Umple (to fill) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: cram, to stuff, stuff

Conjugation of umple

Present tense
I fill
you fill
he/she/it fills
we fill
you all fill
they fill
Present perfect tense
am umplut
I have filled
ai umplut
you have filled
a umplut
he/she/it has filled
am umplut
we have filled
ați umplut
you all have filled
au umplut
they have filled
Past preterite tense
I filled
you filled
he/she/it filled
we filled
you all filled
they filled
Future tense
voi umple
I will fill
vei umple
you will fill
va umple
he/she/it will fill
vom umple
we will fill
veți umple
you all will fill
vor umple
they will fill
Conditional mood
aș umple
I would fill
ai umple
you would fill
ar umple
he/she/it would fill
am umple
we would fill
ați umple
you all would fill
ar umple
they would fill
Subjunctive present tense
să umplu
(so that/if) I fill
să umpli
(so that/if) you fill
să umple
(so that/if) he/she/it fill
să umplem
(so that/if) we fill
să umpleți
(so that/if) you all fill
să umple
(so that/if) they fill
Subjunctive past tense
să fi umplut
(so that/if) I have filled
să fi umplut
(so that/if) you have filled
să fi umplut
(so that/if) he/she/it have filled
să fi umplut
(so that/if) we have filled
să fi umplut
(so that/if) you all have filled
să fi umplut
(so that/if) they have filled
Past impf. tense
I was filling
you were filling
he/she/it was filling
we were filling
you all were filling
they were filling
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu umple
do not fill!
nu umpleți
do not fill!
Past pluperfect tense
I had filled
you had filled
he/she/it had filled
we had filled
you all had filled
they had filled
Future alternative 1 tense
am să umplu
I am going to fill
ai să umpli
you are going to fill
are să umple
he/she/it is going to fill
avem să umplem
we are going to fill
aveți să umpleți
you all are going to fill
au să umple
they are going to fill
Future alternative 2 tense
o să umplu
I am going to fill
o să umpli
you are going to fill
o să umple
he/she/it is going to fill
o să umplem
we are going to fill
o să umpleți
you all are going to fill
o să umple
they are going to fill
Future perfect tense
voi fi umplut
I will have filled
vei fi umplut
you will have filled
va fi umplut
he/she/it will have filled
vom fi umplut
we will have filled
veți fi umplut
you all will have filled
vor fi umplut
they will have filled
Future in the past tense
aveam să umplu
I was going to fill
aveai să umpli
you were going to fill
avea să umple
he/she/it was going to fill
aveam să umplem
we were going to fill
aveați să umpleți
you all were going to fill
aveau să umple
they were going to fill
Conditional past tense
aș fi umplut
I would have filled
ai fi umplut
you would have filled
ar fi umplut
he/she/it would have filled
am fi umplut
we would have filled
ați fi umplut
you all would have filled
ar fi umplut
they would have filled
Presumptive tense
oi umple
I might fill
oi umple
you might fill
o umple
he/she/it might fill
om umple
we might fill
oți umple
you all might fill
or umple
they might fill
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi umplând
I might be filling
oi fi umplând
you might be filling
o fi umplând
he/she/it might be filling
om fi umplând
we might be filling
oți fi umplând
you all might be filling
or fi umplând
they might be filling
Presumptive past tense
oi fi umplut
I might have filled
oi fi umplut
you might have filled
o fi umplut
he/she/it might have filled
om fi umplut
we might have filled
oți fi umplut
you all might have filled
or fi umplut
they might have filled

Examples of umple

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Putem umple de dragoste în rezervorul de benzină și a conduce pe...""we can fill love in the petrol tank and drive off..."
" Tu nu va fi niciodată în măsură să umple acest gol""You will never be able to fill this void."
""Intre timp a aparut un zvon ca LAPD a pus pe roate o garnitura nu prea fericita pentru a impiedica criminalitatea sa umple golul lasat de plecarea lui Mickey."Meanwhile, rumor has it the LAPD has set up a not-so-Welcome Wagon to dishearten the criminal element from filling the void left by Mickey's absence.
"... am deplâns durul destin care a împiedicat vocea dvs" "să umple golul marii Opere din Paris."I have deplored the fate that kept your voice... from filling the Grand Opera House in Paris.
"...pentru ca să-mi umple casa."(Jinny) "...that my house may be filled."
"Băieţi, terminaţi cu bătaia că de nu, vă umplu capetele cu Jell-O.""You boys, you stop that fighting or I'm gonna fill your noggins with Jell-O."
"Când ochii ni se umplu de lacrimi, hai să le împărţim. ""When tears fill our eyes, let's share them too."
"Dar pisicile m-au ajutat sa il umplu incetul cu incetul"But the Cats helped to fill it little by little.
"De nu, vă umplu de plumb!""Or I'll fill you both full of lead."
"El nu ma va vedea oprire aici ... pentru a viziona padure sau se umplu cu zapada. "'He will not see me stopping here... to watch his woods fill up with snow.'
"Dacă-ţi umpli inima de răzbunare şi ură, " a mai zis... "n-o să rămână loc pentru dragoste... "râsete sau lacrimi şi inima ta va putrezi. "'If you fill it with vengeance and hate,' he said... 'there'll be no room left for love... 'or laughter or tears, and your heart will rot.'
"De ce îmi umpli"♪ So why do you fill ♪
"Nu este suficient să umpli paginile unei cărţi aşa că Orlean a schimbat subiectul în super pasaje aceste pagini nu au momente narative"There's not nearly enough of him to fill a book." So Orlean "digresses in long passages." Blah, blah, blah.
# E nevoie de bani să-mi umpli rezervorul ## It's gonna take cash to fill my tank #
# Sunt reţete să-ţi umpli pălăria #Apple this, apple that Recipes to fill your hat
"De unde facem rost de trandafiri, ca să umplem Rose Bowl ?"Where will we get enough roses to fill the Rose Bowl?"
"Stă în firea noastră să umplem spaţiile goale.""We have a natural compulsion to fill empty spaces. "
"Împreună ni le umplem."You know, together we fill gaps."
- Acum umplem rezervorul.- We're filling the tank.
- C-o s-o umplem cu brotacei.-We'll fill her with tadpoles.
" a umplut curte cu o nouă rază de lumină""The courtyard's filled with a new ray of light."
" umplut de lacrimi ochii Amelia lui."tears filled Amelia's eyes.
". Acest moment este pentru tine și ma umplut de dragostea noastră""This moment's for you and me filled with our love."
"Acum a sărit şi şi-a umplut bronhiile cu aer.""Now he has jumped and filled the sacs along his back with air.
"Acum când tu mi-ai umplut visurile.""Now that you've filled my dreams."
Și nu umpleți-le, Fred.And don't overfill 'em, Fred.
Culorile deveniră spălăcite, iar norii negru umplură cerul.Colors faded into each other and dark clouds filled the sky.
Am fost în locul tău şi am mers la interviuri şi mi-am dat seama că umpleam camera de disperare.I've been you. And I went on interviews and I realized I was filling the room with desperation.
Era convins că îi umpleam capul cu faptul că el era un ratat, de parcă ar mai fi avut nevoie de alte dovezi.He was convinced that I was filling her mind with what a loser he was, as if she needed further proof.
Îmi umpleam sticla cu apă.I was filling my water bottle.
În timp ce tu umpleai rezervorul, eu eram în acea... dezgustătoare baie încercând să-mi spăl voma din păr sub robinet, în chiuvetă.While you were filling up the tank, I was in that... Blech, disgusting bathroom trying to wash the vomit Out of my hair under the faucet in the sink.
Şi n-ai învăţat nimic din toate astea, când umpleai baloane cu salsa?And yet none of this occurred to you while you were filling balloons with salsa?
Atât de mult că te umplea de vinovăţie.So badly it was filling you with guilt.
Barca se umplea cu apă.The boat was filling with water.
Care se umplea cu apa.It was filling' up with water.
Da. Când l-am văzut pe tip, şi managerul umplea sacul.When I saw the guy, and the manager was filling the bag.
Ea umplea o oală cu apă...She was filling a pot...
"evreii umpleau colţurile şi crăpăturile Europei."Jews were filling the corners And cracks of europe.
Ele mă umpleau.They were filling me up.
Groparii au spus că umpleau un mormânt când un om a ieşit prin coşciug. Dar nu orice coşciug, era biodegradabil, făcut din iută.Diggers reported they were filling a grave when a man broke through a coffin but not just any coffin,it was biodegradable,made from jute.
Vedeam ca urmele lui Simon se umpleau.I could see Simon's tracks were filling in.
Ce-ţi datorez fiule? Nu eşti acelaşi diavol... .. care umpluse venele cu lichior ale tatălui meu?- Aren't you that same devil who had filled my father's veins with liquor?
Când m-am trezit, îmi umpluse capul cu o bucată de metal.When I woke up, they had filled my head with a steel plate.
Odată am încercat să-mi pun mănuşile, dar el umpluse toate degetele cu jeleuri.This one time, I tried to put my gloves on, but he had filled all the fingers with jellybeans. (LAUGHS)
Şi nu ai realizat ca vaporii de la benzină umpluseră casa, iar scânteia de la boiler o să aprindă focul.And you didn't realize that the vapors from the gas had filled the house, and the flame from the water heater ignited it.
Acela e sunetul aerului umplând cu rapiditate vidul creat de cadavrul tău.That's the sound of air rapidly filling the vacuum created by your departed body.
Apoi toate împreună, şi apoi toate odată Zeităţile paşnice şi cele violente apar înaintea muribundului umplând tot spaţiulThen altogether and all at once, the peaceful and wrathful deities come before the dying man, filling the whole of space.
Ar fi trebuit să fii aici aseară umplând locul ăsta cu gunoaie după ce Alison a primit mesajul ăla.We should have been out here last night filling this place with crap after Alison got that text.
Au reînviat complicatele sisteme de irigaţii, umplând vechile apeducte cu apă proaspătă.They resurrected elaborate irrigation systems, filling the old stone aqueducts with precious water.
Dar raportul spune aici că l-aţi văzut pe Norton umplând o furgonetă cu calculatoare, iPad-uri...But your report says here that you observed Norton filling up a van with computers, iPads...

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