Sisir (to comb) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of sisir

Present tense
I comb
Past tense
sudah sisir
I combed
Present perfect tense
sudah sisir
I have combed
Future tense
akan sisir
I will comb
Future perfect tense
akan sudah sisir
I will have combed
akan telah sisir
I will have combed
Present continuous tense
sedang sisir
I am combing
lagi sisir
I am combing

Examples of sisir

Example in MalayTranslation in English
- Dilengkapi dengan kuas, sisir ...- Fitted up with brushes, combs...
“Ketika angin bergerak seperti sisir Melalui ladang gandum” “mengangkat seratus selendang berwarna-warni”"When the wind moves like a comb Through the fields of wheat" "It lifts a hundred colourful scarves"
Ada sisir di belakang sana.That was a steer comb back there.
Istri saya sisir rambut dan bubuk wajahnya dengan debu kuning.My wife combs her hair and powders her face with yellow dust.
Ini namanya sisir.This is called a comb.

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