Dormir (to sleep) conjugation

136 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: die, to die, to rest in death, fall

Conjugation of dormir

Present tense
I sleep
you sleep
he/she/it sleeps
we sleep
you all sleep
they sleep
Present perfect tense
he dormido
I have slept
has dormido
you have slept
ha dormido
he/she/it has slept
hemos dormido
we have slept
habéis dormido
you all have slept
han dormido
they have slept
Past preterite tense
I slept
you slept
he/she/it slept
we slept
you all slept
they slept
Future tense
I will sleep
you will sleep
he/she/it will sleep
we will sleep
you all will sleep
they will sleep
Conditional mood
I would sleep
you would sleep
he/she/it would sleep
we would sleep
you all would sleep
they would sleep
Past imperfect tense
I used to to sleep
you used to to sleep
he/she/it used to to sleep
we used to to sleep
you all used to to sleep
they used to to sleep
Past perfect tense
había dormido
I had slept
habías dormido
you had slept
había dormido
he/she/it had slept
habíamos dormido
we had slept
habíais dormido
you all had slept
habían dormido
they had slept
Future perfect tense
habré dormido
I will have slept
habrás dormido
you will have slept
habrá dormido
he/she/it will have slept
habremos dormido
we will have slept
habréis dormido
you all will have slept
habrán dormido
they will have slept
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I sleep
(if/so that) you sleep
(if/so that) he/she/it sleep
(if/so that) we sleep
(if/so that) you all sleep
(if/so that) they sleep
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya dormido
I have slept
hayas dormido
you have slept
haya dormido
he/she/it has slept
hayamos dormido
we have slept
hayáis dormido
you all have slept
hayan dormido
they have slept
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have slept
(if/so that) you have slept
(if/so that) he/she/it have slept
(if/so that) we have slept
(if/so that) you all have slept
(if/so that) they have slept
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have slept
(if/so that) you have slept
(if/so that) he/she/it have slept
(if/so that) we have slept
(if/so that) you all have slept
(if/so that) they have slept
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera dormido
I had slept
hubieras dormido
you had slept
hubiera dormido
he/she/it had slept
hubiéramos dormido
we had slept
hubierais dormido
you all had slept
hubieran dormido
they had slept
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese dormido
I had slept
hubieses dormido
you had slept
hubiese dormido
he/she/it had slept
hubiésemos dormido
we had slept
hubieseis dormido
you all had slept
hubiesen dormido
they had slept
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have slept
(if/so that) you will have slept
(if/so that) he/she/it will have slept
(if/so that) we will have slept
(if/so that) you all will have slept
(if/so that) they will have slept
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere dormido
I will have slept
hubieres dormido
you will have slept
hubiere dormido
he/she/it will have slept
hubiéremos dormido
we will have slept
hubiereis dormido
you all will have slept
hubieren dormido
they will have slept
Imperative mood
let's sleep!
Imperative negative mood
no duermas
do not sleep!
no duerma
don't let him/her/it sleep!
no durmamos
let us not sleep!
no durmáis
do not sleep!
no duerman
do not sleep!

Examples of dormir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Ve a dormir!Go to sleep!
" Ahora me poso para dormir."Now I lay me down to sleep.
"A la sombra de tus trenzas, me voy a dormir""ln the shade of your tresses, l'm going to sleep..."
"A menudo me quedo despierto durante horas, esperando que tú me acaricies para dormir.""I often lay awake for hours, hoping that you will caress me to sleep"
"Ahora a dormir me iré, con una bolsa de maní en los pies."Now I lay me down to sleep, a bag of peanuts at my feet.
! cómo duermo...Do I sleep on my stomach.
" Los americanos, que ganen menos de 80000 dólares... verán reducido su cuota neta del 15 y 28% al 12 y 23 %, respectivamente. " Ya me duermo."In the Bartlet plan, Americans making less than $80,000 will see their marginal tax rate cut from 15 percent and 28 percent to 12 percent and 23 percent." I'm sleeping already.
" cuándo despierto, cuando duermo ""when I wake, when I sleep"
"Animales peludos andan en mi cara mientras duermo".""Large furry animals crawl on my face every night while l sleep.""
"Como en la parte superior del barco y duermo debajo".I eat on top of the boat and sleep below
""rezo..."" ""a ver si puedo estar despierto..."" ""mientras tu duermes""I pray... may I be kept awake... while you be given sleep
"Cuando duermes solo, nunca te vez tan miserable como un cuerpo muerto"."When you sleep alone, you never look miserable like dead body. " [Trans. Note: Quoting Confucius.]
"Cómo te mueves cuando duermes, tu aspecto antes de saltar las extrañas ilusiones que ocultas, no lo sabes, pero me doy cuenta"."The way you're moving in your sleep, the way you look before you leap the strange illusions that you keep, you don't know, but I'm noticing. "
"Eres encantador cuando duermes..."You look so charming in your sleep,"
"Estoy aquí mientras duermes con mi quitanieves"¶ I'm there when you're sleeping with my snowplow ¶
" Cuando ella duerme con su boca abierta, la lucecita me mantiene despierto toda la noche ".When she sleeps with her mouth open, the little light keeps me awake all night."
"Algunos lo llaman el perro que nunca duerme aunque en realidad lo hace, mientras trota"."Some call it the dog that never sleeps, though it actually does while jogging."
"Amado sea el que duerme de espaldas,"Beloved be the one who sleeps on his back.
"Campesino que hace la guerra, come de pie y duerme bajo tierra...""Farmer who fights in the war, Eats on his feet, sleeps on the floor..."
"Como el matiz brillante de algún sueño inmortal... que camina cuando la tempestad duerme..."The bright shade, of some immortal dream. Which walks when tempus sleeps.
"'Te esconderé en el cuarto donde dormimos'"'l will hide you in your room where we sleep,' said Candaules- said Candaules."
"Aquél que nunca miró hacia atrás y marchó siempre adelante nunca dudó que las nubes se disiparían nunca soñó que el mal pudiera triunfar sabía que caemos para levantarnos y dormimos para despertar.""One that never turned his back but marched breast forward never doubted clouds would break never dreamed that wrong would triumph held we fall to rise sleep to wake."
"Cómo dormimos...""How one sleeps"...
"Incluso mientras dormimos," "podemos encontrar con usted mantenimiento de su mejor comportamiento "Even while we sleep, we will find you acting on your best behaviour.
"Mientras dormimos y despiertos, estamos a través de nuestro viaje de la vida""while we sleep and awake, we're through our journey of life"
"¡Humanos que dormís en las cápsulas de contención, es hora de renacer!"Those of you asleep within the Stayfield, --the time of your revival has come. --Here goes!
- Helena, en serio, me estás preocupando... porque no estás comiendo, no dormís...- Helena, seriously. I'm getting worried, 'cause like, you're not eating, you're not sleeping.
- Vos a la noche dormís, ¿no?You sleep at night, don't you?
- ¿Dónde dormís?- Where do you sleep?
"'Ampliando el agujero, la saca una y otra vez... "'Los cadáveres duermen de nuevo a la sombra.Wide and hoe, he pulls out one after one corpses sleep again in the shade.
"...y los cuerpos corruptibles de los que duermen en El...""and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in him
"Algunos despiertan, otros duermen a cada momento""some awake, some sleep every moment"
"Alicia y Peter duermen en habitaciones separadas."Alicia and Peter sleep in separate rooms.
"Cuando sus seres queridos duermen en el lecho mortuorio... deje a Hinchley Trumbull ocuparse de su envoltorio.""When loved ones lie on the lonely couch... "of everlasting sleep... "let Hinchley and Trumbull draw the covenant."
"Así que fui abajo, y dormí en el sofá."So I went downstairs, I slept on the couch.
"Cuando nos separamos, lloré durante una hora y media y por primera vez en la noche, dormí plácidamente.""When you dumped me, for a while I wept" "But for the first time that night, peacefully I slept"
"He conocido a un hombre de mediana edad, casado, dormí con él un par de veces mientras su esposa estaba fuera, así que lo siento, Peter, cuatro años de amistad echados al Swanee"?"I've met a mhddle-aged, marrhed man, slept with him a couple of times while his wife was away, so I'm sorry, Peter, four years of friendship's down the Swanee"?
"Lo siento, dormí con tu mejor amigo, pero siempre tendré sentimientos por ti.""I'm sorry I slept with your best friend, but I'll always have feelings for you."
"No dormí en toda la noche."I haven't slept all night.
* Él lloró, "Rambler tú dormiste con mi Jezebel" *♪ He cried, "Rambler, you slept with my Jezebel." ♪
- ...que nunca dormiste con él.- you never slept with him.
- Anoche dormiste con mi perro.- You slept with my dog last night.
- Bienvenido a la vida, Mario. - Sí que dormiste.- Welcome back, B.A. You really slept, kid.
- El tipo con quien dormiste.- The guy you slept with.
! ¿Tommy durmió con Lydia?Tommy slept with Lydia?
"Anoche, Dooby durmió con Mami.""Last night, Dooby slept with Mommy."
"El chico durmió en el nido del bosque, donde se había acurrucado"."The boy slept well in the woodland nest where he had laid himself down.
"En esa cama durmió aquel"In that bed slept the one
# Compartió el pan con Jesse y durmió en su misma camaHe ate of Jesse's bread and slept in Jesse's bed
A menos que te diese una llave cuando dormisteis juntos.Unless he gave you a key when you slept together.
Donde dormisteis durante 100.000 años.Where you have slept for 100,000 years.
¿Y dormisteis juntos?And you slept together?
"Y durmieron..."And they slept...
- ...durmieron juntos anoche.- you slept together last night!
- Porque anoche... marido y mujer durmieron separados.- Because last night... husband and bride slept apart.
- Sé que es sábado Katelyn, ya durmieron mucho, ¡son casi las 10 de la mañana, vamos!I know it's Saturday, Caitlin, but you guys have already slept until almost 10:00, so let's go.
- Y durmieron juntos...- So he slept with her...
- Y yo le aseguro, señor que dormiré bien esta noche con la piel de ese ser en mi pared.And I'm telling you, sir, I will sleep well tonight with that thing's hide upon my wall.
Ahora dormiré un poco.Now I will sleep a little.
Ahora dormiré.Now l will sleep.
Así que a partir de hoy tú vas a dormir en el sofá, y yo dormiré en tu habitación.So from today you will sleep on the couch, and I'll sleep in your room.
Cuando la prisión esté despierta, yo dormiré.When the prisoners awake, I will sleep.
- Ahora dormirás.- You will sleep now, you'll see.
- Pasado mañana estaremos en Capua y dormirás en una buena casa cálida.Day after tomorrow, we shall be in Capua and you will sleep in a good warm house.
-Tú dormirás aquí, Vitus.You will sleep here, Vitus.
Ahora dormirás.You will sleep now.
"Nadie dormirá en la acera.""No one will sleep on the footpath."
- Usted dormirá, señorita.- You will sleep, girl.
-De nada. Aunque me dé de leches contra tu coraza y me resbale con la grasa, el niño dormirá de vicio.Even if I bump against your armor, and slide on the oil... the baby will sleep very well.
-Lugar donde dormirá el primer ministro francés, supongo.The place where the French prime minister will sleep, I suppose.
.. dormirá hoy En tu abrazo ....l will sleep today ln your embrace..
Ahora bien, Caleb, Kyle, ustedes dormirán aquí... y mamá y yo dormiremos aquí, justo al lado, ¿de acuerdo?Now, Caleb, Kyle, you will sleep here... and Mom and I will sleep here, right next , okay?
De ese modo dormiremos tranquilos.This way, we both will sleep easy.
Desde ahora, nosotros dos dormiremos en el compartimento de carga.The two of us will sleep in that compartment over there from now on.
Desmantelando más misiles cada día muchos dormiremos mejor, sabiendo que Superman nos cuida.Carr: Still, with more missiles being dismantled every day, Most of us will sleep better
Imagino que dormiréis uno dentro del otro.I imagine you two will sleep inside one another.
Ahora bien, Caleb, Kyle, ustedes dormirán aquí... y mamá y yo dormiremos aquí, justo al lado, ¿de acuerdo?Now, Caleb, Kyle, you will sleep here... and Mom and I will sleep here, right next , okay?
Desde hoy, marido y mujer dormirán juntos"From tonight, man and wife will sleep together"
Era la nuestra, pero ahora dormirán aquí Henri y Albert.It was ours, but now Henri and Albert will sleep here.
Esta es la sala de estar, para todos, pero tus padres dormirán en ella por las noches.This is the living room for all of us, but your parents will sleep in it at night.
Esta noche, ustedes dormirán...Tonight, you will sleep....
- ... usted dormiría - - necesito would sleep - - I need to pee.
- No digo que dormiría con ella.- I'm not even saying that I would sleep with her.
Dijo: "Si tuviera una esposa así, dormiría con ella siempre que pudiera".He said that,"If I had a wife like that, I would sleep with her every chance I got."
Ella dormiría con uno o dormiría con el otro mientras tanto hablen inglés realmente no importabaShe would sleep with one or she would sleep with the other. As long as they spoke English it really didn't matter.
En un caso así, ¿por qué un hombre dormiría en el sofá?In such a case, why a man he would sleep on the couch?
De verdad, ¿dices que no hay ninguna mujer, en tu campo de visión, ahora... con quien dormirías, sin ninguna duda?- I mean, do you seriously claim there is no woman within your field of vision at this moment with whom you would sleep, no questions asked?
Si me oyeras y me obedecieras, dormirías bien todos los días.If you listened to me, if you obeyed me, you would sleep well everyday.
Supuse que dormirías más tranquilo sabiendo que Amanda está en un vuelo hacia París.I thought you would sleep well knowing that Amanda was on a flight to Paris.
Yo estaba pensando que tú dormirías en el piso.I was thinking you would sleep on the floor.
En mi infancia, mi familia a menudo se preguntaba cuándo comeríamos, dónde dormiríamos.Growing up, my family often wondered how we would eat, where we would sleep.
Lo bien que dormiríamos en ella.How well would sleep in it.
Yo sería un hermano para él y dormiríamos juntos uno al lado del otro y yo estaría siempre a su lado para defenderleI would be a brother to him and we would sleep together side by side and I would always be by his side to defend him
En la marina, en este cuarto dormirían 38 tíos.In the Navy, this room would sleep 38 guys.
Usted dice que dormirían seis.You said it would sleep six.
"Ahora déjame sola, para que duerma.", dijo la Oruga débilmente..."Now leave me in peace to sleep," said the Caterpillar faintly.
"Nadie duerma"."None shall sleep."
"No, no me importa que el gato duerma en la cama con nosotros""No, I don't mind if the cat "sleeps on the bed with us.
"Que duerma un rato", pensó."Let it sleep for a while", he thought.
"Que nadie duerma esta noche,"Let no one sleep tonight,
! Hey, no te duermas en mi cama!Hey, don't sleep in my bed!
"Kilómetros que andar antes de que duermas"."Miles to go before you sleep."
"No duermas aquí, acuéstate aquí."Don't sleep here, sleep here.
"No hagas esto, haz esto, siéntate con las piernas cruzadas, "no duermas con cualquiera, si te casas, más vale que no lo disfrutes,"don't do this, do this, sit with your legs crossed, don't sleep around, and if you're married, we sure as hell shouldn't enjoy it.
"No te duermas hoy como ayer.""Don't sleep today like yesterday."
"Aunque no durmamos juntos."Even though l mustered some sleep.
"No durmamos hasta la mañana, como la juventud y el placer... persigamos las horas brillantes con pies voladores"."No sleep till morning as youth and pleasure ... persecute the hours bright with flying feet. "
"Redondura" es algo que ya existe, y seguramente los humos que suelta eso nos van a matar mientras durmamos.Triscuit is already a thing, and I'm pretty sure the fumes from that will kill us in our sleep.
- Paremos y durmamos un poco.Let's just pull over and sleep for a while.
- Que no durmamos profundamente.- They're telling us to sleep lightly.
- Intentad no roncar cuando durmáis porque lo toman como un signo de agresión.- Uh, try not to snore when you sleep, 'cause they take that as a sign of aggression.
- No os durmáis ahora.Don't fall asleep now, girls.
- No os durmáis de verdad, ¿vale?- Don't really go to sleep, okay?
- Para que durmáis algo, Majestad.- To let you get some sleep, Your Majesty.
-¡No os durmáis!And don't fall asleep!
"Aprovechen y duerman ahora que pueden porque esto va a ser una locura"."You'd better grab sleep while you can," "because everything's gonna go mental."
"No quiero que duerman en la cueva".I was like,"i don't want you sleeping in the cave.
"No vamos a dormir, ni a dejar que otras personas duerman."We won't sleep or let anyone else sleep.
"y dejar que duerman en tu lado de la cama"."and let them sleep on your side of the bed. "
- Bien. El resto de ustedes váyanse a casa, duerman.All right, the rest of you go home,sleep.
Pensamos que quizá Kyle no durmiera en su habitación la pasada noche.We think Kyle may not have slept in his room last night.
"Dormid, dormid, mis pequeños pájaros, mis pequeños pájaros..."Papa is here to take care, Papa who takes care of your grain Sleep little marvels, it will turn night to day Sleep, sleep, small birds
- Sí, dormid bien.- Yes, sleep well.
- ¿Por qué no? Bien, pues tomad las cápsulas y dormid. Lo demás es cosa nuestra.AII right, take your pills, go to sleep and leave the driving to us
...dormid ahí....sleep there.
Acostaos pronto y dormid algo.You'd better hit the sack early, get some sleep.
"De verdad... Yo nunca he dormido así.""Indeed... there I have never slept."
"Debe haber dormido mal."Oh, he slept wrong.
"Desde que me enamore, No he dormido en paz.""Since I fell in love, I haven't slept peacefully."
"El tío Luna se ha dormido y el tío Sol se ha despertado"."Uncle moon has slept and uncle sun has waked up."
"Gracias por despertarme, príncipe, porque me había dormido y hoy voy a la facultad de medicina, porque un día seré una gran doctora, como pueden serlo todas las mujeres".She said "Thank you for waking me, Prince, because I overslept and I have medical school today and I'm going to be an important doctor one day like all women can be."
! - Nada, ella solo está durmiendo.She's just sleeping.
! El estuvo durmiendo conmigo anoche, pero me desperté está mañana y...He was sleeping with me last night, but I woke up this morning and...
! Quiero decir, estaba durmiendo, me desperté, y él intentaba lastimar a mi bebe!I mean, I was sleeping, and I woke up, and he was trying to hurt my baby!
"...pero su Alteza aún está durmiendo.""... but His Highness is still sleeping."
"Alguien ha estado durmiendo en mi cama"."And somebody's been sleeping in my bed. "

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Similar but longer

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