Prendre (to take) conjugation

90 examples

Conjugation of prendre

Present tense
I take
you take
he/she takes
we take
you all take
they take
Present perfect tense
he pres
I have taken
has pres
you have taken
ha pres
he/she has taken
hem pres
we have taken
heu pres
you all have taken
han pres
they have taken
Future tense
I will take
you will take
he/she will take
we will take
you all will take
they will take
Conditional mood
I would take
you would take
he/she would take
we would take
you all would take
they would take
Past perfect tense
havia pres
I had taken
havies pres
you had taken
havia pres
he/she had taken
havíem pres
we had taken
havíeu pres
you all had taken
havien pres
they had taken
Past impf. tense
I was taking
you were taking
he/she was taking
we were taking
you all were taking
they were taking
Imperative mood
let him/her take!
let's take!
let them take!
Imperative negative mood
no prenguis
don't take!
no prengui
don't let him/her take!
no prenguem
let's not take!
no prengueu
don't take!
no prenguin
don't let them take!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria pres
I would have taken
hauries pres
you would have taken
hauria pres
he/she would have taken
hauríem pres
we would have taken
hauríeu pres
you all would have taken
haurien pres
they would have taken
Future perfect tense
hauré pres
I will have taken
hauràs pres
you will have taken
haurà pres
he/she will have taken
haurem pres
we will have taken
haureu pres
you all will have taken
hauren pres
they will have taken
Preterite past tense
I took
you took
he/she took
we took
you all took
they took
Past anterior tense
haguí pres
I had taken
hagueres pres
you had taken
hagué pres
he/she had taken
haguérem pres
we had taken
haguéreu pres
you all had taken
haguéren pres
they had taken
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) take
(so that you) take
(so that he/she) takes
(so that we) take
(so that you all) take
(so that they) take
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was taking
(so that you) were taking
(so that he/she) was taking
(so that we) were taking
(so that you all) were taking
(so that they) were taking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi pres
(so that I) have taken
hagis pres
(so that you) have taken
hagi pres
(so that he/she) has taken
hàgim pres
(so that we) have taken
hàgiu pres
(so that you all) have taken
hagin pres
(so that they) have taken
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués pres
(so that I) had taken
haguessis pres
(so that you) had taken
hagués pres
(so that he/she) had taken
haguéssim pres
(so that we) had taken
haguéssiu pres
(so that you all) had taken
haguessin pres
(so that they) had taken
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi prendre
(so that I) took
vagis prendre
(so that you) took
vagi prendre
(so that he/she) took
vàgim prendre
(so that we) took
vàgiu prendre
(so that you all) took
vagin prendre
(so that they) took
Periphastic past tense
vaig prendre
I took
vas prendre
you took
va prendre
he/she took
vam prendre
we took
vau prendre
you all took
van prendre
they took
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver pres
I had taken
vas haver pres
you had taken
va haver pres
he/she had taken
vam haver pres
we had taken
vau haver pres
you all had taken
van haver pres
they had taken

Examples of prendre

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
A més, es poden prendre mesurescontra els Estats membres que no respectin aquests valors.Moreover, measures can be takenagainst any Member State which fails to respect them.
Així, perexemple, els ministres d’agricultura es reuneixen en una formació concreta del Consell de Ministres quan es tracta de prendre decisions en l’àmbit de la políticaagrícola comuna.Thus, forexample, the ministers for agriculture meet in a specific configuration of the Council when it has to take decisions on the common agricultural policy.
L’any passat també es van prendre mesures per incloure els drets dels pobles indígenes en el procés de programació, amb l’elaboració d’una guia pràctica, i es va signar un contracte amb les Nacions Unides per donar suport a un projecte en aquest sentit a Guatemala i a Mèxic.The quality of the planning and design of individual projects and other operations, to ensure that the lessons of the past are taken into account and that issues such as gender or sustainable development are adequately covered, has been the focus of much attention. An internal survey in 2004 largely confirmed a gradual improvement in the design of operations.
Quan aquestes negociacions finalitzen, els Estats membres han de prendre la decisió sobre l’adhesió de manera unànime en el Consell.Once these are concluded, the decision to allow a new country to join the EU must be taken unanimously by the existing member states meeting in the Council.
És important remarcar que l’experiència i les recomanacions que apareixen en aquestmanual s’han de prendre pel que són: suggeriments per a les persones que modelen lespolítiques i per als professionals que les posen en pràctica i un catàleg d’idees que podeninspirar-los de cara a noves iniciatives.It is important to underline that the lessons learned and recommendations in thishandbook should only be taken for what they are: suggestions to policy makers andpractitioners and a catalogue of inspiring ideas.
Rés, al mateix temps que prenc mon assentiment En aquesta nova i gran capital, per a estar a l'alçada De la seua elecció i de la vostra confiança.I pray... as I take my seat in this great new capital, to be worthy of his anointment and of your trust.
Vos prenc per un rei.I take you for a King.
Assumint que ets el meu superior perquè no et prenc seriosament.Assuming you're my superior because I'm not taking you seriously? No-one takes you (BLEEP) seriously.
Em preocupo per la meva gent i no em prenc les seves morts a la lleugera, i sé que tu tampoc.I care about my people and I don't take their deaths lightly, and I know you don't either.
Jo, Terry, et prenc a tu, Paul...I, terry, take you, paul...
- Entenc, no em prens seriosament.- I understand, you don't take me seriously.
Per què no li prens fotografies a un altre, vell?- Take your seat! Why don't you take pic of anybody else, ulan?
Si prens la píndola blava... historia acaba, despertes al teu llit i creus... ...el què sigui que vulguis creure.You take the blue pill... ...the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe... ...whatever you want to believe.
Si prens la píndola vermella... ...segueixes al país de les meravelles... ...i t'ensenyo com és de profund el forat.You take the red pill... stay in Wonderland... ...and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
-Per qui em prens?- What do you take me for?
Però potser el perill recau en això: em considero un home modern que es pren seriosament les dones, que defensa la igualtat i la quota femenina.But maybe that is where the danger lies. I consider myself to be a modern man, who takes women seriously and supports gender equality.
Kriminal pren la identitat de l'home que ell mateix ha matat, i s'escapa amb els diamants, mentre nosaltres anem perseguint un cadàver ...Kriminal takes the identity of the man who he himself has killed doesn't convince me of the diamond robbery and escapes with the diamonds while we give chase to a corpse...
A veure, reina pren peó.Anyway, queen takes pawn.
Alfil pren peó de cavall.Bishop takes knight's pawn.
Alfil pren reina.Bishop takes queen.
Ens prenem de manera seriosa la fotografia de levitació.We take this levitating photography seriously.
"Somiem, però ens prenem els nostres somnis molt seriosament", va ser la frase més repetida de Pablo Iglesias, líder de Podemos, qui va organitzar la marxa per mitjà d'una campanya viral."We dream, but we take our dreams very seriously," was the most repeated phrase by Pablo Iglesias, the Podemos party leader who organized the march through a viral online campaign.
Si prenem el castell d'en Tywin, els senyors de Ponent s'adonaran que no és invencible.If we take Tywin's castle from him, the lords of Westeros will realize he's not invincible.
Prenem casa seva, li agafem l'or, li prenem el poder.Take his home, take his gold, take his power.
Cada vegada que veiem un iceberg, ens prenem un xarrup!Whenever we see an iceberg, we take a shot!
-El Senyor va dar-lo i el Senyor l'ha pres. Beneit sigui el nom del Senyor!"The Lord giveth and the Lord hath taken away--Blessed be the name of the Lord!
S’han pres decisions per harmonitzar les condicions de competència en el sector del transport per carretera, en concret quant a les qualifi ca-cions dels treballadors i l’accés al mercat, la llibertat per establir una empresa i oferir serveis, els temps de conducció i la seguretat per carretera.Decisions have been taken to harmonise the conditions of competition in the road transport sector, particularly worker qualifications and market access, the freedom to establish a business and provide services, driving times and road safety.
Tot i que l'illa africana de Madagascar, a l'oceà Índic, disposa del seu propi projecte d'Humans, el fenomen encara no ha pres el vol a les illes properes Mascarenyes a l'oest o les Comores al nord-oest.Though the African island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean counts its own Humans project, the phenomenon hasn't taken off yet on the nearby Mascarene Islands to the west or on Comoros to the northwest.
S'han pres les mesures per quan aterri I'avió.Steps have been taken to meet plane other side"
Havia pres les meves dormidores.I'd taken me sleepers.
Els preneu els rellotges i altres coses que duen, pero sempre llevant-vos el capell i parlant amb cortesia.You take their watches and things, but you always take your hat off and talk polite.
Llavors tapeu la terra amb ciment i ens la preneu per sempre.Then you cover the land with cement and take away the land forever.
No estic dient que no vagi a haver nois ocasionals que obrin la nevera, fotin fora un ullada, doneu un resoplido, s'encojan de espatlles i preneu un glop de tots maneres.I'm not saying the occasional guy won't still open the fridge, pick you up, give a sniff, shrug and take a sip anyway.
Veniu ací i preneu-la!Come here and take it!
Si necessiteu més, preneu la meua.If you need more, take mine.
-Oh! Tenen una vida escometedora: prenen vaixells, i els calen foc, i agafen els diners i els enterren en indrets paorosos de llur illa, on hi ha fantasmes i coses a vigilar, i maten a tothom en els vaixells: els fan caminar per un tauló.Tom said: "Oh, they have just a bully time--take ships and burn them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there's ghosts and things to watch it, and kill everybody in the ships--make 'em walk a plank."
Quan parlaveu de retallar orelles i de fendir nassos, em pensava que ho agençaveu, perque els homes blancs no prenen aquestes menes de revenja; pero… un indi!… Aixo és d'un altre paner.When you talked about notching ears and slitting noses I judged that that was your own embellishment, because white men don't take that sort of revenge.
De conformitat amb els tractats, les decisions del Consell es prenen per majoria simple, per majoria qualificada o per unanimitat, segons el tema de què es tracti.According to the Treaties, the Council has to take its decisions either by a simple majority vote, a ‘qualified majority’ vote or unanimously, depending on the subject to be decided.
Seguirem amenaçats per circumstàncies semblants si no es prenen mesures urgents de cara a solucionar la qüestió de la demarcació dels territoris indígenes d'aquest poble.We will continue to be challenged by similar occurrences, if some urgent measures are not taken to solve the question of demarcation of the indigenous lands of this people.
"Els antidisturbis controlen les protestes mentre es crema una foguera davant el Parlament i els manifestants prenen el lloc a causa de les mesures d'austeritat aprobades pel govern per atenuar els efectes de la crisi econòmica i financera de Portugal"."Riot police monitor protests as a fire burns in front of the parliament building as demonstrations take place over government imposed austerity measures designed to ease Portugal's economic and financial crisis".
De totes maneres prendré això.I will take this as well.
Em prendré un temps per considerar-ho.I will take time to consider.
El Tron de Ferro és meu i el prendré.The Iron Throne is mine and I will take it.
Lord Frey es prendrà aquest retard com un menyspreu.Lord Frey will take this delay as a slight.
El Lord Frey es prendrà aquest retard com a un menyspreu.Lord Frey will take this delay as a slight.
El judici prendrà lloc aviat.The trial will take place soon.
El grup A hi anirà pel cantó sud, el B prendrà l'entrada.Group A will take the south side, the B takes the gate.
He fet la trucada,.. I si hi ha qualsevol recriminació, nosaltres prendrem la total responsabilitat.We made a call, and if there are any recriminations, we will take full responsibility.
Si no resistim, prendran la platja en un estoneta.They will take the beach in no time if we do not resist.
Escolteu, el laboratori és al tercer pis cap avall, i els tècnics et prendran una mostra de ADN.Listen, the lab is down on the third floor, and the lab tech will take your DNA swab.
Al discurs, Wintermantel va destacar el compromís del govern hongarès de lluitar contra qualsevol forma de racisme i antisemitisme i que prendria totes mesures necessàries per evitar-los.In his speech, Wintermantel stressed that the Hungarian Government remained committed to fighting all forms of racism and anti-semitism, and would take all necessary action to prevent them.
Vaig suposar que prendria la forma de Lord Voldemort.I assumed it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort.
Fa tres anys, quan vaig treure el codi per alliberar la màquina, no tenia ni idea de quin camí prendria o quines conseqüències involuntàries comportaria.Three years ago, when I put the code out there to free the machine, I had no idea what path it would take or what unintended consequences it might have.
Caminar d'allà cap aquí prendria temps, un temps que puc gastar d'altra manera productiva.To walk from there to here would take time, time I could otherwise spend productively.
Li vaig jurar que li prendria tot i tothom qui estima.I vowed to him that I would take away everything... and everyone he loves.
Saps? la majoria d'homes prendrien el teu silenci com a desagradable, però m'encanten els reptes.You know, most men would take your silence as off-putting, but I love a challenge.
Deixa en terra la galleda i prengué la bala blanca.He put down his pail, took the white alley, and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage was being unwound.
Mary prengué son llibre per fer-lo recitar, i ell malda per descobrir son camí entre la boira.Mary took his book to hear him recite, and he tried to find his way through the fog:
Mary el prengué pel seu compte, i quan estigué llest era un home i un germa, sense diferencia de color; i son cabell amarat era pentinat gentilment, i sos petits rulls elaborats amb un efecte general d'exquisidesa i simetria.Mary took him in hand, and when she was done with him he was a man and a brother, without distinction of color, and his saturated hair was neatly brushed, and its short curls wrought into a dainty and symmetrical general effect.
Com que Becky vacil·lava, Tom prengué el silenci per un consentiment, i li passa, el braç al volt de la cintura i digué la dita blaníssimament, amb la boca enganxada a l'oida d'ella. I després afegí:Becky hesitating, Tom took silence for consent, and passed his arm about her waist and whispered the tale ever so softly, with his mouth close to her ear.
Torna a sa cambreta del tresor, i la posa curosament així cóm estava quan va llançar la bala. En acabat prengué una altra bala i la llança de la mateixa manera, tot dient: -Germana, vés a trobar la teva germana!Now he went back to his treasure-house and carefully placed himself just as he had been standing when he tossed the marble away; then he took another marble from his pocket and tossed it in the same way, saying: "Brother, go find your brother!"
Els minyons la contemplaren una estona, amb mitja esperança de veure un llumenet blau voleiant darrera una finestra. Després, parlant en veu baixa, com esqueia al temps i a les circumstancies, s'allunyaren d'allo més cap a la dreta, per donar a la casa on surtia por un ample esbarjo, i prengueren el camí de casa a través dels boscos que agençaven al darrera de Cardiff Hill.The boys gazed awhile, half expecting to see a blue light flit past a window; then talking in a low tone, as befitted the time and the circumstances, they struck far off to the right, to give the haunted house a wide berth, and took their way homeward through the woods that adorned the rearward side of Cardiff Hill.
Pensa com de vell és aquest lloc... abans que els Targaryen derrotessin els Hendal, abans que els Andals prengueren Ponent als Primers Homes.Think of how old this place is-- before the Targaryens defeated the Hendals, before the Andals took Westeros from the First Men.
• una queixa individual (per exemple, el reconeixement del dret a la seguretat social, a la pensió, als subsidis familiars), o • una incitació al Parlament Europeu perquè prengui posició sobre un àmbit d'interès públic (per exemple, la defensa dels Drets Humans, la protecció del medi ambient).• an individual complaint (e.g. recognition of entitle­ment to social security benefits, pension, family allowances, etc.); • a request for Parliament to take a stance on an area of public interest (e.g. upholding human rights, environmental protection, etc.).
Des d'ara, doncs, també pot demanar a la Comissió que prengui iniciatives que considera importants.Parliament can request the Commission to take a particular initiative where it considers it important.
La Constitució estableix que el Consell de Ministres prengui les seves decisions permajoria excepte en el cas en què la Constitució tingui previst un altreprocediment, com el vot per unanimitat.However, in certain cases there will be special laws,adopted by the Council alone or, more rarely, by the European Parliament alone.The Constitution stipulates that the Council takes decisions by majority votingexcept when the Constitution makes provision for another procedure, such asunanimous voting.
Mohamed va recórrer contra la decisió del JSC al jutjat de primera instància i aquest ha emès una ordre judicial perquè el JSC no prengui cap mesura disciplinària contra Mohamed fins que l'apel·lació no s'hagi resolt.Mohamed appealed this decision of the JSC in the Civil Court, and the court has issued an injunction against JSC not to take any disciplinary measures against Mohamed till the appeal case is closed.
Vostè prengui el seu lloc.You take his place.
No prenguis fotografies, home!Don't take picture, ulan!
No t'ho prenguis malament, però, l’Abby no és molt jove, per anar amunt i avall amb algúcom tu?Don't take this the wrong way, Carlos, but isn't she a bit young... to be tramping around the world... with someone like you?
No t'ho prenguis malament. És una patologia.Don't take it personally, it's his pathology.
Leonard, si us plau, no t'ho prenguis malament, però el dia que guanyis el premi Nobel, serà el dia que comenci la meva investigació sobre el coeficient d'arrossegament de les borles de les catifes voladores.Leonard, don't take this the wrong way, but the day you win a Nobel Prize... the day I begin my research on the drag coefficient... ...of tassels on flying carpets.
Podria usar verí, així que vigila el menjar i la beguda que prenguis, d'acord?He could use poison, so just watch your food and drink intake, okay?
- Però prenguem es cas den David.- Okay. Okay. But let's take the case of David.
No m'oposo, sempre que ens ho prenguem amb calma.I'm not opposed, long as we take it slowly.
Després que prenguem de nou la nostra terra.After we've taken our land back.
Si els arriben reforços de Port Reial abans que prenguem el castell... estarem atrapats entre l'exèrcit d'en Tywin i el mar.If reinforcements arrive from King's Landing before we take the castle... we'll be caught between Tywin's army and the sea.
No us ho prengueu personalment.Mm, don't take it personally.
No, no, no, no prengueu l'Intersect.No, no, n-n-n-no, don't take the Intersect.
Hi ha moltes granges en aquesta terra per a que en prengueu possessió.There are many farms on this land for you to take possession of.
El partit està demanant a la policia, el NEC, i el PPRC que prenguin nota de l'assumpte, ja que les lleis de Sierra Leone garanteixen certs drets a tots els partits polítics.The party is calling on the police, NEC, and PPRC to take note as the laws of Sierra Leone guarantee certain rights to all political parties.
He ordenat que es prenguin totes les mesures possibles.I've asked all measures possible to be taken. — Mohd Najib Tun Razak (@NajibRazak) March 8, 2014
L'organisme que supervisa la vigència de les normes internacionals sobre drets humans també ha recomanat que la Unió Europea, a la qual els quatre països volen integrar-se, l'OSCE i el Consell d'Europa facin més atenció i prenguin mesures addicionals per instar les autoritats competents de Bòsnia i Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro i Sèrbia a reaccionar adequadament a les amenaces dels mitjans de comunicació i garantir que els periodistes treballin en un ambient segur.The international human rights watch dog has also recommended that the European Union, to which all four of these countries are currently aspiring, the OSCE and the Council of Europe pay closer attention and take additional steps to urge relevant authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia to react appropriately to media threats and ensure a safe environment for journalists to work in.
En comptes de portar la feina a Mèxic, porten mexicans aquí perquè ens prenguin la feina.Instead of sending our jobs, losing our jobs to Mexico... they're bringing in Mexicans to take our jobs.
Per un altre part el valuós Derek Morgan Aspira a que el prenguin seriosament..... ...però nomes es pur múscul.And token Derek Morgan wants to be taken seriously but he is just a pumped-up side of beef.
Si sentiu els nervis a l'estómac, vull que seguiu prenent mesures dins del vostre abast, sense importar que siguin petites.If you feel butterflies in your stomach, I want you to continue taking actions on what you can do, no matter how small they are.
«El Fòrum representa un reconeixement de la lluita dels moviments socials durant molts anys a la ciutat, sobretot, la dels immigrants, que estan prenent cada vegada més rols de lideratge.“The forum represents a recognition of the struggle over many years of social movements in the city, above all, that of immigrants, who are increasingly taking on more leadership roles.
Escolta, M'estàs prenent per tonto?Listen, You're taking me for a fool?
- Només prenent unes fotos. - ¿Puc fer-te una foto?- Just taking pictures.
Tenim tendència a caricaturitzar els revolucionaris, com Txe Guevara: companys amb un fusell, que agafen la motxilla, se'n van a la muntanya i fan la revolució prenent el poder per assalt.We have a tendency of caricaturizing revolutionaries, like Che Guevara: Comrades with a rifle, that take up a rucksack, go up to the hills and make the Revolution taking power by assault.

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