Memata-matai (to spy) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memata-matai

Present tense
I spy
Past tense
sudah memata-matai
I spied
Present perfect tense
sudah memata-matai
I have spied
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memata-matai
I will have spied
Future recent tense
memata-matai nanti
I will spy
Future distant tense
memata-matai kelak
I am going to spy
Present continuous tense
sedang memata-matai
I spy
Past distant tense
dulu memata-matai
I (a long time ago) spied
Past recent tense
memata-matai tadi
I (recently) spied
Past very recent tense
baru saja memata-matai
I (just now) spied

Examples of memata-matai

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Mossad menggunakan kita untuk memata-matai Khalid Ansari .Mossad is using us to spy on Khalid Ansari.
Pedro, kenapa kau memata-matai Paula?Pedro, why the hell are you spying on Paula?
/ Dia sedang memata-matai suaminya.- She was spying on her husband.
Kau seharusnya menghapus informasinya, bukan memata-matai.You were supposed to be scrubbing. Not spying.
Maksudmu, seperti memata-matai Michelle?You mean, like-like spying on, uh... like spying on Michelle?

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