Menambah (to add) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menambah

Present tense
I add
Past tense
sudah menambah
I added
Present perfect tense
sudah menambah
I have added
Future tense
akan menambah
I will add
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menambah
I will have added
akan telah menambah
I will have added
Present continuous tense
sedang menambah
I am adding
lagi menambah
I am adding

Examples of menambah

Example in MalayTranslation in English
Saya fikir saya hanya duduk di mesin anda menambahI think I just sat on your adding machine
Beberapa tokoh tidak menambah.Some figures didn't add up.
Dan kemudian ia mengambil orang-orang testis, dan ia pulverizes mereka ... ... Dan menambah dalam arugula kecil, Sage beberapa ... ... Feta keju, dan Sorong campuran ... ...And then he takes those testicles, and he pulverizes them... ...and adds in a little arugula, some sage... ...feta cheese, and shoves the mixture... ...back up the pig's...
Ketika saya menambah ramuan tambahan tadi... tanpa mengikut resepi yang awak katakan... itu bukanlah saya.When I added that extra ingredient instead of following the recipe like you said, that wasn't me either.
Jika kamu menyukai puisiku dan dapat menambah sesuatu dalam hidupmu melalui cara apapun, maka kamu bisa membayarku dengan apapun yang kamu sukaAnd if you like it, if you like my poem... if you feel it adds something to your life in any way... then you can pay me whatever you feel like.

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