Agregar (to add) conjugation

102 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: collect, gather, collate, aggregate

Conjugation of agregar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I add
you add
he/she/it adds
we add
you all add
they add
Present perfect tense
he agregado
I have added
has agregado
you have added
ha agregado
he/she/it has added
hemos agregado
we have added
habéis agregado
you all have added
han agregado
they have added
Past preterite tense
I added
you added
he/she/it added
we added
you all added
they added
Future tense
I will add
you will add
he/she/it will add
we will add
you all will add
they will add
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would add
you would add
he/she/it would add
we would add
you all would add
they would add
Past imperfect tense
I used to add
you used to add
he/she/it used to add
we used to add
you all used to add
they used to add
Past perfect tense
había agregado
I had added
habías agregado
you had added
había agregado
he/she/it had added
habíamos agregado
we had added
habíais agregado
you all had added
habían agregado
they had added
Future perfect tense
habré agregado
I will have added
habrás agregado
you will have added
habrá agregado
he/she/it will have added
habremos agregado
we will have added
habréis agregado
you all will have added
habrán agregado
they will have added
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I add
(if/so that) you add
(if/so that) he/she/it add
(if/so that) we add
(if/so that) you all add
(if/so that) they add
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya agregado
I have added
hayas agregado
you have added
haya agregado
he/she/it has added
hayamos agregado
we have added
hayáis agregado
you all have added
hayan agregado
they have added
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have added
(if/so that) you have added
(if/so that) he/she/it have added
(if/so that) we have added
(if/so that) you all have added
(if/so that) they have added
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have added
(if/so that) you have added
(if/so that) he/she/it have added
(if/so that) we have added
(if/so that) you all have added
(if/so that) they have added
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera agregado
I had added
hubieras agregado
you had added
hubiera agregado
he/she/it had added
hubiéramos agregado
we had added
hubierais agregado
you all had added
hubieran agregado
they had added
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese agregado
I had added
hubieses agregado
you had added
hubiese agregado
he/she/it had added
hubiésemos agregado
we had added
hubieseis agregado
you all had added
hubiesen agregado
they had added
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have added
(if/so that) you will have added
(if/so that) he/she/it will have added
(if/so that) we will have added
(if/so that) you all will have added
(if/so that) they will have added
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere agregado
I will have added
hubieres agregado
you will have added
hubiere agregado
he/she/it will have added
hubiéremos agregado
we will have added
hubiereis agregado
you all will have added
hubieren agregado
they will have added
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's add!
Imperative negative mood
no agregues
do not add!
no agregue
let him/her/it add!
no agreguemos
let us not add!
no agreguéis
do not add!
no agreguen
do not add!

Examples of agregar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Vuelvo a abrir la carta, para agregar un último beso"."I opened the letter again to add one final kiss."
"Y luego, para agregar a la miseria, descubrí que había sido la traición."'And then, to add to the misery, I discovered there had been treachery.'
- Ahora, no olvides agregar sal.- Now, don't forget to add salt.
- Debo agregar eso a mi lista.I have to add that onto my checklist.
- Eso es, voy a tener que agregar- That is it, I'm going to have to add
- No, eso lo agrego yo.... - No, that's what I add ...
A veces, cuando me siento muy loco le agrego un poco de queso procesado.Sometimes, if I'm feeling real crazy, I add a little bit of cheese whiz.
Aquí en la cornisa que define mi personalidad agrego un costado sensible.Here in the construction lunch break that is my very personality I'm adding on a sensitivity wing.
Bato y agrego el aceite.Stir, and add the oil.
Cena, agrego 35 dolares por esto.Dinner, I'm adding $35 to this.
$200 para reponer el fondo del restaurante y ya que estamos... ¿por qué no le agregas un poco de interés?$200 to put back in the restaurant fund... and while you're at it... why don't you add a little interest?
- No lo conozco. - Sí, no creo... que aún exista, pero... el bar tender me dijo que el 22 es el número del amor... porque si agregas los números... en el teléfono, deletrean "amor,"-Yeah, I don't think it even exists anymore, but... the bartender told me that 22 is the love number because if you add the numbers on the phone that spell "love,"
-Bueno... Inventamos una salsa de atun, miel y miso que sabe deliciosa hasta que agregas el pegamento.Well, um, actually, we invented a miso-tuna-honey sauce that tastes quite delicious until you add the glue.
-le agregas alcohol a la mezcla y...- you add alcohol to the mix and... (Ray)
...pelas la cebolla, luego la cortas muy fina luego la fríes en aceite hasta que esté dorada le agregas pimentón, pero debes tener mucho cuidado con esto porque si el aceite está muy caliente se quemará y se pondrá amarga... luego agregas los trozos de cerdo y peel the onion, chop it up real fine... then you fry it in oil until golden brown, add some paprika, but you must be really careful with it because if you put it in real hot oil it will burn and becomes bitter... then you add the pig's trotters and water...
- Cada jefe agrega una contraseña, ¿verdad?- Each leader adds to the code?
- Cierto. Todo se agrega, damas y caballeros...It all adds up, ladies and gentlemen,
- Eso agrega asesinato por contrato y un montón de cosas tipo Rico.- That adds contract killing and a whole bunch of Rico stuff.
-Cada jefe agrega una contraseña,verdad?- Each leader adds to the code?
Así que todo el día en el trabajo solo era ding, ding, ding, ding, mientras agrega "Peluquería", "Max", "Esto y aquello".So all day long at work it's just ding, ding, ding, ding, as she adds "hair appointment," "Max," "this and that,".
- Bien agregamos esta pieza en la mañana- Well... To add spice to the evening.
- La poción es mejor si agregamos leche de unicornio de 2 cabezas.I can increase it's power by adding two-headed unicorn's milk.
- Le agregamos la "l", le agregamos la "M", triplica punto palabra,- We add the "l". We add the "M" and the word's triple.
- Pero le agregamos los zafiros.-But we added the sapphires.
- Primero, agregamos las especias.-Firstly, we add the spices.
- y agregan un nuevo aro cada año.- adding a new ring each year. - Yeah. Ooh.
A esto le agregan una medida de gin una medida de Fernet Branca una medida de yogur natural una medida de Drambuie con o sin, en realidad no importa.To this, you add a full measure of gin, a full measure of Fernet-Branca, a full measure of cooking yogurt, a full measure of Drambuie, with or without, it doesn't really matter.
A medida que suelta los huevos, ellos les agregan su esperma.As she sheds her eggs, they add their sperm to the mix.
A veces, al escribir uno busca la oportunidad de crear momentos que te sacan de la escena y sólo agregan...Sometimes, when you're writing, you just look for opportunities to create moments that take you out of the scene and just add... add a joke.
Ahora agregan la parte inferior del cuerpo...Now you add the lower body-
"Está todo bien" y agregué "No tengas miedo".- Yes. "Everything's fine" and I added "Don't be scared".
"Podría decir 'Gracias'", agregué amablemente."You could say 'thank you,"' I added mildly.
- Gracias. Le agregué algunas ideas a la lista.Um, i added a few more ideas to the list.
- Le agregué apio.- I added some celery.
- Le agregué un giro extra para ti.- I added a little twist to it for you.
- Estoy pensando que si siguió tratando al Mayor Dunham, puede que sus notas estén en los registros del hospital. Gary, supe que agregaste un nuevo elemento a tu rutina matutina.So, Gary, I-I hear you've added a new element to your morning routine.
- ¡Pero le agregaste ortigas!-But you added nettles!
Brooke, me encanto como agregaste los alazanes bien hechoBrooke, I love how you added the sorrel. Just sort of perked it all up. Well done.
Creo que le agregaste el ingrediente que faltaba, Caleb. - ¿Cuál?I think you added the missing ingredient, Caleb.
De nuestro lado, somos 200, además tu agregaste... 49, incluyendo al portero del supermercado?Our side, we're at 200, plus you added 49, including the stock-market janitors?
"Charrier le agregó indecencia a lo ridículo.Charrier added indecency to the ridiculous."
"Es mi idea que son uno sólo," a lo que agregó,"In my mind they are one," to which she added,
"hay una profunda diferencia entre los tipos de efectos inesperados de la reproducción tradicional y los de la ingeniería genética y cito: "Entonces el Dr. Pribyl agregó a su memorando"There's a profound difference between the types "of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering," unquote. Then, Dr Pribyl added in his memo that
- Adivinen a quién agregó al testamento.- Guess who she just added to her will?
- La cámara me agregó cinco kilos.- Camera added 10 pounds.
-¿Cuando los agregaron?When were they added?
A la vez, varios estados agregaron sus propias penas.In addition, a number of states added their own penalties.
Ahora le agregaron la "D" por depravación.Now they've added a "D" for depravity.
Ahora parece que le agregaron otra posesión... con cargos por intento de tráfico también.Now it looks like they've added another possession with intent to traffic charges as well.
Algunos esclavos utilizaron los Legos Espaciales... y agregaron unas antenas parabólicas y un gran brazo mecánico... en el lado oeste de la pirámide.Some of the slaves got into the Space Legos... and added some satellite dishes and a big grappling arm... to the west side of the pyramid.
Al contrario agregaré que Ud. es terriblemente celoso.On the contrary... I will add that you are terribly jealous.
Le agregaré un velo.I will add a veil.
Lo agregaré a mi colección de originales de Lucasta.I will add it to my collection of Lucasta originals.
No agregaré nada a lo que dijo Cielo, salvo que... hay muchos aquí presentes que si no se comportaran... me daría placer delatar.I will add nothin' to what Sky said, except to say that there are many here upon who, if they get outta line, I would squeal with pleasure.
Pero, agregaré esto que vale $40,000.But, I will add this. This is worth 40,000.
Bueno. Si eso le agregará emoción a la búsqueda...Oh, well... if it will add spice to the pursuit...
La batalla por la censura no será finalmente resuelta por la decisión de Su Señoría pero sí se sumará al pensamiento liberal y educado o, por su decisión, agregará combustible al fuego de la ignorancia.The battle of censorship will not be finally settled by Your Honor's decision, but you will either add to liberal, educated thinking, or by your decision, you will add fuel to the fire of ignorance.
La tentación le agregará sabor a sus vidas.Temptation will add spice to your life.
Mi secretario lo agregará a las listas.My clerk will add you to the rolls.
Su reputación de cazador en grandes empresas agregará peso a su testimonio - ¡si regresamos!"Your record as a hunter of big game will add weight to your testimony - if we return!
A eso le agregaremos 12 galones de nuestra salsa especial desde este contenedor.Over a pig in this fiberglass tub. To that, I will add 12 gallons of our special sauce,
Oh, si. agregaremos su publicación.Oh, yeah. We will add your publication.
Los nuevos condominios, oficinas y bancos agregarán unos 20 millones de dólares más a la base de impuestos de Miami.The new condominiums, offices and banks they will add about 20 millions of more dollars to the base of taxes of Miami.
Si tenemos razón, nuestros márgenes de producto agregarán 500 puntos base a los márgenes brutos de su empresa dentro de 12 meses.If we're right, our product margins will add 500 basis points to your company's gross margins within 12 months.
Y agregarán más trabajo aeróbico.And I trust you will add your own cardio.
Interesante, aunque yo agregaría que no fue el asaltante más listo del que haya escuchado.Interesting, although I would add, not the ever so clever hold-up man one hears so much about.
Lee decidió que lnosanto usara métodos de ambas artes... lo cual agregaría un elemento visual y emocionante para y serviría para detener las secuencias de combate.Lee opted to have Inosanto employ methods from both arts which he believed would add an exciting visual element to the film and serve to break up the unarmed combat sequences.
Pero le agregaría mucho más color a mis artículos.- But it would add so much more color to my articles.
Pero yo agregaría cien mas.But I would add,100 more.
Sí, y le agregaría camarones, cangrejo y salmonetes.This! And I would add the choupalas, the crab and chicken.
Tú le agregarías las semillas.You would add seeds. I respect tradition.
"Silas, eres amado". Y agregue las galletas."Silas, you are loved." And add the butter cookies.
"Sólo agregue agua y sírvala helada."Simply add water and serve ice-cold.
- Cuidado. Quizá agregue "cerámica".-I'm adding pottery to that list.
- Le diré a Gwen que agregue una silla.- I'm gonna go tell Gwen to add a chair.
- ¿Necesitas que agregue algo nuevo?Anything new you need him to add?
- Aunque no agregues mucho porcentaje.Not that you add much, percentage-wise.
- Por favor no le agregues hielo.Ok. But don't add ice to it, dear.
-No necesito que agregues compación.- I don't need you to add pity to the mix.
Cuando agregues al Comité Estatal de Desarrollo Económico también podrías dibujarle un blanco inmenso, en la espalda, ¿no?When you add the edc, you might as well just paint a huge target on his back, right?
Cuando agregues todas las fuentes de ingreso-- dinero del estado sobornos de las empresas por mano de obra barata, todos los honorarios que colectas de los propios reclusos una nueva prisión cuesta al rededor de $25 millones por año, no es así?When you add up all the sources of income-- money from the state, kickbacks from corporations for cheap labor, all the fees you collect from the inmates themselves-- a new prison is worth about $25 million a year, isn't it?
Adelantémonos y agreguemos "No hablar" a la lista, ¿de acuerdo?You know, let's go ahead and add "no talking" to the list, okay?
Bueno, agreguemos eso a mi lista de defectos.Well, let's add that to my list of failings.
Creo que es lindo que agreguemos nuestras flores a las otras.I think it's nice of us to add our flowers to the others.
El querrá que agreguemos a Ruzena, también.He'll want us to add his Ruzena, too.
Muy bien, agreguemos falla renal a nuestra lista de síntomas.Okay,let's add Kidney failure To our list of symptoms. what are these points?
Ahora agreguen una guitarraNow someone add me some guitar
Cambien el giro completo por doble giro, agreguen la caída helicóptero... y terminen con la pirámide de tres.Change the full twist to a double, add the helicopter toss, and finish with the three-high pyramid.
Doblen la dosis. Y agreguen Tigacil a lista.Double the dose, and add Tygacil to the list.
En la olla también agreguen zapallo cortado en pedazos pequeños, les voy a mostrarIn the pot also add pumpkin cut into small pieces, I'm going to show
Entonces agreguen un par de Padrenuestros.Then add a couple of Our Fathers.
"...ahora he agregado significado al castigo."Now I've added sense to the punishment."
"Conocí a una chica que murió", con el agregado de que "murió por mí"."I knew a girl that died," with the added bonus of, "She died because of me."
"Se ha agregado significado al castigo."Sense has been added to the punishment."
- Cuando dijiste que la habías agregado mi percepción fue que te habías irritado conmigo porque lo ignoraba y que también estabas enojado conmigo porque no debía haberlo hecho.- When you said I already added pepper, my perception was you were irritated with me for not knowing that already, and that you were also angry with me, that I shouldn't have done it.
- He agregado esta tecnología a mi base de datos.I have added this technology to my database.
"La directiva del Lincoln acepta un papel menor en Barnes" Lo que hicieron las fundaciones de Philadelphia es lo que ocurre todo el tiempo en el mundo corporativo que es tomar la junta directiva agregando nuevos puestos en ella.What the Philadelphia foundations did is what takes place all the time in the corporate world, which is to take over the board by adding new positions on the board.
- Estoy agregando esto a mis síntomas.- I'm adding this to my list.
- No estoy tocando, estoy agregando.I'm adding.
- ¿Qué estamos agregando a éste.- Which we're adding to this one.
- ¿Y agregando dos líneas más?- And adding two lines makes?
Y agregá a Sandy, porque cuando lo encuentre, voy a matarlo.And add Sandy, because when I find him, I'm going to kill him.

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