Dormir (to sleep) conjugation

65 examples

Conjugation of dormir

Present tense
I sleep
you sleep
he/she sleeps
we sleep
you all sleep
they sleep
Present perfect tense
he dormit
I have slept
has dormit
you have slept
ha dormit
he/she has slept
hem dormit
we have slept
heu dormit
you all have slept
han dormit
they have slept
Future tense
I will sleep
you will sleep
he/she will sleep
we will sleep
you all will sleep
they will sleep
Conditional mood
I would sleep
you would sleep
he/she would sleep
we would sleep
you all would sleep
they would sleep
Past perfect tense
havia dormit
I had slept
havies dormit
you had slept
havia dormit
he/she had slept
havíem dormit
we had slept
havíeu dormit
you all had slept
havien dormit
they had slept
Past impf. tense
I was sleeping
you were sleeping
he/she was sleeping
we were sleeping
you all were sleeping
they were sleeping
Imperative mood
let him/her sleep!
let's sleep!
let them sleep!
Imperative negative mood
no dormis
don't sleep!
no dormi
don't let him/her sleep!
no dormim
let's not sleep!
no dormiu
don't sleep!
no dormin
don't let them sleep!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria dormit
I would have slept
hauries dormit
you would have slept
hauria dormit
he/she would have slept
hauríem dormit
we would have slept
hauríeu dormit
you all would have slept
haurien dormit
they would have slept
Future perfect tense
hauré dormit
I will have slept
hauràs dormit
you will have slept
haurà dormit
he/she will have slept
haurem dormit
we will have slept
haureu dormit
you all will have slept
hauren dormit
they will have slept
Preterite past tense
I slept
you slept
he/she slept
we slept
you all slept
they slept
Past anterior tense
haguí dormit
I had slept
hagueres dormit
you had slept
hagué dormit
he/she had slept
haguérem dormit
we had slept
haguéreu dormit
you all had slept
haguéren dormit
they had slept
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) sleep
(so that you) sleep
(so that he/she) sleeps
(so that we) sleep
(so that you all) sleep
(so that they) sleep
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was sleeping
(so that you) were sleeping
(so that he/she) was sleeping
(so that we) were sleeping
(so that you all) were sleeping
(so that they) were sleeping
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi dormit
(so that I) have slept
hagis dormit
(so that you) have slept
hagi dormit
(so that he/she) has slept
hàgim dormit
(so that we) have slept
hàgiu dormit
(so that you all) have slept
hagin dormit
(so that they) have slept
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués dormit
(so that I) had slept
haguessis dormit
(so that you) had slept
hagués dormit
(so that he/she) had slept
haguéssim dormit
(so that we) had slept
haguéssiu dormit
(so that you all) had slept
haguessin dormit
(so that they) had slept
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi dormir
(so that I) slept
vagis dormir
(so that you) slept
vagi dormir
(so that he/she) slept
vàgim dormir
(so that we) slept
vàgiu dormir
(so that you all) slept
vagin dormir
(so that they) slept
Periphastic past tense
vaig dormir
I slept
vas dormir
you slept
va dormir
he/she slept
vam dormir
we slept
vau dormir
you all slept
van dormir
they slept
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver dormit
I had slept
vas haver dormit
you had slept
va haver dormit
he/she had slept
vam haver dormit
we had slept
vau haver dormit
you all had slept
van haver dormit
they had slept

Examples of dormir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Mon pare solia dormir allí, de vegades, vora els porcs; pero, Déu me vall, el món s'ensorra, quan ell ronca.Pap used to sleep there, sometimes, 'long with the hogs, but laws bless you, he just lifts things when _he_ snores.
I un ermita no té més remei que dormir al lloc més dur que pot trobar, i portar robes de sac, i cendra damunt la testa, i estar-se al ras en temps de pluja, i…And a hermit's got to sleep on the hardest place he can find, and put sackcloth and ashes on his head, and stand out in the rain, and--"
Aleshores Tom s'amaga dins un recó ombrejat, per a dormir fins a migdia, i els altres pirates es disposaren a la pesca i l'exploració.Then Tom hid himself away in a shady nook to sleep till noon, and the other pirates got ready to fish and explore.
I escolteu: on anireu a dormir?Now, where you going to sleep?"
-Bé: si no us necessito de dia, Huck, us deixaré dormir: no us inquietaré pas."Well, if I don't want you in the daytime, I'll let you sleep. I won't come bothering around.
Tot el que haureu de fer és pujar corrents una illa de cases per Hooper Street, i miolar; i, si dormo, tireu-me una mica de sorra a la finestra, i aixo em fara bellugar.All you got to do is to trot up Hooper Street a block and maow--and if I'm asleep, you throw some gravel at the window and that'll fetch me."
Quedar-me cega mentre dormo.Afraid I’il go blind in my sleep.
No dormo.I don't sleep.
Jo dormo a l'autocaravana.One spider and I'm sleeping in the Rambler.
Sé perquè gairebé no dorms... ...perquè vius sol i perquè, nit rere nit... ...t'asseus davant l'ordinador.I know why you hardly sleep... ...why you live alone, and why, night after night... sit at your computer.
Què passa? Que ja no dorms?Don't you sleep anymore?
Encara no dorms?- Still not sleeping? - No.
Tampoc dorms mai.You never sleep either.
- No dorms tu ?- You haven't been getting enough sleep.
És la 6a nit que l'Ali dorm amb les mans lligades, exhaust per la tortura.It is the 6th night Ali sleeps hands tied, exhausted from torture.
Perquè mira, demà tindràs un veí a dalt escoltant música rap a tot volum tota la nit, i quan pugis a queixar-te et dirà que és la seva forma d'expressió i que tu ets un purità que dorm tota la nit mentre la gent lliure escolta rap.Because, you see, tomorrow you’ll have an upstairs neighbor blasting rap music all night long at top volume, and when you go up to confront him, he’ll say that this is his means of self-expression, and you’re just a prude who sleeps at night, while all the free people listen to rap.
Qui dorm amb qui després de la feina no hauria de preocupar els serveis de seguretat uzbeks i la policia.Who sleeps with whom after work should not be a matter of concern to Uzbek security services and police.
Un nadó dorm a un hospital del sud de Luzon, les Filipines (2009).A newborn baby sleeps in a hospitals in Southern Luzon, Philippines (2009).
La força aèria mai dorm.- The Air Force never sleeps.
Nosaltres dormim en aquesta i vosaltres dos en aquesta.We'll sleep here, and you two there.
Els nostres cossos són terra, els nostres pensaments són fang... dormim i mengem amb la mort.Our bodies are earth and our thoughts are clay, and we sleep and eat with death.
Si promets no rosegar la carn dels nostres ossos... mentre dormim, pots quedar-te.If you promise not to chew the flesh off our bones while we sleep, you can stay.
Per què no dormim al taüt nosaltres tres i la noia...Why don't the three of us sleep in the coffin and the girl-
O ens roba els nostres anells de llum de dia mentre dormim i llavors ens comencem a cremar quan es fa de dia?Or she steals our daylight rings while we're asleep and then we burst into flames when the sun comes up?
Havien vogat cap a la ribera del Missuri en una corredora, el dissabte, quan ja era fosc, desembarcant cinc o sis milles més avall del poblet i havien dormit al bosc, al caire del poblet, gairebé fins a trenc de dia, i aleshores haven lliscat a través de camins i carrerons on daven els darreres de les cases; i acabaren llur son a la tribuna de la l'església, entre un caos de bancs invalids.They had paddled over to the Missouri shore on a log, at dusk on Saturday, landing five or six miles below the village; they had slept in the woods at the edge of the town till nearly daylight, and had then crept through back lanes and alleys and finished their sleep in the gallery of the church among a chaos of invalided benches.
-Estic content que hagueu dormit, Becky: esteu més reposada, ara, i trobarem el camí de sortida."I'm glad you've slept, Becky; you'll feel rested, now, and we'll find the way out."
Ai dormit dins l'avion.- No, I slept on the plane.
Ja he dormit.I slept.
He dormit... I he tingut un somni.I slept… and I had a dream.
Ara possiblement dormiu i demà de matí trobareu les prestatgeries buides en nombrosos comerços.You’re probably sleeping now, but tomorrow morning you’ll awake to empty shelves in many stores.
A casa no dormiu tots a la cuina?Don't your family sleep in one room?
Si us atreviu tornar a dir-me "germana", faré que us escanyin mentre dormiu.If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep.
En aquesta casa es dormen les hores que toquen.We get plenty of sleep here every night. There’s no excuse for you to be falling asleep in school.
- No xento re, potser ja dormen.Nothing. Maybe they're sleeping.
L'evolució ha fet les dones més sensibles als sorolls aguts... mentre dormen, per poder despertar-se amb el plor d'un bebé.Evolution has made women sensitive to high-pitched noises while they sleep so that they'll be roused by a crying baby.
Que els Caminants Blancs dormen sota el gel mil·lennis i mil·lennis.- The white walkers sleep beneath the ice for thousands of years.
Que serien assassinats mentre dormen si el seu avi s'assabentés de la seva existència?Who would be killed in their sleep if their grandfather found out about them?
Imagino que vosaltres dos dormireu un dins de l'altre.I imagine you two will sleep inside one another.
Estic segur que la gent del Glades a qui represento dormiran millor sabent-ho... si és que tenen un lloc on dormir.I will do everything in my power to atone for my family's culpability in this tragedy. I'm sure the people of the Glades that I represent will sleep better knowing that.
Entre ço que pertanyia al petit rai hi havia una antiga vela, i ells l'estengueren damunt un amagatall, entre les mates, fent-ne una tenda per arrecerar les seves provisions; pero ells dormirien al ras si el temps era bo, com escau als bandejats.Part of the little raft's belongings consisted of an old sail, and this they spread over a nook in the bushes for a tent to shelter their provisions; but they themselves would sleep in the open air in good weather, as became outlaws.
@agisaa: Què ha passat a les #Maldives mentre dormia?@agisaa: what happened to the #maldives while i was sleeping? Sofwathullah Mohamed tweets:
Al final vaig sortir del forat. Em vaig arrossegar cap a l'enemic mentre dormia.So I finally climbed out of this hole and I sneaked up on the enemy while he was sleeping.
Hen anat al meu apartament ahir, mentre dormia?.You came into my apartment last night while I was sleeping?!
Al meu apartament, mentre dormia.In my apartment, while I was sleeping?!
Mentre dormia, en Freezer va destruir el planeta Vegeta?While I was sleeping, did Frieza destroy Planet Vegeta?
Només per deixar-ho clar, perquè hi haurà una discussió quan te'n vagis. La teva objecció és només per la nostra presència mentre dormies... o també és per la imposició d'un nou paradigma d'organització?.Just to clarify, because there will be a discussion when you leave, is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping, or do you also object to the imposition of a new organizational paradigm.
Quan dormies, deu haver... - Senyor del Temps!When you were sleeping. Time Lord. [Sniffle]
La teva objecció és només per la nostra presència mentre dormies... o també és per la imposició d'un nou paradigma d'organització? .is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping, or do you also object to the imposition of a new organizational paradigm.
Pensava que dormies a casa meva.I thought you were sleeping at my place.
Però jo creia que tu dormies amb l'Emma?But I thought you were sleeping with Emma?
Heu dit que dormíeu a la intempèrie.You said you were sleeping rough.
I els meus fills, sols els veig 5 o 10 minuts. I a l'hora que vaig anar ahir a casa ja estaven dormien.And my kids, I only see them for 5 or 10 minutes, and the hour I went home yesterday they were sleeping.
La pipa caigué dels dits del Ma-roja, i ell dormí el bon son d'una consciencia sense noses i de un cos fadigat.The pipe dropped from the fingers of the Red-Handed, and he slept the sleep of the conscience-free and the weary.
És com dir-li a un nen que dormi el matí de Nadal.Like telling a kid to sleep on Christmas morning, eh?
És possible, però de moment, deixem que dormi.Perhaps. But for now, Iet him sleep.
Li recepto que no es tregui les ulleres de sol, excepte quan es dutxi i quan dormi.I order you to wear your sunglasses. Unless you're bathing or sleeping.
- No, voldria dormir. Dormi i deixi'm parlar a mi.Then sleep, but let me talk.
T'amagaré i quan l'amo dormi ella vindrà a tu.I will hide you, and when the master sleeps in the heat of the noon... I'll bring her to you.
Bé, que dormis bé.Well, sleep tight.
Bé. D'acord. Perquè jo vull que dormin bé aquesta nit.Because I want you all to get a full night's sleep tonight.
A les històries positives d'aquelles persones que troben feina, se sumen les històries de mares i pares que deixen els seus fills a casa, d'espanyols que acaben dormint als seus cotxes o en llocs d'acollida perquè no troben feina i han acabat els estalvis que van portar, que no dominen la llengua però malgrat tot no els queda cap altra opció que sortir, històries de fracassos i de tornades a casa amb una situació molt pitjor que la que sentien abans de marxar.To the positive stories of those who do find work must be added the stories of mothers and fathers who leave their children behind, of Spanish citizens who end up sleeping in their cars or in shelters after failing to find work and having no more savings left, who can't speak the language but, despite it all, they have no other option than to leave, stories of failure and returning home to a situation even worse than it was before they left.
O d'altres dormint en caixes de cartró.Or others sleeping in tiny carton boxes.
Arribada a una Belgrad gelada a l'alba, tot segueix igual; tendes i gent dormint on poden. — Manveen Rana (@ManveenRana) 9 de setembre 2015Arriving in a chilly Belgrade at dawn though, it's business as usual; tents and people sleeping wherever they can. — Manveen Rana (@ManveenRana) September 9, 2015
Tres dies dormint.Three days sleeping.
Crec que està dormint.I think The Gimp's sleeping.

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