Preparar (to prepare) conjugation

129 examples

Conjugation of preparar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I prepare
you prepare
he/she/it prepares
we prepare
you all prepare
they prepare
Present perfect tense
he preparado
I have prepared
has preparado
you have prepared
ha preparado
he/she/it has prepared
hemos preparado
we have prepared
habéis preparado
you all have prepared
han preparado
they have prepared
Past preterite tense
I prepared
you prepared
he/she/it prepared
we prepared
you all prepared
they prepared
Future tense
I will prepare
you will prepare
he/she/it will prepare
we will prepare
you all will prepare
they will prepare
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would prepare
you would prepare
he/she/it would prepare
we would prepare
you all would prepare
they would prepare
Past imperfect tense
I used to prepare
you used to prepare
he/she/it used to prepare
we used to prepare
you all used to prepare
they used to prepare
Past perfect tense
había preparado
I had prepared
habías preparado
you had prepared
había preparado
he/she/it had prepared
habíamos preparado
we had prepared
habíais preparado
you all had prepared
habían preparado
they had prepared
Future perfect tense
habré preparado
I will have prepared
habrás preparado
you will have prepared
habrá preparado
he/she/it will have prepared
habremos preparado
we will have prepared
habréis preparado
you all will have prepared
habrán preparado
they will have prepared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I prepare
(if/so that) you prepare
(if/so that) he/she/it prepare
(if/so that) we prepare
(if/so that) you all prepare
(if/so that) they prepare
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya preparado
I have prepared
hayas preparado
you have prepared
haya preparado
he/she/it has prepared
hayamos preparado
we have prepared
hayáis preparado
you all have prepared
hayan preparado
they have prepared
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have prepared
(if/so that) you have prepared
(if/so that) he/she/it have prepared
(if/so that) we have prepared
(if/so that) you all have prepared
(if/so that) they have prepared
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have prepared
(if/so that) you have prepared
(if/so that) he/she/it have prepared
(if/so that) we have prepared
(if/so that) you all have prepared
(if/so that) they have prepared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera preparado
I had prepared
hubieras preparado
you had prepared
hubiera preparado
he/she/it had prepared
hubiéramos preparado
we had prepared
hubierais preparado
you all had prepared
hubieran preparado
they had prepared
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese preparado
I had prepared
hubieses preparado
you had prepared
hubiese preparado
he/she/it had prepared
hubiésemos preparado
we had prepared
hubieseis preparado
you all had prepared
hubiesen preparado
they had prepared
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have prepared
(if/so that) you will have prepared
(if/so that) he/she/it will have prepared
(if/so that) we will have prepared
(if/so that) you all will have prepared
(if/so that) they will have prepared
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere preparado
I will have prepared
hubieres preparado
you will have prepared
hubiere preparado
he/she/it will have prepared
hubiéremos preparado
we will have prepared
hubiereis preparado
you all will have prepared
hubieren preparado
they will have prepared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's prepare!
Imperative negative mood
no prepares
do not prepare!
no prepare
let him/her/it prepare!
no preparemos
let us not prepare!
no preparéis
do not prepare!
no preparen
do not prepare!

Examples of preparar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"50 formas de preparar papas.""50 ways to prepare potatoes."
"El señor de Moliere está de acuerdo preparar el Sr. Jourdain para una presentación lo hará para la Marquesa con el fin de ganar simpatía"Master Moliere agrees to prepare Master Jourdain "for a performance "before the Marquise
"En el hogar de mi Padre, de muchas mansiones, voy a preparar un lugar para ti."ln my Father's house of many mansions," "l go to prepare a place for you."
"Voy a preparar un lugar para ti. ""I go to prepare a place for you."
(Locutor) Al igual que con todos los reto caja misteriosa, los concursantes tienen que preparar, cocinar, y el presente un plato increíble, utilizando todos o algunos de los ingredientes dentro del área.(Announcer) As with every mystery box challenge, the contestants have to prepare, cook, and present one incredible dish, using all or some of the ingredients inside the box.
" Estoy haciendo el esfuerzo, pero ya me preparo para ver a mi hijo ...trabajando en la fábrica."l'm making the effort, but l'm already prepared to see my son ...working at the factory.
""Si no trabajo, me levanto a las diez"" ""y me preparo un té""."If I'm not working, I get up around ten o' clock... and prepare a cup of tea.
- Hola. ¿Yo preparo la lista mientras tu fiesteas con la plata?- Hello! l prepare the list.. ..while you party with the loot?
- Lo preparo todo, lo resolveremos en pocos días.~ I'll prepare everything, we'll run with it within a few days.
- Paul preparo toda la comida.- Paul prepared the entire meal.
"Me preparas un banquete para envidia de mis adversarios."Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
"Tu preparas una mesa para mi, en presecia de mis enemigos. "Thou preparest a table before me... in the presence of mine enemies.
- Franz, ahora que terminó la cosecha, ¿te preparas para la escuela?- Franzl, do you prepare for school, now the harvest is over?
- ¿Cómo lo preparas para el invierno?How do you prepare your car for winter?
- ¿Cómo te preparas para eso?- How do you even prepare for that? - What?
"Como uno de sus jugadores estrella se prepara para volar del closet "?"as one of their star players prepares to fly out of the closet"?
"Dios prepara una mesa para mí..." "en presencia de mis adversarios." "Me unges la cabeza con perfumes"thou preparest a table for me, against mine enemies, my head thou anoints with oil, and filleth my cup full oh let thy lovingkindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, that I mayest dwell in the lord's house for ever.
"En una época de cortejos clandestinos el hoy prepara la ruina del mañana.In a time of secret wooina Today prepares tomorrow's ruin
"Han oído la voz del profeta mientras prepara el trono de la gracia. Y han viciado.You've heard the voice of the prophet as he prepares the throne of grace and you've twisted his message.
(Locutor) Como el ganador Equipo Rojo se dirige dentro, el equipo azul se prepara para la prueba de presión, sabiendo por lo menos una de ellas este será su último día en el Masterchef cocina.(Announcer) As the winning Red Team heads inside, the Blue Team prepares itself for the pressure test, knowing for at least one of them this will be their last day in the Masterchef kitchen.
"Nosotros los preparamos con mantequilla y ajo".They are prepared with butter and garland.
"Son nuestra esperanza. Los preparamos para que puedan tomar nuestra bandera.""We prepare them, place our hope..."
- Cada enseñanza que hacemos... es personal. Como hablamos a los otros, como trabajamos juntos... y como nos preparamos para este examen.Everything we do in this room is personal, how we talk to each other, how we work together, and how we've prepared for these tests.
- Es tuyo. Te preparamos.We prepared for this.
- Este pato que capturamos. Ven a ayudarme. Desplúmalo mientras preparamos la salsa.Pluck him while I prepare the sauce.
- Quiero ver como preparáis el contraveneno.- Can l see him prepare the anti -dote ?
Sabemos que os preparáis para la guerra contra la Orden.We are aware you prepare yourselves for war against the Order
Thorir, ¿puedo mirar mientras preparáis el barco para zarpar?Thorir, may I look how you prepare the boat for sail?
iY vosotros tres lo preparáis todo!And all three of you so prepare yourselves!
""Mientras los Aliados se preparan para nuestro mayor desafío bélico nuestros líderes no deben perder de vista la medida real del liderazgo militar."As the Allies prepare for our greatest challenge of the war our leaders must not lose sight of the true measure of military leadership.
"Afuera escucho cómo se preparan las armas... "...que dispararán contra este corazón, "...que quiero que sepa estará con Ud..."I hear how they prepare the weapons outside... which they'll shoot against this heart, which I want you to know will be with you... until their last beat".
"La lana y fieltro se preparan cuidadosamente para torcer ""the wool and felt are carefully prepared for twisting"
'Mientras ambas partes se preparan para reunirse en una cumbre de paz en Londres,' 'hay una creciente preocupación en la comunidad internacional...''As both parties prepare to meet for a peace summit in London,' 'there is growing concern in the international community...'
- Como sea, todos se preparan para eso.- In a way everyone prepares for it.
"Entonces, te drogué, te desvestí preparé una taza de muestras, me puse un guante de goma, y...""So, I drugged you, undressed you, prepared a specimen cup, put on a rubber glove, and..."
"Espero que les guste la comida que con tanto amor preparé para mis seres queridos."I sure hope you like the meal I so lovingly prepared for the people I love.
"Pensaba que estaba listo para él, pensaba que tenía una clara imagen de él como de un lunático y me preparé a mí mismo para la entrevistaI thought I was pretty well prepared for him. I thought I had a very clear image of him as this very erudite lunatic. And I was steeling myself for the interview.
"Pero ya preparé mis bolsitas de snacks.""But I already made pre-prepared snack packs."
"Te dejo la casa que preparé para Alicia y para mí."I am leaving you the house I prepared for me and her.
Baker, ¿preparaste esos bidones de gasolina como te dije?Baker, prepared the tambores of gasoline as I spoke to you?
Come algo. ¿Ya preparaste el instrumental para la biopsia?Eat something. Uh-huh. Have you prepared the biopsy tray?
Cris, creí que la preparaste.Cris, I thought you prepared her.
De lo fuerte que eras y de cómo lo preparaste para lo que venía... cuando nadie creía que había peligro.How strong you were, and how you prepared him for what was coming... When no one thought that the danger was real.
Descríbeme la última comida que preparaste para tus amados hijos.Describe for me the last meal that you prepared for your beloved children.
"... se preparó para cerrar la puerta por última vez."...prepared to close the door for the last time.
(Locutor) Cada equipo preparó cinco cursos.Each team prepared five courses.
- Adicional al menú el chef preparó cangrejos con pasta.- In addition to the menu... the chef has prepared a crab in a puff pastry.
- Mi esposa los preparó para ti.- My wife prepared these for you.
- Noé, siendo avisado por Dios acerca de cosas nunca vistas, preparó un arca para la salvación de su familia.Noah, being warned by God about things not seen, prepared an Ark for the salvation of his household.
Le dí el teléfono que preparasteis para mí.I gave him the phone that you prepared for me.
"Tío asesino" y "tío bandido" lo prepararon."Uncle killer" and "uncle bandit" prepared it
#Le prepararon al Rayo, terror de Guadalajara, #y ganó el Flor de Durazno como se le dio la gana.¤ They prepared Rayo, the Terror of Guadalajara,... ¤ and Flor de Durazno won easily.
- Se prepararon bien.You've prepared well.
- Y a todos los que la prepararon.And all those who prepared it.
- ¿No prepararon nada?- Haven't you prepared anything?
Ahora mismo prepararé este besugo para cenarlo.Right now I will prepare this red sea bream for dinner
Ahora prepararé un filete para el capitán. ¡El filete del marinero!Now I will prepare a steak for the captain. Sailor's steak!
Bautizaré a Lorenzo y lo prepararé para su primera comunión.I'll baptize Lorenzo will prepare him for his first communion.
Le prepararé una ampolla.I will prepare a light bulb.
Les prepararé sus cuartos.I will prepare rooms for you.
- ¿Qué prepararás?- What will prepare?
Donde te prepararás.Where you will prepare yourself.
Esta noche te prepararás para un largo viaje.Tonight you will prepare for a long journey.
Hassan tú lo prepararás.Hassan, you will prepare it.
Nos prepararás dos caballos al amanecer, ya ensillados.You will prepare us 2 horses at dawn, already saddled.
(Locutor) En su primera prueba de presión, cada participante preparará espinacas ricotta ravioli acceso a los exactamente los mismos ingredientes.For their first pressure test, each contestant will prepare a spinach ricotta ravioli with access to the exact same ingredients.
- El cocinero te preparará algo muy especial.- The chef will prepare you something quite special,
Avisa a Elsie, lo preparará todo.Tip Elsie, will prepare everything.
Barb te preparará algunas observaciones.Barb will prepare some remarks for you.
Cada experiencia los preparará para la siguiente.Every experience will prepare you for the next.
-nosotros se la prepararemos.- we will prepare it for you.
Ahora nos prepararemos para apoderarnos de su sombrero mágico.Now we will prepare ourselves in order to empower to us of his magical hat.
Al amanecer, prepararemos al chico para el funeral.At dawn, we will prepare the boy for burial.
Aquí, los prepararemos para ser mártires.Here, we will prepare you for martyrdom.
Bertie y yo prepararemos al Sr. Gentile para la cirugía.- Yes? Bertie and I will prepare Mr. Gentile for the surgery.
Desde ahora, quedáis relevado del mando de las fuerzas terrestres y navales, y os prepararéis para comparecer ante el Tribunal de los Condados para responder de vuestras acciones.From now on, you are exonerated from the command of our terrestrial and naval forces. And you will prepare yourself to appear in front of the justice court, to respond of your doing.
Vos os prepararéis... para encontraros con Dios.You will prepare yourself... to meet God.
Ellas te prepararán para las festividades.They will prepare you for the festivities.
En la leyenda Hopi, se dice que los niños prepararán a la humanidad para la llegada de lo que ellos llaman la Estrella Azul y la Kachina, o Ser de las Estrellas, que llegará con él.NARRATOR: In the Hopi legend, it is said that the star children will prepare humankind for the arrival of what they call the Blue Star and the Kachina, or Star Being, who will arrive with it. (thunder rumbling, crashing)
Estas asignaciones los prepararán para la vida adulta en el kibbutz.The assignments will prepare you for life as adults on the kibbutz.
Las Fuerzas americanas en el Pacífico... prepararán y apuntarán 20 misiles guiados... para atacar Moosoo Danri y Dong Changri.The US forces in the Pacific will prepare and aim 20 guided missiles to attack Moosoo Danri and Dong Changri.
Las tiendas prepararán muestras de pasteles para usted.The shops will prepare samples of their cakes for you.
No estaba seguro cómo La rueda para rotar carrera del aparejo grande Nos prepararía Para entregar cargamento, Excepto yo ciertamente Está listo a verI wasn't sure how wheel-to-wheel big-rig racing would prepare us for delivering cargo, but I certainly was ready to see how fast my Peterbilt would go.
Nos prepararía mejor para contrarrestar esta nueva amenaza, ¿no crees?It would prepare us better to counter this new threat, don't you think?
Si yo fuera tú, me prepararía para lo peor.If I were you, I would prepare myself for the worst.
Tal vez fue la sabiduría de Ma lo que nos prepararía para otro episodio dramático en nuestra comunidad de la playa.Perhaps it was Ma's wisdom that would prepare us for yet another dramatic turn in our beach community.
Ya sabes, eso, y él quería para recoger una habilidad que lo prepararía para el apocalipsis zombie.You know, that, and he wanted to pick up a skill that would prepare him for the zombie apocalypse.
Te queremos, pero nuestro propósito más profundo era contarte las historias de nuestro mundo, historias que te prepararían para tu regreso.We love you, but our deeper purpose was to tell you the stories of our world, stories that would prepare you for your return.
"De que una cara se prepare para enfrentar las caras que enfrentamos"To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet
"Me pongo en sus manos para que con mucho cuidado y delicadeza la prepare...""--I ask you to prepare her..." He's coming back!
"Quiere que sea usted quien la prepare"."And she wants you to prepare her."
"que se prepare para dentro de poco representar a nuestro pueblo "en el Festival de Canciones Rusas y Soviéticas en Zielona Gora"."to shortly be prepared to represent our town in the Festival of Russian and Soviet Songs in Zielona Gora".
# He'll prepare for us a place' He'll prepare for us a place
- Es hora de que te prepares. - ¿Qué debo hacer?- It is time for you to prepare.
- Lo ocultan para que no te prepares.-It's a secret so you can't prepare -How do you know?
- Necesito que prepares unos papeles para firmar.- I need some warrants prepared for my signature.
- Necesito que te prepares para esto. - Estoy preparado.- I need you to prepare yourself on this.
- Necesito que te prepares para esto.- I need you to prepare yourself on this.
- Así que preparemos a estos perros- So let's prepare these dogs
- Nos avisaste que nos preparemos para lo peor.- You warned us to prepare for the worst.
- Recomiendo que preparemos la retirada.- I recommend we prepare our retreat. - I will not retreat.
A todos los hombres en la Iglesia desde que somos niños nos adoctrinan para que nos preparemos a salir en misiones.- All young men in the Church, from the time that we're young boys, we're indoctrinated to prepare to go on mission.
Agua fresca, comida, preparemos el barco y vayamos a Buruke.Fresh water, food, get the ship prepared and then we head to Buruke.
Ciudadanos de Sábanaburgo, ahora os pido que os preparéis para la guerra.Citizens of Blanketsburg, I ask you now to prepare for war.
El príncipe os ruega que preparéis las exequias para mañana.The Prince would like you to prepare the funeral for tomorrow.
Os ruega que le preparéis.He asks you to come and prepare him.
Para que os preparéis para lo que vais a ver.Uh,to prepare you guys for what you're about to see.
Tenéis razón, porque me ha dicho que dado lo bien que lo pasó preparéis otra en breve.You are right, because he tells me that given how well it went, you are to prepare another one shortly.
"Bueno, para credito extra, quiero que preparen una comida auténtica."Bueno. Para credito extra, quiero que preparen una comida autentica.
- Catalina, avisa a las criadas y a la peinadora de que al final no hace falta que me preparen nada para mañana.Catalina, tell the maids and the haidresser that after all... I don't need them to prepare anything for tomorrow.
- Equipo Beta, preparen los gases.- Beta Team, prepare tear gas.
- Equipo Bravo, preparen el rapel.Alpha team holding. - Bravo team, prepare to rappel.
- Eructeros, preparen sus armas.- Burpsmen, prepare your weapons.
- Y vosotros, preparad algo corto, pero dulce.And you two, prepare something short but sweet.
Ahora preparad el círculo y encended las llamas.Now prepare the circle And light the flames
Aprovechad el tiempo para preparad vuestras mentes.Take some time to prepare your minds.
De acuerdo con las informaciones locales, la Allianza de Organizaciones del Oeste está preparad para mediar la disputaAccording to local reports, the Western Alliance of Organizations is prepared to mediate the dispute.
Esconded el carruaje y preparad una habitación para el príncipe.Hide the chariot and prepare the room for Prince.
"... indicando que todo está preparado. ""signaling that all is prepared."
"Acceso temporal preparado por los trabajadores."Temporary access to reach the depths prepared by workers.
"Ahora necesito la medicina que me has preparado. "I now need the medicine you have prepared for me.
"Al final puedo sentir que hice mi trabajo y tú estás preparado para ésta nueva etapa de tu vida.""Ultimately, I do feel that I did my job "And you're prepared for this next chapter of your life.
"Bueno, la buena noticia es, que estaba preparado". ¿Por qué nos odian?"Well the good news is, I was prepared." Oh. Why do they hate us?
"... Y piensas días buenos se están preparando para ti."...and yöu think good days are preparing for yöu.
"Afortunadamente la visión de la Sra. Arne no era más que la de unos curtidores preparando sus herramientas de trabajo.""Fortunately the lady vicar's vision was no more ominous than a few journeyman tanners preparing the tools of their trade."
"El enemigo está preparando un ataque general contra nosotros"."The enemy is preparing a general attack against us. " "Prepare to drive them back. "
"Hay fuerzas en Saturno que ya se están preparando para golpearnos...""Forces on Saturn are already preparing to bugger..."
"La colonia estaba muy ocupada preparando la temporada de cria.""The colony was busily preparing for the breeding season. "
Y cuando cruces el umbral, te preparás a volar más alto.And as you cross the threshold, prepare to soar to greater heights.

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