Desear (to wish) conjugation

126 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to desire, desire

Conjugation of desear

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I wish
you wish
he/she/it wishes
we wish
you all wish
they wish
Present perfect tense
he deseado
I have wished
has deseado
you have wished
ha deseado
he/she/it has wished
hemos deseado
we have wished
habéis deseado
you all have wished
han deseado
they have wished
Past preterite tense
I wished
you wished
he/she/it wished
we wished
you all wished
they wished
Future tense
I will wish
you will wish
he/she/it will wish
we will wish
you all will wish
they will wish
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would wish
you would wish
he/she/it would wish
we would wish
you all would wish
they would wish
Past imperfect tense
I used to wish
you used to wish
he/she/it used to wish
we used to wish
you all used to wish
they used to wish
Past perfect tense
había deseado
I had wished
habías deseado
you had wished
había deseado
he/she/it had wished
habíamos deseado
we had wished
habíais deseado
you all had wished
habían deseado
they had wished
Future perfect tense
habré deseado
I will have wished
habrás deseado
you will have wished
habrá deseado
he/she/it will have wished
habremos deseado
we will have wished
habréis deseado
you all will have wished
habrán deseado
they will have wished
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I wish
(if/so that) you wish
(if/so that) he/she/it wish
(if/so that) we wish
(if/so that) you all wish
(if/so that) they wish
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya deseado
I have wished
hayas deseado
you have wished
haya deseado
he/she/it has wished
hayamos deseado
we have wished
hayáis deseado
you all have wished
hayan deseado
they have wished
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have wished
(if/so that) you have wished
(if/so that) he/she/it have wished
(if/so that) we have wished
(if/so that) you all have wished
(if/so that) they have wished
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have wished
(if/so that) you have wished
(if/so that) he/she/it have wished
(if/so that) we have wished
(if/so that) you all have wished
(if/so that) they have wished
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera deseado
I had wished
hubieras deseado
you had wished
hubiera deseado
he/she/it had wished
hubiéramos deseado
we had wished
hubierais deseado
you all had wished
hubieran deseado
they had wished
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese deseado
I had wished
hubieses deseado
you had wished
hubiese deseado
he/she/it had wished
hubiésemos deseado
we had wished
hubieseis deseado
you all had wished
hubiesen deseado
they had wished
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have wished
(if/so that) you will have wished
(if/so that) he/she/it will have wished
(if/so that) we will have wished
(if/so that) you all will have wished
(if/so that) they will have wished
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere deseado
I will have wished
hubieres deseado
you will have wished
hubiere deseado
he/she/it will have wished
hubiéremos deseado
we will have wished
hubiereis deseado
you all will have wished
hubieren deseado
they will have wished
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's wish!
Imperative negative mood
no desees
do not wish!
no desee
let him/her/it wish!
no deseemos
let us not wish!
no deseéis
do not wish!
no deseen
do not wish!

Examples of desear

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"No me queda nada más por desear.""l've nothing left to wish for."
"Vas a desear estar muerto.""You're going to wish you were dead."
- "Hemos venido a desear felicidad." - "Locura."That they love you, surely We've come to wish you gladness.
- He venido a desear a la cumpleañera- I'm here to wish the birthday girl
- Mi Lord, cuídado con desear la muerte del Rey.- My Lord, be careful not to wish the King's life away.
" ... para cualquiera que se atreva a matarlo, aun cuando fue mi último deseo.I'm only reading what it says, "...for nobody would dare kill him, even if it was my dying wish.
" Usted tiene un deseo?"You have a wish?
" Yo deseo que yo pudiera enviarle algunos el dinero, pero yo no tengo cualquiera."I wish I could send you some money, but I don't have any.
" pídele un deseo a una estrella " ** Final de la 1ª temporada **♪ send a wish upon a star ♪
" pídele un deseo a una estrella "♪ send a wish upon a star ♪
"Adelante, Connie, ten un hombre si lo deseas, pero no me dejes"."Go ahead, Connie. Take a man if you wish, only never leave me."
"Cuidado con lo que deseas" por Kate Reeves."Be careful what you wish for" by Kate Reeves.
"Cuidado con lo que deseas" ¿Saben quien dice eso?Ow. [ Mockingly ] "careful what you wish for." [ Normal voice ] you know who says that?
"Cuidado con lo que deseas"."Be careful what you wish for" thing.
"Gira tu brazo si lo que deseas es aprender más sobre tu brazo.""Turn to your arm if you wish to learn more about your arm."
" Lo que el jefe desea."Whatever the boss wishes.
"Antes de implementar las 35 horas semanales... la dirección desea consultar a todo el personal." Before implementing the 35 hours a wee... the bureau wishes to consult with the whole personnel.
"Cuervo" te desea buena suerte."Crow" wishes you the best of luck.
"Dama en apuros desea disponer de cubertería para pescado" "Un regalo de boda que se deja pasar con mucho pesar""A lady in distress wishes to dispose of some fish knives and forks." "A wedding present let go with great regret."
"Davros desea que todos los miembros del cuerpo de élite científica se reúnan en el laboratorio principal inmediatamente."(OVER INTERCOM) Davros wishes all members of the Elite scientific corps to assemble in the main laboratory immediately.
" Le deseamos ..."We wish you..."
"...deseamos casarnos, papá.""..we...wish to be married, Papa."
"Damas y caballeros, "sean bienvenidos, y les deseamos un buen viaje..."Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, and we wish you a good trip
"Debemos ser el cambio que deseamos". Gandhi."We must be the change we wish to see." That's Gandhi.
"Después de 19 años en Pennywise Jim Lindberg decidió dejar la banda. Le deseamos lo mejor a Jim en cualquiera de sus nuevos proyectos""After 19 years with Pennywise, Jim Lindberg has decided to step down as lead singer, and we wish Jim the best luck in his new ventures, whatever they may be. "
- Os deseo muy buena salud. - Vos me deseáis...I wish you the best of health, Father.
- ¿Qué deseáis vos?-What´d you say? -What does thee wish?
Amigo, no deseáis herirme, ni yo a vos.My friend, you do not wish to hurt me, nor I you.
Antes de volver a empezar, ¿querría explicarnos, Sr. Profesor, de qué está hecho esta especie de animal que tanto deseáis coleccionar?Before we start again, do you wish to explain, Mr.Professor, all about this species of animal that you are so anxious to collect?
Cada código necesita acompañarse de descripciones detalladas de lo que deseáis comprar y de cada uno de los vendedores.Each code needs to provide detailed descriptions of what you wish to purchase and from which vendors.
"Cuando los dioses desean castigarnos, responden a nuestras plegarias" ."When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."
"Estos dos locos ojos te desean todo el tiempo.""These two crazy eyes of mine wish for your sight all the time."
"Lo estoy pasando muy bien, desearía que estuvieras aquí", lo que no desean porque eras tú por quien tuvieron que irse."Having a great time- wish you were here." Which, of course, they don't, because you were the thing they were trying to get away from in this first place.
"Mis ojos desean verte.. mi corazón también desea amarte."'My eyes wish to see you' 'my heart wishes to love you'
"Muchos aún desean darte un abrazo.""Many still wish to give you a hug."
"Yo siempre deseé haber nacido hombre."I've always wished I had been born a man.
*Siempre deseé lo mejor para ti* pensaba que me verías a través♪ I always wished the best for you ♪ ♪ thought that you would see me through ♪
- Durante meses, deseé morir.- For months, I wished I was dead.
- Lo deseé.I wished it.
- Marcella, desde que entraste deseé... decir: No discutamos.Marcella, since you entered the room, I wished to say 'don't argue.'
- Cuántas veces deseaste que muriera?How often have you wished me dead? .
- Entonces deseaste algo malo.Then you wished for something bad.
- No, deseaste lograr esto.- Na, you wished for it.
- Nunca me deseaste suerte antes.You've never wished me luck before.
- ¡Porque tú lo deseaste!- Because you wished it!
- Bueno, ¿supiste qué deseó?Well, do you know what he wished?
- Nos deseó suerte.-He wished us luck.
- Tal como lo deseó, mi señor.Just as you wished, my liege.
- ¡Yo sé qué deseó! ¡Sí, nena!- I know what he wished for.
- ¿Quién lo deseó a él?Who wished him up?
- Sólo desearon estar muertos.- They just wished they were dead.
Al final, desearon quemarme miembro a miembro... con pequeñas e insaciables llamas, constantemente renovadas.""In the end, they wished to burn me limb by limb... "in little, unquenchable flames, constantly renewed."
Antoine y Carole desearon amarse para siempre.Antoine and Carole wished to love each other forever.
Aunque los soviéticos no estaban incluidos en las conversaciones auspiciadas por la ONU entre Afganistán, Paquistán e Irán, les desearon lo mejor en una negociación pacífica.Though the Soviets were not included in the UN-sponsored talks between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran, they wished them the best in a peaceful negotiation.
Ellos siempre desearon que yo no existiera.They've always wished that I didn't exist.
Te desearé.I will wish you.
Créeme, Mae, cuando haya acabado contigo desearás estar muerta y enterrada.Believe me, Mae, by the time I've finished with you, you will wish you were dead and buried.
Cuando esto acabe, y el nuevo mundo comience, desearás haber tenido fe.When this is over, and the new world begins, you will wish you had faith.
Cuéntaselo a otra persona y desearás encontrarte... en Port Royal con la cabeza debajo del hacha.Reveal it to any other man, and you will wish you were back at Port Royal... with your head on the block and the ax in the air.
Guinevere, ¿me desearás suerte?Guinevere, you will wish me luck?
Llegará un día en el que desearás haber causado un poco de mal para causar un gran bien.There'll be a day... when you will wish you had done a little evil... to do a greater good.
! Y Usted! Usted deseará haberme escuchado cuando dije que dejar a los Goa'uld venir aquí era un error.You will wish you had listened to me when I said, letting the Goa'uld come here was a mistake!
Cualquiera que no la pase deseará no haber nacido.Any man who fails to pass it will wish he'd never been born.
Cuando haya terminado, deseará poder morir.When I am done, he will wish that he could die.
Cuando llego a la verdad de esto, si yo encontrar allí en el fondo de un barril, En el fango donde perteneces, usted deseará que nunca hubieras nacido.When I get to the truth of this, if I find you there at the bottom of a barrel, in the slime where you belong, you will wish you had never been born.
Dentro de seis horas, Ahmed deseará estar muerto.In about six hours, Ahmed will wish he was dead.
¿También me Io desearéis a mí en momentos de arrebato?so you will wish on me, when the rash mood is on.
Conozco unos gatitos malpensados que desearán que sus madres se hubieran ahogado en un balde.Some dirty-minded little pussies will wish their mums had drowned them in a bucket!
Las malas son que desearán que lo hubiéramos hecho.The bad news is, you will wish we had.
Lois Lane y Superman desearán jamás haber traicionado a Lex Luthor.Lois Lane and Superman will wish they had never betrayed Lex Luthor.
Si vuelve a moverse, desearán estar debajo de él.This moves again and you will wish you were under it.
Traiciónenme y desearán no haberlo hecho.Betray me and you will wish you hadn't.
"La vida es muy dulce, hermano ¿quién desearía morir?""Life is very sweet... brother. "Who would wish to die?"
'Por favor deje estas instalaciones tal como desearía encontrarlas.'Welcome to voting cubicle 330C. 'Please leave this installation as you would wish to find it.
- Claro. Perdona. Simplemente pensé que la pequeña humana desearía su vuelta.I merely thought the little human would wish for her return.
- No tanto como desearía, señor.- Not as much as I would wish.
- Sí. Normalmente, le desearía felices sueños, pero en este caso, una buena pesadilla sería más útil.Normally, I would wish you pleasant dreams, but in this case bad dreams would be more helpful.
Ho...tu desearías que no siga residiendo su en lineaThen you would wish I did not have to become bald.
Sin duda desearías que la catalogaran así.No doubt you would wish to have her certified as such.
Vas a la guerra con el ejército que tienes... y no el que te gustaría tener, o desearías más tarde.You go to the war with the army that you have... and the one that you would like to have, or you would wish later.
¿Es esa la vida que desearías para tu hijo?Is that the life that you would wish for your child?
¿Este no es el regalo que desearías?This is not the present you would wish for?
No, eso no es lo que desearíamos.Is it the police you want? No. That is not what we would wish for.
Predicar que debemos tratarnos entre sí como nosotros desearíamos ser tratados?To preach that we should treat each other as we ourselves would wish to be treated?
¿No es eso lo que desearíais?Isn't that what you would wish?
? me desearían?♪ would wish me ♪
Dudo que si vieran el dolor y el vacío en las vidas de estas personas muchos les desearían algo peor.I doubt if they saw the pain and emptiness in these people's lives, there would be many who would wish anything worse on them.
Eres bonita y joven y muchos hombres buenos de Moab desearían casarse contigo.You are pretty and young and many a good man of Moab would wish to marry you.
No tenía duda de que mis padres lo desearían, y le dije a Chekura que quería casarme.I had no doubt what my parents would wish, and I told Chekura that I wanted to be married.
"A mi querida Angeline le dejo todo lo que poseo para que disponga de ello como desee."To my dearest Angeline, I leave everything I possess, to be disposed of as she wishes.
"Como desee" es todo lo que le dijo."As you wish" was all he ever said to her.
"Como desee, Adama.""Whatever you wish, Adama."
"Como usted desee señor""As you wish, sir"
"Esto no significa que no les desee la mayor felicidad..."But this doesn't mean that I don't wish you both happiness...
"'Y todo lo que desees y quieras te lo daré con alegría'# "And whatever you wish and want I gladly will do" #
"Abraza a quien desees abrazar.""Take into your arms the one you wish to hug"
"Crúzala y podrás hacer todo lo que desees", y Markon lo hizo, y dejó el pueblo y se alimentó con bayas salvajes"Step Across and you may do as you wish", So Markon did and left the Village and feasted on wild berries.
"Desees lo que desees, ¡se hará realidad!"Whatever you will wish will happen!
"Quiero que lo llames y le desees un feliz cumpleaños."I want you to call him up and wish him a happy birthday.
"Si eso supone poner un final, amigos míos, tenemos el derecho de armarnos, todo lo que podamos, todo lo que deseemos.""If it puts an end to it, my friends, we have the right to arm ourselves, as much as we can, as much as we wish."
-Podemos tener lo que deseemos.-We can have what we wish for.
Algunas cosas no están destinadas a ser, sin importar cuánto lo deseemos.Some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were.
Aun cuando a veces deseemos que este asesino no capture a su presa, la barracuda contribuye al equilibrio del mundo marino.Even if we sometimes wish this killer is not able to catch their victim, the barracuda contributes an important part to the balance of the sea world.
Cuando deseemos abrir nuestros ojos, debemos volverlos... hacia el Señor.When we wish our eyes to be opened, we must turn... the Lord.
- Como deseéis.- As you wish.
- Soy lo que vos deseéis.- I am as you wish, milord.
Adelante. Formad vuestro consejo, haced lo que deseéis.Go ahead, form your council, do as you wish.
Además de lo que deseéis, como no puedo cantar para mí mismo sino tan solo canciones para el Halcón, mi música quedará proscrita y allá donde vaya mi música, iré yo.Besides your wish, since I can't sing to please myself but only songs to suit the Hawk, my music's as good as outlaw and wherever my music goes, I follow.
"Aquellos que deseen vivir". Qué rabia me ha dado."Will those who wish to live. " Oh, I could've kicked meself.
"Estudios Universales hará audiciones para ranas "que deseen hacerse ricas y famosas"."World Wide Studios announces open auditions for frogs... wishing to become rich and famous."
"Hagan como deseen" "Siguiente" "Entre"."Do as you wish", "Next" and "Come in".
"Hagan como deseen""Do as you wish".
"Todos los empleados retirados por esta causa... "podrán reincorporarse a su puesto... siempre que lo deseen..." Gracias, caballeros.All employees who have been retired for that reason... are to be notified immediately that their jobs are open... provided they wish to return to work.
¿La duquesa tenía algún enemigo que deseara hacerle daño?Did the duchess have any enemies who might have wished to harm her?
"El gobierno habría deseado que os hubieseis liberado solos de los tiranos que se burlan de vuestra libertad y vida." ""The Government wished that you might free yourselves independently" " ""of the tyrants who scoff at your liberty and life."
"Esperaré contra toda esperanza que esta carta sea la paloma... que regresará con el tan deseado ramo de olivo."I shall hope against hope that this note is the dove... "which will return with the wished-for olive branch.
"Este año consegui todo lo que siempre he querido, lo que he deseado Pero de alguna forma, perdi más"This year, I got everything I wanted and everything I wished for... but, in a way, I lost even more.
"Nunca en mi vida he deseado devolver...""i have never in my life wished to send back..."
"Sujetadores, bragas, cree que las había deseado"."Bra, panties, thinks she wished them."
"Deberías estar deseando presentarnos a tu novia"."You would have to be wishing to present/display us to your fiancèe. "
"Lo sé, porque crecí en Xenia deseando ser esa muchacha.""I know because I grew up in Xenia, wishing that I would be that girl."
"Pero deseando que una estrella caida no cambie la verdad de donde estás""But wishing on a fallen star "won't change the truth "of where you are"
"Pero deseando que una estrella caída no cambie la verdad de donde estás.""But wishing on a fallen star "won't change the truth of where you are."
"Sigue deseando el amor verdadero.""He keeps wishing for true love."
Me merezco todo lo que me deseás, y es más.I deserve all you wish me. Even more.
Como deseés.As you wish.

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