Enviar (to send) conjugation

73 examples

Conjugation of enviar

Present tense
I send
you send
he/she sends
we send
you all send
they send
Present perfect tense
he enviat
I have sent
has enviat
you have sent
ha enviat
he/she has sent
hem enviat
we have sent
heu enviat
you all have sent
han enviat
they have sent
Future tense
I will send
you will send
he/she will send
we will send
you all will send
they will send
Conditional mood
I would send
you would send
he/she would send
we would send
you all would send
they would send
Past perfect tense
havia enviat
I had sent
havies enviat
you had sent
havia enviat
he/she had sent
havíem enviat
we had sent
havíeu enviat
you all had sent
havien enviat
they had sent
Past impf. tense
I was sending
you were sending
he/she was sending
we were sending
you all were sending
they were sending
Imperative mood
let him/her send!
let's send!
let them send!
Imperative negative mood
no enviïs
don't send!
no enviï
don't let him/her send!
no enviem
let's not send!
no envieu
don't send!
no enviïn
don't let them send!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria enviat
I would have sent
hauries enviat
you would have sent
hauria enviat
he/she would have sent
hauríem enviat
we would have sent
hauríeu enviat
you all would have sent
haurien enviat
they would have sent
Future perfect tense
hauré enviat
I will have sent
hauràs enviat
you will have sent
haurà enviat
he/she will have sent
haurem enviat
we will have sent
haureu enviat
you all will have sent
hauren enviat
they will have sent
Preterite past tense
I sent
you sent
he/she sent
we sent
you all sent
they sent
Past anterior tense
haguí enviat
I had sent
hagueres enviat
you had sent
hagué enviat
he/she had sent
haguérem enviat
we had sent
haguéreu enviat
you all had sent
haguéren enviat
they had sent
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) send
(so that you) send
(so that he/she) sends
(so that we) send
(so that you all) send
(so that they) send
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was sending
(so that you) were sending
(so that he/she) was sending
(so that we) were sending
(so that you all) were sending
(so that they) were sending
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi enviat
(so that I) have sent
hagis enviat
(so that you) have sent
hagi enviat
(so that he/she) has sent
hàgim enviat
(so that we) have sent
hàgiu enviat
(so that you all) have sent
hagin enviat
(so that they) have sent
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués enviat
(so that I) had sent
haguessis enviat
(so that you) had sent
hagués enviat
(so that he/she) had sent
haguéssim enviat
(so that we) had sent
haguéssiu enviat
(so that you all) had sent
haguessin enviat
(so that they) had sent
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi enviar
(so that I) sent
vagis enviar
(so that you) sent
vagi enviar
(so that he/she) sent
vàgim enviar
(so that we) sent
vàgiu enviar
(so that you all) sent
vagin enviar
(so that they) sent
Periphastic past tense
vaig enviar
I sent
vas enviar
you sent
va enviar
he/she sent
vam enviar
we sent
vau enviar
you all sent
van enviar
they sent
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver enviat
I had sent
vas haver enviat
you had sent
va haver enviat
he/she had sent
vam haver enviat
we had sent
vau haver enviat
you all had sent
van haver enviat
they had sent

Examples of enviar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Utilitzant el Photoshop pots enviar micos a Mart, i per descomptat fora de l'atmosfera.Using Photoshop you can send monkeys to Mars, not to mention just outside the atmosphere.
Ho vaig provar jo mateixa quan era adolescent i a la meva època més rebel; no m'atrevia a enviar missatges plens de faltes El problema és que la majoria de la gent que escriu en llenguatge SMS no diferencia entre el correu electrònic i l'SMS, la qual cosa no és tan greu quan parlen amb algú a qui coneixen, però sí que es tracta d'una falta de respecte quan es dirigeixen a algú completament desconegut.I tried it myself as a teen, and even in my most rebellious phase, I couldn’t bring myself to send messages full of errors The problem is that most people who write in text language make no distinction between emails and texts, which doesn’t matter too much when they’re writing to someone they know, but becomes seriously disrespectful when it’s to a total stranger.
Insistisc: que les xicones joves deixen d’enviar fotos íntimes com si fos una gran cosa!And girls, please avoid these little episodes of sending and taking intimate photos. Enough said!
«Teníem veïns amb parents en el Sud, i la seva situació va canviar molt i a millor quan la seva família va començar a enviar-los diners.She recalls, “We had neighbors with relatives in the South, and suddenly they started doing a lot better, since their family started sending money back.
Ai Weiwei està inundat de donacions de Lego després que l'empresa de joguines rebutgés enviar-li peces per raons polítiques https://t.co/mNNNMEhJ5OAi Weiwei inundated with Lego donations after toy maker refuses to send bricks on political grounds https://t.co/mNNNMEhJ5O — Rohit Talwar (@rtalwar) October 26, 2015
Nova York m'ho exigeix i jo s'ho envio, aquest és el secret de fer de corresponsal.New York wants it, I send it that's the secret of being a correspondent
Us envio les coordenades.We're sending you our coordinates.
Sovint envio gent a la seva botiga.I frequently send people to her shop.
Us envio a les dues de tornada a Hivernplè.I'm sending you both back to Winterfell.
Quan un desastre succeeix, envies un missatge a tots per a fer una comprovació.When a disaster happens, you send out a message for everyone to check-in.
Ma mare, en un cert moment, va arribar a bromejar: Per què no desapareixes també i ens envies diners?».At one point, my mother even joked, why don’t you disappear and send some money back for us, too.”
Tu sempre m'envies diners per a divulgar i predicar la teva paraula.You always send me money to go forth and preach Your Word.
És per això que ens envies a casa? Què?- Is that why you're sending us home?
En poques paraules, la idea és posar una etiqueta per a raspar en els productes; l’etiqueta té un codi únic que el consumidor envia per missatge de text i tot seguit rep la resposta per saber si el producte és autèntic o no.In simplified terms, the idea is to place a scratch-off label on the products; the label contains a unique code, which the consumer sends via SMS and then receives a reply as to whether the product is authentic or not.
L’any 1990, París envia al Gabon les tropes, a Libreville i a Port-Gentil per reforçar el dispositiu francès, amb greus motins com a a conseqüència.In 1990, Paris sends troops to Gabon in Libreville and Port-Gentil in reinforcement of the French contingent after violent riots erupted.
El Papa envia un missatge a Renan en un fotomuntatge creat per badarts blog.The Pope sends a message to Renan in a photomontage by badarts blog.
L'administrador envia un missatge de 120 caràcters que sempre diu al final «estàs bé?»The admin sends out a 120 character message that always has “are you ok?” appended to the end.
Encara pijor que una dona que envia el seu fill a la mort són les persones que l'encoratgen.Worse than a woman who sends her child to die in the so-called Jihad are those who cheer for her.
Suggereixo que enviem dos bons homes a aquest Hotel Pall Mall amb instruccions perquè posin fi a aquesta aventura.Then I suggest we send two good men to this hotel Pall Mall with proper instructions for terminating this rendezvous,
Les dades de telemetria, les enviem per línies diferents?The biomed telemetry feeds, can we send those on separate lines?
Certament no el vam gravar, el deixem per aquí, l'enviem a Misrata, Damasc,We certainly don't tape it, let alone send it out to Misrata, Damascus,
Tries una hora i un lloc, i t'enviem una foto dels pèls del cul d'una granota, o en aquest cas parcel·les de terreny alterades a Oyster Bay.You pick a time and place, we send you a photo of the ass hairs on a frog, or in this case, disturbed plots of earth in Oyster Bay.
Sabies que enviem en Javadi de tornada a l'Iran?Did you know we're sending Javadi back to Iran?
Els internautes, a través de les xarxes socials, han enviat felicitacions a les seves mares i, a més, han volgut fer un homenatge a les mares dels milers de màrtirs assassinats per les autoritats mentre protestaven contra la dictadura, en l'anomenada primavera àrab.On social networking sites, netizens have sent out congratulations to their mothers on the day. They also remember the mothers of the thousands of martyrs killed by the authorities as they protested against dictatorship in this so-called Arab Spring.
Deprés de la repressió de Tiananmen, va ser arrestat i enviat a presó amb una pena d'onze anys amb càrrecs de subversió contra l'Estat.He was arrested after the Tiananmen crackdown and sent to jail for 11 years under the charge of state subversion.
Segons aquestes informacions, el govern ha tallat les comunicacions procedents de Khurasgaran a Isfahan i ha enviat més forces de seguretat per reprimir els pagesos.The government has allegedly cut off communications from Khurasgaran in Isfahan and has sent more security forces to repress farmers.
Deng Fei (@ 邓飞), un activista que realitza campanyes en contra de la contaminació de l'aigua a la Xina en les quals demana a la gent que informi dels rius contaminats, va tornar a publicar un missatge privat que li havia enviat un amic d'Inernet:Deng Fei (@鄧飛), an activist who campaigns against water pollution in China by asking people to document polluted rivers, re-posted a private message sent to him by an online friend:
L'informe enviat el 5 d'abril, tanmateix, afirma que la brigada antidroga va prendre la decisió el 26 de març de 2013.The paperwork sent on April 5, however, reports that anti-drug police came to their decision on March 26, 2013.
@lobna : No envieu cap informació per Internet si no voleu que arribe a mans de la seguretat de l'estat, de l'exèrcit, de Mursi o de la vostra mare quan esteu al voltant del palau@lobna: Do not send any information on the internet which you don't want the state security, the army, Morsi or your mother to know about when you are around the palace
Els fotògrafs, envieu-ho-los a l'infern!The photographers send them to hell!
Mestre Luwin, envieu un corb a Pyke per informar el meu pare de la meva victòria aquí.Theon: Maester Luwin, send a raven to Pyke informing my father of my victory here.
Si us plau, envieu ajuda.Please send help.
D'aquí deu anys potser alguns dels nois que els envieu esdevinguin també Immaculats.In 10 years, some of the boys you send them may be Unsullied in their turn.
Estic trista perquè sols uns pocs amics em deixen notes o m'envien fotos per correu electrònic i he d'admetre que no he sigut capaç de mantenir el contacte amb ells.I feel sad that only a few friends drop me notes or send me photos elsewhere, and I admit I haven't been that good at keeping in touch either.
Quants diners envien normalment els ciutadans russos quan fan transferències en línia de rubles?How much money do Russian netizens typically send when they transfer rubles online?
Entre un milió i un milió i mig de tadjiks treballen actualment a Rússia i envien a casa diners essencials per a mantenir com a mínim la meitat de la població del país fora de la pobresa.One to 1.5 million Tajiks work in Russia, sending home money that is essential for keeping at least half of the country's population out of poverty.
La iniciativa de l'autor del blog Hamburger Wahlbeobachter té el seu origen en una piulada de la diputada verda del Parlament alemany Agnieszka Brugger, en què anuncia que retorna el regal que li envien els grups de pressió.The initiative proposed by Hamburger Wahlbeobachter originates with a tweet by Green Party MP Agnieszka Brugger, who routeinly returns gifts from lobbyists to their senders.
Sembla ser que els qui debaten aquest tema ara m'envien sol·licituds d'amistat a causa de la meva opinió positiva estimeu les vostres dones i tingueu-les com amigues!It seems that the people discussing this topic are now sending me friend requests because of my positive view on the :-) Love your wives, and friend them !
Quan arribi el moment, marrec, t'enviaré a fer companyia a la teva mare i al teu pare.When the time comes, boy, I will send you to join your mother and your father.
No et preocupis, Antò, tant bon punt surti, t'enviaré una postal del Vesuvi.When I am released, I will send a postcard with the view from Mount Vesuvius.
Mentrestant, enviaré alguns dels meus guerrers per atendre les vostres necessitats.In the meantime, I will send in some of my warriors to attend your needs.
O t'enviaré a la teva habitació.- Or I will send you to your room.
Hi ha un petit transmissor que ens enviarà les imatges.A small transmitter will send the images back to us.
Quan es dispararà, electrons enviarà una càrrega que farà que els productes químics en el gas i el cas anirà a aquest canal i l'hi filtra en el sistema de de ventilació que conduïx directament al Parlament.When triggered, the electrodes... ...will send a charge converting the chemical into gas. The gas will travel up that shaft and filter through the venti! Ation system... ...that leads directly to Parliament.
I en Freitag, demà, enviarà una postal a la seva dona des de la Plaça Roja.Then Freitag will send his wife a postcard from the Red Square tomorrow.
Aquest plug-in tallarà a través de tot el xifrat i instal·la un virus que m'enviarà una invitació.This plug-in will cut through all the encryption and install a virus that will send me an invite.
Els russos t'enviaran a casa.The Russians will send you home.
Matant-te enviaria un missatge al teu germà.Killing you would send your brother a message.
- Això enviaria un missatge.- It would send a message.
Pensava que enviarien un home més alt.I should think they would send a taller man,
Tan bon punt Hivèrnia sabés que tenim la Fortalesa Torrhen, els Stark enviarien els seus homes per a recuperar-la.As soon as Winterfell got word that we'd taken Torrhen's Square, the Starks would send their men to take it back.
M'enviares una invitació amb la foto d'una dona...You sent me an invitation with a photo of a woman...
M'envià una invitació amb la foto d'una dona.You sent me an invitation with a photo of a woman.
Demano que la comunitat internacional de les Nacions Unides enviï una delegació d'investigació al Tibet i que els mitjans de comunicació de tot el món també tinguin accés a la regió.I request that the international community and the United Nations send a fact-finding delegation to Tibet and that the world media be given access to the region as well.
Vol que li enviï un currículum?So can I send you a résumé?
Així que se'n va anar i li va demanar que enviï esperó de distància durant 14 anys pensant que era un temps prou llarg, que si et vas per 14 anys, està bastant fora de la vista, fora de la ment.And so she went and asked him to send Ram away for 14 years thinking that was a long enough time, thatif you go away for 14 years, you'repretty muchoutofsight, outofmind.
Però si em demanes que enviï homes de la Vall a lluitar...But if you're asking me to send men from the Vale to fight...
Sí, llevat que la meva germana enviï als gossos.Yeah, unless my sister sends in the dogs.
Mai enviïs a un humà a fer la feina d'una màquina.Never send a human to do a machine's job.
Potser et penses que deixaré Que els hi enviïs missatges?You think I'm going to let you send them messages?
Malcolm, necessito que m'enviïs Un dels arxius d'incidents del meu pare. Nom en clau:Malcolm, I need you to send me one of my father's incident files - codenamed Cromer.
Necessito que enviïs la pintura Gallifrey cau a l'arxiu negre.I need you to send the Gallifrey Falls painting to the Black Archive.
No m'enviïs a casa.Don't send me home.
Així que aquesta és la primera possibilitat: que alguns escriptors canviïn a l'anglès i enviïn així un poderós missatge als seus lectors a Islàndia.So that’s the first possibility — that some writers may switch to English, sending a powerful message to their readers in Iceland.
Que m'enviïn una mecanògrafa.They're sending up a typist.
Bé, el que sigui que decideixin, no enviïn els seus fills a escoles privades, llevat que vulguin que creixin amb una cullera de plata al darrere.Well, whatever you decide, don't send your kids to private school, unless you want them to grow up with a silver spoon up their ass.
No deixis que m'enviïn fora, Sam.Don't let them send me away, Sam.
Potser els podries demanar que m'enviïn a alguna presó del tròpic.Maybe you can ask them to send me to prison somewhere tropical.
Em sent honrat i a la vegada humiliat pels missatges que continueu enviant-me i estime de veres la vostra comprensió i passió pel nostre deport, el futbol.I feel very honored and humbled by the messages you keep sending to me. I appreciate your understanding and passion for our common game of football.
Si m'hagués quedat tancada a casa enviant currículums no hauria trobat la feina que tinc ara.I certainly wouldn't have gotten the job I have today by staying at home and sending out CVs.
Imagini un dispositiu de control d'enviant un comando per ràdio.Imagine being able to control any device... ...simply by sending a command via radio waves.
No, ho apaguem enviant una senyal a través del món via Internet.We turned our stereo down by sending a signal around the world via the Internet. Oh.
Jefferson Davis està enviant tres delegats:PRESTON BLAlR: Jefferson Davis is sending three delegates:

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