Mengharapkan (to expect) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengharapkan

Present tense
I expect
Past tense
sudah mengharapkan
I expected
Present perfect tense
sudah mengharapkan
I have expected
Future tense
akan mengharapkan
I will expect
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengharapkan
I will have expected
akan telah mengharapkan
I will have expected
Present continuous tense
sedang mengharapkan
I am expecting
lagi mengharapkan
I am expecting

Examples of mengharapkan

Example in MalayTranslation in English
Aku mengharapkan pembayaranku akhir minggu ini.I'll expect my payment by the end of the week.
Aku harap kau jangan mengharapkan aku untuk membayar semua iniI hope you don't expect me to pay for this.
Dan satu-satunya sebab mengapa sekarang mereka mengharapkan saya... ialah kerana disebabkan oleh awak.And the only reason anyone expects anything from me now is because of you.
Aku tidak mengharapkan giliran.Oh, I didn't expect a turn.
Mengapa kalian mengharapkan aku... tetap bertahan dalam kondisi seperti ini?How can anyone expect me to carry on under these conditions?

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