Mencoba (to try) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mencoba

Present tense
I try
Past tense
sudah mencoba
I tried
Present perfect tense
sudah mencoba
I have tried
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mencoba
I will have tried
Future recent tense
mencoba nanti
I will try
Future distant tense
mencoba kelak
I am going to try
Present continuous tense
sedang mencoba
I try
Past distant tense
dulu mencoba
I (a long time ago) tried
Past recent tense
mencoba tadi
I (recently) tried
Past very recent tense
baru saja mencoba
I (just now) tried

Examples of mencoba

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia mungkin mencoba bicara padamu, atau meyakinkan kamu, memanipulasi kamu.He may try to talk to you, or convince you, manipulate you.
Aku dipermalukan mencoba menarik perhatianmu..... dan aku tdk bekerja keras begini cuma supaya aku bisa bergaya,I was humiliated trying to get your attention, and I'm not working this hard just so I can get some action,
Anda lihat, aku harus terlambat mencoba untuk menemukan Anda bunga-bunga indah.You see, I got late trying to find you these beautiful flowers.
Sehingga dia bisa mencoba omong kosongnya?So that he can try his mumbo-jumbo on him...?
Aku mencoba untuk memberikan itu kepada orang.I try to give that to people.

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