they arrive
Present perfect tense
he arribat
I have arrived
has arribat
you have arrived
ha arribat
he/she has arrived
hem arribat
we have arrived
heu arribat
you all have arrived
han arribat
they have arrived
Future tense
I will arrive
you will arrive
he/she will arrive
we will arrive
you all will arrive
they will arrive
Conditional mood
I would arrive
you would arrive
he/she would arrive
we would arrive
you all would arrive
they would arrive
Past perfect tense
havia arribat
I had arrived
havies arribat
you had arrived
havia arribat
he/she had arrived
havíem arribat
we had arrived
havíeu arribat
you all had arrived
havien arribat
they had arrived
Past impf. tense
I was arriving
you were arriving
he/she was arriving
we were arriving
you all were arriving
they were arriving
Imperative mood
let him/her arrive!
let's arrive!
let them arrive!
Imperative negative mood
no arribis
don't arrive!
no arribi
don't let him/her arrive!
no arribem
let's not arrive!
no arribeu
don't arrive!
no arribin
don't let them arrive!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria arribat
I would have arrived
hauries arribat
you would have arrived
hauria arribat
he/she would have arrived
hauríem arribat
we would have arrived
hauríeu arribat
you all would have arrived
haurien arribat
they would have arrived
Future perfect tense
hauré arribat
I will have arrived
hauràs arribat
you will have arrived
haurà arribat
he/she will have arrived
haurem arribat
we will have arrived
haureu arribat
you all will have arrived
hauren arribat
they will have arrived
Preterite past tense
I arrived
you arrived
he/she arrived
we arrived
you all arrived
they arrived
Past anterior tense
haguí arribat
I had arrived
hagueres arribat
you had arrived
hagué arribat
he/she had arrived
haguérem arribat
we had arrived
haguéreu arribat
you all had arrived
haguéren arribat
they had arrived
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) arrive
(so that you) arrive
(so that he/she) arrives
(so that we) arrive
(so that you all) arrive
(so that they) arrive
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was arriving
(so that you) were arriving
(so that he/she) was arriving
(so that we) were arriving
(so that you all) were arriving
(so that they) were arriving
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi arribat
(so that I) have arrived
hagis arribat
(so that you) have arrived
hagi arribat
(so that he/she) has arrived
hàgim arribat
(so that we) have arrived
hàgiu arribat
(so that you all) have arrived
hagin arribat
(so that they) have arrived
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués arribat
(so that I) had arrived
haguessis arribat
(so that you) had arrived
hagués arribat
(so that he/she) had arrived
haguéssim arribat
(so that we) had arrived
haguéssiu arribat
(so that you all) had arrived
haguessin arribat
(so that they) had arrived
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi arribar
(so that I) arrived
vagis arribar
(so that you) arrived
vagi arribar
(so that he/she) arrived
vàgim arribar
(so that we) arrived
vàgiu arribar
(so that you all) arrived
vagin arribar
(so that they) arrived
Periphastic past tense
vaig arribar
I arrived
vas arribar
you arrived
va arribar
he/she arrived
vam arribar
we arrived
vau arribar
you all arrived
van arribar
they arrived
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver arribat
I had arrived
vas haver arribat
you had arrived
va haver arribat
he/she had arrived
vam haver arribat
we had arrived
vau haver arribat
you all had arrived
van haver arribat
they had arrived

Examples of arribar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Diversos països europeus tenen una forta tradició de govern local extensiu i les autoritatslocals es responsabilitzen de molts dels serveis oferts a la població, incloenthi la poblacióimmigrant acabada d’arribar i els refugiats. Per exemple, Lituània ha transferit lesresponsabilitats de la implementació dels programes d’integració dels refugiats a l’esferalocal.Several European countries have a strong tradition of extensive local government, andlocal authorities are responsible for many of the services provided to the populationincluding newly arrived immigrants and refugees.For instance, Lithuania has transferredresponsibility for the implementation of its refugee integration programme to the locallevel.
La legislació sobrela integració dels immigrants i refugiats acabats d’arribar inclou disposicions especialssobre la cooperació entre municipis i sobre el fet de delegar determinades tasques enempreses privades, institucions educatives o organismes no governamentals.Legislation on theintegration of newly arrived immigrants and refugees includes specific provisions oncooperation between municipalities and on leaving the performance of specific tasks toprivate companies, educational institutions or nongovernmental organisations.
Al Regne Unit, l’empresa de col·locació Fusion Personnel, que treballa en el sector del’horticultura, ha desenvolupat un pla de formació per als seus treballadors, la majoriadels quals són immigrants acabats d’arribar.In the UK, the company Fusion Personnel, which supplies casual labour to horticulturalbusinesses, has developed a training scheme for its employees who are mostly recentlyarrived immigrants.
En arribar a plaça Catalunya, just al final de Passeig de Gràcia, la marxa flueix amb altres columnes que han arribat d’altres zones de la ciutat i del extraradi.When it arrived to Catalunya Plaza, at the end of Grace Roadway, the protest converged with other columns that arrived from other parts of the city and beyond.
També les diferents Assemblees de poble, essencials en la preparació d'aquest aniversari "indignat", es trobaran durant el dia per arribar al centre de la ciutat cap a les 21h.Also several people assemblies, essential in the preparation of the "indignado" anniversary, will meet during the day to arrive at downtown at 21h.
Amb tals delitoses fantasies el temps llisca de pressa, i arriba l'hora benvinguda de la seva entrada en el món elisia, que li ha inspirat somnis tan fulgurants."In such delicious fancies time quickly glides by, and the welcome hour arrives for her entrance into the Elysian world, of which she has had such bright dreams.
Una model italiana està fent un vídeo en la platja i, de sobte, ocorre allò inesperat i un grup de refugiats inesperat arriba sa i estalvi a la platja italiana.An Italian model is filming a video on the beach and suddenly the unexpected happened and a group of unexpected refugees arrives on the beach safely in Italy.
La filla de l'Annie arriba avui.Annie's daughter arrives today.
El guanyador del Derby arriba per inscriure–s'hi. –Molt bé. Endavant. –Vinga.The winner of the Derby arrives with the entry. –Fine, come in. –Let’s all go in.
Seria tan amable d’informar-me quan arriba aquest tren a Woolton?Will you be good enough to inform me how soon this railway train arrives at Woolton?
Si hi baixem tots, s'espantarà. Fugirà abans que hi arribem.If we go all, he gets scared and it will have left before we arrive.
Quan els temps hagueren arribat a llur plenitud, la interessant avinentesa es produí.In the fulness of time the interesting occasion arrived.
El balener japonès Shonan Maru 2 ha arribat avui a Tòquio amb el primer presoner de guerra de Nova Zelanda transportat al Japó des de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Tan bon punt ha trepitjat territori japonès, el capità Bethune s'ha reafirmat com un heroi nacional a Nova Zelanda i com un heroi internacional a Austràlia, França, la Gran Bretanya, els Estats Units i més països, els ciutadans dels quals condemnen les contínues activitats il·legals de pesca de balenes d'aquest vaixell japonès.The Japanese whaling ship Shonan Maru 2 arrived in Tokyo today with the first New Zealand prisoner of war to be transported to Japan as a political prisoner since World War II.As soon as his foot touched Japanese soil, Captain Bethune reestablished himself as a national hero in New Zealand and an international hero in Australia, France, Britain, the United States, and every other country whose citizens deplore the continued illegal whaling activities of the Japanese whaling fleet.
En arribar a plaça Catalunya, just al final de Passeig de Gràcia, la marxa flueix amb altres columnes que han arribat d’altres zones de la ciutat i del extraradi.When it arrived to Catalunya Plaza, at the end of Grace Roadway, the protest converged with other columns that arrived from other parts of the city and beyond.
El meu fill Moath ha arribat a Síria.My son, Moath, has arrived to Syria.
L'organització benèfica Migration Aid ajuda específicament els refugiats que han arribat a Hongria, i accepta donacions en efectiu i en forma de béns.Migration Aid: This charity specifically helps refugees who have arrived in Hungary and accepts both cash and goods donations.
Procuraré no destruir tots els droides abans que arribeu vosaltres.The burden is on me not to destroy all the droids until you arrive.
Cada octubre, un gran nombre de falcons Amur arriben al nord-est de l'Índia i Bangladesh, procedents de Sibèria, de camí a la seua destinació última: Somàlia, Kenya i Sud-àfrica.Every October, a large numbers of Amur falcons arrive in northeast India and Bangladesh from Siberia en route to their final destination — Somalia, Kenya and South Africa.
Armenis i simpatitzants arriben a Tsitsernakaberd, 24 d'abril.Armenians and supporters arrive at Tsitsernakaberd, April 24.
Armenis i simpatitzants arriben i deixen flors dins de Tsitsernakaberd, 24 d'abril.Armenians and supporters arrive laying flowers inside Tsitsernakaberd, April 24.
Molts que van de camí cap a Alemanya temen ara l'aplicació de la Convenció de Dublín, la qual obliga els refugiats a demanar l'asil en el primer país d'Europa al que arriben.Many on their way to Germany now fear the application of the Dublin Regulation, which forces refugees to ask for asylum in whatever European country they first arrive.
M'han informat que cada dia arriben cent carros des del Domini.They tell me 100 wagons arrive daily now from the Reach.
Venedor: Sí, el carregament arribarà a les 4, podeu esperar a prop del número 42 dels carretons.Male sales: "Yes, the stock will arrive at 4 p.m., you can wait near cart number 42."
Kriminal arribarà al Tàmesis. a través dels túnels del metro que hem deixat sense vigilància ...Kriminal will arrive at Tamigi through the underground tunnels that we left unguarded...
Però la policia - arribarà en un moment.But the police - it will arrive now.
I arribarà molt aviat.And he will arrive here very soon.
Demà arribarem a Moscou.We will arrive in Moscow tomorrow.
Demà arribaran a Moscou, però ja no són necessaris (o potser sí).They will arrive to Moscow tomorrow, but now they won't be needed (or maybe they will).
Els meus vaixells arribaran a temps.My ships will arrive soon enough.
El passat 1 de setembre, ciutadans austríacs i alemanys es van reunir per donar la benvinguda a milers de refugiats que arribaven en tren de la frontera hongaresa.Austrian and German citizens gathered to welcome thousands of refugees who were arriving by trains coming from the Hungarian border on September 1.
De fet, des de la nostra arribada a Angola fa tres setmanes, cada vegada que fèiem un viatge a les províncies de Cabinda, Benguela i Lubango arribàrem a l'aeroport prompte, més o menys a les 7 del matí, pero no aplegàvem al nostre destí fins a les 6 de la vesprada, i desgraciadament, per molt que els amics angolesos intentaren fer-me creure que sóc un ploramiques, això és inacceptable i l'aerolínia deu assumir els seus errors.In fact, since our arrival in Angola three weeks ago, every time we undertook a trip to the provinces of Cabinda, Benguela and Lubango, we arrived at the airport as early as 7am but would reach our destination any time after 6pm and sadly, much as my Angolan friends try to make it sound as if I whine a lot, that is unacceptable. Their airline needs to jack up its act.
L'endema, pels volts de migdia, els minyons arribaren a l'arbre mort, i anaven a cercar llurs eines.ABOUT noon the next day the boys arrived at the dead tree; they had come for their tools.
Quan arribi porti'l a Charlott Street 242As son as he arrives bring him to
"S'espera que arribi a Los Angeles a finals de mes, "a competir pels crucials vots de Califòrnia."He's due toarrivehere in LosAngeles laterin themonth... to compete forCalifornia's crucial 54 electoral votes.
Quan serà previst que arribi el president?When does the president arrive?
"El vull fora abans que arribi el viatger.I wanthim gonebefore Travelerarrives. - That's not fair.
Quan el meu nou deixeble Darth Vader arribi... s'ocuparà de vós.When my new apprentice Darth Vader arrives... he will take care of you.
Presenta't davant Borcas quan arribis.Present yourself to Borcas when you arrive.
Marxem abans que arribin més droides de seguretat.Now we must leave before more security droids arrive.
¿Què passarà, t'imagines, quan aquests comissionats de pau arribin? - Els escoltarem - Oh, esplèndid!What will happen, do you imagine, when these peace commissioners arrive? – We’il hear ‘em out. – Oh, splendid!
La Casa Blanca ha aprovat la petició del CDC per a què l'avio no sigui obert abans que arribin. Cap signe de vida?White house approved a cdc request for the jet not to be opened until they arrive.
Quan arribin, trobaran informació molt secreta a les meves mans i tindran justificació per registrar les meves voltes.Having arrived, they'll find top-secret information in my hands and they have every justification to search my vaults.
Només quan hi arribin els diners, podràs tornar a Nàpols.And when the money arrives, you can travel back to Naples.
Altres organitzacions van demanar a la gent que oferís les seves connexions mòbils i a les botigues de l'estació que tinguessin els mòdems desbloquejats per als refugiats que anaven arribant:Other organizations urged people to offer their mobile wifi hotspots and shops in the central station to open their routers to the arriving refugees:
Els refugiats sirians estan arribant a Europa des de Turquia per mitjà de la «ruta balcànica», la qual travessa Grècia, Macedònia i Sèrbia.Syrian refugees are arriving in Europe from Turkey via the "Balkan route," which passes through Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia.

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