Arrojar (to throw) conjugation

109 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to fling or hurl, to shed, erupt, to erupt, to emit, to yield, yield, fling, emit, shed

Conjugation of arrojar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I throw
you throw
he/she/it throws
we throw
you all throw
they throw
Present perfect tense
he arrojado
I have thrown
has arrojado
you have thrown
ha arrojado
he/she/it has thrown
hemos arrojado
we have thrown
habéis arrojado
you all have thrown
han arrojado
they have thrown
Past preterite tense
I threw
you threw
he/she/it threw
we threw
you all threw
they threw
Future tense
I will throw
you will throw
he/she/it will throw
we will throw
you all will throw
they will throw
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would throw
you would throw
he/she/it would throw
we would throw
you all would throw
they would throw
Past imperfect tense
I used to throw
you used to throw
he/she/it used to throw
we used to throw
you all used to throw
they used to throw
Past perfect tense
había arrojado
I had thrown
habías arrojado
you had thrown
había arrojado
he/she/it had thrown
habíamos arrojado
we had thrown
habíais arrojado
you all had thrown
habían arrojado
they had thrown
Future perfect tense
habré arrojado
I will have thrown
habrás arrojado
you will have thrown
habrá arrojado
he/she/it will have thrown
habremos arrojado
we will have thrown
habréis arrojado
you all will have thrown
habrán arrojado
they will have thrown
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I throw
(if/so that) you throw
(if/so that) he/she/it throw
(if/so that) we throw
(if/so that) you all throw
(if/so that) they throw
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya arrojado
I have thrown
hayas arrojado
you have thrown
haya arrojado
he/she/it has thrown
hayamos arrojado
we have thrown
hayáis arrojado
you all have thrown
hayan arrojado
they have thrown
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have thrown
(if/so that) you have thrown
(if/so that) he/she/it have thrown
(if/so that) we have thrown
(if/so that) you all have thrown
(if/so that) they have thrown
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have thrown
(if/so that) you have thrown
(if/so that) he/she/it have thrown
(if/so that) we have thrown
(if/so that) you all have thrown
(if/so that) they have thrown
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera arrojado
I had thrown
hubieras arrojado
you had thrown
hubiera arrojado
he/she/it had thrown
hubiéramos arrojado
we had thrown
hubierais arrojado
you all had thrown
hubieran arrojado
they had thrown
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese arrojado
I had thrown
hubieses arrojado
you had thrown
hubiese arrojado
he/she/it had thrown
hubiésemos arrojado
we had thrown
hubieseis arrojado
you all had thrown
hubiesen arrojado
they had thrown
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have thrown
(if/so that) you will have thrown
(if/so that) he/she/it will have thrown
(if/so that) we will have thrown
(if/so that) you all will have thrown
(if/so that) they will have thrown
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere arrojado
I will have thrown
hubieres arrojado
you will have thrown
hubiere arrojado
he/she/it will have thrown
hubiéremos arrojado
we will have thrown
hubiereis arrojado
you all will have thrown
hubieren arrojado
they will have thrown
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's throw!
Imperative negative mood
no arrojes
do not throw!
no arroje
let him/her/it throw!
no arrojemos
let us not throw!
no arrojéis
do not throw!
no arrojen
do not throw!

Examples of arrojar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Debo arrojar algo de basura.I have to throw out some garbage.
- Haga una pregunta por vez. - ¿No es verdad que le ordenó a 2 guardias arrojar a Henri por las escaleras y lo golpeó con una cachiporra que le pasó una navaja y le cortó el tobillo?Is it not true that you ordered two guards to throw Henri down a steel flight of stairs? That you smashed his face with a blackjack? That you took a straight razor, sliced open his ankle, hobbling him for life?
- Tenemos que arrojar a estos rojos dentro?Do we have to throw these Reds in, too?
- ¿Por qué se les debe permitir arrojar millones sobre los políticos?- Why should they be allowed to throw millions at politicians?
- ¿Quieres arrojar pronto tu sombrero?- Do you want to throw your hat in early?
"Yo te arrojo el látigo y tú me arrojas el ídolo."- "I throw you the whip, you throw me the idol."
# Hasta el punto en donde no sé # # Si alteraré al status quo # # Si arrojo veneno en la cañería principal de agua #To the point where l don't know lf l'll upset the status quo lf l throw poison in the water main
- Le arrojo la bola a Naturalmente.I throw the ball to Naturally.
- Me arrojo a los pies de Su Majestad.- I throw myself at the feet of His Majesty
- Me arrojo su pez. - ¿Su pez?- She throw a fish in me.
"Yo te arrojo el látigo y tú me arrojas el ídolo."- "I throw you the whip, you throw me the idol."
- La arrojas desde un muelle.- You throw it off a pier.
- Le arrojas el celular al Adriático.- You throw his cell phone in the Adriatic.
- Sabes, ¿por qué no arrojas la máscara de Kate al agua otra vez y vas a buscarla al mar?You know, why don't you just go throw Kate's mask overboard... and then just go dive for it again?
- ¡Se la arrojas a Quién!You throw it to Who!
"Y Mickey Kilpatrick... arroja un strike final para el juego peftecto, y el torneo."'And Mickey Kilpatrick... throws a final strike for a peftect game, and the tournament! '
"Y la luz de la lámpara le o'er streaming arroja su sombra sobre el suelo"And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor
"Y se la arroja a ella.""He throws the ball to her."
# Ella arroja algo, Que hace bum ## She throws a thing, it blows up #
- No". Y te arroja al agua.And throws you in the water.
# Y acepta nuestro homenaje y acepta nuestra flor, # que arrojamos a tu paso, exultante el corazón.# And accept our homage and accept our flowers, # which we'll throw in your path, elated in our hearts.
- O los arrojamos a ambos ahora.- Or we could throw you both in now.
-Amy, nosotros no arrojamos cosas.- We do not throw things.
Asi que cuando arrojamos cosas. A través de dos ranuras... obtenemos esto.So, when we throw things, that is, matter, through two slits... we get this- two bands of hits.
Así que yo y algunos de mis amigos nos sentamos sobre él por 30 minutos, o 1 hora, y se asfixió, y lo arrojamos fuera del vagón.So what I did was me and a couple of my friends would sit on him and about 30 minutes, 1 hour he was suffocated, that guy, and was thrown, thrown out of the wagon.
"que arrojan una alfombra por la ventana del hotel..."that they throw a carpet out of their hotel window...
"y los arrojan en el Dniester.""and they're throwing them in the Dniester."
- Algunas se arrojan a... - Mi carrera.- Some people throw themselves into...
- Si me quieren, ¿por qué me arrojan cosas?- If they loved me, why throw stuff?
- Sí, los niños arrojan...- Yeah, the kids, they throw...
- La arrojé.- I threw it out.
- Lo arrojé lejos de allí.--I threw it away.
- Lo arrojé por la ventana.I threw it out of the window. What?
- Los arrojé.I threw 'em away.
- No lo sé. Las arrojé por ahí.I threw them in that vicinity over there.
"Tú lo arrojaste a través de la habitación"."You threw him clean across the room.
- Le arrojaste lodo?- You threw mud on him?
- Me arrojaste una pelota en la cabeza.- You threw a basketball at my head.
- Sí. Y lo arrojaste por la ventana.- Yeah, who you threw out a window.
- Tú arrojaste el tintero.It's a keepsake. - You threw the inkwell, remember?
"... cual vil judío,... arrojó una perla más bonita que toda su tribu".Like the base Judean who threw a pearl away richer than all his tribe.
"Entonces Hansel arrojó un puñado tras otro de su bolsillo."Then Hansel threw down one handful after the other out of his pocket.
"Entonces nos dimos todo nuestro nuevo material a la punta 'Y lo arrojó a la basura. "'We then took all our new stuff to the tip 'and threw it away.'
"Hablad de quien amó... quizá de forma insensata, pero profunda". "De quien no era celoso,... pero una vez herido,... se arrastró hasta el extremo". "De alguien cuya mano... cual vil judío,... arrojó una perla más bonita que toda su tribu".Then must you speak of one that loved not wisely but too well, of one not easily jealous, but being wrought, perplexed in the extreme, of one whose hand, like the base Judean, threw a pearl away
"MI siervo Viernes se arrojó a mis pies en agradecimiento..."My man, Friday, threw himself "at my feet in gratitude
Una vez me arrojasteis una copa de champagne.You threw a glass of champagne on me once.
"En la jaula de las águilas arrojaron carne envenenada."Into the eagles' cage, they threw poisoned meat.
"Los británicos corrían como mariquitas cuando arrojaron al mar su té en bolsitas, y les ganaron la Guerra de la Independencia de 1783 habría terminado mucho antes, si Nixon hubiese tirado la bomba pero no fue hasta 1973 que nos fuimos de Vietnam."♪ The British ran like sissies ♪ When we threw away their tea and won the... ♪ ♪ Revolutionary War in 1783
"Y lo arrojaron al agua"And threw him to a watery grave
"Y por si no fuera suficiente, rompieron nuestro reloj de sol y lo arrojaron cruelmente al estanque."'And if that wasn't enough, they then smashed our sundial and then callously threw it into the pond. '
"armas que ellos inmediatamente arrojaron en señal de rendición""...weapons which they immediately "threw down in surrender.
- Frida, ¡te arrojaré a los zombis!- Frida, I will throw you to the zombies!
Ese hoyo tiene unos 30 metros de profundidad, y te arrojaré allí ¡y te dejaré para que grites y te pudras!That pit is 100 feet deep and I will throw you in it. I'll leave you to scream and rot!
Le arrojaré a los pies a ese profesor de inglés en los próximos 2 días.I will throw that English professor at your feet in the next two days.
Me arrojaré sobre la granada, ¿cuál es la granada?I will throw myself on the grenade, which one's the grenade?
Te arrojaré la llave, y nunca me verás de nuevo.I will throw you the key, and you'll never see me again.
Los arrojarás por la ventana. ¡Sí!I will throw these out the window. Throw them out the window. Yes!
! El seòor te arrojará de la parroquía!Your master will throw you out of the parish.
He aquí al Hombre del Año del Condado de Fryburg el Sr. Vincent Antonelli quien arrojará la primera bola.And now, Fryburg city council's man of the year, Mr. Vincent Antonelli, will throw out the first ball.
Nos arrojará de nuevo a la edad oscura.It will throw us back to the darkest age.
Si no lo hacemos, nos arrojará a los Turcos.If we don't get on with it, he will throw us to the Turks.
Una que sacrificará sus rodillas para salvar un alimento enlatado, pero la otra... es la que arrojará las compras al aire con ganas para salir ileso.they're the ones that will throw those groceries in the air with gusto to walk away unscathed.
Entonces nosotros arrojaremos los dados para ver quién se queda con su caballo.Then by your leave, we will throw dice for your horse now.
Le arrojaremos una carnada.We will throw him the bait. Leave it to me.
Los arrojaremos de nuevo al lugar de donde vinieron.We will throw them back from whence they came.
Esas naves madre cylonas nos arrojarán todo lo que tengan.The Cylon base ships will throw everything at us.
Te arrojarán al calabozo.They will throw you in the dungeon.
Entonces, me arrojaría a los pies de mi prima, implorando su reinstalación.I would throw myself at my cousin's feet, and beg her to rehire you.
Esta investigación arrojaría otras sorpresas.This investigation would throw up many more surprises.
Lo juro, si no estuviera noventa y cinco por ciento seguro de que sobreviviría, me arrojaría de un puente ahora mismo.I swear to God, if I wasn't 95% sure I would survive, I would throw myself off a bridge right now.
Lo que hizo a continuación arrojaría nueva luz en por qué somos tan obedientes.What he did next would throw new light on why we're so obedient.
Me arrojaría a la vía del tren.I would throw myself in front of a train for you.
Se arrojarían al fuego por nosotros.They would throw themselves into the fire for us. We have eleven complete armies against seven.
" ¡Dios, cómo deseo que me arroje sobre esa pila de hojas! ""God, I wish he'd throw me into that pile of leaves. "
- Hey si quieren que arroje la bola, digan esto.- Hey if you want to make him throw the ball, say this.
- Señor, le ruego, no se arroje sobre la "vespada" de la depresión.Sir, I beseech you, do not throw thyself on the "swo-ward" of despair.
- Señor, necesito que arroje sus armas.Sir, I need you to throw down your weapons.
- Y no la arroje en la calle.- And don't throw it in the street.
- Bebé, no lo arrojes.Don't throw. Shut up.
- No la arrojes afuera de la casa.Don't throw her out the house.
- No le arrojes arvejas a tu hermana.Bart, don't throw peas at your sister.
- No lo arrojes,Lego!- Don't throw Lego!
- No me arrojes las cosas.Don't throw things at me.
- ...o lo que le arrojemos. - Exacto.- or whatever we're throwing at them.
- Oye, amigo, arrojemos dardos.- Hey, buddy, let's throw some darts.
- Yo digo que la arrojemos afuera.I say we throw her out.
Así que no arrojemos piedras, ¿bien?So let's not throw stones, okay?
Cuantos más toxinas les arrojemos, más crecerán.The more toxins we throw at it, the bigger it's gonna get.
Cuando lo arrojéis al río, llevará todas las ramitas.When you throw it into the river, all the twigs will be carried...
! No me arrojen cosas!Stop throwing at me!
# Mi mama solía bailar para que le arrojen dinero #? My mama used to dance for the money they'd throw?
- Ahora, sabes lo suficiente acerca de mí para hacer que me arresten, me torturen y me arrojen a los leones.- Now you know enough about me to have me arrested and tortured and hanged, thrown in the lion pit.
- No hagas que le arrojen dinero a tu rival en las próximas elecciones.- Don't make them throw money at your challenger next cycle.
- Que arrojen el piano por la borda.- To throw the piano overboard.
Así que arrojad las armas lejos del coche, y salid con las manos sobre la cabeza.So throw your guns out of the car, and come out with your hands on your heads.
En torno al caldero dad vueltas y vueltas y en él arrojad la víscera infecta.Round about the cauldron go, in the poison'd entrails throw.
En torno al caldero, dad vueltas y vueltas y en él arrojad la víscera infecta.Round about the cauldron go, in the poison'd entrails throw.
Si pronuncia una palabra, a vosotros o a cualquiera cortadle el cuello y arrojad su cuerpo a los buitres.If she utters one word to you or anyone else cut her throat and throw her carcass to the vultures.
¡Bajo pena de tortura, arrojad de vuestras manos sangrientas esas armas mal templadas!On pain of torture, from those bloody hands throw your mistempered weapons to the ground!
"El té ha sido arrojado por la borda"the tea has been thrown overboard.
"Fue arrojado al lago de fuego, que es la segunda muerte...""was thrown into the lake of fire, which is the second death..."
"Su cuerpo fue arrojado al agua..."Her body thrown to the waters below...
"arrojado por la ventana del acompañante."thrown through the passenger window.
"bien podría haber arrojado el tipo de la ventana del almacén, con una caída de cinco pisos""he may well have thrown the man from the warehouse window with a five-storey drop."
"Iré a atrapar al hijo de perra que está arrojando cadáveres en el río"." I'm gonna get the son of a bitch who's throwing bodies in the river. "
"Propongo una acción de sabotaje arrojando miles de ratones... en los altos hornos de la Compañía Siderúrgica Nacional.""I propose we sabotage the National Steelworks ovens... by throwing thousands of rats into them."
- Mamá, Bart está arrojando arvejas.Mom, Bart's throwing peas!
- Nos está arrojando...- She's throwing...
- ¿Qué nos están arrojando?Move. What are they throwing at us?

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